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Authors:ID Kastelic, Simona (Author)
ID Bernik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Kastelic_Simona_2009.pdf (327,16 KB)
MD5: 89868E54AB7A54A3FB27B5CB7D86A62D
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a227aeea-9f40-4ed0-aa08-a9ec670c4ba0
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Elektronsko poslovanje in trgovanje B2B spreminjata klasično delovanje podjetij in državljanov. Novi načini poslovanja so ustvarili novo poslovno okolje, kjer je vsem subjektom omogočeno nastopanje na globalnem trgu. Podjetjem ponuja mnogo prednosti, seveda pa morajo podjetja za izkoriščanje vseh prednosti tudi uspešno implementirati različne strateške in tehnične rešitve, da s tem preskočijo marsikatero oviro oziroma se izognejo slabostim. Če so podjetja pripravljena veliko vložiti v znanje in sodobno tehnologijo, se bo zvečala tudi njihova konkurenčna prednost na trgu. Na žalost pa je marsikatero podjetje še vedno skeptično do elektronskega poslovanja B2B, saj njihova vodstva ne marajo sprememb in niso pripravljena reorganizirati poslovanja. Težava se pojavlja predvsem pri uvajanju tega načina poslovanja. Zagonski stroški so lahko precejšnji, saj je treba nabaviti vso potrebno tehnologijo, programsko opremo, plačati pa tudi izobraževanje in usposabljanje zaposlenih. Podjetja se ne zavedajo dolgoročne koristi elektronskega poslovanja B2B in prednosti, ki bi jih z njim pridobili. Organizacija mora delovati in misliti globalno. Zavedati se mora trendov in zahtev, ki jih narekujejo kupci in tržišče. Elektronsko poslovanje ni namenjeno le večjim podjetjem in organizacijam, koristno je tudi manjšim organizacijam, saj bi jim omogočilo razcvet.
Keywords:elektronsko poslovanje elektronsko poslovanje B2B (business-to-business), elektronsko poslovanje B2C (business-to-customer), distribucija
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-11360 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:6527763 New window
Publication date in DKUM:21.10.2009
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Abstract:Electronic business-to-business (B2B) commerce and trading are changing standard activities of enterprises and citizens. New modes of operation created new business environment, thus enabling all subjects to appear on the global market. To make good use of the many advantages it offers, enterprises should first successfully implement different strategic and technical solutions in order to skip many an obstacle and avoid frailties. Enterprises which are ready to invest much into knowledge and modern technology will also augment their competitive advantage in the market. Regretfully, several enterprises are still sceptical about B2B e-commerce, as they dislike changes and are not willing to re-organise their operations. Difficulty appears above all with introduction of this mode of commerce. Since all the needed technology and software must be bought, as well as education and training of employees covered, the start-up costs may be considerable. Enterprises do not realize the long-term benefit and advantages achievable by B2B e-commerce. An organisation should act and think globally. They should be well aware of trends and demands dictated by consumers and market. E-commerce, introducing a series of changes, is not intended for larger enterprises and organisations only; it is most profitable also for smaller organisations, rendering their boom.
Keywords:e-commerce electronic business-to-business (B2B) commerce, electronic business-to-customer (B2C) commerce, distribution


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