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Effect of usage of industrial robots on quality, labor productivity, exports and environment
Jasna Prester, Iztok Palčič, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Industrial robots are slowly finding their way into manufacturing companies. This paper examines the impact of robots on productivity, exports, quality, sustainability and labor in European manufacturing companies. There is little research on the use of industrial robots and their impact in developed countries. Most research relates to Chinese companies, and often, the data are outdated. The data in this paper come from the European Manufacturing Survey project, which was conducted in 2022 and includes 476 manufacturing companies. The results of the impact of industrial robots on quality, labor productivity, exports and green technologies are determined using a T-test between companies that use industrial robots and those that do not. However, the impact of higher investment in environmental technologies by industrial robot users was examined by a two-stage OLS regression analysis with control variables representing the contextual characteristics of the companies. The results show positive effects on all of the variables. The results show that the greater use of robots occurs in industries with low-to-medium technology intensity, that robots contribute to labor productivity and exports and that companies that use robots also tend to use environmentally friendly technologies.
Keywords: industrial robots, productivity, quality, exports, environmental, sustainability, European manufacturing survey
Published in DKUM: 09.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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Possibilities and concerns of implementing precision agriculture technologies on small farms in Slovenia
Jurij Rakun, Erik Rihter, Damijan Kelc, Denis Stajnko, Peter Vindiš, Peter Berk, Peter Polič, Miran Lakota, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Precision agriculture (PA) through the use and utilization of innovative technologies is a concept in agricultural management that enables long-term efficiency gains, control of unforeseen changes, and a reduction of negative impacts on the environment. However, there are even more reasons and benefits to using precision agriculture technologies (PATs) on farms, but the actual use on small farms is often questionable. The main objective of this research was to evaluate and analyze the current state of PA and its potential on a set of small farms. In addition, a comparison was made between small farms located in less favored areas (LFAs) and more favored areas (MFAs) to find if specific characteristics of the surrounding environment affect the (non-) implementation of these technologies by farm owners, with respect to the given regional possibilities. The result shows that 57.5% of respondents on these farms have never implemented PATs before and 20% are beginners in their respective fields. It was found that there were no statistically significant differences in the integration between fewer LFAs and MFAs technologies and their use in this study. The majority of respondents believe that the main changes need to occur on the level of politics. The results show that the level of cost or initial investment is the main reason and the main obstacle in the implementation of PATs on the surveyed farms.
Keywords: precision agriculture, small farm, technological innovations, implementation, situation overview, survey, ICT
Published in DKUM: 02.07.2024; Views: 161; Downloads: 18
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Simultaneous use of digital technologies and industrial robots in manufacturing firms
Klemen Kovič, Robert Ojsteršek, Iztok Palčič, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper presents the use of digital technologies and industrial robots in manufacturing firms. More importantly, we look at the relationship between the use of digital technologies and industrial robots within the Industry 4.0 concept. We also use a specific Industry 4.0 Readiness index to assess manufacturing firms’ Industry 4.0 readiness level and analyze the relationship between the achieved readiness level and the use of industrial robots. The research is based on data from 118 manufacturing firms from a European Manufacturing Survey. Based on statistical analysis, we present the results that show a significant correlation between the use of specific digital technologies and two types of industrial robots. Our study also points out that manufacturing firms with a higher Industry 4.0 readiness level tend to use industrial robots more frequently.
Keywords: digital technology, industrial robot, industry 4.0, manufacturing firms, European manufacturing survey, readiness index
Published in DKUM: 11.12.2023; Views: 410; Downloads: 34
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Frost protection measures : survey results
Matej Fike, Miha Smrekar, Mateja Fekonja, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: In Slovenia, frosts occur often and it causes great damage for growers. Various passive and active methods are known for frost protection. Pasive methods can be implemented throughout the year. They are used to enable easier implementation of active methods, which are in use when a period of frost occurs. The aim of this research is, with the help of a survey, to assess whether growers in Slovenia implement active or passive methods of frost protection, and if not, why not. The survey contained 24 questions and was intended primarily for fruit and wine growers in Slovenia. The results of the survey show that frost happens to Slovenian growers on average every other year, and destroys on average 50% of their crop. Despite frequent frosts and the damage they cause, growers are not implementing any active measures, nor are they willing to invest in them. The reasons for this may be the large investments required for active measures, the small sizes of farms in Slovenia (on average 12 ha according to the survey answers), or that farmers are insufficiently informed about the various measures.
Keywords: Spring Frost, Active Frost Protection, Passive Frost Protection, Survey Results
Published in DKUM: 13.11.2023; Views: 372; Downloads: 7
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Spatial clusters of Varroa destructor control strategies in Europe
Robert Brodschneider, Johannes Schlagbauer, Iliyana Arakelyan, Aleš Gregorc, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Beekeepers have various options to control the parasitic mite Varroa destructor in honey bee colonies, but no empirical data are available on the methods they apply in practice. We surveyed 28,409 beekeepers maintaining 507,641 colonies in 30 European countries concerning Varroa control methods. The set of 19 different Varroa diagnosis and control measures was taken from the annual COLOSS questionnaire on honey bee colony losses. The most frequent activities were monitoring of Varroa infestations, drone brood removal, various oxalic acid applications and formic acid applications. Correspondence analysis and hierarchical clustering on principal components showed that six Varroa control options (not necessarily the most used ones) significantly contribute to defining three distinctive clusters of countries in terms of Varroa control in Europe. Cluster I (eight Western European countries) is characterized by use of amitraz strips. Cluster II comprises 15 countries from Scandinavia, the Baltics, and Central-Southern Europe. This cluster is characterized by long-term formic acid treatments. Cluster III is characterized by dominant usage of amitraz fumigation and formed by seven Eastern European countries. The median number of different treatments applied per beekeeper was lowest in cluster III. Based on estimation of colony numbers in included countries, we extrapolated the proportions of colonies treated with different methods in Europe. This suggests that circa 62% of colonies in Europe are treated with amitraz, followed by oxalic acid for the next largest percentage of colonies. We discuss possible factors determining the choice of Varroa control measures in the different clusters.
Keywords: Apis mellifera, COLOSS, beekeeping, acaricide, varroa control, survey results
Published in DKUM: 18.08.2023; Views: 793; Downloads: 36
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Prevention of juvenile crime and deviance : Adolescents' and experts' views in an international perspective
Thomas Görgen, Anneke Evenepoel, Benjamin Kraus, Anabel Taefi, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose: This article analyses perspectives on youth crime prevention in samples of 13–17 year old students from 6 European countries and of practitioners/experts in Belgium and Germany. Design/Methods/Approach: Surveys were conducted among urban and rural school students (n = 10682). Expert and practitioner perspectives were taken into account using Delphi surveys, standardized surveys on the state of youth crime prevention, and semistructured interviews with practitioners in the areas where the school surveys were conducted. Findings: While the majority of students have been targeted by drug abuse prevention measures, rates for violence prevention are lower. Students ascribe moderate preventive potential to school and they regard peers and parents as most influential in prevention while professional agents are viewed as less important. Punitive approaches are not rejected, but approaches focusing on individual resources and problems are given priority. Experts point at the significance of socioeconomic factors related to the problem of (youth) delinquency and hence of social policy measures. They recommend prevention starting at an early age, strengthening social skills and following multi-professional approaches. Research Limitations / Implications: Schools surveys excluded special schools, and response rates in expert surveys were low or moderate. Practical Implications: Findings point to young persons’ understanding of factors influencing their behaviour and at connections between involvement in offending and accessibility for approaches to prevention. Expert surveys show needs for improvement in the field of prevention, especially in terms of funding, evaluation, and fundamental strategic approaches. Originality/Value: Perspectives of both actors and targets of preventive approaches are taken into account.
Keywords: prevention, juvenile delinquency, school survey, expert survey, drug abuse, violence
Published in DKUM: 23.04.2020; Views: 1089; Downloads: 53
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Determination of Vs30 for seismic ground classification in the Ljubljana area, Slovenia
Janez Rošer, Andrej Gosar, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: The shear modulus, known as Gmax, is a key parameter for predicting the static and dynamic behavior of soils. Its value decreases by increasing the shear strain. This is because of reducing the soil’s stiffness as a result of increasing the shear deformation. The increasing of the shear modulus by increasing the shear strain is affected by some of the soil properties, such as the Void ratio (e), the Over consolidated ratio (OCR), the Normal stress (σ), the Plasticity index (PI), the Water content (ω%), the Shear strain rate, the Soil structure, and the Loading history, etc. In this paper, undrained, direct shear tests were conducted to study the effect of the plasticity index (PI) and the normal stress (σ) on the shear behavior and the shear modulus of remolded clays. The results show that the normalized shear modulus at a constant strain will generally increase as the σ and PI increase, and the common empirical equations for undisturbed soils at γ = 0~0.1 might be applicable for the disturbed soils too.
Keywords: microtremor survey methods, shear-wave velocity, seismic site effect, microzonation, Eurocode 8
Published in DKUM: 11.06.2018; Views: 1223; Downloads: 189
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Knowledge base of the region - role of the universities in regional innovation : the case of south Transdanubia
Zoltán Gál, 2008, original scientific article

Abstract: The economic attraction and competitiveness of the regions depends on the spatially balanced network-based co-operation of different research bases and firms involved in innovation development. The utilisation of the regional knowledge base, innovation potential and co- operation between businesses and universities & research institutions continues to play an increasing role in regard to business success and the competitive economic performance of the regions. Innovation is considered as an interactive and system-like process depending on traditions with definite spatial forms and it is manifested in the form of “networks” among the companies and universities, and among the different transfer organisations, which can stimulate university-industry linkages. The paper presents the findings of the “ERAWATCH regional benchmarking surveys – in which the South Transdanubian region participated in – on innovation potential and investment into research” surveys concentrating on the role of innovation networks, within them highlighting the special role of regional universities in the collaborative research networks. The introduction is followed by a demonstration highlighting the role of universities in national and regional knowledge transfer emphasizing the fact that the spatial (regional) structure of innovation is very much determined by the transformation of potential universities and their widening innovative functions during the economic transition in Hungary. The next section provides an overview of findings of the ERAWATCH survey (2006) on the role of universities in regional network building and discusses those factors that are necessary for the establishment of a research university model. The last section assesses the efficiency and coherence of the Regional Innovation System with regard to the needs and capacities of the regional economies and the extent of matching or mismatching between the knowledge and economic specialization.
Keywords: regional innovation, knowledge base, ERAWATCH Survey, university-firm links, knowledge and economic specialization
Published in DKUM: 14.03.2018; Views: 1276; Downloads: 99
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