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Authors:ID Grobelnik, Anja (Author)
ID Kraljić, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Danko, Gregor (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Grobelnik_Anja_2009.pdf (561,71 KB)
MD5: 4DC44721F74CE07C1CBE3BEEF6CD7838
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
Abstract:Na področju psihiatričnega zdravljenja je opaziti trend večje avtonomije odločanja duševnih bolnikov, saj je izrednega pomena dejstvo, da mora tudi ta kategorija bolnikov ohraniti možnost soodločanja, če ne celo samoodločanja o njihovem zdravljenju. In ravno pri ukrepih kot je neprostovoljna hospitalizacija, je pomembno bolnika v največji možni meri, ki ga seveda njegovo zdravstveno stanje dopušča, pritegniti v postopek in mu zagotoviti vse pravice, ki izhajajo tako iz domačih kakor tudi tujih pravnih aktov. Posebna pozornost in skrb v sklopu zakonodaje o duševnem zdravju, se torej na podlagi varstva osebnostnih pravic duševno bolnega, namenja ukrepu namestitve brez privolitve, ki pomeni tudi omejitev ustavno zagotovljenih pravic. Slovenska pravna ureditev je bila na področju duševnega zdravja vse do uveljavitve Zakona o duševnem zdravju v primerjavi z večino zahodnih in vzhodnoevropskih držav, ki so že zdavnaj na novo pravno uredile področje ravnanja z duševno motenimi posamezniki, pomanjkljiva in zastarela. Pravice in položaj pacienta po sprejemu v psihiatrične bolnišnice, so bili pravno neurejeni, in tako tudi ni bilo konkretno določeno, kako se izvaja zdravljenje duševnih bolnikov, ki temu morda nasprotujejo. ZDZdr je v skladu z ustavnopravnimi izhodišči in zahtevami iz nekaterih mednarodnih dokumentov celovito uredil področje duševnega zdravja. Zakon je temelj za celostno obravnavo oseb z psihičnimi težavami, saj vzpodbuja interdisciplinarni pristop, in opredeljuje osnovna izhodišča za vzpostavitev mreže izvajalcev programov in storitev za duševno zdravje. Poleg tega je ZDZdr uredil različne postopke neprostovoljne namestitve, tako prisilno namestitev v psihiatrično bolnišnico, kot v socialno varstveni zavod na varovani oddelek. Z institutom nadzorovane obravnave ter obravnave v skupnosti kot alternativnima ukrepoma je zakon vzpostavil pravni okvir za dolgoročno zasnovano varstvo duševnega zdravja. Kakorkoli, šele čas in praksa bosta dejansko pokazala morebitno potrebo po spremembah in izpopolnitvah le-tega.
Keywords:namestitev brez privolitve, duševna motnja, duševni bolnik, Zakon o duševnem zdravju, pravice bolnika, alternativa namestitvi brez privolitve.
Place of publishing:Maribor
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-11686 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:3964459 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.02.2023
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the field of psychiatric treatment, the trend to greater autonomy of decision-making of the mentally ill is noticable, since it is significant that this category should also maintain the patient's involvement, or even self-determination on their treatment. And just in actions such as involuntary hospitalization, it is important for the patient as far as his health permits, to be engaged in the process and provided with all the rights arising from both domestic as well as foreign acts. Special attention and care of mentally ill people which is garanteed as part of legislation on mental health is devoted to involuntary hospitalization which means the restriction on constitutionally guaranteed rights. Slovenian regulation on mental health has been until the new Mental Health Act came into force, compared to most of the Western and Eastern European countries that have long since a new law which regulates the scope of involuntary hospitalization, inadequate and outdated. Rights and status of the patient at the admission to psychiatric hospitals were legally disordered. Thus, it was not specifically defined how the treatment of mental patients who might oppose this is going to be performed. In the line with the Constitution and the requirements of some international documents, the adoption of the Mental Health Act regulates the area of mental health in whole. This act is namely the fundament for complete treatment of persons with mental disorders, because it encourages an interdisciplinary approach and defines the basis for setting up a network for mental health program and services implementation. In addition, the Mental Health Act regulates various processes of involuntary hospitalization, like involuntary hospitalization to psychiatric hospital, as into the social care institution in the protected section. With the Institute of controlled treatment and treatment in the community as two alternative measures, the Act established a legal framework designed for long-term mental health care. However, only the time and practice will reveal the possible need for changes and improvements of the Act.
Keywords:Involuntary hospitalization, mental disorder, psychiatric patient, Mental Health Act, patient rights, alternatives to involuntary hospitalization


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