1. Single-tray VLM vs dual-tray VLM : quantitative throughput comparisonGoran Đukić, Tihomir Opetuk, Brigita Gajšek, Tone Lerher, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: In this paper quantitative comparison of resulting throughputs for single-tray and dual-tray VLM devices is presented. Comparison is based on mathematical models for throughput approximating dual command times of VLM's crane, for selected parameters of VLM device (height and crane's velocity) and selected picking times per delivered tray. Analysis showed that throughput increase achieved by using dual-tray VLM's depends mostly on the average picking time relative to the expected dual command time of the VLM's crane. Highest improvements are possible for picking time equal to expected dual command time and amounts over 80%, however for extremely low or high picking times improvements are significantly reduced. Keywords: order-picking, throughput model, vertical lift module systems, quantitative analysis, intralogistics, dual-tray VLM, single-tray VLM Published in DKUM: 12.08.2024; Views: 48; Downloads: 9
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2. Advanced technologies in logistics engineering : automated storage systems with shuttles integrated with hoisted carriageTone Lerher, Primož Bencak, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: This paper presents automated storage systems with shuttles integrated with hoisted carriage for successful application in intralogistics. The first part of the paper presents classic and advanced AVS/RS along with specific intralogistics automation systems known as AutoStore from Swisslog and Skypod from Exotec. The second part of the paper focuses on an advanced system with shuttle vehicles capable of serving multiple tiers of the storage rack. An analytical model for the shuttle vehicles capable of serving multiple tiers of the storage rack is presented, which is based on (i) the sequences of acceleration, constant velocity and deceleration, and (ii) randomised assignment policy. Based on the presented model, the expected Single Command (SC) and Dual Command (DC) travel (cycle) time as well as the throughput performance of the shuttle vehicles capable of serving several tiers of warehouse, could be calculated. A programme code in MATLAB has been presented for the computation of throughput performances of automated storage systems with shuttles integrated with hoisted carriage capable of serving several tiers of the storage rack. Keywords: analytical and numerical model, automated vehicle-storage and retrieval systems AVS/RS, automated warehouses, cycle time and throughput performance, shuttles integrated with hoisted carriage Published in DKUM: 26.06.2024; Views: 162; Downloads: 16
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3. Design of Tetra-Peptide Ligands of Antibody Fc Regions Using In Silico Combinatorial Library ScreeningMarko Jukič, Sebastjan Kralj, Anja Kolarič, Urban Bren, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Abstract
Peptides, or short chains of amino-acid residues, are becoming increasingly important as active ingredients of drugs and as crucial probes and/or tools in medical, biotechnological, and pharmaceutical research. Situated at the interface between small molecules and larger macromolecular systems, they pose a difficult challenge for computational methods. We report an in silico peptide library generation and prioritization workflow using CmDock for identifying tetrapeptide ligands that bind to Fc regions of antibodies that is analogous to known in vitro recombinant peptide libraries’ display and expression systems. The results of our in silico study are in accordance with existing scientific literature on in vitro peptides that bind to antibody Fc regions. In addition, we postulate an evolving in silico library design workflow that will help circumvent the combinatorial problem of in vitro comprehensive peptide libraries by focusing on peptide subunits that exhibit favorable interaction profiles in initial in silico peptide generation and testing. Keywords: peptide design, in silico combinatorial library, peptide combinatorial library, peptide library design, high-throughput virtual screening, peptide molecular docking, antibody purification, peptide drug design, recombinant peptide libraries Published in DKUM: 01.12.2023; Views: 353; Downloads: 80
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4. Comparative Analyses of Medicinal Chemistry and Cheminformatics Filters with Accessible Implementation in Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME)Sebastjan Kralj, Marko Jukič, Urban Bren, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: High-throughput virtual screening (HTVS) is, in conjunction with rapid advances in computer hardware, becoming a staple in drug design research campaigns and cheminformatics. In this context, virtual compound library design becomes crucial as it generally constitutes the first step where quality filtered databases are essential for the efficient downstream research. Therefore, multiple filters for compound library design were devised and reported in the scientific literature. We collected the most common filters in medicinal chemistry (PAINS, REOS, Aggregators, van de Waterbeemd, Oprea, Fichert, Ghose, Mozzicconacci, Muegge, Egan, Murcko, Veber, Ro3, Ro4, and Ro5) to facilitate their open access use and compared them. Then, we implemented these filters in the open platform Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME) as a freely accessible and simple workflow compatible with small or large compound databases for the benefit of the readers and for the help in the early drug design steps. Keywords: high-throughput virtual screening, virtual screening, compound libraries, library design, compound filtering Published in DKUM: 25.07.2023; Views: 497; Downloads: 48
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5. Translational and personalized medicineKrešimir Pavelić, Tamara Martinović, Sandra Kraljević-Pavelić, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: The idea behind personalized medicine is to tailor health care to an individual’s unique genetic makeup. Hitherto, “one size fits all” approach was used in medicine. With the rise of personal medicine, we are moving towards a more precise, predictable and powerful medicine that is customized for each individual patient. To allow for an improvement in the acceleration and efficacy of drug development, high-throughput methods (“omics”) are rapidly being developed. This leads to understanding of multiple factors that are involved in disease progress on an individual level. In order to analyze the great amount of data that is collected from such experiments, one has to turn to systems biology, an interdisciplinary science that studies complex interactions within a biological system. Finally, translational medicine comes into play, by “translating” the information gathered from research into diagnostic tools, medicines and policies, with the final goal of improving individuals’ health. Personalized medicine is one of the future, and it will revolutionize the current practice of diagnosis-based medicine, once fully developed. Keywords: personalized medicine, translational medicine, clinic, high-throughput methods, systems biology Published in DKUM: 08.10.2018; Views: 1078; Downloads: 361
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6. Container throughput forecasting using dynamic factor analysis and ARIMAX modelMarko Intihar, Tomaž Kramberger, Dejan Dragan, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: The paper examines the impact of integration of macroeconomic indicators on the accuracy of container throughput time series forecasting model. For this purpose, a Dynamic factor analysis and AutoRegressive Integrated Moving-Average model with eXogenous inputs (ARIMAX) are used. Both methodologies are integrated into a novel four-stage heuristic procedure. Firstly, dynamic factors are extracted from external macroeconomic indicators influencing the observed throughput. Secondly, the family of ARIMAX models of different orders is generated based on the derived factors. In the third stage, the diagnostic and goodness-of-fit testing is applied, which includes statistical criteria such as fit performance, information criteria, and parsimony. Finally, the best model is heuristically selected and tested on the real data of the Port of Koper. The results show that by applying macroeconomic indicators into the forecasting model, more accurate future throughput forecasts can be achieved. The model is also used to produce future forecasts for the next four years indicating a more oscillatory behaviour in (2018-2020). Hence, care must be taken concerning any bigger investment decisions initiated from the management side. It is believed that the proposed model might be a useful reinforcement of the existing forecasting module in the observed port. Keywords: container throughput forecasting, ARIMAX model, dynamic factor analysis, exogenous macroeconomic indicators, time series analysis Published in DKUM: 12.12.2017; Views: 2198; Downloads: 438
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7. Reduction of the roundabout capacity due to a strong stream of pedestrians and/or cyclistsTomaž Tollazzi, 1999, original scientific article Abstract: Single-lane roundabouts may face the problems of getting crowded and empty in their circulatory roadway due to a strong stream of pedestrians and/or cyclists. Vehicles at the roundabout entries or exits have to provide the right of way over pedestrians and/or cyclists. Therefore, it comes to disturbances and traffic jams. If there are jams at the entry carriageway, vehicles are unable to get into roundabouts. If there are jams at the exit carriageway, vehicles are not able to leave the roundabout. When the length of vehicle platoon at the exits so long that it reaches the preceding entry, the roundabouts suffer from getting fully overcrowded. The paper presents the methodology of calculating the reduction of the roundabout capacity due to the pedestrian or cyclist stream. The method of calculating the reduction of the roundabout capacity with the disturbed streams may be used for roundabouts in urban environments, where the strength of the cyclist or pedestrian streams is not negligible. Keywords: road traffic, roundabouts, roundabout capacity, traffic throughput, bicyclists, pedestrians Published in DKUM: 05.06.2017; Views: 1705; Downloads: 181
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