1. Modeling of the resonant X-ray response of a chiral cubic phaseTimon Grabovac, Ewa Górecka, Damian Pociecha, Nataša Vaupotič, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The structure of a continuous-grid chiral cubic phase made of achiral constituent molecules is a hot topic in the field of thermotropic liquid crystals. Several structural models have been proposed so far. Resonant X-ray scattering (RXS), which gives information on the molecular orientation in the unit cell, could be applied to select the most appropriate model. We modeled the RXS response for the recently proposed chiral cubic phase structure with an all-hexagon chiral continuous grid. A tensor form factor of a unit cell is constructed, which enables calculation of intensities of peaks for all Miller indices. We find that all the symmetry allowed peaks are resonantly enhanced, and their intensity is much stronger than the intensity of the symmetry forbidden (resonant) peaks. In particular, we predict that a strong resonant enhancement of the symmetry allowed peaks (011) and (002), not observed in a nonresonant scattering, could be observed by RXS at the carbon absorption edge. By RXS at the sulfur absorption edge, one might observe a resonant peak (113) and resonantly enhanced peak (233), and resonant enhancement of all the peaks that are observed in a nonresonant scattering, which probably hide the rest of the predicted resonant peaks. Ključne besede: chiral cubic phase, resonant X-ray scattering, theoretical modeling, tensor form factor Objavljeno v DKUM: 14.08.2024; Ogledov: 100; Prenosov: 9
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2. Development of mathematical models in explicit form for design and analysis of axial flux permanent magnet synchronous machinesFranjo Pranjić, Peter Virtič, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This article proposes a methodology for the design of double-sided coreless axial flux permanent magnet synchronous machines, which is based on a developed model for calculating the axial component of the magnetic flux density in the middle of the distance between opposite permanent magnets, which also represents the middle of the stator. Values for different geometric parameters represent the input data for the mathematical model in explicit form. The input data are calculated by using a simplified finite element method (FEM), which means that calculations of simplified 3D models are performed. The simplified model consists of two rotor disks with surfacemounted permanent magnets and air between them, instead of stator windings. Such a simplification is possible due to similar values of permeability of the air and copper. For each simplified model of the machine the axial component of the magnetic flux density is analyzed along a line passing through the center of opposite permanent magnets and both rotor disks. Values at the middle of the distance between the opposite permanent magnets are the lowest and are therefore selected for the input data at different stator, rotor disks and permanent magnets (PM) thicknesses. Such input data enable the model to consider the nonlinearity of materials. Ključne besede: axial flux, analysis, coreless, development, design, explicit form, finite element method, mathematical models, permanent magnet, synchronous Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.12.2023; Ogledov: 498; Prenosov: 23
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3. Stern polynomialsSandi Klavžar, Uroš Milutinović, Ciril Petr, 2007, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Sternovi polinomi ▫$B_k(t)$▫, ▫$k ge 0$▫, ▫$t in RR$▫, so vpeljani na naslednji način: ▫$B_0(t) = 0$▫, ▫$B_1(t) = 1$▫, ▫$B_{2n}(t) = tB_n(t)$▫ in ▫$B_{2n+1}(t) = B_{n+1}(t) + B_n(t)$▫. Pokazano je, da ima ▫$B_n(t)$▫ enostavno eksplicitno reprezentacijo s hiperebinarnimi reprezentacijami ▫$n-1$▫ in da je odvod ▫$B'_{2n-1}(0)$▫ enak številu enic v standardni Grayjevi kodi za ▫$n-1$▫. Dokazano je tudi, da je stopnja polinoma ▫$B_n(t)$▫ enaka razliki med dolžino in težo nesosednje predstavitve števila ▫$n$▫. Ključne besede: matematika, Sternovo (dvoatomsko) zaporedje, Sternovi polinomi, hiperbinarna reprezentacija, standardna Grayjeva koda, nesosednja predstavitev, mathematics, Stern (diatomic) sequence, Stern polynomials, hyperbinary representation, standard Gray code, non-adjacent form Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1313; Prenosov: 31
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4. An application of S. Kurepa's extension of Jordan-Neumann charactization of pre-Hilbert spaceJoso Vukman, 1986, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: V članku je dokazan rezultat, ki karakterizira kompleksen Hilbertov prostor med vsemi kompleksnimi Hausdorffovimi bornološkimi in sodčastimi lokalnokonveksnimi vektorskimi prostori. Pri dokazu je uporabljen znan rezultat S. Kurepe. Ključne besede: matematika, funkcionalna analiza, vektorski prostor, bilinearna forma, skalarni produkt, Hilbertov prostor, bornološki Hausdorffov lokalno konveksen prostor, sodčast Hausdorffov lokalno konveksen prostor, vector space, sesquilinear form, inner product, Hilbert space, bornological Hausdorff locally convex vector space, barrelled Hausdorff locally convex vector space Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1250; Prenosov: 44
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5. Stern polynomialsSandi Klavžar, Uroš Milutinović, Ciril Petr, 2005 Opis: Sternovi polinomi ▫$B_k(t)$▫, ▫$k ge 0$▫, ▫$t in RR$▫, so vpeljani na naslednji način: ▫$B_0(t) = 0$▫, ▫$B_1(t) = 1$▫, ▫$B_{2n}(t) = tB_n(t)$▫ in ▫$B_{2n+1}(t) = B_{n+1}(t) + B_n(t)$▫. Pokazano je, da ima ▫$B_n(t)$▫ enostavno eksplicitno reprezentacijo s hiperebinarnimi reprezentacijami ▫$n-1$▫ in da je odvod ▫$B'_{2n-1}(0)$▫ enak številu enic v standardni Grayjevi kodi za ▫$n-1$▫. Dokazano je tudi, da je stopnja polinoma ▫$B_n(t)$▫ enaka razliki med dolžino in težo nesosednje predstavitve števila ▫$n$▫. Ključne besede: matematika, Sternovo (dvoatomsko) zaporedje, Sternovi polinomi, hiperbinarna reprezentacija, standardna Grayjeva koda, nesosednja predstavitev, mathematics, Stern (diatomic) sequence, Stern polynomials, hyperbinary representation, standard Gray code, non-adjacent form Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1781; Prenosov: 31
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6. SPRICHWÖRTER IM SPRACHGEBRAUCH NEUER MEDIENMarko Štandeker, 2013, diplomsko delo Opis: Die meisten Sprichwörter existieren schon seit enormer Zeit. Diese Vermitteln eine Lebensweisheit, die historisch geprägt ist. Es ist bekannt, dass Phraseologismen bzw. Sprichwörter sehr oft in der publizistischen Sprache vorkommen, deswegen ist in meiner Diplomarbeit die Rede über digitale Medien, wo die Zugänglichkeit zu den Artikeln fast unbegrenzt ist. In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit habe ich mich auf einen kürzen theoretischen Teil konzentriert, welcher die grundlegende Begriffe der Phraseologie, die für Sprichwörter relevant sind, erklärt.
Der zentrale Gegenstand meiner Analyse sind Sprichwörter und deren Modifikationen. Unter Modifikation ist der kreative Sprachgebrauch zu verstehen, und zwar mit dem Effekt, die Nennform des Sprichwortes so zu verändern, dass sie sich der beschriebenen Thematik anpasst.
Die Absicht bzw. der Zweck der Diplomarbeit war die Analyse der ausgesuchten Sprichwörter, und zwar in wie vielen Beispielen die Nennform und in wie vielen die modifizierte Form des Sprichwortes vorkommt.
Das Ziel war es herauszufinden, ob Sprichwörter in der Nennform vorkommen, oder ob diese von Autoren entsprechend modifiziert werden, um sich dem Text besser anzupassen. Die Platzierung der Sprichwörter spielte auch eine Rolle, und zwar interessierte mich, wo sie am häufigsten vorkommen werden. Ist das der Textanfang, Textmitte oder das Textende.
Im Verlauf der Diplomarbeit wurden die deskriptive und die komparative Methode, die Methode der Sammlung und Analyse benutzt.
Die Vermutungen bzw. Hypothesen, die vor der Analyse aufgestellt wurden, wurden nur zum Teil bestätigt. Dass Sprichwörter eher in der modifizierten Form als in der Nennform vorkommen, wurde nicht bestätigt. Hypothese, dass Sprichwörter oft in Schlagzeilen präsent sind, wurde als solche bestätigt. Ključne besede: Phraseologismus, Nennform, Modifikation, modifizierte Form, Form, Sprichwört. Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.09.2013; Ogledov: 1760; Prenosov: 137
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7. THE COUNTABILITY OF ENGLISH NOUNS: CATEGORY SHIFTSTanja Zelenik, 2013, diplomsko delo Opis: The noun is one of the most important sentence elements in grammar. Accordingly, it plays an important role. It occurs in various forms, but generally, we can say that in English language the nouns may be divided into a limited number of categories, which differ according to their meaning and grammatical use. These categories, and more specifically, the countability of English nouns based on the examples of the noun 'work' and the noun 'time', are the focus of the graduation thesis. Moreover, the aim of the thesis was to research the countability of these two nouns. In particular, the emphasis was on the point when or in which cases are the nouns uncountable and when countable; what impacts on the occurance of the shift from uncountable to countable (and vise versa); the grammatical changes and changes in meaning that follow and, nevertheless, which countability form is their basic form. After the presentation of the noun as a sentence article in the theoretical part, the noun is in empirical part analyzed based on the examples of the noun 'work' and 'time' with the help of Corpus of Contemporary American English - COCA. Based on several examples of the use of nouns 'work' and 'time', which were also obtained from the corpus, it is also possible to conclude in which circumstances are the nouns used most frequently as singular nouns or in which as plural. Ključne besede: noun, English noun, types of nouns, countability, singular countable form, singular uncountable form, plural countable form, plural uncountable form Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.06.2013; Ogledov: 1670; Prenosov: 83
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9. The method of recognition of forms when trying to select street directionŠtefan Novak, Darja Topolšek, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The methods concerned together with their characteristics of technical advantage exploitation affects the realization times and costs of the transport. The proper selection of a street would greatly affect those costs of transport that can be reduced as well as the speeds of the realization which could be accelerated. This article shows one of the methods of recognition of the forms with a test on a street type selection example. The aim of this article is showing the possibilities of the form recognition usage in the traffic and transport system. This sort of selection and classification is needed when the necessity to quickly decide about the direction of movement, particularly in special circumstances, arise. Ključne besede: road, traffic safety, street selection, recognition of form Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.06.2012; Ogledov: 1615; Prenosov: 45
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10. VIZUALIZACIJA IN DIGITALNI TISK DEKORATIVNIH IZDELKOV ZA DOMTina Žnider, 2009, diplomsko delo Opis: Diplomsko delo obravnava primerjavo računalniško izrisanih, virtualno predstavljenih in s tehniko digitalnega tiska realno izdelanih dekorativnih izdelkov za dom. Predstavljeni so računalniško podprti sistemi za konstrukcijo in oblikovanje ter sistemi za simulacijo in vizualizacijo izdelkov. V diplomskem delu sem z računalniško podprtimi sistemi za oblikovanje in simulacijo izdelala dekorativne izdelke za dom — prt, nadprt in dva pogrinjka ter jih tudi sešila. V rezultatih dela sem podala vizualno primerjavo med virtualnim prikazom dekorativnih izdelkov in realnim prikazom izdelkov v realnem prostoru — kuhinji. Ključne besede: računalniško podprto oblikovanje, simulacija tekstilnih form, digitalni tisk, tekstilije Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.10.2009; Ogledov: 2874; Prenosov: 296
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