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The role of visualization in estimating cardiovascular disease risk : scoping review
Adrijana Svenšek, Mateja Lorber, Lucija Gosak, Katrien Verbert, Zalika Klemenc-Ketiš, Gregor Štiglic, 2024, review article

Abstract: Background: Supporting and understanding the health of patients with chronic diseases and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk is often a major challenge. Health data are often used in providing feedback to patients, and visualization plays an important role in facilitating the interpretation and understanding of data and, thus, influencing patients’ behavior. Visual analytics enable efficient analysis and understanding of large datasets in real time. Digital health technologies can promote healthy lifestyle choices and assist in estimating CVD risk. Objective: This review aims to present the most-used visualization techniques to estimate CVD risk. Methods: In this scoping review, we followed the Joanna Briggs Institute PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) guidelines. The search strategy involved searching databases, including PubMed, CINAHL Ultimate, MEDLINE, and Web of Science, and gray literature from Google Scholar. This review included English-language articles on digital health, mobile health, mobile apps, images, charts, and decision support systems for estimating CVD risk, as well as empirical studies, excluding irrelevant studies and commentaries, editorials, and systematic reviews. Results: We found 774 articles and screened them against the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The final scoping review included 17 studies that used different methodologies, including descriptive, quantitative, and population-based studies. Some prognostic models, such as the Framingham Risk Profile, World Health Organization and International Society of Hypertension risk prediction charts, Cardiovascular Risk Score, and a simplified Persian atherosclerotic CVD risk stratification, were simpler and did not require laboratory tests, whereas others, including the Joint British Societies recommendations on the prevention of CVD, Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation, and Framingham-Registre Gironí del COR, were more complex and required laboratory testing–related results. The most frequently used prognostic risk factors were age, sex, and blood pressure (16/17, 94% of the studies); smoking status (14/17, 82%); diabetes status (11/17, 65%); family history (10/17, 59%); high-density lipoprotein and total cholesterol (9/17, 53%); and triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (6/17, 35%). The most frequently used visualization techniques in the studies were visual cues (10/17, 59%), followed by bar charts (5/17, 29%) and graphs (4/17, 24%). Conclusions: On the basis of the scoping review, we found that visualization is very rarely included in the prognostic models themselves even though technology-based interventions improve health care worker performance, knowledge, motivation, and compliance by integrating machine learning and visual analytics into applications to identify and respond to estimation of CVD risk. Visualization aids in understanding risk factors and disease outcomes, improving bioinformatics and biomedicine. However, evidence on mobile health’s effectiveness in improving CVD outcomes is limited.
Keywords: cardiovascular disease prevention, risk factors, visual analytics, visualization, mobile phone, PRISMA
Published in DKUM: 26.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 1
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Jana Medved, 2014, master's thesis

Abstract: S tem, ko naš svet postaja vedno bolj povezan in naše aktivnosti vse bolj digitalizirane, postajajo podatki bogatejši, raznoliki in na voljo kadarkoli. Organizacije izkoriščajo te ogromne količine podatkov za natančnejše prilagoditve sistemov, podporo odločanju in razvoj proizvodov in storitev. V magistrskem delu smo predstavili karakteristike Big Data, njegove prednosti in izzive s katerimi se soočajo organizacije pri analiziranju ogromnih količin podatkov, osredotočili pa smo se na tehnologije Big Data analitike in v povezavi s tem na vizualizacijo Big Data - kot primer je predstavljena rešitev SAS Visual Analytics. Organizacije uporabljajo Big Data tehnologije, da dobijo odgovore na pomembna vprašanja z analizo podatkov takoj, torej v realnem času ter ne rabijo čakati na rezultate dneve, tedne ali celo mesece. Največja prednost Big Data tehnologij je tako pospešitev časa prejema rezultatov analize ter posledično hitrejše sprejemanje odločitev. Kot tehnologije Big Data analitike smo predstavili delovanje Hadoopa ter značilnosti NoSQL podatkovnih baz in masivnih paralelnih analitičnih podatkovnih baz. Prav tako smo predstavili visoko zmogljivo analitiko, ki s hitrostjo spreminja način obdelave in izkoriščanje vrednosti Big Data v organizacijah ter v povezavi z njo analitiko v pomnilniku (angl. in-memory analytics), ki omogoča organizacijam hitrejše odločanje, natančnejše rezultate in vzpostavitev zanesljive ter prilagodljive analitične infrastrukture. Z Big Data se povečuje tudi potreba po bolj napredni podatkovni vizualizaciji. Predstavitev informacij na razumljiv način, je glavni izziv analiziranja podatkov, če želimo, da rezultati privedejo do konkretnih ukrepov. Rezultati analiz in vizualizacija podatkov sta učinkovita kombinacija za predstavitev in deljenje informacij v podjetju. Rešitev, ki podpira vizualizacijo podatkov, izbranih za analizo, je lahko zelo koristna, sploh kadar lahko pomaga uporabniku izbrati najprimernejšo vizualizacijo za določen nabor podatkov. Takšna rešitev je SAS Visual Analytics, zmogljivo orodje raziskovanja podatkov za razkritje trendov in skritih priložnosti. Združuje analitiko, in-memory arhitekturo, raziskovanje podatkov, podporo Hadoopa in različne možnosti uporabe informacij.
Keywords: Big Data, vizualizacija, poslovna analitika, visoko zmogljiva analitika, SAS Visual Analytics
Published in DKUM: 13.10.2014; Views: 4047; Downloads: 688
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