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Izpis gradiva Pomoč

Naslov:Sporazumevanje v starosti in med boleznijo
Avtorji:ID Kodermac, Marjetka (Avtor)
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Datoteke:.pdf VS_Kodermac_Marjetka_2009.pdf (590,46 KB)
MD5: B96517DAC06E6E3CBFF8410174E46935
PID: 20.500.12556/dkum/7f70b241-5949-4889-9f28-8fb0e2c8eb98
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FZV - Fakulteta za zdravstvene vede
Opis:Diplomsko delo analizira pomen komunikacije in sporazumevanja s starostniki v času zdravja in bolezni. V diplomski nalogi je opredeljena komunikacija, staranje in spremembe v starosti, predstavljene so bolezni in sindromi starostnika, ki vplivajo na komunikacijo, sporazumevanje z naglušnim, slabovidnim/slepim ter kognitivno motenim starostnikom, predstavljena je tudi vloga medicinske sestre v komunikaciji s starostnikom v zdravstveni negi starostnika. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti s kakšnimi težavami se srečuje zdravstveno osebje med pogovorom s starostnikom, katere okoliščine vplivajo na pogovor, ugotoviti najpogostejše ovire za uspešno sporazumevanje in ugotoviti ali se upošteva starostnikovo dostojanstvo. Ugotoviti smo želeli tudi strokovno znanje medicinskih sester, ali vedo dovolj o komunikaciji in katero obliko komunikacije uporabljajo. Raziskava zajema 30 naključno izbranih anketirancev v domu upokojencev Danice Vogrinec v Mariboru. Grafično prikazani rezultati so pokazali, da je vzrok težav med pogovorom predvsem iz strani starostnikov, saj ne slišijo dobro in zaradi pešanja kognitivnih funkcij starostniki zdravstvenih delavcev ne razumejo, prav tako se težave pojavljajo tudi pri nepoznavanju starostnikovih navad. Iz raziskave je razvidno, da okoliščine kot so pomanjkanje časa in kadra, ustreznost prostora in okolja, ter nepravilen sistem dela ovirajo uspešen pogovor s stanovalci. Razvidno je, da je večina anketirancev za najpogostejšo oviro v sporazumevanju označilo pomanjkanje časa za odkrit pogovor, negotovost in strah pacienta ter nezaupanje pacienta, organizacijske pomanjkljivosti, pomanjkljivo znanje in izkušnje zdravstvenega osebja. Raziskava nam je tudi pokazala, da so anketiranci na svojem delovnem mestu opazili nekaj situacij kršenja starostnikovega dostojanstva kot npr. ignoriranje, neposlušnost, neenakost, uporaba pomanjševalnic ter predolgo razgaljen starostnik med nego. Večina anketiranih se je udeležilo strokovnega izobraževanja o komunikaciji in meni, da so v času izobraževanja pridobili dovolj znanja o pomenu komunikacije ter da imajo dovolj strokovnega znanja za delo s starostnikom. V raziskavi je tudi razvidno, da anketiranci največkrat uporabljajo tako verbalno kot neverbalno komunikacijo. Pri neverbalni komunikaciji se največ poslužujejo nasmeha, pogleda, stisku roke, mimiki obraza, uporabo terapevtskega dotika, najmanj pa se poslužujejo božanja.
Ključne besede:komunikacija, sporazumevanje, starostnik, medicinska sestra, samopodoba, zdravstvena nega
Kraj izida:Maribor
Založnik:[M. Kodermac]
Leto izida:2009
PID:20.500.12556/DKUM-10447 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:1477540 Novo okno
Datum objave v DKUM:02.06.2009
Število ogledov:5266
Število prenosov:1117
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Skupna ocena:(0 glasov)
Vaša ocena:Ocenjevanje je dovoljeno samo prijavljenim uporabnikom.
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Communication in the old age and during illness
Opis:In this thesis the significance of the communication with people in the advanced years is analysed, both in terms of health and illness. The thesis contains the determinations of the communication, of the process of aging and of the alterations in the advanced years, along with the presentation of the illnesses and syndroms in an aged person that have influence on communication; furthermore the ways of communicating with partially deaf, weak-sighted or blind and cognitively disturbed (disabled) persons in the old age are also contained. In addition, the role of the medical staff (nurse) in communicating with an aged person during health service is presented. The goal of the research was to find out the difficulties that the medical staff encounters when conversing with an aged person, the circumstances that have influence on the conversation, the most frequent obstacles toward a succesful conversation and whether the aged person's dignity is taken into consideration. Another gaol was to find out the level of the expert knowledge of the medical staff (nurses), whether they are educated enough as far as communication is concerned and what forms of communication are used by them. A random sample of 30 inmates at Danica Vogrinec Home for the Aged (Nursing home) of Maribor was involved in the research. The graphically reported results have shown that the main cause of the difficulties in communication derive from the aged persons themselves, due to their weak hearing. On the other hand, deteriorating cognitive functions in an aged person result in non-comprehending the medical staff. Another problem is represented by the scarse knowledge of the habits of the aged person(s). The research has made it clear that successful communication with the inmates can be obstacled by inconvenient circumstances such as lack of time and expert staff, inadequate space and environment or unsuitable work-system. As it resulted from the research, the lack of time for open (sincere) conversation, uncertainty, fear and distrust, organisational deficiency, as well as insufficient expert knowledge and experience of the medical staff were indicated as the most frequent obstacles in communication by the major part of the inmates involved. It also resulted from the research that some cases of violations of dignity of the aged person(s) were noticed by the people (staff) interviewed on their working place, for example ignorance, non-considering, discrimination (inequality), use of diminutives and excessive exposure of the aged people to nakedness during the nursing. Most of the persons interviewed took part in professional training in communication and claim to have achieved sufficient level of knowledge on the importance of communication and that the level of their expert knowledge is high enough so as to make it possible for them to work with aged people. It also arose from the research that both verbal and non-verbal ways of communication are (mostly) used by the persons interviewed. Smile, glimpse (look), handshake, face mimiking and use of therapeutic touch resulted to be the most frequent forms of non-verbal communication, while fondling is the least used technic.
Ključne besede:communication, conversation, aged person, medical staff (nurse), self-image, medical care (nursing)


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