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Sustainable rural development as an educational starting point in general grammar schools in Slovenia
Eva Konečnik Kotnik, 2009, review article

Abstract: Education is a very important basis of sustainable development. That is why the selected learning objectives in the syllabus for geography in general grammar schools in Slovenia will be analysed within this contribution (general grammar school in Slovenia is a secondary school with a general-educational emphasis that does not provide vocational education, but prepares students aged 15 to 19 for further education at universities). We have selected learning objectives that relate to economic geography as a general geography topic, with special emphasis on learning objectives that refer to agriculture, rural areas and sustainable development. This contribution will present the results of generic comparative analysis of selected learning objectives in syllabi that were issued during the period since the emergence of Slovenia as an independent state (1992, 1998 and 2008). The results of the evaluation of quoted learning objectives from the viewpoint of social needs, educational guidelines and geographical science, as well as the results of the evaluation from the viewpoint of geography teachers in general grammar schools will also be examined. Educational problems associated with economic geography, sustainable development and rural areas will be highlighted accordingly.
Keywords: sustainable development, general grammar school, syllabus, Slovenia
Published in DKUM: 20.03.2018; Views: 1266; Downloads: 1243
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Phraseme und Sprichwörter in offiziellen Dokumenten des slowenischen Bildungssystems
Brigita Kacjan, Saša Jazbec, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: Der Beitrag behandelt ein interessantes und bedeutendes, aber bisher vernachlässigtes Thema, das Vorhandensein von Phrasemen und Sprichwörtern in den slowenischen Lehrplänen und/oder Wissenskatalogen. Dabei handelt es sich um offizielle nationale Dokumente, die auf der Makroebene den Rahmen des Sprachenunterrichts abstecken und in die auch Phraseme und Sprichwörter gehören, geht es dabei doch um natürliche, polylexikale, frequente, stabile sprachliche Einheiten, für die die Idiomatizität charakteristisch ist. Sie stellen einen bedeutenden Teil der Alltagssprache dar und man würde erwarten, dass sie dementsprechend auch in den Lehrplänen/Wissenskatalogen für die Sprachfächer in der gesamten Vertikale des slowenischen Schulsystems vertretensein werden. Im empirischen Teil, in dem Ausschnitte aus insgesamt 11Lehrplänen/Wissenskatalogen angeführt werden, zeigt sich, dass Phraseme und Sprichwörter nur in einem sehr bescheidenen Ausmaße, unsystematisch und sporadisch vorkommen, dass die diesbezügliche Terminologie nicht einheitlich ist und dass die didaktischen Richtlinien häufig nur angedeutet sind. Diese Darstellung wird im Fazit abgerundet, wo auch Möglichkeiten zur Behebung dieses Missstands aufgezeigt werden.
Keywords: Idiom, Syllabus, Katalog des Wissens, Slowenien, Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Phraseme, Sprichwörter, Bildungssystem
Published in DKUM: 18.05.2017; Views: 2036; Downloads: 162
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Katarina Kodba, 2016, master's thesis

Abstract: A textbook is one of the most important learning tools by which the learner encounters upon entering the school. It is bound to the curriculum and syllabus. Pupils use it as a guide during the learning process in the classes and also for their independent work outside the classrooms. Nowadays, we are encouraged to use modern ICT, which is omnipresent in schools as a result of a quick pace of life and technological progress. Despite the increasing usage of modern ICT in the educational process, a textbook still remains one of the main teaching tools for educational work. With its long tradition in history it remains in step with the times. It helps pupils not only to acquire the necessary skills, but also to develop mental skills, and critical and creative thinking. The theoretical part of the master’s thesis explains the concept of teaching and its purpose as well as the functions and activities of the lessons. Moreover, it describes the factors of the educational process, lists its types and explains who the subjects of the educational process are. The thesis also deals with the structural components of teaching: aims, contents, teaching environment, time and means. The research focuses on the textbook as one of the most important methodical-didactic materials and on the external and internal structure of selected textbooks. In addition, the empirical part of the thesis presents a detailed analysis of pre-prepared criteria.
Keywords: textbook, syllabus, curriculum, internal structure, external structure
Published in DKUM: 25.03.2016; Views: 1463; Downloads: 138
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