1. Analysis of study engagement of students in sloveniaDaniil Riumin, 2021, diplomsko delo Opis: Education at every time of our history was an important part of peoples’ lives. Society developed and so developed education, stating new goals and requiring more time, and becoming more complicated. Today we are living in the era of information. Information nowadays has the greatest value. The modern world’s market is based on information and operations around it. Education has also adjusted to modern trends and now higher education became in demand. The more information you obtain and can operate with the more successful you are today. The GDP of developed countries is strongly connected to the success of higher education institutes. That is why many countries nowadays invest in higher education. One of these countries is Slovenia that made higher education free. Investing so many resources Slovenia is interested in getting high-quality human resources of university graduates. That is why it is very important to consider all factors that affect study success to make them all work. One of the main factors affecting it is study engagement. The main goal of this Diploma work is to research the level of study engagement of university students in Slovenia and analyze the reasons for it.
We use the student version of the “UWES” questionnaire to find the level of study engagement of Slovene students and our part of the questionnaire to detect reasons and understand better the situation with study engagement. Three hypotheses were stated to help to perform accurate research.
Results of the research showed, that there is no correlation between an average grade in high school and level of study engagement. It also showed an absence of correlation between the level of parents’ education and student’s level of study engagement. According to research results, students that are working on the side of their studies are less engaged in classes, than their colleagues that do not work. Ključne besede: study engagement, higher education, education, university, Slovenia Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.02.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 3
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2. A longitudinal study on the adoption of cloud computing in micro, small, and medium enterprises in MontenegroIvana Ognjanović, Ramo Šendelj, Milica Daković-Tadić, Ines Kožuh, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: cloud adoption, digital transformation, micro, small and medium enterprises, longitudinal study, TOE framework, UTAUT framework Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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3. Quality of life of colorectal cancer survivors : mapping the key indicators by expert consensus and measures for their assessmentUrška Smrke, Sara Abalde-Cela, Catherine Loly, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Liliana Pires, Simon Lin, Alberto Sánchez, Sara Tement, Izidor Mlakar, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: quality of life, surveys and questionnaires, adult oncology, colorectal cancer survivors, Delphi study, scoping review, expert consensus Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 1
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4. Determinants of innovation capability : an exploratory study of inclusive leadership and work engagementNenad Vladić, Damjan Maletič, Matjaž Maletič, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore how innovation capability can be enhanced by inclusive leadership. In particular, the focus is on identifying the key drivers of work engagement and the role of leadership in boosting the innovation capability.
Methodology/Approach: This research has a qualitative exploratory nature. The exploratory fieldwork is based on an in-depth interview with the CEO, field observations and on the analysis of relevant corporate sources.
Findings: The research provides further confirmation of the link between inclusive leadership, work engagement and innovation capability. Specifically, authentic communication and leadership traits such as trust, courage, humility, empathy and gratitude are considered to be among the most important enablers of an inclusive environment that leads to business success.
Research Limitation/Implication: This study contributes to a better understanding of how companies could enhance innovation capabilities by leveraging the power of inclusion. The subjective business evidence coming from only one company constitute the main limitations of the present study.
Originality/Value of paper: This paper contributed to leadership and innovation literature. The results of this work provide a thorough understanding of the mechanisms for improving work engagement and, consequently, innovation capability. By grounding our research in both theory and empirical evidence, we provide valuable insight for both academia and practice. Ključne besede: innovation capability, inclusive leadership, work engagement, case study Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 5
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5. Optimization of billet cooling after continuous casting using genetic programming—industrial studyMiha Kovačič, Aljaž Zupanc, Robert Vertnik, Uroš Župerl, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: ŠTORE STEEL Ltd. is one of the three steel plants in Slovenia. Continuous cast 180 mm × 180 mm billets can undergo cooling to room temperature using a turnover cooling bed. They can also be cooled down under hoods or heat treated to reduce residual stresses. Additional operations of heat treatment from 36 h up to 72 h and cooling of the billets for 24 h, with limited capacities (with only two heat treatment furnaces and only six hoods), drastically influence productivity. Accordingly, the casting must be carefully planned (i.e., the main thing is casting in sequences), while the internal quality of the billets (i.e., the occurrence of inner defects) may be compromised. Also, the stock of billets can increase dramatically. As a result, it was necessary to consider the abandoning of cooling under hoods and heat treatment of billets. Based on the collected scrap data after ultrasonic examination of rolled bars, linear regression and genetic programming were used for prediction of the occurrence of inner defects. Based on modeling results, cooling under hoods and heat treatment of billets were abandoned at the casting of several steel grades. Accordingly, the casting sequences increased, and the stock of billets decreased drastically while the internal quality of the rolled bars remained the same. Ključne besede: billet cooling, continuous casting, ultrasonic testing, logistic regression, genetic programming, industrial study, steel making, optimization Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 7
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6. The role and meaning of the digital transformation as a disruptive innovation on small and medium manufacturing enterprisesVasja Roblek, Maja Meško, Franci Pušavec, Borut Likar, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The research reported in this paper explores the impact of digital transformation as a disruptive innovation on manufacturing SMEs. The research is based on a qualitative Delphi study encompassing 49 experts from eleven EU countries. The paper aims to demonstrate how disruptive innovations affect organizational changes and determine critical factors in organizations that impact the initiating and promoting R&D of disruptive innovation. We discovered that disruptive innovations impact product/process development methods, new production concepts, new materials for products, and new organization plans. Additionally, we identified organizational changes related to the development and use of disruptive innovations in the future. We also indicate how disruptive innovations influence social and technological changes in the organizational environment. The analysis also disclosed three main groups of disruptive innovations and their impact on future smart factory development, namely the following: technological changes, the emergence of innovative products, business models and solutions and organizational culture as one of the crucial key success factors. The analysis also examined the enablers of the successful development/introduction of disruptive innovations, wherein internal and external factors were determined. Additionally, we presented obstacles and the approaches necessary to mitigate them. We can conclude from the findings that in the timeframe of 5–10 years, only the SME that uses/develops disruptive innovations will survive in the market. However, the companies do not always have a clear idea of the meaning of disruptive innovations. Therefore, it is important to set clear goals regarding the achievement of disruptive innovations in companies. It is also necessary to creatively apply presented instruments enabling improvement of organizational changes and apply some additional concepts, which we have suggested. Ključne besede: digital transformation, disruptive innovation, Industry 4.0, Delphi study, SME, smart factory Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 6
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7. Electricity prices and consumer behavior, case study Serbia - randomized control trials methodIztok Podbregar, Sanja Filipović, Mirjana Radovanović, Olga Mirković-Isaeva, Polona Šprajc, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The aim of this research was to identify energy saving instructions effect on household’s electricity consumption. The research was conducted using Randomized Control Trials, which implied defining a treatment and control group on a sample of 330 households. The research was carried out in Republic of Serbia, where electricity prices are the lowest in Europe and electricity is used inefficiently. For quantitative analysis of data, the Difference in Difference method was used, which compares the changes in electricity consumption over time between the treatment and control group and estimates the overall impact of the energy saving instructions. The research showed that in situations where electricity price is very low, energy saving information does not have the significant impact on change in consumer behavior. However, inefficient use of electricity might be due to the different efficiency of heating devices used. Not only that the low impact of information on energy saving habits may be a consequence of the low will to change habit, but also of the impossibility to change the habit (unless changing the heating device, but this implies expenditures). Results can be used for consideration of changes in organization and regulation of the electricity market in all South Eastern European countries (SEE). Ključne besede: electricity consumption, consumersʹ behavior, randomized control trials method, difference method, case study, Serbia Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 6
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8. The association between early regulatory problems and adult peer relationship quality is mediated by the brain's allostatic-interoceptive systemSaša Zorjan, Dieter Wolke, Nicole Baumann, Christian Sorg, Satja Mulej Bratec, 2025, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Background: Early regulatory problems (RPs), i. e., problems with crying, sleeping, and/or feeding during the firstyears, increase the risk for avoidant personality traits in adulthood, associated with social withdrawal and anxiety. Even more, RPs are linked with functional alterations in the adult default mode and salience networks, comprisingthe brain’s allostatic-interoceptive system (AIS) and playing a role in social interactions. We investigated whether RPsassessed in infancy are associated with difficulties in adult peer relationships mediated by functional alterations of the AIS. Methods: As part of a large case-controlled prospective study, 42 adults with previous RPs and 70 matchedcontrols (mean age = 28.48, SD = 2.65, 51% male) underwent fMRI during rest. The analysis focused on the intrinsic functional connectivity (iFC) of key nodes of the AIS. Peer relationship quality was assessed via a semi-structured LifeCourse Interview and the YASR scale. In these same individuals, RPs were assessed at ages 5, 20 and 56 months. Results: RPs in infancy were associated with lower-quality peer relationships and enhanced functional connectivityof the AIS nodes in adulthood, with a stronger effect for multiple and persistent RPs compared withtransient-multiple or single-persistent RPs. Importantly, iFC changes of the dorsal mid insula, a primary interoceptive cortex with frontal and temporal regions, mediated the relationship between early RPs and adult peer relationship quality. Conclusions: Results indicate long-lasting social and neural changes associated with early RPs.Our findings further implicate the AIS in both interoceptive and social processes, while indicating the need for earlyscreening of early RPs. Keywords: Regulatory problems; allostatic interoceptive system; insula; peer relationships;crying; sleeping; feeding; Bavarian Longitudinal Study. Ključne besede: regulatory problems, allostatic interoceptive system, insula, peer relationships, crying, sleeping, feeding, Bavarian longitudinal study Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.09.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 10
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9. Differences in subject-specific competences between Slovenian and Italian physical education teachersMarjeta Kovač, Bojan Leskošek, Gregor Jurak, Miha Marinšek, Miloš Tul, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This cross-sectional study was designed to analyse the differences between the subject-specific competences of Slovenian and Italian physical education (PE) teachers. The participants, 669 Slovenian and 484 Italian PE teachers, evaluated their professional competences with a self-administered questionnaire on a four-level Likert scale. A t-test for independent samples indicates differences in the self-evaluations of the majority of subject-specific competences between both groups. However, in almost all items, Slovenian PE teachers evaluate their competences higher. A multivariate analysis of variance, used to identify the role of some socio-demographic factors (state, gender, years of service), shows that the state has the highest impact on the differences between self-efficiency of both groups (p<0.001, Eta2=0.531). The greatest differences (Cohen's d > 0.8) are observed on those competences that relate to some of the narrower aspects of PE didactics. The reasons for the perceived differences can be found in some historical and social events, length of education, the different orientation of PE teacher education programmes, and the different responses of both countries to educational policies. The present study outcomes may aid in updating initial PE teacher training and designing a creative system of continuous professional development. Ključne besede: physical education, educators, self-efficiency, cross-cultural study Objavljeno v DKUM: 04.09.2024; Ogledov: 41; Prenosov: 5
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10. Big data in sports : a bibliometric and topic studyAna Šuštaršič, Mateja Videmšek, Damir Karpljuk, Ivan Miloloža, Maja Meško, 2022, pregledni znanstveni članek Opis: Background: The development of the sports industry was impacted by the era of Big Data due to the rapid growth of information technology. Unfortunately, that has become an increasingly challenging Issue.
Objectives: The purpose of the research was to analyze the scientific production of Big Data in sports and sports-related activities in two databases, Web of Science and Scopus.
Methods/Approach: Bibliometric analysis and topic mining were done on 51 articles selected after four exclusion criteria (written in English, journal articles, the final stage of publication, and a detailed review of all full texts). The software tool used was Statistica Data Miner.
Results: We found that the first articles appeared in Scopus in 2013 and WoS in 2014. USA and China are countries which produced the most articles. The most common research areas in WoS and Scopus are Public environmental and occupational health, Medicine, Environmental science ecology, and Engineering.
Conclusions: We conducted that further research and literature review will be required as this is a broad and new topic. Ključne besede: big data, sport, bibliometric study, topic study, health care management, services, decision making Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.07.2024; Ogledov: 154; Prenosov: 11
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