1. Macroprudential policy versus other economic policiesEva Lorenčič, Mejra Festić, 2021, review article Abstract: After the global financial crisis of 2007, macroprudential policy instruments have gained in recognition as a crucial tool for enhancing financial stability. Monetary policy, fiscal policy, and microprudential policy operate with a different toolkit and focus on achieving goals other than the stability of the financial system as a whole. In ligh of this, a fourth policy – namely macroprudential policy – is required to mitigate and prevent shocks that could destabilize the financial system as a whole and compromise financial stability. The aim of this paper is to contrast macroprudential policy with other economic policies and explain why other economic policies are unable to attain financial stability, which in turn justifies the need for a separate macroprudential policy, the ultimate goal whereof is precisely financial stability of the financial system as a whole. Our research results based on the descriptive research method indicate that, in order to prevent future financial crises, it is indispensable to combine both the microprudential and the macroprudential approach to financial stability. This is because the causes of the crises are often such that they cannot be prevented or mitigated by relying only on microprudential or only on macroprudential policy instruments. Keywords: macroprudential policy, monetary policy, microprudential policy, financial stability Published in DKUM: 30.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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2. The impact of seven macroprudential policy instruments on financial stability in six euro area economiesEva Lorenčič, Mejra Festić, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The aim of this paper is to investigate whether macroprudential policy instruments can influence the credit growth rate and hence financial stability. We use a fixed effects panel regression model to test the following hypothesis for six euro area economies (Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Spain) during time span 2010 Q3 to 2018 Q4: “Macroprudential policy instruments (degree of maturity mismatch; interbank loans as a percentage of total loans; leverage ratio; non-deposit funding as a percentage of total funding; loan-to-value ratio; loan-to-deposit ratio; solvency ratio) enhance financial stability, as measured by credit growth”. Our empirical results suggest that the degree of maturity mismatch, non-deposit funding as a percentage of total funding, loan-to-value ratio and loan-to-deposit ratio exhibit the predicted impact on the credit growth rate and therefore on financial stability. On the other hand, interbank loans as a percentage of total loans, leverage ratio, and solvency ratio do not exhibit the expected impact on the response variable. Since only four regressors (out of seven) have the signs predicted by our hypothesis, we can only partly confirm it. Keywords: macroprudential policy, macroprudential instruments, systemic risk, financial stability Published in DKUM: 26.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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3. Solar irradiance stability factorsBorut Jereb, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: In the field of renewable energies, the logistical intricacies of production, as well as the use
and storage of photovoltaic energy, have become critical issues. In addition to sheer quantity, the
stability of this type of energy is a crucial factor in ensuring the reliability and consistency of power
generation. This paper defines Solar Irradiance Stability Factors (SISFs) as indicators complementing
electricity production. When planning solar energy production in each geographical area, both the
quantity and stability of solar irradiance are necessary for exploitation and determining the quality of
solar irradiance. While the average production of solar energy per unit area in each time interval is a
widely used parameter in daily practice, the observation of the amplitude of solar irradiance and its
influence on energy production in the observed time interval is currently still rare. The SISFs defined
in this article are new metrics that mainly depend on the meteorological variability in an area, and
the observed time intervals should be in the range of seconds, minutes, or even hours. Larger time
intervals are not helpful for the stability of solar irradiance in energy production and logistics from
the source to the destination. They provide a complementary and more accurate measure of how
suitable a particular geographical area is for producing solar energy.
Keywords: solar irradiance, stability metrics, photovoltaic energy, meteorological variability, geographical area Published in DKUM: 23.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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4. Influence of cross-linkers on the wash resistance of chitosan-functionalized polyester fabricsTanja Pušić, Tea Bušac, Julija Volmajer Valh, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: This study investigates the wash resistance of polyester fabrics functionalized with chitosan,
a biopolymer known for its biocompatibility, non-toxicity, biodegradability and environmentally
friendly properties. The interaction of chitosan with synthetic polymers, such as polyester, often
requires surface treatment due to the weak natural affinity between the two materials. To improve
the interaction and stability of chitosan on polyester, alkaline hydrolysis of the polyester fabric was
used as a surface treatment method. The effectiveness of using cross-linking agents 1,2,3,4-butane
tetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) and hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) in combination with ammonium
persulphate (APS) to improve the stability of chitosan on polyester during washing was investigated.
The wash resistance of polyester fabrics functionalized with chitosan was tested after 1, 5 and
10 washes with a standard ECE detergent. Staining tests were carried out to evaluate the retention of
chitosan on the fabric. The results showed that polyester fabrics functionalized with chitosan without
cross-linkers exhibited better wash resistance than the fabrics treated with crosslinkers.
Keywords: polyster, functionalization, chitosan, cross-linkers, stability, washing Published in DKUM: 10.09.2024; Views: 55; Downloads: 13
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5. Risk assessment of COVID-19 epidemic resurgence in relation to SARS-CoV-2 variants and vaccination passesTyll Krüger, Krzysztof Gogolewski, Marcin Bodych, Anna Gambin, Giulia Giordano, Sarah Cuschieri, Thomas Czypionka, Matjaž Perc, Elena Petelos, Magdalena Rosińska, Ewa Szczurek, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: The introduction of COVID-19 vaccination passes (VPs) by many countries coincided with the Delta variant fast becoming dominant across Europe. A thorough assessment of their impact on epidemic dynamics is still lacking. Here, we propose the VAP-SIRS model that considers possibly lower restrictions for the VP holders than for the rest of the population, imperfect vaccination effectiveness against infection, rates of (re-)vaccination and waning immunity, fraction of never-vaccinated, and the increased transmissibility of the Delta variant. Some predicted epidemic scenarios for realistic parameter values yield new COVID-19 infection waves within two years, and high daily case numbers in the endemic state, even without introducing VPs and granting more freedom to their holders. Still, suitable adaptive policies can avoid unfavorable outcomes. While VP holders could initially be allowed more freedom, the lack of full vaccine effectiveness and increased transmissibility will require accelerated (re-)vaccination, wide-spread immunity surveillance, and/or minimal long-term common restrictions. Keywords: SIRS model, vaccination pass, stability analysis Published in DKUM: 15.07.2024; Views: 105; Downloads: 15
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7. The impact of macroprudential policy on credit growth in nine euro area economiesEva Lorenčič, Robert Volčjak, Mejra Festić, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the impact of macroprudential policy measures
(bundled together into a macroprudential policy index, MPI) on the nonfinancial corporate sector credit and household credit growth using a one-step
system GMM empirical research method. The goal of our paper is to test
whether contractionary macroprudential policy stymies credit growth rate
and whether expansionary macroprudential policy spurs credit growth rate
in selected Euro Area economies (Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland,
Italy, Netherlands, Slovenia, and Spain) over the period 2008Q4–2018Q4. We
test two hypotheses: H1: The tightening of macroprudential policy measures
reduces the non-financial corporate sector credit growth rate, and H2: The
tightening of macroprudential policy measures reduces the growth rate of
household credit. Based on our empirical results, we can confirm the first
hypothesis. In contrast, the second hypothesis can be neither confirmed
nor rejected since the explanatory variable of interest (MPI) is statistically
insignificant in the second model. Keywords: macroprudential policy, systemic risk, financial stability, dynamic panel data, one-step system GMM Published in DKUM: 05.09.2023; Views: 299; Downloads: 11
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8. Implementation of climate change effects on slope stability analysisTamara Bračko, Bojan Žlender, Primož Jelušič, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: The objective of this study is to determine the impacts of expected climate change on slope stability. For this purpose, the case study of a slope instability, that was triggered in 2021 was selected. The stability analysis was performed considering the theory of rainfall infiltration and using Geo-Studio’s SEEP/W module for the surface infiltration model of the slope. A parametric stability analysis of the slope was conducted to determine the importance of climate change on slope stability. Conditions for changes in volumetric water content, water permeability, porewater pressure, and groundwater flow are important. When soil permeability is low, the factor of safety decreases during rainfall events and on the days following, while when permeability is higher, safety increases after rainfall events. The effect of lower cohesion is nearly linear, with the factor of safety decreasing by 0.1 for every 1 kPa less cohesion. The increase in net infiltration of water may be the most critical factor for slope instability. The results of the analysis indicate that timely reduction of water net infiltration through planting and proper surface water runoff from the upper road and slope would be a relatively simple and inexpensive measure compared to the cost of remediating the landslide, considering expected climate change. Therefore, it is advisable to analyze all slopes with respect to the expected climate change, taking into account the potential impacts of climate change. Keywords: climate change adaptation, slope stability, rainfall infiltration, water net infiltration, seepage analyses Published in DKUM: 18.08.2023; Views: 478; Downloads: 82
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9. The dynamics of a duopoly Stackelberg game with marginal costs among heterogeneous playersAtefeh Ahmadi, Sourav Roy, Mahtab Mehrabbeik, Dibakar Ghosh, Sajad Jafari, Matjaž Perc, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: One of the famous economic models in game theory is the duopoly Stackelberg model, in which a leader and a follower firm manufacture a single product in the market. Their goal is to obtain the maximum profit while competing with each other. The desired dynamics for a firm in a market is the convergence to its Nash equilibrium, but the dynamics of real-world markets are not always steady and can result in unpredictable market changes that exhibit chaotic behaviors. On the other hand, to approach reality more, the two firms in the market can be considered heterogeneous. The leader firm is bounded rationale, and the follower firm is adaptable. Modifying the cost function that affects the firms' profit by adding the marginal cost term is another step toward reality. We propose a Stackelberg model with heterogeneous players and marginal costs, which exhibits chaotic behavior. This model's equilibrium points, including the Nash equilibrium, are calculated by the backward induction method, and their stability analyses are obtained. The influence of changing each model parameter on the consequent dynamics is investigated through one-dimensional and two-dimensional bifurcation diagrams, Lyapunov exponents spectra, and Kaplan-Yorke dimension. Eventually, using a combination of state feedback and parameter adjustment methods, the chaotic solutions of the model are successfully tamed, and the model converges to its Nash equilibrium. Keywords: nonlinear dynamics, game theory, stability analysis, public goods Published in DKUM: 02.08.2023; Views: 459; Downloads: 44
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10. CALIBRATION OF A NEW METHOD FOR CREATING IMPERFECTIONS ON SLENDER STRUCTURES : magistrsko deloSimon Hudales, 2022, master's thesis Abstract: For the design of slender structures consisting of plates and tubes, such as supporting structures at cranes, buckling is beside stress and fatigue often the governing failure criteria. Stability analysis of such structures is usually performed using the GMNIA method according to DIN EN 1993. For this purpose, a suitable geometric equivalent imperfection must be applied to the structure. Buckling inherent shapes are determined for this purpose and scaled according to applicable safety concepts. Including imperfections in stability analysis can generally be relevant for the load-bearing behavior of a structure. Within this master thesis work, the influence of the initial geometric imperfection on stability behaviour is investigated.
This study examines the influence, that imperfections imposed on members subjected to tensile stress have on stability behaviour. Tensile members of structures are identified and initial geometric imperfection is imposed on them in addition to critical members, that are subjected to compression stress. It is shown, that including imperfections on tensile members in stability analysis, has only a minor influence on stability behaviour and stiffness of the structure, both reducing it just slightly.
Further on, investigation on boom model, that is supporting structure of the crawler crane, is made. Boom model consist of main chord members and diagonals connecting them. At the joint connection of boom and two diagonal members, one subjected to tension and one subjected to compression stress, appears area of high shear stresses. Influence of the direction, that imperfection is imposed on the diagonal member, and what is the influence on the stability behaviour and structural strength is presented in this work. Most severe case of the two chosen direction is pointed out and discussed. Keywords: stability analysis, initial geometric imperfections, thin-walled structures, finite element method Published in DKUM: 06.07.2022; Views: 588; Downloads: 61
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