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Authors:ID Aljančič, Sandra (Author)
ID Novak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf VS_Aljancic_Sandra_2009.pdf (481,34 KB)
MD5: 0EB7905FE8EC48F11DD909FF3F204020
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/a12c9b45-e2ef-4fb7-8d20-ca60707ae236
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj
Abstract:Brezposelnost med mladimi je danes velik problem družbe. V Sloveniji trenutno brezposelnost narašča. To bi lahko pripisali trenutni recesiji ter propadu nekaterih podjetij. Mladi dandanes precej časa namenijo izobraževanju oz. pridobivanju primerne izobrazbe. Posledica tega je, da precej pozno v stopajo na trg dela. Mladim primanjkuje samozavesti, ker nimajo delovnih izkušenj. Delo, ki ga opravljajo kot študentje pa jim v večini prinaša samo zaslužek, ne pa izkušenj, ki bi jim koristile pri iskanju redne zaposlitve. Cilj diplomske naloge je raziskati kakšne možnosti imajo mladi pri iskanju prve redne zaposlitve ali delodajalci upoštevajo študentsko delo kot primerne delovne izkušnje, kakšne možnosti imajo pri zaposlovanju ženske v primerjavi z moškimi. Skozi raziskavo bomo ugotavljali, ali bi se brezposelnost zmanjšala, če bi se mladi usmerili v bolj perspektivne oz. iskane poklice. Raziskali bomo, kako so ljudje, ki so bili prijavljeni na zavodu za zaposlovanje zadovoljni z zaposlenimi in njihovim delom. V sklepnem delu so predstavljeni predlogi za zmanjšanje brezposelnosti med mladimi. Pričujoče delo daje odgovore na vrsto zastavljenih vprašanj in nakazuje potrebo po nadaljnjih usmeritvah na področju zaposlovanja mladih.
Keywords:- Brezposelnost - Mladi - Zaposlovanje - Zavod za zaposlovanje
Place of publishing:Kranj
Year of publishing:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-10664 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:6469395 New window
Publication date in DKUM:16.07.2009
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Secondary language

Abstract:Unemployment represents a big social problem today. In Slovenia, the unemployment rate is currently growing. We may assume that the reasons for this lay mainly in the current recession and the closing down of many companies. Nowadays, young people spend a lot of time acquiring education. As a consequence, they enter the labour market rather late. Not having much work experience, young people lack self confidence. The work they do as students usually brings only money, but not experience valid at their search for employment ater they finish school. The aim of this thesis is to research the options young people have when they are searching for their first job. Furthermore, we will see if the employers consider student work as a valid work experience. We will also compare the possibilities of men and women for employment. Throughout the thesis, we will try to establish whether the rate of unemployment would lower if young people turned to more perspective jobs where there is lack of workers. We will look into how satisfied workers that were registered at the employment office are with their current jobs and their co-workers. Some solutions for lowering the unemployment rate among young people are offered. The present work answers many questions and shows the need for further guidelines in the employment of young people.
Keywords:- unemployment - young people - employment - employment office


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