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Authors:ID Vujanović, Robert (Author)
ID Senegačnik, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Vuk, Drago (Comentor)
Files:.pdf VS_Vujanovic_Robert_2009.pdf (629,58 KB)
MD5: C4732C95CA5936A84CD816F2B836A0F0
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/cf2abb0f-dcf1-4e5c-9b96-c7f2dc7943a2
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je predstavljeno trenutno stanje čebelarstva v Sloveniji in problematike, s katerimi se soočajo čebelarji v današnjem času. V tem delu so predstavljeni podatki o čebelah, o avtohtoni vrsti Kranjski čebeli, ter bolezni, ki jih pestijo skozi vse letne čase. V raziskovalnem delu sem izvedel in analiziral anketo med čebelarji v Ljubljanski kotlini. Kot raziskovalni instrument sem torej uporabil anketni vprašalnik, s katerim sem pridobil mnenja anketirancev o tem, katere bolezni so najbolj prizadele njihove čebele, s katerim sredstvom so zatirali pršico varojo, zakaj so se odločili za to sredstvo in koliko je bilo učinkovito, kako bi lahko zmanjšali pomore čebel, s katerimi ukrepi bi država lahko pomagala ter kako so zadovoljni z delom veterinarjev in čebelarske svetovalne službe. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil na podlagi analize odgovorov na anketni vprašalnik, ki sem jo opravili v programu MS Excel, ugotoviti, kaj je bil vzrok za pomor čebeljih družin v Ljubljanski kotlini, s poudarkom na zajedavski pršici varoji. V zaključku diplomskega dela so podane ugotovitve in povzetki rezultatov raziskovalnega dela.
Keywords:čebele, čebelarstvo, varoja, pomori čebel, fitofarmacevtska sredstva (FFS)
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-11327 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:6515475 New window
Publication date in DKUM:30.09.2009
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Secondary language

Abstract:The theoretical part of the thesis presents the current situation of beekeeping in Slovenia and the problems that the Slovene beekeepers are facing nowadays. This part of the paper provides data on bees, the indigenous species, the Carniola bee, as well as the sicknesses that they are faced with throughout various seasons. In the research part I present a survey conducted among the beekeepers of the Ljubljana basin. I have thus used a questionnaire as our research tool, by which means I have gathered opinions about the sicknesses their bees are afflicted with, about the products with which they combat the varoa mite, why they have chosen a particular product and how effective it is, how they could decrease the wiping out of bees, how can the government assist them and to what extent they are satisfied with the work of the veterinary and the beekeeper’s consulting services. The aim of the thesis was to determine by the means of analysing the answers in the questionnaire, which was done by using the MS Excel programme, the cause of the wiping out of bee families in the Ljubljana basin with the emphasis on the varoa mite. In the final part of the thesis I have presented the findings and the summaries of the research part.
Keywords:Bees, Beekeeping, Varoa, Wiping out of bees, Fitopharmaceutical products (FFP)


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