1. Flower-like superhydrophobic surfaces fabricated on stainless steel as a barrier against corrosion in simulated acid rainRegina Fuchs-Godec, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Functionalisation of the metal surface of low-carbon ferritic stainless steel (from hydrophilic to hydrophobic properties) was achieved by flower-like hierarchical structures on a steel substrate prepared by a low-cost immersion method. The flower-like structured hydrophobic layers on the steel substrate were obtained by immersing the samples in an ethanolic solution of stearic acid with the addition of various concentrations of expired vitamin E ((+)α-tocopherol). The stability and corrosion-inhibiting effect of the hierarchically structured (such as natural cornflower) hydrophobic layers were studied systematically during short and long immersion tests, 120 h (five days) in an acidic environment (pH = 3) using potentiodynamic measurements, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and chronopotentiometry. The surfaces of the samples, their wettability, surface morphology and chemical composition were characterised by contact angle measurements, SEM, ATR-FTIR and EDAX. After 120 h of immersion, the inhibition efficiency of the flower-like structured hydrophobic layers on the steel substrate in the selected corrosion medium remained above 99%, and the hierarchical structure (flower-like structure) was also retained on the surface. Ključne besede: acid rain, corrosion, flower-like structure, inhibition, stainless steel Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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2. Effect of residual stresses on the fatigue stress range of a pre-deformed stainless steel AISI 316L exposed to combined loadingDarko Jagarinec, Nenad Gubeljak, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel is utilized in various processing industries, due to its abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance, and excellent properties over a wide temperature range. The physical and mechanical properties of a material change during the manufacturing process and plastic deformation, e.g., bending. During the combined tensile and bending loading of a structural component, the stress state changes due to the residual stresses and the loading range. To characterize the component’s stress state, the billet was bent to induce residual stress, but a phase transformation to martensite also occurred. The bent billet was subjected to combined tensile–bending and fatigue loading. The experimentally measured the load vs. displacement of the bent billet was compared with the numerical simulations. The results showed that during fatigue loading of the bent billet, both the initial stress state at the critical point and the stress state during the dynamic loading itself must be considered. Analysis was demonstrated only for one single critical point on the surface of the bent billet. The residual stresses due to the phase transformation of austenite to martensite affected the range and ratio of stress. The model for the stress–strain behaviour of the material was established by comparing the experimentally and numerically obtained load vs. displacement curves. Based on the description of the stress–strain behaviour of the pre-deformed material, guidelines have been provided for reducing residual tensile stresses in pre-deformed structural components. Ključne besede: metastable austenitic stainless steel, fatigue, residual stress, phase transformation Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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3. The influence of the ratio of circumference to cross-sectional area of tensile bars on the fatigue life of additive manufactured AISI 316L steelLuka Ferlič, Filip Jerenec, Mario Šercer, Igor Drstvenšek, Nenad Gubeljak, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The static and dynamic loading capacities of components depend on the stress level to which the material is exposed. The fatigue behavior of materials manufactured using additive technology is accompanied by a pronounced scatter between the number of cycles at the same stress level, which is significantly greater than the scatter from a material with the same chemical composition, e.g., AISI 316L, but produced by rolling or forging. An important reason lies in the fact that fatigue cracks are initiated almost always below the material surface of the loaded specimen. Thus, in the article, assuming that a crack will always initiate below the surface, we analyzed the fatigue behavior of specimens with the same bearing cross section but with a different number of bearing rods. With a larger number of rods, the circumference around the supporting part of the rods was 1.73 times larger. Thus, experimental fatigue of specimens with different sizes showed that the dynamic loading capacity of components with a smaller number of bars is significantly greater and can be monitored by individual stress levels. Although there are no significant differences in loading capacity under static and low-cycle loading of materials manufactured with additive technologies, in high-cycle fatigue it has been shown that the ratio between the circumference and the loading cross section of tensile-loaded rods plays an important role in the lifetime. This finding is important for setting a strategy for manufacturing components with additive technologies. It shows that a better dynamic loading capacity can be obtained with a larger loading cross section. Ključne besede: AISI 316L stainless steel, additive manufacturing, FEM, high-cycle fatigue, fractography analysis Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 13
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4. The influence of delta ferrite on the quality assessment of austenitic stainless steel welds for the production of ovensZdravko Praunseis, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Rust-resistant metals, such as the popular stainless steel, often contain some quantities of delta ferrite that lower the mechanical properties of welded joints. The results of the study show that the amount of ferrite influences the quality assessment of austenitic stainless steel welds for the production of ovens using the resistance seam welding process. In this article, the basic device of resistance seam welding for the production of stainless steel welds is described. The device itself will have a significant role in the operation of the line; therefore, it was very precisely constructed and designed. Ključne besede: austenitic stainless steel, delta ferrite, quality assessment, welded joints, production of ovenss Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.11.2023; Ogledov: 421; Prenosov: 10
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5. Amoxicillin doped hyaluronic acid/fucoidan multifunctional coatings for medical grade stainless steel orthopedic implantsMatej Bračič, Sanja Potrč, Matjaž Finšgar, Lidija Gradišnik, Uroš Maver, Hanna Budasheva, Dorota Korte, Mladen Franko, Lidija Fras Zemljič, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This work investigated the potential of amoxicillin-doped hyaluronic acid/fucoidan multifunctional coatings on medical grade stainless steel as biocompatible, osteointegration enhancing, antimicrobial, and bacterial biofilm inhibiting coatings for orthopedic implants. The coatings were prepared by layer-by-layer spin coating and confirmed by optical contact angle goniometry and infrared spectroscopy. Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry showed a homogeneous distribution of the individual layers. In contrast, thermal diffusivity, and thermal conductivity measurements by photothermal beam deflection spectrometry showed diffusion of the amoxicillin into the hyaluronic acid and fucoidan layers. In vitro release of amoxicillin showed complete release within one hour, as reflected by the formation of inhibition zones against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Synergistic effects were observed between the hyaluronic acid and amoxicillin in inhibiting S.Aureus biofilm, and between the fucoidan and amoxicillin in improving the antioxidant properties by an ABTS radical scavenging assay. Biocompatibility was determined with human osteoblasts, confirming the potential of such multifunc- tional coatings to enhance the bioactivity of steel-based orthop edic implants. Ključne besede: orthopedic implant, medical grade stainless steel, amoxicillin, hyaluronic acid, fucoidan, multifunctional coating Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.08.2023; Ogledov: 588; Prenosov: 108
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6. The influence of $Ce^{3+}$ ions on the corrosion rate of stainless steel in acidic solutions of different pH-valuesAljana Petek, Sebastijan Kovačič, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The corrosion resistance of AISI 420 stainless steel in 0.1 mol $L^{−1}$ $H_2SO_4$ + 0.1 mol $L^{−1}$ $Na_2SO_4$ solutions at different pH-values and the inhibiting effect of $Ce^{3+}$ ions was studied using electrochemical polarization methods. The results reveal decreasing of the corrosion rate with an increasing the pH of the solution, which demonstrates the progressive protective character of the inhibitor used. At pH lower than 3.33, the corrosion inhibition was most probably a result of the competitive adsorption of $Ce^{3+}$ with $H^+$ ions on the cathodic sites of the electrode surface, and it was found to be dependent on the relative concentration of $H^+$/$Ce^{3+}$. The peroxide generated from the oxygen reduction reaction at pH 3.33 was found to be capable oxidize trivalent cerium (Ce) to the tetravalent state. As obtained hydroxide precipitates act as diffusion barrier hindering the corrosion processes, whereafter a spontaneous passivity occurs on the steel surface at this pH. Ključne besede: acid corrosion, green corrosion inhibitor, stainless steel, electrochemical techniques Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.07.2017; Ogledov: 1416; Prenosov: 379
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7. Novel chitosan/diclofenac coatings on medical grade stainless steel for hip replacement applicationsMatjaž Finšgar, Amra Perva, Janja Stergar, Lidija Gradišnik, Uroš Maver, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Corrosion resistance, biocompatibility, improved osteointegration, as well the prevention of inflammation and pain are the most desired characteristics of hip replacement implants. In this study we introduce a novel multi-layered coating on AISI 316LVM stainless steel that shows promise with regard to all mentioned characteristics. The coating is prepared from alternating layers of the biocompatible polysaccharide chitosan and the non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), diclofenac. Electrochemical methods were employed to characterize the corrosion behavior of coated and uncoated samples in physiological solution. It is shown that these coatings improve corrosion resistance. It was also found that these coatings release the incorporated drug in controlled, multi-mechanism manner. Adding additional layers on top of the as-prepared samples, has potential for further tailoring of the release profile and increasing the drug dose. Biocompatibility was proven on human-derived osteoblasts in several experiments. Only viable cells were found on the sample surface after incubation of the samples with the same cell line. This novel coating could prove important for prolongation of the application potential of steel-based hip replacements, which are these days often replaced by more expensive ceramic or other metal alloys. Ključne besede: corrosion, corrosion resistance, chitosan, biocompatibility, biomaterials, biomedical materials, coatings, stainless steel Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.06.2017; Ogledov: 2073; Prenosov: 392
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8. Determination of the critical pitting temperature and the critical ion ($Cl^-$) concentration inducing pitting of AISI 304L stainless steel in 0.5 M $H_2SO_4$Regina Fuchs-Godec, Valter Doleček, 2004, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Corrosion of AISI 304L stainless steel in aqueous solutions of 0.5 M $H_2SO_4$ + 0.01 M KCNS + x M NaCl was studied at different temperatures (25, 40, and 50 °C). The critical ion ($Cl^-$) concentration (CIC) and the critical pitting corrosion temperature (CPT) were determined on the basis of characteristic corrosion parameters ($i_{crit}$, $i_{pass}$, $E_{pp}$), which were obtained through potentiodynamic scanning experiments. The activation energy of the process wasfound to be equal to -42.0 (1 ± 0.08 ) kJ $mol^{-1}$. As the temperature increased, the pitting potential, $E_{pp}$, was shifted towards more negative values linearly with the reciprocal of temperature, when the concentration of added NaCl was above the CIC. In contrast, at concentrations very close to the CIC, the straight lines changed slopes. This result may indicate of the approximate boundary between metastable pitting and the beginning of stable pitting. Ključne besede: austenitic stainless steel, critical ion ($Cl^-$) concetration, critical pitting corrosion temperature, metastable pitting Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1233; Prenosov: 111
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9. Fracture behaviour of thin sheet stainless steelNenad Gubeljak, Darko Jagarinec, Jožef Predan, John Landes, 2012, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci Opis: The differences in fracture behavior between the compact tension C(T) and the middle tensile M(T) specimens make structure integrity assessment uncertain. Two different types of specimens C(T) and M(T) specimens made from stainless steel have been used for fracture toughness testing at the room temperature by the principles of the ASTM 1820-05 standard procedure. Stable crack initiation and crack propagation occurred for the C(T) specimens at lower values of crack driving force than for the M(T) specimens. Crack tip opening displacement-CTOD has been directly measured on the surface of specimens by using a stereo-optical grading method. The critical crack tip opening displacement at crack initiation CTODi has been measured as a plastic Stretch Zone Width (SZW) during a post test fractographic inspection. Comparison between the CTOD-R curves of both types of specimens shows some difference between the C(T) and the M(T) specimens, but a more significant difference appeared in the crack driving force, as consequence of different constraint (triaxiality) of the C(T) versus the M(T) specimens. Therefore, the result obtained by test on laboratory C(T) specimens cannot be directly used as fracture toughness material properties in a structure integrity assessment, except as a conservative lower bound estimate. Ključne besede: stainless steel, compact tension specimen, middle tension specimen, CTOD-R curves Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1351; Prenosov: 95
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10. Effect of testing temperature on corrosion behaviour of different heat treated stainless steels in the active-passive regionMojca Slemnik, 2008, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Purpose - This paper aims to focus on the effects of temperature of the immersion media on the corrosion behaviour of differently heat-treated X20Cr13 stainless steel. Design/methodology/approach - Specimens, quenched on air, quenched in oil and quenched in oil and then tempered, were tested during exposure in 0.1?M H2SO4 at 30, 40 and 50°C. The results were interpreted on the base of potentiodynamic and impedance measurements. Findings - From the impedance spectra a reaction mechanism can be determined: after samples had reached and passed the active peak, expressed as the highestpeak on the potentiodynamic curve, corrosion products at interfaces, which were adsorbed at metal surface, led to an increase in the charge transfer resistance. Elevated temperature of immersion media has had appreciable influence on the corrosion rate and adsorption of products, but atthis temperature level did not affect the principle of corrosion reactions. Activation energies were calculated to exhibit temperature dependence of current density, which was the highest for the oil- and the lowest for the air-quenched sample. Originality/value - The paper provides further research on stainless steel, the corrosion behaviour of which can be controlled already by heat treatment. Ključne besede: corrosion, stainless steel, heat treatment, temperature Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 2116; Prenosov: 109
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