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Modeling and multi-objective optimization of forward osmosis process
Tina Kegl, Jasmina Korenak, Hermina Bukšek, Irena Petrinić, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In order to ensure efficient wastewater treatment and seawater desalination, adequate modeling and optimization of the forward osmosis (FO) process has the potential to be very helpful. This paper deals with the FO model parameters calibration and FO process optimization by a gradient-based optimization method. For this purpose, an upgraded FO model, which involves temperature- and agent-dependent parameters, was developed. The FO model calibration was done using NaCl as agents in draw solution, while MgCl2 was used for model validation. The agreements between simulated and measured FO performance were satisfactory; relative index of agreement are higher than 0.99. By using the proposed FO model, the optimization of FO process conditions was performed with various definitions of the objective and constraint functions. In case of maximizing the water flux, minimizing reverse solute flux, and fulfilling the required constraints, the ratio of water flux and reverse solute flux increased up to 40 % for NaCl and up to 20 % for MgCl2; meanwhile the effective osmotic pressure difference was improved 2-times for NaCl and up to 3.8-times for MgCl2. The optimization process proved to be stable and efficient and can easily be adapted or upgraded for more complex dynamic FO modeling.
Ključne besede: forward osmosis, modeling, model and process parameters, calibration procedure, gadient-based optimization
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.08.2024; Ogledov: 67; Prenosov: 18
.pdf Celotno besedilo (12,72 MB)
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Access to innovative medicines in Slovenia
Andrej Janžič, 2023, pregledni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: access to medicines, medicines funding, reimbursement procedure, health technology assessment, joint clinical assessment
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.12.2023; Ogledov: 362; Prenosov: 25
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Analiza kulture zagotavljanja varnosti živil med zaposlenimi v gostinskih obratih hitre prehrane
Saša Čonjić, 2023, diplomsko delo

Opis: Moderni način življenja je prinesel nove standarde za vsakega posameznika. Dostopnost informacij in globalizacija sta prinesli veliko novih zahtev in izzive za vse deležnike na gospodarskem trgu. Stremljenje k zdravemu življenju je človeka usmerilo na zdrav način prehranjevanja. Zaradi modernega sloga življenja ljudje v velikih mestih nimajo dovolj časa, da bi svoj obrok pripravili, in je odhod v gostinski obrat vsakodnevni pojav. Želja po zdravem prehranjevanju je prinesla novo področje, ki se imenuje »kultura zagotavljanja varnosti živil«. V okviru diplomskega dela smo proučevali, kateri so ključni dejavniki kulture zagotavljanja varnosti živil. Raziskovalni del je potekal v podjetju, ki sodi med največja gostinska podjetja, in sicer v treh restavracijah, ki imajo dobro razvit sistem usposabljanja zaposlenih, visoke standarde in visoke zahteve po varnosti živil. Pri raziskavi smo uporabili kombinacijo kvantitativnih (anketiranje zaposlenih) in kvalitativnih metod (opazovanje zaposlenih med procesom dela). Rezultati empiričnega dela so nam pokazali, da ima podjetje odličen sistem zagotavljanja varnosti živil na podlagi rednega in dobrega usposabljanja vseh zaposlenih ter dobrega načina motiviranja zaposlenih. Vse to v kombinaciji s timskim delom je prineslo visoko zavest zaposlenih glede zagotavljanja varnosti živil v restavracijah. Naredili smo tudi demografske značilnosti zaposlenih, s čimer smo želeli ugotoviti povezanost z dobrimi rezultati na področju kulture zagotavljanja varnosti živil. Ugotovitev raziskave je, da je za dobre rezultate kulture zagotavljanja varnosti živil poleg usposabljanja in motivacije kot ključne dejavnike treba poskrbeti za moderno tehnologijo, dobro delovno okolje ter produktivna in moderna delovna sredstva in opremo.
Ključne besede: kultura zagotavljanja varnosti živil, usposabljanje zaposlenih, motivacija zaposlenih, varnost živil, standardi in procedure dela.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.12.2023; Ogledov: 468; Prenosov: 25
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1,64 MB)

Diversity of Enforcement Titles in Cross-border Debt Collection in the EU : National Report: Ciprus
Despina Christophi, Demetra Loizou, 2022

Opis: Applying a systematic approach, this report addressess the main features of enfrocement titles in Cyprus. It focuses on judgments, court settlements and notarial deeds, scrutinizing their content, form and effects. It conveys theoretical insight into the subject matter as well as conclusions from relevant case law.
Ključne besede: enforcement title, cross-border enforcement, Italy, EU law, civil procedure law
Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.12.2022; Ogledov: 477; Prenosov: 47
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Diversity of Enforcement Titles in Cross-border Debt Collection in the EU : National Report: Italy
Maria Kaczorowska, Alessia Voinich, Martina Previatello, 2022

Opis: Applying a systematic approach, this report addressess the main features of enfrocement titles in Italy. It focuses on judgments, court settlements and notarial deeds, scrutinizing their content, form and effects. It conveys theoretical insight into the subject matter as well as conclusions from relevant case law.
Ključne besede: enforcement title, cross-border enforcement, italy, EU law, civil procedure law
Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.12.2022; Ogledov: 501; Prenosov: 56
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Mobilna aplikacija za sledenje pošiljk : diplomsko delo
Tim Simonič, 2022, diplomsko delo

Opis: Namen diplomske naloge je bil izdelati mobilno aplikacijo za sledenje pošiljk. Skozi razvoj mobilne aplikacije smo naredili pomožni program, s pomočjo katerega smo lažje vnašali podatke v podatkovno bazo, postavili podatkovno bazo, v katero smo shranjevali podatke in procedure, napisali API in uporabili programsko orodje ngrok ter naredili mobilno aplikacijo.
Ključne besede: C#, Java, SQL, procedure, API.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 08.11.2022; Ogledov: 864; Prenosov: 122
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Casebook on European Order for Payment Procedure and European Small Claims Procedure
2022, zbornik

Opis: Publication Case studies on European order for payment procedure and European small claims procedure was created as part of the Train to Enforce project and is the result of the collaboration of eight faculties of law across Europe. The publication contains numerous case studies focusing on European order for payment procedure (Regulation No. 1896/2006) and European small claims procedure (Regulation No. 861/2007). Case studies focus on both the practical and theoretical aspects of the European order for payment procedure and European small claims procedure. They will promote self-learning on cross-border debt collection in the EU.
Ključne besede: case study, european order for payment procedure, european small claims procedure, cross-border debt colletion, civil and commercial matters.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.05.2022; Ogledov: 762; Prenosov: 98
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Complaints against the Slovenian police : on the problem of independence and procedural impartiality
Benjamin Flander, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose: The paper focuses on the problem of independence and impartiality of the complaints procedure against police work in Slovenia. Relying on the findings of the targeted research project, we address and examine the concerns regarding the adequacy of the current format and indicate the possibilities for legislative changes and reform. Design/Methods/Approach: We carried out an analysis of the legal regulation of the complaints procedure regarding the work of police officers and the results of previous research in the field. Based on the findings, we conducted a structured interview with a general questionnaire in written form and oral interviews with the people who perform the complaints procedures. Findings: The current regulation of complaints has advantages and disadvantages. According to the interviewees and in line with a wider professional consensus, complaints procedures should in future be carried out outside the Ministry of the Interior ("the Ministry") and the police. This would mean that complaints procedures would gain what they lack at present, namely the appearance of impartiality and formal/institutional independence. Research Limitations/Implications: In our research, we interviewed employees of the Ministry and representatives of the public who are involved in proceedings before the complaints panels of the Ministry. In future research, other participants (e.g. the complainants and police officers) should also be interviewed for a more comprehensive view of the issue. Originality/Value: We examined the views of the employees of the Ministry who carry out complaints procedures in order to establish the validity of concerns regarding the adequacy of current regulation and we indicated the possibilities for reform of the current procedures.
Ključne besede: complaints against police work, procedure, independence, impartiality, Slovenia
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.06.2021; Ogledov: 1325; Prenosov: 30
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The current status of the preclusive effects of judgments in the federal court system of the United States of America
Thomas Allan Heller, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Res judicata law in the United States of America has a long, extensive and complex history. The aim of this paper is to provide at least a working summary of some of the most important aspects of the current res judicata law in the federal court system of the United States. The flexible discovery, pleading and joinder rules have given rise to more expansive res judicata law. The paper will discuss what exactly constitutes a judgment; how the federal courts deal with finality of judgments in multiple party and multiple claim cases; the final judgment rule; the form of judgments; the methods to enter judgments and significance of entry of judgments; together with a detailed overview of the doctrine of res judicata itself, including the separate, but related twin doctrines of claim preclusion and issue preclusion.
Ključne besede: res judicata, merger and bar, claim preclusion, issue preclusion, collateral estoppel, finality of judgments, US Federal District Courts, civil procedure
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.01.2021; Ogledov: 774; Prenosov: 0

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