1. EEG channel and feature investigation in binary and multiple motor imagery task predictionsMurside Degirmenci, Yilmaz Kemal Yuce, Matjaž Perc, Yalcin Isler, 2024, original scientific article Keywords: brain-computer interfaces, electroencephalogram, feature and channel investigation, feature selection, machine learning, motor imagery task classification Published in DKUM: 19.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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2. The relation between project team conflict and user resistance in software projectsSimon Vrhovec, Blaž Markelj, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: This study aims to explore the relation between conflict in the project team and user resistance to change in software projects. Following a cross-sectional research design, a survey was conducted among 1,000 largest companies in Slovenia (N = 114). The results of PLSSEM analysis indicate that task and process conflicts in the project team are associated with user resistance. This study is among the first to associate conflict within the project team and user resistance in the implementing organization. It is also one of the first studies to investigate the relations between different types of conflict and user resistance. Project managers may invest resources into adequately managing conflicts within the project team related to tasks in which the project team interacts with users of developed software to lower user resistance. Project with poorly defined roles (e.g., agile and information security projects) may be more prone to user resistance than projects with clearly defined roles. Keywords: project management, software project, relationship conflict, task conflict, process conflict, resistance to change Published in DKUM: 11.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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3. Region-based approach for machining time improvement in robot surface finishingTomaž Pušnik, Aleš Hace, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Traditionally, in robotic surface finishing, the entire workpiece is processed at a uniform speed, predetermined by the operator, which does not account for variations in the machinability across different regions of the workpiece. This conventional approach often leads to inefficiencies, especially given the diverse geometrical characteristics of workpieces that could potentially allow for different machining speeds. Our study introduces a region-based approach, which improves surface finishing machining time by allowing variable speeds and directions tailored to each region’s specific characteristics. This method leverages a task-oriented strategy integrating robot kinematics and workpiece surface geometry, subdivided by the clustering algorithm. Subsequently, methods for optimization algorithms were developed to calculate each region’s optimal machining speeds and directions. The efficacy of this approach was validated through numerical results on two distinct workpieces, demonstrating significant improvements in machining times. The region-based approach yielded up to a 37% reduction in machining time compared to traditional single-direction machining. Further enhancements were achieved by optimizing the workpiece positioning, which, in our case, added up to an additional 16% improvement from the initial position. Validation processes were conducted to ensure the collaborative robot’s joint velocities remained within safe operational limits while executing the region-based surface finishing strategy. Keywords: robot surface finishing, collaborative robot, region-based machining, workpiece optimization, clustering, task-oriented machining, machining time optimization Published in DKUM: 25.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 11
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4. Statistically significant features improve binary and multiple motor imagery task predictions from EEGsMurside Degirmenci, Yilmaz Kemal Yuce, Matjaž Perc, Yalcin Isler, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: In recent studies, in the field of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), researchers have
focused on Motor Imagery tasks. Motor Imagery-based electroencephalogram
(EEG) signals provide the interaction and communication between the paralyzed
patients and the outside world for moving and controlling external devices
such as wheelchair and moving cursors. However, current approaches in the
Motor Imagery-BCI system design require. Keywords: brain-computer interfaces, electroencephalogram, feature selection, machine learning, task classification Published in DKUM: 10.09.2024; Views: 31; Downloads: 8
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5. Drivers for enhancing job performance of prison officers in Slovenia : effects of job attitudes, organizational, and work-related factorsKatrin Podgorski, Branko Lobnikar, Anže Mihelič, Kaja Prislan Mihelič, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: Maintaining order and safety in a prison environment heavily depends on prison officers, who daily interact with prisoners and are constantly dealing with dangerous situations. Their task performance is vital for the organizational performance and the fulfillment of the prisons’ mission. For managing prison officers’ job performance efficiently, it is important to understand the associated factors; however, job performance in a prison environment remains completely unexplored in Slovenia. This article presents a study conducted among Slovenian prison officers (n = 201), which examined their task performance, its association with job attitudes, and the role of organizational and work-related factors. The study results showed that the prison officers’ task performance is associated with their job satisfaction, but not with their job involvement. Moreover, their job satisfaction is associated with perceived organizational justice, job stress, and the dangerousness of the job. Based on these findings, we demonstrated that task performance depends on several direct and indirect factors that prison management should prioritize, the key ones being stress reduction, strengthening the feeling of organizational justice, and the ability to deal with the job-related dangers successfully. This article highlights organizational and work-related factors important for improving the prison officers’ well-being at work. Keywords: job performance, task performance, workplace psychology, prisons, rison officers Published in DKUM: 29.11.2023; Views: 347; Downloads: 39
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6. Sekvenčno testiranje živčevja z variabilnostjo frekvence srcaNataša Miklošič, 2020, master's thesis Abstract: Teoretična izhodišča: Testiranje avtonomnega živčevja vključuje posamezne provokacijske teste za diagnostiko različnih bolezenskih stanj. Namen raziskave je bil predstaviti kvantitativni vpliv avtonomnega živčevja na variabilnost frekvence srca in primerjavo dobljenih vrednosti z normalnimi vrednostmi iz strokovne literature.
Raziskovalna metodologija in metode: V eksperimentalni kvantitativni raziskavi smo na štirih zdravih prostovoljcih, po prvi fazi počitka, izvedli drugo fazo test globokega dihanja. Sledil je Valsalvov preizkus, sestavljen iz petih Valsalvovih manevrov. Zaključili smo s provokacijskim testom spremembe telesa iz ležečega v stoječi položaj. Med sekvencami testov smo vključili faze počivanja. V vseh fazah smo spremljali vitalne funkcije.
Rezultati: V prvi fazi testa, pri počitku, so bile vrednosti krvnega tlaka in pulza v mejah normale. Pri fazi globokega dihanja je respiratorna sinusna aritmija ustrezala normalni vrednosti ≥ 14 utripov/min. Pri vseh je bila višja od ≥ 15 utripov/min, kar pomeni aktivacijo parasimpatičnega sistema. Valsalvovo razmerje je pri ženskih preiskovankah ustrezalo minimalni meji 1,46, pri moškem preiskovancu pa minimalni meji 1,59. V trenutku faze dviga telesa se je sistolični krvni tlak znižal. Diastolični krvni tlak se je po nekaj sekundah dvignil. Teste smo izvedli brez težav. Najbolj zahteven je bil Valsalvov preizkus.
Diskusija in zaključek: Sekvenčno testiranje živčevja z merjenjem variabilnosti frekvence srca predstavlja uporabno in hitro metodo ocene avtonomnega živčevja. Sklepamo, da jo brez težav lahko uporabljamo v diagnostiki različnih obolenj živčevja, ki so pogosto neprepoznana. Keywords: test globokega dihanja, Valsalvov preizkus, hiter dvig telesa, Task Force Monitor, respiratorna sinusna aritmija, Valsalvovo razmerje. Published in DKUM: 04.06.2020; Views: 1719; Downloads: 134
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7. Solution of the problem of critical path’s finding in Excel on the basis of reducing it to ordinary transportation taskMimo Drašković, Ludmila Malyaretz, Oleksandr Dorokhov, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: The problem of determining the critical path for the scheduling tasks has been considered. An original technique for practical calculations using the available Solver add-on in Excel has been described. The proposed approach is based on reducing the task to solving the ordinary transportation problem, in particular to the problem of finding the longest path. Examples of solutions with the test input data and corresponding screenshots are given. The practical steps of the user’s action in the process of direct solution in Excel are consistently described. The analysis of the results of the proposed method has been performed and presented. It is established that presented method for calculating the critical path requires minimal efforts from the users, regardless of the dimension of the tasks. Keywords: task scheduling, transportation tasks, calculations, critical path, Excel, Solver, software tools Published in DKUM: 09.05.2018; Views: 1141; Downloads: 94
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8. Provokacijski testi kardiovaskularnega sistema s sekvenčno kompresijo venskega pretokaBlažka Kozikar, 2017, master's thesis Abstract: Zdravljenje s tekočinami je eden najpogostejših načinov zdravljenja kritično bolnih. Za pravilno uporabo tekočin pri zdravljenju bolnikov, ki imajo znake nezadostne preskrbe tkiv s hranili in kisikom, je treba oceniti polnitev srca. Polnitev je tista, ki zagotavlja zadosten pretok, ki ga dosežemo z nadomeščanjem tekočin, s katerimi povečamo žilni volumen in minutni iztis srca. Keywords: Provokacijski test, simulacije, iztis srca, minutni iztis srca, sistem LiDCO Rapid, Task Force Monitor. Published in DKUM: 13.09.2017; Views: 1373; Downloads: 190
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10. Development of intercultural competence in contemporary foreign language classroom by incorporating information and communication technologyMirjam Danilović, 2011, undergraduate thesis Abstract: The idea for the diploma thesis arouse from the fact that technology and the Internet are still not widely used in the English classroom. When thinking about how to integrate technology in the classroom I was inspired by different web sites which offer a vast variety of authentic as well as ELT-specific materials that can be used in the English classroom. I decided to focus on developing intercultural competence with information and communication technology by extending the intercultural topics covered in the coursebooks for students at secondary level.
In the theoretical part of my thesis I present the notion of intercultural competence as defined by different authors. A special emphasis is given to developing of intercultural competence in the English classroom, including planning lessons to develop intercultural competence. In the third chapter the information and communication technology (ICT) and the English classroom is covered. Some possibilities of using ICT in the English classroom in terms of Web 2.0 are presented, which is the basis for the empirical part.
In the empirical part of my thesis the activities to extend the intercultural topics covered in coursebooks are planned and presented. Since all activities are planned to be done online, they are available also on the Internet. Keywords: Keywords: Information and communication technology, intercultural competence, secondary students, task-based learning. Published in DKUM: 28.06.2011; Views: 3555; Downloads: 133
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