Abstract: Previous research has shown loneliness as a threat for the quality of life of older peopleč therefore the goal of the intervention in a quasi-experimental study was to evaluate and discuss the self-reported level of loneliness of older people in Finland and Slovenia before and after a computer intervention.Intervention in a quasi-experimental study was conducted among 58older participants at the baseline (M = 72.4 years) and 45 older participants at the follow-up research study (M = 72.9 years). Inferential statistics showed a significant difference in the reduction of loneliness between the countries, and a decreased level of loneliness of older people after completing the computer training course. Although older people experience many age-related problems which may reduce their interest in learning information and communication technology (ICT) skills, it is important that they are computer-proficient, because computer engagement can reduce the level of loneliness of older people and in this way has a positive effect on their quality of life.Keywords: older people, loneliness, computer training course, socialization, health and well-beingPublished in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 3755; Downloads: 104 Link to full text