1. Attitudes of teachers towards the inclusion of children with special needs in primary and secondary schoolsMajda Schmidt, Ksenja Vrhovnik, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: Many researchers emphasize teachers' attitudes as a decisive component in ensuring successful inclusion of students with special needs (SN students). The empirical research that is presented in the main part of this article analyzes the attitudes of primary and secondary teachers towards the inclusion of SN students with respect to the type of school, the teachers' age, the number of SN students in the class, and the teachers') acquired skills. A questionnaire was devised for the study, based on two previous questionnaires: the Questionnaire on Attitudes towards Integration and the Teacher Stress and Coping Questionnaire. The secondary teachers showed more positive attitudes towards SN students than did their primary colleagues, as well as towards teaching and adaptation with respect to the students' SN and towards the psychophysical strain related to such work. The youngest group of teachers, those aged from 20 to 30, shows a higher level of agreement related to the provision of adequate support. Teachers with fewer SN students in class (up to two students) show a higher degree of support for inclusion of SN students than do other groups of teachers. Teachers without training for work with SN students in comparison with their colleagues who had it show a lower level of agreement with respect to support and assistance at educational work with SN students. Keywords: defektologija, pristopi učiteljev, starost učiteljev, otroci s posebnimi potrebami, otroci z motnjami, integrirani otroci, socialna integracija, emocionalna integracija, motivacijska integracija, osnovne šole, srednje šole, defectology, teachers' attitudes, teachers' age, impaired children, integrated children, integration, social integration, emotional integration, motivational integration, primary schools, secondary schools Published in DKUM: 17.09.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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2. Integrating social dimensions into future sustainable energy supply networksMatevž Obrecht, Yigit Kazancoglu, Matjaž Denac, 2020, original scientific article Abstract: Environmental protection and sustainable development have become an inevitable trend in many areas, including the energy industry. The development of energy supply networks is strongly correlated with the economics of energy sources as well as ecological and socio-political issues. However, the energy supply network is often distant from the social perspective. This paper therefore combines examination of perceptions and awareness of general public (web-based questionnaire) and top energy experts (a Delphi survey) on the energy supply network and identifies their potential integration in energy supply decision making processes. The results showed that public should be better informed as well as integrated into designing energy supply network as the prosumers gain power and the energy suppliers will no longer dominate the market. Public actors are ready to shape sustainable energy supply and also willing to pay 5.8% more for a sustainable energy supply. The majority are prepared to invest in renewable energy supply network close to their place of residence. Another result is that the public is calling for a shift in priority towards more sustainable and socially friendlier energy supply rather than focusing mainly on the economic and technical perspectives. Keywords: energy supply, supply networks, sustainable energy, public perception, social integration, supply chain management Published in DKUM: 19.02.2024; Views: 306; Downloads: 23
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3. Knowledge management for knowledge society and intergenerational educationJana Goriup, Vilma-Alina Bezenšek, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: The impact of globalization on contemporary post-modern society in the light of an aging population requires methods and techniques of education that are appropriate for young people and reflect (or accommodate) intergenerational learning. The purpose of this paper is to analyse, through empirical research and study of literature, the context of the elderly who are too often marginalized and to show the impact of the knowledge of society based on the use of modern information and communication technologies, on intergenerational learning. The authors analyse some of the consequences of the demographic changes and highlight the role and importance of intergenerational learning and collaboration for sustainability, especially in the Slovenian ageing society. We identify the role and importance of intergenerational learning for coexistence of generations. In the analysis of the empirical data of the conducted research, we conclude that the effectiveness of the knowledge society is influenced by both: the globalization processes and the intergenerational integration, as well as (and in particular) the cultural capital of younger generations and, last, but not least, the willingness of all generations to participate in the transmission and acquisition of knowledge. Keywords: elderly, (social) integration, intergenerational learning, education, lifelong learning, knowledge society Published in DKUM: 03.08.2017; Views: 1384; Downloads: 160
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4. The social acceptance of secondary school students with learning disabilities (LD)Teja Majcen, Majda Schmidt, Karin Bakračevič, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: This paper aims to shed light on the level of social acceptance among students with learning disabilities (LD4 ) in various secondary school vocational programs in comparison with their peers without disabilities. Our findings are based on an empirical study that comprised 417 students, 5 of whom 85 were students with LD. Based on sociometric analyses of all participating classes, we determined that students with LD were less integrated into the classroom in comparison to their peers without LD. The results of the sociometric analysis show statistically significant differences in the sociometric position between students with LD and students without LD. While students with LD were most frequently perceived as rejected, students without LD were seen as popular or average. In addition, students with LD see themselves as less socially self-efficient compared to their peers. The results of our study mostly refer to boys, because the sample comprised 359 boys and 58 girls. We believe that pro-inclusion teachers with appropriately developed strategies for strengthening students' social skills, as well as positive attitudes and sufficient knowledge about the special needs of students can have a significant impact on the social acceptance of students with special needs in the classroom community. Keywords: students with learning disabilities, social integration, social self-efficacy, social acceptance, sociometric status, secondary school vocational education Published in DKUM: 13.07.2017; Views: 2162; Downloads: 157
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