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Title:Sodobni pouk slovenščine ob uporabi interaktivne table
Authors:ID Pučko, Mateja (Author)
ID Lipnik, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Pulko, Simona (Comentor)
Files:.pdf UNI_Pucko_Mateja_2009.pdf (3,21 MB)
MD5: 3ED16FE89458C6D63EACAB22339173C6
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/fe621afe-dec0-402d-8387-ebaf42566858
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Abstract:Pri pouku so učitelji vedno uporabljali učna sredstva in pripomočke. V različnih zgodovinskih obdobjih se je v šolah pojavljala različna izobraževalna tehnologija, ki je odražala trenutno stopnjo razvoja znanosti, tehnologije in tehnike. Zadnje stoletje je na področje vzgoje in izobraževanja prineslo vrsto tehničnih pripomočkov: od filma prek radia in televizije do računalnika in interaktivne table. Vzporedno s pojavljanjem sodobnih učnih sredstev in pripomočkov pa se je začelo tudi raziskovanje njihovih učinkov. Pri sodobnem poučevanju je uvajanje novosti nujno potrebno za kvaliteten pouk. Inovacije predstavljajo izziv dosedanjemu sistemu izobraževanja in vzgoje in so poleg učiteljeve in učenčeve ustvarjalnosti najpomembnejši dejavniki razvoja in prihodnosti pouka. Ugotovljeno je, da pozornost učencev in obseg informacij narašča, če učitelj poleg govora pri pouku uporablja tudi slike, zvok in animacije. Pouk, izveden z več mediji, je torej kakovostnejši od pouka, pri katerem učitelj le govori in opisuje stvari. Ob uporabi učnih sredstev so učenci dodatno motivirani in pripravljeni za delo, s tem pa dosegamo tudi povečano aktivnost pri doseganju določenih ciljev. Interaktivna tabla je orodje, ki med učno uro omogoča pisanje s svetlobnim črnilom, raziskovanje po internetu, dostop do datotek na računalniku, uporabo najrazličnejših avdio, video teh drugih elektronskih gradiv in še mnogo več. To je nova tehnologija, ki združuje interaktivno tablo, računalnik in projektor. Uporaba interaktivne table daje motivacijski zagon tako učiteljem kot učencem, pri pouku ne gre le za poučevanje, temveč dejansko skupno učenje. Zavedati pa se moramo, da doseganje vzgojno-izobraževalnih ciljev ni bilo nikoli v prvi vrsti odvisno od tehničnih sredstev, temveč predvsem od kvalitete didaktično-metodične obdelave učne vsebine in postopkov. Še tako kvalitetno učno sredstvo pa ne bo doseglo svojega namena, če ga učitelj, ki ga uporablja, ne povezuje v izbrane učne metode.
Keywords:interaktivna tabla, učna sredstva, učni pripomočki, sodobno poučevanje, informacijska tehnologija, komunikacijska tehnologija, pouk slovenščine
Place of publishing:Maribor
Publisher:[M. Pučko]
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-11444 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:17189896 New window
Publication date in DKUM:17.11.2009
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Secondary language

Title:Modern teaching Slovenian language with interactive whiteboard
Abstract:Teachers always use learning resources and teaching aids at their work. In different historical periods, different educational technology was used, which reflected the different level of science and technology development. The last century brought a lot of new technical aids in educational sphere. The film, radio, computer and interactive whiteboard. Parallel to introductions of this learning resources and teaching aids, the research of their effects started. In modern education the introduction of new technology in classroom is necessary for quality lessons. The inovations represent challenge for existing educational system and are one of the most important development imperatives for educational development next to the teacher and students creativity. It is established, that students focus and amounth of informations increases, if the teacher uses pictures, sounds and animations and not only plain talk. The lesson which includes more media has more quality than lesson in which teacher talks and describes things only with words. With the use of teaching aids, students are more motivated and prepared to learn and that is how we get increased activity in reaching our goals. Interactive whiteboard is a tool which allows us writting with light pen, browsing the internet, accessing different files, using different audio, video and electronical materials and many more. This is the new technology that includes interactive whiteboard, computer and projector. A lot of new uses of this technology, contents and different tools allow us efficient and creative supplementiation to the classical way ot teaching. The use of interactive whiteboards gives pedagogical practise a new meaning and momentum for teachers and students. This is not about teaching any more , now it is about group learning. We always have to realize, that reaching of educational goals was never dependent on technical meanings in first place. It was dependent on quality didactical methodical lessons preparations and procedures. Even high quality educational resource won't reach its goal, if the teacher who is using it, doesn't link it together in his teaching method.
Keywords:interactive whiteboard, teaching aids, educational resources, modern teaching, information communicational technology, Slovene lessons


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