1. Sustainable synergy: unveiling the symbiotic relationship between personal lifestyles and corporate sustainable business practicesMatevž Obrecht, Tina Cvahte Ojsteršek, Lazar Pavić, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: This study, conducted among 596 employees across various industries, investigates the interplay between personal sustainable lifestyle scores and corporate sustainable business practices, including energy consumption and renewable energy use. The research reveals a strong correlation between individuals’ personal sustainable lifestyles and their organisations’ sustainable business practices. Notably, employees consistently practising personal sustainable behaviours, including energy efficiency, tend to work in companies with robust sustainability initiatives and low-carbon strategies. Women, in particular, displayed higher engagement in sustainable behaviours. Age-related trends suggest younger employees prioritise corporate sustainability policies more than older counterparts, who focus more on personal sustainable behaviour. Among all studied sectors the production sector stands out for its high sustainable lifestyle and sustainable business practices, reflecting the impact of industry-specific sustainability trends like lean and green operations. On the one hand, sustainable lifestyle involves making choices and taking actions that enable rational consumption of goods and products, protecting natural resources, using renewable energy sources, and utilising low-emission transport means. These findings underscore the critical link between personal sustainability habits and organisational sustainability business practices, highlighting a significant avenue for promoting sustainability and reduced energy consumption in the workplace and at home Keywords: sustainable lifestyle, sustainable business practices, sustainable logistics, behaviour, energy consumption Published in DKUM: 06.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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2. Defining a sustainable supply chain for buildings Off-Site envelope thermal insulation solutions : proposal of a methodology to investigate opportunities based on a context analysisMiriam Benedetti, Carlos Herce, Matteo Sforzini, Tiziana Susca, Claudia Toro, 2024, review article Abstract: External wall thermal insulation is one of the most effective solutions on the market to increase energy efficiency in the built environment. Off-Site Construction (OSC), through better control of the various parameters involved, can bring important advantages, such as the reduction of construction time, the improvement of product and process quality, etc. In the last years, the rapidly growing demand for thermal insulation systems, stimulated also by tax incentives, has generated a unique situation in Italy compared to the rest of Europe, also leading to a considerable fragmentation of the supply chain with several players involved (component and system manufacturers, distributors, and installers). The complexity of such context makes Italy an extremely challenging and insightful case study for a supply chain and sustainability study, also considering the fact that the energy efficiency of the Italian building stock represents a crucial challenge to achieve the country's energy saving goals since 40% of final energy consumption derives from buildings and 75% of the building stock presents a low energy performance (energy labels E, F and G). This article presents both an analysis of the Italian market of manufacturers of building envelope thermal insulation solutions, highlighting the different players in the supply chain in terms of number, type, and marketed products and solutions, and a focus on sustainable and recycled materials. The study also aims to define a methodology to investigate the state of play and opportunities for industrialisation of this market and its bottlenecks. In the article, a questionnaire is proposed to collect information and opinions on the spread of OSC and the perception of companies and professionals regarding the advantages and disadvantages of industrializing the sector. A first validation of the survey is presented in the form of industrial focus groups. Keywords: supply chain sustainability, industrial energy efficiency, off-site construction, construction industrialisation, sustainable building materials, modular buildings Published in DKUM: 01.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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3. Decision-making in sustainable energy transition in Southeastern Europe : probabilistic network-based modelNena Hribar, Goran Šimić, Simonida Vukadinović, Polona Šprajc, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Background: Sustainable energy transition of a country is complex and long-term process, which requires decision-making in all stages and at all levels, including a large number of different factors, with different causality. The main objective of this paper is the development of a probabilistic model for decision-making in sustainable energy transition in developing countries of SE Europe. The model will be developed according to the specificities of the countries for which it is intended—SE Europe. These are countries where energy transition is slower and more difficult due to many factors: high degree of uncertainty, low transparency, corruption, investment problems, insufficiently reliable data, lower level of economic development, high level of corruption and untrained human resources. All these factors are making decision-making more challenging and demanding.
Methods: Research was done by using content analysis, artificial intelligence methods, software development method and testing. The model was developed by using MSBNx—Microsoft Research’s Bayesian Network Authoring and Evaluation Tool.
Results: Due to the large number of insufficiently clear, but interdependent factors, the model is developed on the principle of probabilistic (Bayesian) networks of factors of interest. The paper presents the first model for supporting decision-making in the field of energy sustainability for the region of Southeastern Europe, which is based on the application of Bayesian Networks.
Conclusion: Testing of the developed model showed certain characteristics, discussed in paper. The application of developed model will make it possible to predict the short-term and long-term consequences that may occur during energy transition by varying these factors. Recommendations are given for further development of the model, based on Bayesian networks. Keywords: sustainable energy transition, SE Europe, decision-making, Bayesian networks Published in DKUM: 19.08.2024; Views: 88; Downloads: 10
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4. Small hydropower plants in Western Balkan countries : status, controversies and a proposed model for decision makingBarbara Pavlakovič Farrell, Andrea Okanovic, Bojana Vasić, Jelena Jesic, Polona Šprajc, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Background: As the countries of the Western Balkans (WB) have committed to sustainable development, the process of regulatory and economic adjustment is underway. As part of the aforementioned fact, the WB countries have commenced exploitation of energy from renewable sources, among which hydropower is the most important. The main objective of the study is to analyse the status of renewable energy transition in the WB region, focusing on the construction and exploitation of small hydropower plants (SHPPs), as well as a proposal for an original model for decision making in this field, based on a multidimensional decision-making space. Namely, in most cases, there is resistance to the construction of SHPPs in the WB territory, as well as divided opinion among investors, companies, environmental movements, academia, and citizens on this issue. This shows that the entire decision-making process has to be reviewed and re-designed.
Results: The results of the study show that the construction of SHPPs caused damage to environmentally protected areas, living conditions of local communities, touristic and agricultural potential. All of the foregoing matters have led to mass protests by citizens and a high degree of mistrust so that the future of SHPPs in the WB is extremely uncertain. The assessment of the acceptability of existing SHPPs through the proposed model showed that 74% of SHPPs cannot be considered acceptable from the aspect of the location where they were built, and from the aspect of the impact on the quality of life of the local population. Accordingly, this paper provides suggestions for much-needed improvements.
Conclusions: The construction of SHPPs is causing numerous controversies, opposition, and resistance. To find the right solution, and contribute to sustainable energy and economic development, it is necessary to develop a fully transparent and objective policy system in this field, and to use contemporary models for decision making with emphasis on the involvement local communities in the decision-making process. Keywords: sustainable energy transition, small hydropower plants, environmental awareness, modelling, decision making process, Western Balkans Published in DKUM: 28.06.2024; Views: 420; Downloads: 5
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5. Prices of conventional and renewable energy as determinants of sustainable and secure energy development : regression model analysisSandi Knez, Goran Šimić, Anica Milovanović, Sofia Starikova, Franc Željko Županič, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: Background
The prices of energy resources are important determinants of sustainable energy development, yet associated with significant unknowns. The estimates of the impact of prices of energy products in the domestic market (for domestic consumers) are rare—hence the importance and novelty of this research. Therefore, the main goal of the paper is to assess the impact of domestic prices of gasoline, gas, coal, and solar energy on sustainable and secure energy future.
The research includes 14 countries (of which 7 are developed and 7 are developing countries) and a period of 5 years (2014–2018). The model also includes discrete variables: level of development (developing or developed), and the fact as to whether the country is an energy exporter or not. For the purposes of analysis, the following elements were used: Panel Data Analysis, Linear regression (with random and fixed effects), Durbin–Wu–Hausman test, and Honda test, with the use of R-studio software for statistical computing.
The research showed that the biggest negative impact on energy sustainability was recorded by an increase in the price of coal and the smallest one by an increase in the price of solar energy. An increase in the price of gasoline has a positive impact, while an increase in the price of gas has no impact. The basic methodological result showed that the fixed effects linear model is more accurate than the random effect model.
The results of the paper, important as a sustainable energy policy recommendation, showed that the impact of changes in energy product prices is significantly greater in developing countries, but that the status of the country as an energy exporter has no significance. In addition, the paper points to the need to intensify the research on the assessment of the impact of energy product prices for domestic consumers on their ability to pay that price, because with a certain (so far undefined) increase in energy product prices, a certain group of domestic consumers moves into a category that is not in line with sustainable energy development and is extremely undesirable in every respect—energy poverty. Keywords: sustainable energy development, conventional energy prices, solar prices, developing countries, R-studio Published in DKUM: 26.06.2024; Views: 133; Downloads: 14
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6. Integrating social dimensions into future sustainable energy supply networksMatevž Obrecht, Yigit Kazancoglu, Matjaž Denac, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Environmental protection and sustainable development have become an inevitable trend in many areas, including the energy industry. The development of energy supply networks is strongly correlated with the economics of energy sources as well as ecological and socio-political issues. However, the energy supply network is often distant from the social perspective. This paper therefore combines examination of perceptions and awareness of general public (web-based questionnaire) and top energy experts (a Delphi survey) on the energy supply network and identifies their potential integration in energy supply decision making processes. The results showed that public should be better informed as well as integrated into designing energy supply network as the prosumers gain power and the energy suppliers will no longer dominate the market. Public actors are ready to shape sustainable energy supply and also willing to pay 5.8% more for a sustainable energy supply. The majority are prepared to invest in renewable energy supply network close to their place of residence. Another result is that the public is calling for a shift in priority towards more sustainable and socially friendlier energy supply rather than focusing mainly on the economic and technical perspectives. Keywords: energy supply, supply networks, sustainable energy, public perception, social integration, supply chain management Published in DKUM: 19.02.2024; Views: 306; Downloads: 23
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7. Appropriate criteria for a transition from conventional to sustainable warehousingAnita Vasileva, Ana M. Lazarevska, Kristina Jakimovska, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: This research paper conducts the process of selecting the criteria that are the most appropriate for a transition from conventional to sustainable warehousing. SWOT analysis is used to emphasise the weaknesses of conventional and the strengths of sustainable warehousing to select the most appropriate for the herein presented study. The results have been verified via a questionnaire filled out by professionals in economics, logistics and warehousing, and mechanical engineering. be added under the methodology section. The results gave the five most important criteria by transforming the conventional into sustainable warehousing. Finally, the paper concluded that renewable energy sources are the most important criteria for transforming by conventional to sustainable warehousing by environmental aspects, as well as the smart technology is above all other criteria by economic aspect. Moreover, providing personal protection equipment and servicing machinery and vehicle on regular basis are the two mainly criteria by social (safety) aspect. Keywords: logistics, sustainable warehousing, SWOT analysis, renewable energy Published in DKUM: 13.07.2023; Views: 341; Downloads: 46
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8. A sustainable transport solution for a Slovenia townMatjaž Knez, Ali Naci Celik, Tariq Muneer, 2014, original scientific article Abstract: Authorities in Slovenia and other EU member states are confronted with problems of city transportation. Fossil-fuel-based transport poses two chief problems—local and global pollution, and dwindling supplies and ever-increasing costs. An elegant solution is to gradually replace the present automobile fleet with electric vehicles (EVs). This article explores the economics and practical viability of the provision of solar electricity for the charging of EVs by installation of economical available Photovoltaic modules. A steep decline in the module, inverter and installation costs is reported herein. Present estimates indicate that for the prevailing solar climate of Celje—a medium-sized Slovenian town—the cost would be only 2 euros and 11 cents per kWh of generated solar electricity. Keywords: electric vehicles, energy sustainability, Slovenia, solar photovoltaic, sustainable transport, urban transportation Published in DKUM: 21.07.2017; Views: 1667; Downloads: 535
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9. 10th international conference on sustainable energy and environmental protection: Mechanical engineering2017, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (domestic conferences) Abstract: The 10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection – SEEP 2017 was organised on June 27th – 30th 2017 in Bled, Slovenia, by:
• Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia,
• University of the West of Scotland, School of Engineering and
The aim of SEEP2017 is to bring together the researches within the field of sustainable energy and environmental protection from all over the world.
The contributed papers are grouped in 18 sessions in order to provide access to readers out of 300 contributions prepared by authors from 52 countries.
We thank the distinguished plenary and keynote speakers and chairs who have kindly consented to participate at this conference. We are also grateful to all the authors for their papers and to all committee members.
We believe that scientific results and professional debates shall not only be an incentive for development, but also for making new friendships and possible future scientific development projects. Keywords: SEEP, international conference, sustainable energy, environmental protection, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 17.07.2017; Views: 1690; Downloads: 148
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10. 10th international conference on sustainable energy and environmental protection: Water and air quality2017, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (international and foreign conferences) Abstract: The 10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and environmental Protection – SEEP 2017 was organised on June 27th – 30th 2017 in Bled, Slovenia, by:
• Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia,
• University of the West of Scotland, School of Engineering and
The aim of SEEP2017 is to bring together the researches within the field of sustainable energy and environmental protection from all over the world.
The contributed papers are grouped in 18 sessions in order to provide access to readers out of 300 contributions prepared by authors from 52 countries.
We thank the distinguished plenary and keynote speakers and chairs who have kindly consented to participate at this conference. We are also grateful to all the authors for their papers and to all committee members.
We believe that scientific results and professional debates shall not only be an incentive for development, but also for making new friendships and possible future scientific development projects. Keywords: SEEP, international conference, sustainable energy, environmental protection, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 17.07.2017; Views: 1760; Downloads: 153
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