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Vključevanje kreativnih STEM robotov v pouk književnosti : magistrsko delo
Ajda Pirc, 2024, magistrsko delo

Opis: V današnjem času je tehnologija nepogrešljiv del našega življenja, vse bolj pa se vključuje tudi v izobraževanje. Da bi učence pripravili na prihodnost, ki jo prinaša tehnološki napredek, je pomembno tudi raziskovanje na področju STEAM izobraževanja v povezavi s književnostjo. V teoretičnem delu je magistrsko delo usmerjeno v predstavitev predmeta slovenščina, didaktike mladinske književnosti, STEAM izobraževanja, KUBO robotike in dosedanjih raziskav na področju vključevanja STEAM izobraževanja v pouk književnosti. Sledi podrobna raziskava, v kateri je sodelovalo 40 učencev četrtega razreda osnovne šole. Raziskava je temeljila na deskriptivni metodi in metodi pedagoške intervencije, med katero smo primerjali eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino. Izveden je bil kvazieksperiment, kjer je intervencija predstavljala vnos novega elementa v pouk književnosti, in sicer uporabo kreativnih STEM robotov. Učenci so med učno uro izpolnili petstopenjsko lestvico počutja in motivacije, napisali nadaljevanje pravljice in na koncu izpolnili anketni vprašalnik. Rezultati so pokazali, da med skupinama ni prišlo do večjih razlik. Učenci so bili za delo enako motivirani, nadaljevanja pravljice so bila enakovredna glede na število dogajalnih prostorov, književnih oseb in dogajanj, razlikovala pa so se le v številu besed, prav tako je bilo tudi subjektivno mnenje učencev o učni uri v obeh skupinah podobno.
Ključne besede: književnost, kreativni STEM robot, STEAM izobraževanje
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.08.2024; Ogledov: 107; Prenosov: 50
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The reusage of water and steam utilities by using the integrated fork technique and the complete circular economy
Anita Kovač Kralj, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The reusage of water and steam utilities plays a key role in the mitigation of decarbonising and climate change, including reduced fossil-fuel energy consumption and reducing the dependence on natural gas. The water condensates can be used for utility and heat-recovery systems by an integrated fork technique, achieving economic benefits and a complete circular economy, presented in two steps. The main novelty of this fork technique includes the determination of a regulated heat flow rate for the integration between the dryer and evaporator, which enables an evaporation of the same water mass flow as by the existing evaporating system, which is performed in the first step. The main significance of this technique presents the manner of a fork system as a superstructure for waste condensates’ collection separately and combinedly, and sustainable reusage's alternatives of the condensates, such as steam or electricity cogeneration, presented in the second step. This technique is carried out in two steps, including real-simulated results using an Aspen Plus® simulator. This approach is illustrated using an existing sugar production, which is selected as the waste mass and energy reusage from the evaporator and dryer for low-pressure steam production, generating a possible increase profit of 1.9 MEUR/a. The saving of the heat flow rate after the integrated dryer with evaporator should be 15,816 kW, or 73 %, presenting as a percentage.
Ključne besede: steam utility, water condensate, fork technique, circular economy, integrated units, food industry
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.05.2024; Ogledov: 229; Prenosov: 11
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HRSG system description and water-steam analysis at the HRSG cold start-up
Dušan Strušnik, 2021, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The basic purpose of this paper is to present the HRSG system description in detail and possibility analysis of preventing the HRSH water-steam generated release into the atmosphere through the sky valves during the HRSG cold start-up. The steam released into the atmosphere by the cross sky valve is not an adequate solution for the following reasons: Noise prevention, water losses, thermal heat release into the environment, etc. In this paper, the possibilities and solutions are investigated in order to avoid the HRSG start-up sky venting. For this purpose, the steam quality data at HRSG cold start-up is analysed, and the possibility is examined of discharging the HRSG generated steam at the start-up via a new start-up pipeline into the existing dump condenser, or into the start-up flash tank or into the blowdown tank. The results show that, at the first 3 minutes of cold start-up, the HRSG generated only water, and this water should not be discharged into the HP or IP pipeline headers. The HRSG generates a mixture of water and steam only after 4 minutes from the start-up. For that reason it is not recommended to drain the water-steam mixture at the HRSG start-up into the new start-up pipeline, but it is recommended to drain the water and steam mixture formed during the HRSG start-up into the new start-up flash tank, or into the blowdown tank. The flash tank, and also the blowdown tank, should be appropriately dimensioned.
Ključne besede: boiler, duct, flue gas, heat recovery, stack, steam generator, superheater
Objavljeno v DKUM: 13.11.2023; Ogledov: 427; Prenosov: 7
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Off-design flow analysis of cogeneration steam turbine with real process data
Dušan Strušnik, Igor Kuštrin, Jurij Avsec, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper presents the concept of reconstruction of the existing coal-fired combined heat and power plant to comply with new European environmental policies. The existing coal-fired boiler will be replaced by two new dual pressure heat recovery steam generators, which will utilize the exhaust gas heat from two new gas turbines. The steam from the heat recovery steam generators will be fed to the existing steam turbine. After the reconstruction, the nominal turbine inlet steam mass-flow of 40 kg/s will be reduced to 30 kg/s. During periods of low heat demand, only one gas turbine and one heat recovery steam generator will be in operation and the live steam mass-flow may drop even to 12 kg/s. Prior to the reconstruction, dedicated tests of the existing steam turbine were carried out using the steam from the existing coal-fired boiler. The goal of the test was to verify the viability of operation with such an extremely low mass-flow. The results of tests show that such operation is possible but inefficient from a power generation point of view. Besides this, the turbine control algorithm needs to be accommodated to this extreme operating regime and additional measures like displacement of the extraction points and steam cooling will be required to control the temperature of the steam extractions. The novelty of this paper is using real prereconstruction process data for the assessment of feasibility and efficiency of the post-reconstruction operation of a combined heat and power turbine.
Ključne besede: cogeneration, control valves, exhaust gas, heat recovery, steam turbine
Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.10.2023; Ogledov: 248; Prenosov: 21
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Method of the best available technology and low carbon future of a combined heat and power plant
Dušan Strušnik, Marko Agrež, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The low-carbon development strategy and ecological awareness of a combined heat and power (CHP) plant is the key factor that enables further development of such systems. CHP plants are subject to rigid European ecological guidelines, which dictate the pace of development of global thermal power engineering. For this purpose, the European Union issued a special Directive for the promotion of heat and power cogeneration, and is established with the best available technology (BAT) method. Even though the production of electricity using carbon-free technologies is on the rise, the production of electricity by fossil fuel combustion cannot be avoided completely. The meaning of the operation of the CHP plant is reflected particularly in the provision of tertiary services to the electric power system, regulation of the network frequency, particularly in winter months, when electricity production using carbon-free technologies is limited. In CHP systems, the low-carbon future is linked intricately to high investment costs and these impacts the final price of energy. Using the BAT method, the article presents the advantages of energy production in a combined heat and power plant, an example of the restructuring of a larger CHP system into a low-carbon plant and guidelines for further development.
Ključne besede: alternative facilities, best available technology, combined plant, heat recovery, hydrogen, low-carbon, methanisation, natural gas, steam recovery
Objavljeno v DKUM: 26.10.2023; Ogledov: 331; Prenosov: 7
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Hydrogen technologies in connection with nuclear power plant
Jurij Avsec, 2010, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Ključne besede: hydrogen production, hydrogen consumption, Cu-Cl cycle, S-I cycle, thermochemical cycles, steam methane reforming
Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.06.2012; Ogledov: 2753; Prenosov: 38
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Experimental models of medium break loss of coolant accidents with and without steam generator tube rupture
Jure Marn, Marjan Delić, Leopold Škerget, 2003, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper reports model experiments simulating medium break loss of coolant accidents, with and without steam generator tube rupture (SGTR), in pressurized water reactors. Apart from a significant influence on the pressure in the reactor coolant system in the early parts of the accident, SGTR generally has only a small effect on the pressures and temperatures during the accident. The initial reactor conditions are found to be more significant. Some results of preliminary numerical models are briefly presented and these are broadly in agreement with the experimental measurements.
Ključne besede: nuclear engineering, nuclear accidents, steam generator tube rupture, loss of coolant, medium break loss of coolant accident, computer program, Melcor, MELCOR computer code, integral test facility
Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 1864; Prenosov: 115
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