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2. Web based video on demand about deaf history : lecture presented on Deaf history international, 5éme conférence internationale á Pais sur l'histoire des sourds, Institut National des Jeunes Sourds de Paris, June 2003Matjaž Debevc, Živa Ribičič, 2003, unpublished conference contribution Keywords: izobraževanje na daljavo, video na zahtevo, pretočni video, internet, svetovni splet, gluhi, naglušni, slovenski znakovni jezik, distance education, distance learning, video on demand, streaming video, Internet, world wide web, deaf, hard of hearing, Slovene sign language Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 3392; Downloads: 44 Link to full text |
3. Zeta potential determination of polymeric materials using two differently designed measuring cells of an electrokinetic analyzerHermina Bukšek, Thomas Luxbacher, Irena Petrinić, 2010, original scientific article Abstract: The so-called zeta potential can be determined through electrokinetic measurements and indicates the status regarding surface charges along the interface between solids and liquids. Surface charge gives us information about the condition, quality, and characteristics of a macroscopic surface in the polar medium. In our study the zeta potential was determined using a 'SurPASS' electrokinetic analyzer based on the streaming current and streaming potential measurements. The aim of the research was to compare the results of two differently designed measuring cells ('Adjustable Gap Cell' and 'Clamping Cell') but operating on the same principle. In order to investigate this problem, the zeta potential was determined for the three polymeric materials: poly(ethylene terephthalate) foil, thin-film polyamide composite membranes for nanofiltration and reverse osmosis. The results obtained with 'Clamping Cell' versus 'Adjustable Gap Cell' showed differences in zeta potential, where the 'Adjustable Gap Cell' gave more reproducible results. One reason for this behaviour could be the different geometries of the streaming channels. A more likely reason is the design of the 'Clamping Cell', that requires a sample size larger than necessary for zeta potential determination. Keywords: electrical double layer, zeta potential, electrokinetic analyser, streaming current potential, polymeric materials Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 3316; Downloads: 128 Full text (202,54 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. UPORABA SILVERLIGHT 4 V APLIKACIJI ZA PRIPRAVO IN PRIKAZ PRETOČNEGA VIDEARoland Đorđević, 2010, bachelor thesis/paper Abstract: V diplomskem delu se bomo spoznali s tehnologijami na področju pretočnega videa in z uporabo ogrodja Silverlight pri realizaciji aplikacij, ki predvajajo video s pomočjo Smooth Streaming tehnologije. Pregledali bomo tudi ostale funkcionalnosti, ki nam jih nudijo Microsoft IIS Media Services in podali pregled konkurenčnih tehnologij na področju predvajanja pretočnega videa. Preučen bo tudi video format MPEG-4, ki je uporabljen za Smooth Streaming. Predstavljeni pa bodo tudi pomembnejši formati za zapis strukturnih in vsebinskih metapodatkov za opis video datotek. V praktičnem delu smo z uporabo ogrodja Silverlight izdelali spletno aplikacijo za označevanje videa z metapodatki in njegovo prikazovanje s pomočjo Smooth Streaming tehnologije. Keywords: spletne tehnologije, pretočni video, Dublin Core, MPEG7, Silverlight, Smooth Streaming Published in DKUM: 14.03.2011; Views: 2491; Downloads: 184 Full text (3,59 MB) |
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