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Napredne kvantitativne raziskovalne metode v zdravstveni negi
Lucija Gosak, Leona Cilar Budler, Roger Watson, Gregor Štiglic, 2025

Opis: Publikacija "Napredne kvantitativne raziskovalne metode v zdravstveni negi" daje študentom zdravstvene nege in medicinskim sestram znanje in spretnosti za razlago različnih statističnih metod na njihovem področju, kar lahko izboljša spretnosti uporabnikov pri zbiranju, analizi in razlagi rezultatov iz klinične prakse ter tako prispeva k izboljšanju kakovosti zdravstvene oskrbe. Vsebuje podrobna navodila za uporabo programa IBM SPSS in izvajanje statističnih analiz, ki jih morajo medicinske sestre poznati pri svojem delu, saj pri vsakodnevnem delu s pacienti uporabljajo in ustvarjajo podatke. Glavni cilj zdravstvene nege pacientov je zagotavljanje kakovostne in na dokazih temelječe zdravstvene nege, zato so medicinske sestre dolžne slediti najnovejšim raziskavam in dokazom ter jih uporabljati pri svojem delu. Znanje, pridobljeno v tej knjigi, lahko medicinskim sestram pomaga tudi pri boljšem razumevanju in interpretaciji predhodno objavljenih rezultatov ter s tem pri kritični presoji veljavnosti in zanesljivosti rezultatov, ki jih bodo uporabljale v klinični praksi.
Ključne besede: quantitative analysis, statistics, IBM SPSS, reliability, validity, data analysis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 3
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Long term monitoring and connection between topography and cloud cover distribution in Serbia
Aleksandar Valjarević, Cezar Morar, Jelena Živković, Liudmyla Niemets, Dušan Kićović, Jelena Golijanin, Milena Gocić, Nataša Martić Bursać, Ljiljana Stričević, Igor Žiberna, Nikola Bačević, Ivica Milevski, Uroš Durlević, Tin Lukić, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The use of weather satellite recordings has been growing rapidly over the last three decades. Determining the patterns between meteorological and topographical features is an important scientific job. Cloud cover analysis and properties can be of the utmost significance for potential cloud seeding. Here, the analysis of the cloud properties was conducted by means of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite recordings. The resolution of used data was 1 km2 within the period of 30 years (1989-2019). This research showed moderate changing of cloudiness in the territory of Serbia with a high cloudiness in February, followed by cloudiness in January and November. For the past three decades, May has been the month with the highest cloudiness. The regions in the east and south-west, and particularly in the west, have a high absolute cloudiness, which is connected with the high elevation of the country. By means of long term monitoring, the whole territory of Serbia was analyzed for the first time, in terms of cloudiness. Apart from the statistical and numerical results obtained, this research showed a connection between relief and clouds, especially in the winter season. Linear regression MK (Mann-Kendall test) has proven this theory right, connecting high elevation sides with high absolute cloudiness through the year.
Ključne besede: clowd cover, remote sensing, GIS, topography, statistics, trends
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 1
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Advanced Quantitative Research Methods in Nursing
Lucija Gosak, Leona Cilar Budler, Roger Watson, Gregor Štiglic, 2024

Opis: The publication "Analysis of quantitative research data in nursing research: A guide to SPSS" provides nursing students and nurses with the knowledge and skills to interpret the different statistical methods in their field, which can improve users' skills in collecting, analysing and interpreting results from clinical practice, thus contributing to improving the quality of health care. It provides detailed instructions on how to use IBM SPSS and perform statistical analyses that nurses need to be familiar with as they use and generate data in their daily work with patients. The main aim of patient care is to provide high quality, evidence-based care, so nurses have a duty to keep up to date with the latest research and evidence and apply it to their work. The knowledge gained in this book can also help nurses to better understand and interpret previously published results, and thus critically assess the validity and reliability of the results they will use in clinical practice.
Ključne besede: quantitative analysis, statistics, IBM SPSS, reliability, validity, data analysis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.07.2024; Ogledov: 113; Prenosov: 24
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Materials for HybridNeuro webinar titled "Validation of results: statistical models and MU identification accuracy"
Aleš Holobar, Nina Murks, 2024, zaključena znanstvena zbirka raziskovalnih podatkov

Opis: This dataset contains a collection of teaching materials that were used in the HybridNeuro project webinar titled "Validation of results: statistical models and MU identification accuracy". The webinar was presented by Aleš Holobar and covered the complexities of motor unit (MU) identification accuracy, regression analysis and Bayesian models. The primary aim of the webinar was to spark a robust discussion within the scientific community, particularly focusing on the application and implications of linear mixed models and Bayesian regression in the realm of MU identification. The teaching materials include Matlab and R source code for statistical analysis of the included data, as well as three examples of MU identification results in CSV format (from both synthetic and experimental HDEMG signals). The presentation slides in PDF format are also included. The dataset is approximately 9 MB in size.
Ključne besede: HybridNeuro, webinar, teaching materials, statistical models, regression analysis, motor unit identification, matlab, rstudio, statistics, surface high density electromyogram (HDEMG), tibialis anterior, dataset
Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.05.2024; Ogledov: 221; Prenosov: 23
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Transport sector and hydrogen through the 2022 amendment of the energy statistics regulation
Klemen Deželak, Deja Jurgec, 2022, objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

Ključne besede: energy statistics, energy policies, transport sector, hydrogen
Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.10.2023; Ogledov: 486; Prenosov: 8
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Fluctuating number of energy levels in mixed-type lemon billiards
Črt Lozej, Dragan Lukman, Marko Robnik, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: In this paper, the fluctuation properties of the number of energy levels (mode fluctuation) are studied in the mixed-type lemon billiards at high lying energies. The boundary of the lemon billiards is defined by the intersection of two circles of equal unit radius with the distance 2B between the centers, as introduced by Heller and Tomsovic. In this paper, the case of two billiards, defined by B = 0.1953, 0.083, is studied. It is shown that the fluctuation of the number of energy levels follows the Gaussian distribution quite accurately, even though the relative fraction of the chaotic part of the phase space is only 0.28 and 0.16, respectively. The theoretical description of spectral fluctuations in the Berry-Robnik picture is discussed. Also, the (golden mean) integrable rectangular billiard is studied and an almost Gaussian distribution is obtained, in contrast to theory expectations. However, the variance as a function of energy, E, behaves as - E, in agreement with the theoretical prediction by Steiner.
Ključne besede: nonlinear dynamics, quantum chaos, mixed-type systems, energy level statistics, lemon billiards, billiards
Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.10.2023; Ogledov: 518; Prenosov: 24
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Quantum chaos in the extended Dicke model
Qian Wang, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: We systematically study the chaotic signatures in a quantum many-body system consisting of an ensemble of interacting two-level atoms coupled to a single-mode bosonic field, the so-called extended Dicke model. The presence of the atom–atom interaction also leads us to explore how the atomic interaction affects the chaotic characters of the model. By analyzing the energy spectral statistics and the structure of eigenstates, we reveal the quantum signatures of chaos in the model and discuss the effect of the atomic interaction. We also investigate the dependence of the boundary of chaos extracted from both eigenvalue-based and eigenstate-based indicators on the atomic interaction. We show that the impact of the atomic interaction on the spectral statistics is stronger than on the structure of eigenstates. Qualitatively, the integrablity-to-chaos transition found in the Dicke model is amplified when the interatomic interaction in the extended Dicke model is switched on.
Ključne besede: quantum chaos, extended Dicke model, spectral statistics, eigenstate structure
Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.10.2023; Ogledov: 345; Prenosov: 34
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Renewable energy sources in Slovenia: Determining possible development trends until 2020 by using linear forecast and simulation with geometric Brownian motion process
Dejan Tasić, 2017, diplomsko delo

Opis: Renewable energy sources in the European Union and the Republic of Slovenia present an increasing share of energy each year. This thesis contains the data from Eurostat, where the statistics of renewable sources in the European Union and the Republic of Slovenia are analyzed from 2004 to 2014. On the basis of this data, the linear forecast and simulation by using process of geometric Brownian motion are conducted for the Republic of Slovenia for the time period 2015-2020. The goal is to determine if the Republic of Slovenia will achieve target objectives of European directive for renewable energy sources until 2020.
Ključne besede: Slovenia, renewable energy sources, statistics, forecast, simulation, GBM
Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.09.2017; Ogledov: 1745; Prenosov: 149
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Commercial aquaponics approaching the European market: to consumers' perceptions of aquaponics products in Europe
Vesna Miličić, Ragnheidur Thorarinsdottir, Maria Dos Santos, Maja Turnšek, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The first commercial aquaponics companies are starting up in Europe. The main focus has been on solving technology issues and optimizing production. However, increasing attention is now being paid to certification and regulations linked to aquaponics, as well as the marketing of products and services. The paper presents the results of a study whose main aim was to estimate consumers’ knowledge about aquaponics and their acceptance of aquaponics products in different European regions. An on-line questionnaire was administered to the general public through the aquaponics network of Food and Agriculture COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action FA1305 “The EU Aquaponics Hub—Realising Sustainable Integrated Fish and Vegetable Production for the EU” in 16 European countries. The methodology includes univariate and multivariate statistical techniques. The results show that, on average, attitudes towards aquaponics were positive, showing no significant differences between those who already knew about aquaponics and those who only heard about it through the survey. More than 50% of respondents had never heard of aquaponics, whilst more than 70% had already heard of hydroponics. No more than 17% of respondents were willing to pay more for aquaponically produced products and no more than 40% more when compared to the price of products from conventional farming. The results confirm three different clusters of potential consumers of aquaponics products. They also suggest an urgent need for implementing integrated and holistic approaches involving all stakeholders in aquaponics, in order to define a marketing plan and efficient communication strategies. This COST action, other projects and public decision makers must invest in educating consumers about aquaponics through the organization of guided tours, thematic workshops and tastings of aquaponics products in order to raise their awareness about this new technology. It is absolutely urgent that public decision makers, in cooperation with aquaponics stakeholders, address the main institutional constraints, namely the introduction of aquaponics as an economic activity and the organic certification of aquaponics products.
Ključne besede: aquaponics, hydroponics, aquaponics products, consumers' acceptance, questionnaire, multivariate statistics, Europe
Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.06.2017; Ogledov: 1552; Prenosov: 383
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