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Managing traffic congestion pricing, the associated equity issues, and establishment of sustainable funding for transportation infrastructures
Adekunle Mofolasayo, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Road traffic congestion, partly resulting from inefficient land use plans and the inadequacy of existing transportation infrastructure to transport people from various origins to various destinations, using the same paths, at the same time (without delay) is an issue of concern to humanity". Inadequate funding for transportation limits the number of roads that can be built to increase the capacity of the transportation network. Road traffic congestion pricing has been identified as a way of reducing congestion, as it makes the cost of travel more apparent to users, but there is concern about equity issues for those who may not be able to afford the price tag. This study used the records of vehicle miles travelled in a country to illustrate the variations in revenue that could be achieved with varied fuel efficiency of vehicles. As an illustration, a comparison of revenue that could have been generated (all other things being equal) using a vehicle-kilometre travel (VKT) pricing system as compared to fuel tax for a 5-year period was also done. This review noted that the VKT ‘road user fee’ pricing system is a viable way to make the cost of travel apparent to motorists and form a basis for equity between those who use fossil fuel vehicles and those who use alternative energy. In addition to presenting a simplified procedure for establishing a sustainable transportation finance system, this study also presented a simplified method to estimate the appropriate fuel tax, as well as VKT road user fee to achieve a self-funded transportation system.
Keywords: congestion pricing techniques, equity issues, fuel tax, sustainable funding for transportation, VMT road usage fee
Published in DKUM: 17.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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Supply chain execution : transportation and warehousing
Marcin Hajdul, Tone Lerher, Fabio Sgarbossa, 2020, reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook

Keywords: business management, transportation, logistics, higher education textbooks
Published in DKUM: 13.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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Exploring an infrastructure investment methodology to risk mitigation from rail hazardous materials shipments
Ali Vaezi, Manish Verma, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Railroad is one of the primary modes to transport hazardous materials (hazmat) in North America. For instance, Canadian railroads carried around 50 million tons of hazmat in 2018. Given the inherent danger of trains carrying hazmat, this study aimed at exploring a novel way towards mitigation of the associated risk. This study sought to investigate whether proper rail track infrastructure investment can mitigate the risk from hazmat shipments. To this end, a methodology was developed and then applied to the Canadian railroad network. The proposed three-step methodology captured the differing perspectives of rail carriers and regulatory agencies, and entailed (1) ascertaining the risk-level of various yards and links in the given railroad network, (2) specifying potential candidates for infrastructure investment, and (3) finding the optimum set of investment decisions. The proposed methodology was then applied to the Canadian railroad network to demonstrate that significant risk-reduction can beachieved by adding alternative rail-links around the riskiest locations (i.e. the network hot-spots), and also to show that risk-reduction function is non-linear with non-monotonous behavior. The study showed the possibility of significant hazmat risk reduction through alternative rail-links that could take traffic away from the network hot-spots. The methodology and the resultsfrom the Canadian case can be used by railroad companies and policy makers to estimate the value of potentially risk-reducinginfrastructure investments.
Keywords: risk mitigation, railroad network, hazardous materials, infrastructure investment, optimization, transportation safety
Published in DKUM: 23.08.2024; Views: 61; Downloads: 8
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An assessment of agricultural freight transportation in Saki area of Oyo state, Nigeria
Simeon Oluwagbenga Fasina, Ayobami Ademola Akanmu, Adesoji O. Adesanya, Umar Obafemi Salisu, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Transportation no doubt remains a catalyst for all aspect of socio-economic and environmental development. Without its singular significance of mobility and accessibility for farmers, agricultural produce will rot on farms, while efforts in providing food would be fruitless. This paper assessed agricultural freight transportation in Saki area of Oyo State with a view of enhancing better product delivery mechanisms for farmers. It examined farmers’ socio-demographic; nature of farming and farm characteristics; and appraised the relationship between attributes of agricultural production and freight movement. Primary data employed consists of a questionnaire designed for farmers, structured interview for government officials complemented with personal field observations of agricultural freight transportation. 225 farmers were randomly selected for questionnaire administration. Major findings revealed that food crops, vegetables, fruits and poultry products are in persistent motion in the study area and that agricultural freight is a neglected sector with significant consequences on the access to cheap and affordable urban wellbeing. Findings also revealed that agricultural freight transportation within the study is very poor and uneconomical, as this depletes farmers’ profit-making. Regression analysis results show a significant relationship between attributes of agricultural freight and transport cost (F19205 11.916= P<0.05). The study recommends extensive road rehabilitation and constructions within the study area; provision of technological driven distribution and storage infrastructural facilities; creation of a databank for agricultural freight transport; reorganization and empowerment of farmers and improvement of rural infrastructure in Oyo state and Nigeria as a whole.
Keywords: farmers, agricultural freight, transportation, Saki area
Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 85; Downloads: 3
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Intra-city mobility and characterization in a fastgrowing city of Lagos, Nigeria
Simeon Oluwagbenga Fasina, Ayobami Ademola Akanmu, Umar Obafemi Salisu, Samuel Adetunji Okunubi, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Effective urban transportation no doubt serves as engine room and catalyst for driving national economic development. Significantly, the purpose of urban transport is to provide both passenger and freight mobility over specific parts of urban areas including cities, and its efficiency is characterized upon transporting effectively and achieving economies of scale. Hence, this study examined intra-city mobility and characterization in Lagos, Nigeria. The data was sourced from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data detailed the use of two sets of questionnaires administered to commuters and motorists. 182 copies of questionnaire were randomly administered to commuters, while 60 units of the questionnaire were purposively and conveniently administered to motorists. Descriptive and inferential techniques were used for data analysis. Major findings revealed obvious variations in socio-economic parameters of intra-city trip makers and factors influencing trip making. It was observed that journey to work, school, shopping cum business constituted the major trips characterizing in Lagos. Findings also revealed that high patronage priority was given to most used and preferred means due to vehicle travel speed, trip purpose, and availability than safety and comfortability of modal choice. Regression analysis result revealed that commuters’ modal choice and patronage is statistically influenced by operational attributes of mode (e.g. transit time, delay duration, safety, vehicle condition and transit fare etc.) at Sig. p=0.000 and F14165 15.667 which is greater than table value at 5% significant level. The study recommended among others the formulation and implementation of effective policy for urban transport activities; standardization of service operations and expansion of infrastructural facilities including the last-mile in the city.
Keywords: urban mobility, transportation, mobility index, Lagos
Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 81; Downloads: 8
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Optimal bus stops' allocation : a school bus routing problem with respect to terrain elevation
Klemen Prah, Abolfazl Keshavarzsaleh, Tomaž Kramberger, Borut Jereb, Dejan Dragan, 2018, original scientific article

Abstract: The paper addresses the optimal bus stops allocation in the Laško municipality. The goal is to achieve a cost reduction by proper re-designing of a mandatory pupils' transportation to their schools. The proposed heuristic optimization algorithm relies on data clustering and Monte Carlo simulation. The number of bus stops should be minimal possible that still assure a maximal service area, while keeping the minimal walking distances children have to go from their homes to the nearest bus stop. The working mechanism of the proposed algorithm is explained. The latter is driven by three-dimensional GIS data to take into account as much realistic dynamic properties of terrain as possible. The results show that the proposed algorithm achieves an optimal solution with only 37 optimal bus stops covering 94.6 % of all treated pupils despite the diversity and wideness of municipality, as well as the problematic characteristics of terrains' elevation. The calculated bus stops will represent important guidelines to their actual physical implementation.
Keywords: logistics, maximal covering problems, optimization, data clustering, Monte Carlo simulation, geographic information system (GIS), reduction of transportation costs, Laško, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 35; Downloads: 9
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Managing the complexity of empty container movements through repositioning strategies and routing practices under certain demand and supply : doctoral dissertation
Alaa Abdelshafie, 2023, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: Over the past decades, container transportation management has become an important part of the global maritime industry. Due to an ever-increasing movement of containers across the globe in line with the economic boom, the trade imbalance and issues related to empty containers have become inevitable. The accumulation of empty containers in specific ports not only causes a waste of money but also increases the environmental footprint. Accordingly, the urgent need for empty container management has been gaining more attention than ever before, as the shipping companies recognized that more revenues are always derived from a good repositioning strategy. In this respect, this thesis described state-of-the-art of empty container management, focusing on the practices concerning the movement of empty containers that are varied between organizational policies, technical solutions, and optimization applications. With the development of computer-aided systems, the combination of optimization and simulation models has been proposed to tackle the maritime empty container problem. The thesis shows how the strengths of optimization-based simulation can be integrated to provide high-quality solutions with low computational costs. Agent-based modelling was developed to model the global movements of empty containers, providing realistic details of interactions among entities and characteristics of components within the system. The model was applied between ports in the Middle East and Asia for one of the biggest shipping lines worldwide. By using simulated annealing (SA), the best sequence for moving containers can be determined. The results comparison demonstrate that the proposed optimised repositioning strategy can significantly reduce the shipping line’s costs and make full use of empty containers in the planning horizon.
Keywords: shipping industry, container transportation management, empty container repositioning, simulation, optimization, agent-based modelling
Published in DKUM: 08.12.2023; Views: 579; Downloads: 24
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Repositioning and optimal re-allocation of empty containers : a review of methods, models, and applications
Alaa Abdelshafie, May Salah, Tomaž Kramberger, Dejan Dragan, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Managing empty-container movements is one of the most challenging logistics problems in the shipping field. With the growth of global trade imbalance, the repositioning process has become necessary, immediately after emptying a container. The main contribution of this research paper is to enrich the most frequently used methods, models, and applications in the literature, for relaxing the empty-container-repositioning problem. The article presents practices that vary between organizational policies, technical solutions, and modelling applications. A review of optimization models has been used for comparisons, based on specified criteria, such as the time frame, inputs, outputs, scale of the project, and value. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) was applied through the online database Web of Science (WOS). It gives a comprehensive description of all the relevant published documents. On the basis of conducting a brief systematic review, future research opportunities have been determined, considering the emerging phenomena in container transport chains.
Keywords: shipping industry, container-transportation management, empty-container repositioning, optimization methods
Published in DKUM: 08.08.2023; Views: 444; Downloads: 66
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The Nexus between city livability and transportation in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria
Ayobami Ademola Akanmu, Kolawole Taofeek Gbadamosi, Felix Kayode Omole, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: The livability of cities has been a matter of global concern in recent times. Importantly, the ease of mobility and accessibility in cities remained paramount factors in enhancing residents’ locational decisions and suitability. It is on this basis that this study examined the nexus between city livability and transportation in the Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria. Anchored on the concept of livability, the study descriptively and inferentially analyzed the results of 1264 questionnaires administered to residents based on key livability themes. The study revealed low satisfaction with the livability key performance indicators. Similarly, the study revealed that most of the assessed transportation infrastructure facilities are in poor condition and thus hinder the ease of commuting and livability in the city. The result of the regression analysis revealed that transportation infrastructure statistically influenced the livability of the Lagos metropolis. The study recommends the need for expedited proactive measures, particularly structural improvement in transportation infrastructure, towards improving the livability of the Lagos Metropolis.
Keywords: city livability, transportation, livability indicators, Lagos Metropolis
Published in DKUM: 13.07.2023; Views: 351; Downloads: 42
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