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Integrating artificial intelligence into a talent management model to increase the work engagement and performance of enterprises
Maja Rožman, Dijana Oreški, Polona Tominc, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The purpose of the paper is to create a multidimensional talent management model with embedded aspects of artificial intelligence in the human resource processes to increase employees' engagement and performance of the enterprise. The research was implemented on a sample of 317 managers/owners in Slovenian enterprises. Multidimensional constructs of the model include several aspects of artificial intelligence implementation in the organization's activities related to human resource management in the field of talent management, especially in the process of acquiring and retaining talented employees, appropriate training and development of employees, organizational culture, leadership, and reducing the workload of employees, employee engagement and performance of the enterprise. The results show that AI supported acquiring and retaining a talented employees, AI supported appropriate training and development of employees, appropriate teams, AI supported organizational culture, AI supported leadership, reducing the workload of employees with AI have a positive effect on performance of the enterprise and employee engagement. The results will help managers or owners create a successful work environment by implementing artificial intelligence in the enterprise, leading to increased employee engagement and performance of the enterprise. Namely, our results contribute to the efficient implementation of artificial intelligence into an enterprise and give owners or top managers a broad insight into the various aspects that must be taken into account in business management in order to increase employee engagement and enterprise’s competitive advantage.
Ključne besede: artificial intelligence, talent management, employees, employee engagement, performance of the company
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.07.2024; Ogledov: 120; Prenosov: 8
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Leadership and managerial challenges to ensure agile management as a method to enable business success : a Delphi study of the Slovenian health organisations
Vasja Roblek, Vlado Dimovski, Kristjan Jovanov Oblak, Maja Meško, Judita Peterlin, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose This study aims to apply the Delphi method to explore the possibilities for implementing agility management concepts in Slovenian health-care organisations. Design/methodology/approach The research is based on a qualitative Delphi study encompassing 15 employees in different Slovenian health-care organisations. Findings Slovenian health-care organisations need to be more agile currently. For this reason, it is necessary to begin with organisational changes and organisational learning concepts to educate employees about the meaning and content of agile processes. It is essential to ensure that accepting employee mistakes and offering help to employees becomes normal practice, and it is necessary to ensure the greater trust of the management towards the employees. Originality/value The research empowers health-care professionals with new management and leadership concepts, such as agile management, sustainable leadership and leadership development methods in health care.
Ključne besede: entrepreneurship, leadership, company performance, business efficiency, agile management, delphi study, health-care organisations, organisational transformation, Slovenia, change management, health services sector
Objavljeno v DKUM: 08.04.2024; Ogledov: 293; Prenosov: 11
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Artificial intelligence and agility-based model for successful project implementation and company competitiveness
Polona Tominc, Dijana Oreški, Maja Rožman, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The purpose of the paper is to present a model of factors affecting the successful project implementation by introducing agility and artificial intelligence to increase the company’s competitiveness. In the model, the multidimensional constructs describing the implementation of an agile work environment and artificial intelligence technologies and tools were developed. These multidimensional constructs are agile work environment, agile leadership, agile team skills and capabilities, improving the work of the leader in the project, adopting AI technologies in the project, and using AI solutions in a project. Their impact on successful project implementation and on the company competitiveness was tested. The fundamental reason for conducting this research and developing the model is to enhance the understanding of factors that contribute to the successful implementation of projects and to increase a company’s competitiveness. Our developed model encompasses multidimensional constructs that describe the agile work environment and the utilization of AI technologies. By examining the impact of these constructs on both successful project implementation and company competitiveness, we aimed to establish a comprehensive framework that captures the relationship between agility, AI, and successful project implementation. This model serves as a valuable tool for companies seeking to improve their project implementation processes and gain a competitive edge in the market. The research was based on a sample of 473 managers/owners in medium-sized and large companies. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses. In today’s turbulent environment, the results will help develop guidelines for a successful combination of agile business practices and artificial intelligence to achieve successful project implementation, increasing a company’s competitiveness.
Ključne besede: artificial intelligence, agile work environment, company competitiveness, project management
Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.03.2024; Ogledov: 291; Prenosov: 170
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Artificial-intelligence-supported reduction of employees’ workload to increase the company’s performance in today’s VUCA environment
Maja Rožman, Dijana Oreški, Polona Tominc, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper aims to develop a multidimensional model of AI-supported employee workload reduction to increase company performance in today's VUCA environment. Multidimensional constructs of the model include several aspects of artificial intelligence related to human resource management: AI-supported organizational culture, AI-supported leadership, AI-supported appropriate training and development of employees, employees' perceived reduction of their workload by AI, employee engagement, and company's performance. The main survey involved 317 medium-sized and large Slovenian companies. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses. The results show that three multidimensional constructs (AI-supported organizational culture, AI-supported leadership, and AI-supported appropriate training and development of employees) have a statistically significant positive effect on employees' perceived reduction of their workload by AI. In addition, employees' perceived reduced workload by AI has a statistically significant positive effect on employee engagement. The results show that employee engagement has a statistically significant positive effect on company performance. The concept of engagement is based on the fact that the development and growth of the company cannot be achieved by increasing the number of employees or by adding capital; the added value comes primarily from increased productivity, which is a result of the innovative ability of employees and their work engagement, which improve the company's performance. The results will significantly contribute to creating new views in the field of artificial intelligence and adopting important decisions in creating working conditions for employees in today's rapidly changing work environment.
Ključne besede: artificial intelligence, leadership, employee engagement, company performance
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.02.2024; Ogledov: 328; Prenosov: 49
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A conceptual model of developing an agile work environment
Katja Crnogaj, Polona Tominc, Maja Rožman, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This study has highlighted the need for an agile work environment to enhance companies’ performance, growth, and sustainability. In today’s rapidly changing business world, the goal of every individual and team in a company should be to deliver value to customers. The paper highlights theoretical and empirical evidence on the importance of an agile work environment and its positive effect on company performance. In addition, the paper provides insights into the important concept of developing an agile work environment and offers a conceptual model with five selected constructs, which can be leveraged to build an agile mindset in companies. Moving away from traditional leadership models, this paper highlights the significant role that agile leadership can play in enhancing effectiveness and performance, even in long-established large companies. The empirical research was based on 468 randomly selected medium and large Slovenian companies. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the model. The empirical results show that changing and adaptive agile companies are the ones that thrive more easily in an environment that is unpredictable and characterized by rapid change.
Ključne besede: agility, agile work environment, company performance, conceptual model
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.09.2023; Ogledov: 411; Prenosov: 38
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Družinski odnosi in možni konflikti ter njihov vpliv na razvoj družinskega podjetja
Sara Slana, 2018, diplomsko delo

Opis: Ker organizacijo sestavljajo ljudje, je bistvenega pomena, kako se le-ti vedejo drug do drugega. Kvaliteta poslovanja se namreč doseže s kakovostnimi medsebojnimi odnosi. Glavni dejavnik, in hkrati tudi vir zaposlenih, novih idej in kapitala v družinskem podjetju, je prav družina. Vsa družinska podjetja, predvsem člani družine, ki so vanje vključeni, si zato prizadevajo za kvalitetne medsebojne odnose. Ljudje smo socialna bitja, z lastnimi »notranjimi konflikti« in spoprijemi s frustracijami, ki vplivajo na naša vsakdanja soočenja z drugimi ljudmi in velikokrat privedejo do tako imenovanih zunanjih konfliktov. Ti pa nato povzročajo skrhanost odnosov znotraj samega podjetja, še posebej močno vplivajo na družinska podjetja, katerih večino predstavljajo člani družine. V delu diplomskega projekta smo preučili konflikte ter njihov vpliv na same odnose in razvoj družinskega podjetja. Vsebinsko je naloga razdeljena na teoretični in empirični del, ki se med seboj navezujeta in dopolnjujeta z reševanjem problematike družinskih konfliktov. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej osvetlili pojem družinskega podjetja in njegove ključne značilnosti. Med drugim tudi ključne udeležence in njihove prednosti ter slabosti. Nadalje smo se osredotočili na definicijo družine kot skupnosti. V okviru tega poglavja smo preučili vpliv družine na razvoj družinskega podjetja, vzgojo otrok in spoznali življenjski cikel družine. V predzadnjem poglavju je bila naša pozornost usmerjena na konflikte. Tako smo si znotraj tega poglavja prizadevali za navedbo vzrokov, ki vodijo v konflikte, opredelitev medgeneracijskih odnosov ter morebitnih konfliktov znotraj posameznih članov ter podali dve možni strategiji reševanja konfliktov s pomočjo pogajanj. V empiričnem delu smo na podlagi v tujini opravljene študije opisali družinsko podjetje Durga and Company ter konflikte, ki so družino spremljali od same ustanovitve pa vse do vstopa in udejanjanja tretje generacije v samem podjetju.
Ključne besede: družinsko podjetje, konflikti, družina, družinsko podjetje Durga and Company, razvoj podjetja
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.10.2018; Ogledov: 1113; Prenosov: 198
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Creation of own reserves for own shares in the acquisition of own shares for withdrawal by simplified procedure under Slovenian law where the consideration is paid in instalments
Gregor Drnovšek, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: During the process of withdrawing own shares, the rules that are relevant, among others, to their acquisition by the company are regulations governing the creation of reserves for own shares. The regulations are clear in cases where the company acquires their own shares simultaneously with the payment of the purchase price. This article will pertain to the proper application of these regulations according to Slovenian law, specifically in cases where the company pays the purchase price for their own shares, which it intends to withdraw after acquisition, in instalments, and acquires their own shares only after paying the last instalment of the purchase price.
Ključne besede: reserves for own shares, protection of creditors, purchase price paid in instalments, capital maintenance principle, withdrawal of own shares, joint-stock company, balance sheet law
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.08.2018; Ogledov: 1507; Prenosov: 321
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Assets without a legal holder
Jerneja Prostor, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In recent years, the presence of certain assets, e.g. shares, immovable property or business shares, the owner or the holder of which no longer exists, can be identified in business practice. When the holder ceases to exist, he loses his legal personality and thus the ability to be the holder of rights and obligations in legal relationships. This article analyses legal regulation on the winding up of companies, in which the author sets out to answer the question of what leads to such unusual situations in practice. The winding up procedure should in fact resolve all legal relationships of those participating in a company. However, problems arise when cancelling a company from the court register without liquidation. Additionally, Slovenian Constitutional Court just recently found parts of the regulation of this procedure unconstitutional. The author offers a possible solution to the dilemma of how to transfer assets without a legal holder to a new holder or how to otherwise resolve the still existing legal relationships within the wound up company.
Ključne besede: assets, commercial company, winding up of a company, losing legal personality, cancellation from the court register without liquidation
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.08.2018; Ogledov: 1117; Prenosov: 64
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Dimensions of decision-making process quality and company performance : a study of top managers in Slovenia
Damjan Grušovnik, Alenka Kavkler, Duško Uršič, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper investigates the relationship between the dimensions of the decision-making process quality and company performance of top managers’ in Slovenia. We found out that companies whose managers exhibit an above-average dimension of openness of spirit in the quality of the decision making process, on average, have a higher stance on foreign markets as companies in which managers show a below-average open spirit. For the managers who work in companies that are present in foreign markets, we could confirm that there is a low/weak correlation between the dimension of effort of the decision-making process quality and the number of employees in a company.
Ključne besede: quality of the decision-making process, rationality, motivation, participation, exhaustivity of the information, managers effort, creativity and innovativeness, company stakeholders, company performance
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.05.2018; Ogledov: 1586; Prenosov: 206
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Individual's resistance regarding BPM initiative : case study of the insurance company
Mirjana Pejić Bach, Vesna Bosilj-Vukšić, Daila Suša-Vugec, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Though the individual’s resistance is very often considered a significant barrier to BPM success, the literature on that topic is quite scarce. With the aim to shed light on this topic, we have conducted research of a Croatian insurance company. We examined the impact of individual’s resistance regarding BPM initiative using the theory of reasoned action. Structural equation model was developed using the data collected by the survey among company employees. The results indicate that subjective norms are positively related to the individual’s resistance regarding BPM initiative, while positive initial belief regarding BPM initiative tends to decrease the probability of resistance to change.
Ključne besede: business process management, theory of reasoned action, individual’s resistance, insurance company, change management, Croatia
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.05.2018; Ogledov: 1160; Prenosov: 198
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