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Automatic classification of older electronic texts into the Universal Decimal Classification-UDC
Matjaž Kragelj, Mirjana Kljajić Borštnar, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose:The purpose of this study is to develop a model for automated classification of old digitised texts to the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), using machine-learning methods. Design/methodology/approach: The general research approach is inherent to design science research, in which the problem of UDC assignment of the old, digitised texts is addressed by developing a machine-learning classification model. A corpus of 70,000 scholarly texts, fully bibliographically processed by librarians, was used to train and test the model, which was used for classification of old texts on a corpus of 200,000 items. Human experts evaluated the performance of the model. Findings: Results suggest that machine-learning models can correctly assign the UDC at some level for almost any scholarly text. Furthermore, the model can be recommended for the UDC assignment of older texts. Ten librarians corroborated this on 150 randomly selected texts. Research limitations/implications: The main limitations of this study were unavailability of labelled older texts and the limited availability of librarians. Practical implications: The classification model can provide a recommendation to the librarians during their classification work; furthermore, it can be implemented as an add-on to full-text search in the library databases. Social implications: The proposed methodology supports librarians by recommending UDC classifiers, thus saving time in their daily work. By automatically classifying older texts, digital libraries can provide a better user experience by enabling structured searches. These contribute to making knowledge more widely available and useable. Originality/value: These findings contribute to the field of automated classification of bibliographical information with the usage of full texts, especially in cases in which the texts are old, unstructured and in which archaic language and vocabulary are used.
Ključne besede: digital library, artificial intelligence, machine learning, text classification, older texts, Universal Decimal Classification
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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Text mining tourism literature
Ajda Pretnar Žagar, Tomaž Curk, 2021, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Opis: Literature reviews are essential for understanding a specific domain as they map the main topics of current re-search. Our aim was to provide a framework for retrieving articles from online databases and analyzing them in a single script. We provide the analytical pipeline as open-source (https://github.com/tourism4-0/BibMine). The main research focus was on analyzing 318 abstracts from scientific papers on tourism and innovation, which we report in Zach et al. (2019). We used LDA topic modeling to uncover ten main topics, which we analyzed using pyLDAvis visualization. We used saliency and relevance scores to determine the main words that de-scribe a topic. The uncovered topics range from climate change and land use to smart destinations, travel expe-riences, and ICT. We performed similar analyses for the term "stakeholders," where we also observed the main verbs related to the query. Since verbs best define an activity, we used them to determine how stakeholders are involved in tourism development. Finally, we analyzed papers with the keyword "technology," where energy efficiency, VR, web technology, and augmented tourist experiences were the main topics.
Ključne besede: text mining, literature review, meta-analysis, topic modeling, tourism
Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.01.2024; Ogledov: 274; Prenosov: 4
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Methodology of immersive video application : the case study of a virtual tour
Jure Jazbinšek, Gorazd Hren, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: A Virtual Tour is an interactive presentation of real places accessible directly with an Internet browser with no additional installations of apps of plugins. Once, 360° photos are recorded and processed (stitched into spherical panoramas), editing of a Virtual Tour (walk) enables connection of spherical panoramic photos (or videos) into interactive presentations. For an enhanced experience and stand-alone presenting ability, features are added, like natural-sounding voice for text-to-speech descriptions and embedded videos. During multiple virtual tour presentations, users, viewers and presenters reported exceptional usability and an immersive experience. Virtual Tours have great potential to reshape the future education process and establish a new benchmark for presentation. The Virtual Tours application is expected to be used in education, tourism and future building sites or industry, as a key component for workforce briefings, and “as build” documenting of various stages of build, with the possibilities to integrate into Building Information Modelling (BIM) models.
Ključne besede: virtual tour, 360 camera, RICOH THETA Z1, 3dVista, Text to Speech
Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.11.2023; Ogledov: 443; Prenosov: 5
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Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Studienbereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache : ein Arbeitsbuch zu ausgewählten Aspekten des Verfassens von Abschlussarbeiten
Saša Jazbec, Sarah Löwenkamp, Brigita Kacjan, 2023, učbenik za višje in visoke šole

Opis: Am Ende des Studiums müssen Studierende des Fachbereichs Germanistik eine Abschlussarbeit schreiben, für die sie verschiedene themenbezogene Kompetenzen im Bereich der empirischen Forschung sowie das Schreiben wissenschaftlicher Texte beherrschen müssen. Dies sind in deutscher Sprache besondere Fertigkeiten, die während des Studiums durch das Lesen und Verfassen von wissenschaftlichen oder Fachtexten erworben werden sollen. Häufig zeigt sich aber, dass es gewisse Schwierigkeiten gibt, die sich von Generation zu Generation wiederholen und das Abschließen des Studiums verzögern. Diese Monographie soll keinen systematischen Überblick über alle Aspekte des Verfassens von wissenschaftlich und fachlich korrekten Abschlussarbeiten geben, sondern nur auf die Aspekte eingehen, die sich in den vergangenen Jahren als besonders schwierig erwiesen haben. Die Studierenden sollen das Verfassen von wissenschaftlich orientierten Abschlussarbeiten erlernen bzw. verbessern, indem sie die angebotenen Aufgaben lösen. Die theoretischen Impulse sind schon während des Studiums relevant und einsetzbar, vor allem aber sollten sich Studierende damit vor und während des Verfassens der Abschlussarbeit beschäftigen.
Ključne besede: wissenschaftliches Schreiben, Deutsch, Fachbereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Schreibstil, Quellenangaben im Text
Objavljeno v DKUM: 31.01.2023; Ogledov: 621; Prenosov: 97
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Handbook for Writing and Editing Texts at the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Maribor
Maja Turnšek, 2021

Opis: The learning process at the faculty requires not only attending lectures and active participation in the tutorials, but also intensive individual work of a student, which is often presented in the form of a seminar paper. However, the most important individual work of a student is definitely a final paper - a diploma or a master's thesis. In order to present and facilitate the preparation of written works for the students of the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Maribor, we have prepared this handbook for writing and editing texts at the faculty. The professional monograph covers the chapters that lead the student through the whole process of research and writing their paper. From the initial search of the research idea and the basics of scientific writing and research in tourism, to the individual steps of the research process and research methods. The professional monograph also includes a chapter on personal relationships, which in particular addresses the relationship between a student and a mentor in the process of preparing the paper or thesis. The handbook also provides practical advice on language and text designing, as well as instructions for citing references. The professional monograph, thus, combines basic information that both students of tourism and their lecturers will use in their study and work processes, as they will follow the uniform guidelines for writing texts in tourism at the Faculty of Tourism.
Ključne besede: writing texts, editing, research, citing, text designing
Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.11.2021; Ogledov: 816; Prenosov: 162
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Webinar “Tools supporting academic integrity”
Július Kravjar, Milan Ojsteršek, Oliver Trevisiol, znanstveni film, znanstvena zvočna ali video publikacija

Opis: Webinar “Tools supporting academic integrity” with presentations on: Experiences in Establishing National Plagiarism Detection Systems Academic Integrity and Plagiarism on Slovenian Academic Institutions (Ojsteršek Milan) The Slovenian open access infrastructure consists of Slovenian universities repositories, a repository for research organisations, a repository for standalone faculties and a national portal (http://openscience.si/) that aggregates content from the repositories and other Slovenian archives (dLib.si, videolectures.NET, digital library of Ministry of Defence, Social Science data archive, ScieVie repository…). The national portal provides a common search engine, recommendation of similar publications, and similar text detection. During the setting up of the national open access infrastructure, the rules and processes for mandatory submissions of electronic theses, dissertations, research publications and research data were defined. One of the features is the use of software for plagiarism detection during the process of submitting electronic theses, dissertations and research publications. Technical characteristics of the plagiarism detection system used in the Slovenian national open access infrastructure will be presented. We will also describe established processes for awareness, prevention and detection of plagiarised documents. Finally, we will present chronologically organised data about the similarity of documents from the test corpus of documents, published on the internet after the year 2000. Nationwide Barrier to Plagiarism is Bearing Fruit (Kravjar Július) Plagiarism is a phenomenon that existed in the past, exists today and will exist in the future. Slovakia with its population of 5.4 million is confronted with plagiarism like other countries. The dynamics of changes in higher education, in ICT and internet penetration while at the same time a low level of ethics, copyright and intellectual property rights awareness in our country, contributed to the spread of plagiarism – an unwanted kind of “creativity“ after the year of revolutionary changes (1989). And there was an inherent lack of systemic action to create a barrier for future growth of plagiarism. The absence of a broader discussion of academic ethics (AE) had its consequences: the members of the academic community and the general public do not fully understood the importance of AE, hence they were less sensitive to the violations of AE. There were 13 higher education institutions (HEIs) in Slovakia in 1989, the number has now grown to 39, the number of students increased from 63 thousand to about a quarter of million and the teaching staff growth was insignificant. In 2008 MinEdu decided to acquire a plagiarism detection system (PDS) and create a central repository of theses and dissertations (CR) for all Slovak HEIs. It was the milestone for the nationwide CR and for PDS – both systems are known under the name SK ANTIPLAG. The preparation of the legislative environment (the amendment to the Higher Education Act, 2009) represented the fundamental prerequisite for the breakthrough in the fight against plagiarism and created an important step towards the implementation of the CR and PDS. The use of SK ANTIPLAG has been mandatory for all Slovak HEIs operating under Slovak legislation since April 2010. It is an example of an unparalleled and unprecedented implementation of such a system on a national level on a worldwide scale. Educational Resources for Plagiarism Prevention. Practical Work with Examples (Trevisiol Oliver) The participants will get to know, test, and review educational resources for plagiarism prevention. Examples are: - Exercises and tasks for courses (How, with which methods and conceptual formulation can I teach students about referencing and good scientific practice?); - Reviewed educational videos (Which video may I use in class?); - Examples of myths and rumours about plagiarism (Which questions and perception do students have? How can I react to typical notions and answer frequent questions?), such as the strange rule of “you need to cite more than 3 words in a row”.
Ključne besede: plagiarism, open access, text matching software, plagiarism prevention, educational resources
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.10.2019; Ogledov: 1634; Prenosov: 36
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Workshop - Avoiding Plagiarism - Pubmet 2017
Milan Ojsteršek, Koos Kruithof, vabljeno predavanje na konferenci brez natisa

Opis: Plagiarism is defined as the “wrongful appropriation” and “purloining and publication” of another author’s “language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions,” and the representation of them as one’s own original work. Plagiarism is not a crime per se but in academia and industry it is a serious ethical offense and cases of plagiarism can constitute copyright infringement. The Slovenian open access infrastructure consists of Slovenian universities repositories, a repository for research organisations, a repository for standalone faculties and a national portal (http://openscience.si/) that aggregates content from the repositories and other Slovenian archives (dLib.si, videolectures.NET, digital library of Ministry of Defence, Social Science data archive, ScieVie repository, etc.). The national portal provides a common search engine, recommendation of similar publications, and similar text detection. During the setting up of national open access infrastructure rules and processes for mandatory submissions of electronic theses, dissertations, research publications and research data were defined. One of the features is the use of software for plagiarism detection during processes of submitting electronic theses, dissertations and research publications. Technical characteristics of the plagiarism detection system used in the Slovenian national open access infrastructure will be presented. We will also describe established processes for awareness, prevention and detection of plagiarised documents. Finally, we will present chronologically organised data about the similarity of documents from test corpus of documents, published on the internet after year 2000. Definitions of plagiarism can often vary widely from institution to institution and from sector to sector. This interactive workshop, during which participants will be encouraged to share their experiences will aim to draw parallels between academic integrity and research integrity as elements of the same journey as scholars move from academia to research and commercial publishing. Whilst there is often a focus on the negative consequences of plagiarism we should also not lose sight of the positive attributes of academic integrity and how this can affect a proactive approach to both study and scholarly research. The workshop will share good practice examples from academia and the publishing sector and attempt to consider the elements to consider in case processing.
Ključne besede: plagiarism, academic writing, open access, plagiarism prevention, text matching software
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.10.2019; Ogledov: 1356; Prenosov: 16
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Analiza integracije iskalnega mehanizma elasticsearch na primeru sistema eArhiv Pošte Slovenije
Boštjan Marinšek, 2018, magistrsko delo

Opis: V magistrski nalogi smo preučili smotrnost integracije iskalnega pogona ElasticSearch v sistem e-Arhiv Pošte Slovenije, ki v obstoječi konfiguraciji uporablja iskalni pogon Microsoft SQL Server Full Text Search. V ta namen smo primerjali oba iskalna pogona, in sicer z vidika hitrosti procesiranja iskalnih zahtevkov, hitrosti indeksiranja polno-tekstovnih podatkov in hitrosti procesiranja iskalnih zahtevkov v času, ko se izvaja indeksiranje polno-tekstovnih podatkov. Preizkus obeh iskalnih pogonov je potekal na isti infrastrukturi z identično strojno konfiguracijo. Za doseganje večje veljavnost in zanesljivosti raziskave smo uporabili podatke iz testnega sistema e-Arhiv Pošte Slovenije. Rezultati so pokazali, da je iskalni pogon ElasticSearch z vidika hitrosti iskanja in indeksiranja polno-tekstovnih podatkov boljša izbira od iskalnega pogona Microsoft SQL Server Full Text Search in da predstavlja zelo dobrega kandidata za integracijo v sistem e-Arhiv Pošte Slovenije.
Ključne besede: Polno-tekstovno iskanje, ElasticSearch, Microsoft SQL Server Full Text Search, polno-tekstovni indeks
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.12.2018; Ogledov: 2669; Prenosov: 221
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Handbook for writing and editing texts of the Faculty of tourism of the University of Maribor : professional monograph
Mitja Gorenak, Borut Vojinović, Andreja Trdina, Boris Prevolšek, Marko Koščak, Barbara Pavlakovič Farrell, Maja Rosi, Nejc Pozvek, 2017, strokovna monografija

Opis: The learning process at the faculty requires not only attending lectures and active participation in the tutorials, but also intensive individual work of a student, which is often presented in the form of a seminar paper. However, the most important individual work of a student is definitely a final paper - a diploma or a master's thesis. In order to present and facilitate the preparation of written works for the students of the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Maribor, we have prepared this handbook for writing and editing texts at the faculty. The professional monograph covers the chapters that lead the student through the whole process of research and writing their paper. From the initial search of the research idea and the basics of scientific writing and research in tourism, to the individual steps of the research process and research methods. The professional monograph also includes a chapter on personal relationships, which in particular addresses the relationship between a student and a mentor in the process of preparing the paper or thesis. The handbook also provides practical advice on language and text designing, as well as instructions for citing references. The professional monograph, thus, combines basic information that both students of tourism and their lecturers will use in their study and work processes, as they will follow the uniform guidelines for writing texts in tourism at the Faculty of Tourism.
Ključne besede: writing texts, editing, research, citing, text designing
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.11.2017; Ogledov: 1835; Prenosov: 157
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Some aspects of the systemic functional model in text analysis
Katja Plemenitaš, 2004, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The article presents some aspects of text explanation in the systemic functional model of language. In the systemic functional model text is conceived as a semantic unit created in the process of selection and realization of meaningful choices encoded in words and structures. This implies that in order to uncover what types of meanings are being encoded in the text one has to take inco account the lexico-grammatical patterns which realize it. The article treats some of the possibilities for the application of this model in a comparative text analysis involving texts in different languages. As an ilustration it presents a comparison of some aspects of the experimental function of two presidential speeches, one in English and one in Slovene. The comparison focuses on the distribution of different process types in both texts.
Ključne besede: functional grammar, English language, Slovene language, contrastive linguistics, comparative analyses, grammar, text analyses, lexical patterns, grammatical patterns, text explanation
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.05.2017; Ogledov: 1677; Prenosov: 402
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