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Recognition of the perceived benefits of smartphones and tablets and their influence on the quality of learning outcomes by students in lower secondary biology classes
Vida Lang, Andrej Šorgo, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: After the appearance of the first smartphones in 2007 and shortly thereafter, tablets became not only useful communication tools, but also objects that function as life organisation units. However, although they are ubiquitous, their actual and potential role in biology education has not been sufficiently explored. The objectives of the survey were to investigate the recent use of smartphones in the last two grades of Slovenian comprehensive school by 14- to 15-year-old students, their satisfaction with them for educational purposes, and the perceived impact on the quality of schoolwork in biology classes. Based on the responses of 313 lower secondary school students, we can conclude that by the end of compulsory education, almost all of them have used smartphones and tablets for educational purposes to some extent, even if the reported use in different school subjects is low. Based on structural equation modelling, which examines the influence of the constructs of support, perceived usability, perceived ease of use, attitudes, and perceived pedagogical impact on the quality of smartphone-based schoolwork, it can be concluded that only perceived pedagogical impacts and perceived usability impacted quality, leading to the conclusion that additional efforts should be made to explore their full potential and the gaps that should be addressed through formal education. Leaving students to their own devices is the worst solution, resulting in a permanent lack of skills, such as the ability to select and interpret information provided through the media.
Keywords: attitudes, biology education, quality of schoolwork, secondary school students, smartphones, tablets
Published in DKUM: 05.06.2024; Views: 136; Downloads: 14
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Plants are not boring, school botany is
Nataša Kletečki, Dario Hruševar, Božena Mitić, Andrej Šorgo, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: The quality of botanical education depends on the quality and interests of the teacher. The aim of our paper was to conduct an initial study on the attitudes of primary and secondary school teachers about plants and botany. We initiated a study in which 211 biology and 168 teachers of different subjects, from primary to secondary schools in Croatia, participated on a voluntary basis. Statistical analysis was processed using jamovi 2.3 software. Teachers of all profiles (biology and others) had similar attitudes: high opinion about the importance of plants for life and education but not about school botany; botany was in the middle of their scale for potential exclusion from education. The last part of the survey referred only to biology teachers and their interests and suggestions for increasing the attractiveness of botany as a subject. The results showed that botany was the least popular, and within it, teachers were most interested in ecology and horticulture. They suggested that botany would be more interesting with active teaching methods and references to everyday contexts; however, it remains unclear why that is so, as the level of autonomy they are given does enable them to introduce such changes.
Keywords: botanical education, Croatia, plant awareness, plant blindness, primary and secondary school teachers
Published in DKUM: 06.02.2024; Views: 348; Downloads: 21
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Mobile learning usage and preferences of vocational secondary school students : the cases of Austria, the Czech Republic, and Germany
Antun Biloš, Davorin Turkalj, Ivan Kelić, 2017, original scientific article

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to determine the current status of mobile device usage and mobile learning adoption in vocational education and training (VET) secondary schools in three European Union countries (Austria, the Czech Republic, and Germany). The research focused on exploring students’ mobile device usage habits, their attitudes toward education in the context of mobile application support, and preferences regarding mobile learning features. The research confirmed a high level of mobile device usage among secondary school students on a daily basis; smartphones and laptops were the most commonly used devices. The vast majority of participants perceived themselves to be advanced mobile device users, but reported a deficit of ICT-assisted mobile learning experience. However, the majority of respondents with prior ICT-assisted education experience described it as a positive or very positive experience. In addition, study participants tended to agree that mobile learning will play a significant role in education in the future. The paper also explored the reported differences among the students in the three countries and suggested several implications for understanding students’ views of mobile learning. The findings provide insights into possibilities of m-learning implementation while creating a framework for m-learning application development in the VET secondary school environment.
Keywords: mobile learning, secondary school education, online teaching, student mobile device usage, m-learning, mobile teaching
Published in DKUM: 14.11.2017; Views: 1491; Downloads: 168
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The social acceptance of secondary school students with learning disabilities (LD)
Teja Majcen, Majda Schmidt, Karin Bakračevič, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper aims to shed light on the level of social acceptance among students with learning disabilities (LD4 ) in various secondary school vocational programs in comparison with their peers without disabilities. Our findings are based on an empirical study that comprised 417 students, 5 of whom 85 were students with LD. Based on sociometric analyses of all participating classes, we determined that students with LD were less integrated into the classroom in comparison to their peers without LD. The results of the sociometric analysis show statistically significant differences in the sociometric position between students with LD and students without LD. While students with LD were most frequently perceived as rejected, students without LD were seen as popular or average. In addition, students with LD see themselves as less socially self-efficient compared to their peers. The results of our study mostly refer to boys, because the sample comprised 359 boys and 58 girls. We believe that pro-inclusion teachers with appropriately developed strategies for strengthening students' social skills, as well as positive attitudes and sufficient knowledge about the special needs of students can have a significant impact on the social acceptance of students with special needs in the classroom community.
Keywords: students with learning disabilities, social integration, social self-efficacy, social acceptance, sociometric status, secondary school vocational education
Published in DKUM: 13.07.2017; Views: 2162; Downloads: 157
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SVONAR : a new quantitative method for studying learner satisfaction
Peter Kokol, Slavko Cvetek, Marko Kokol, Petra Kokol, Matej Urbas, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: We investigated studentsʼ feelings and well-being during the lesson. We were working on a problem of how to adjust teaching in the secondary school and achieve that students will feel as good as possible and better follow the instruction. A hypothesis was set that, by measuring the desired length of lesson and factors which influence lesson length, we can measure and influencestudent satisfaction. Based on this hypothesis we investigated the factors which have influence on lesson length in a particular subject. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire. The subjects were students of II. gimnazija (secondary grammar school). The responses were analysed to obtain correlations between the factors (average grade in a subject, boredness and likableness of the teacher, length and level of boreness of lesson content, fear of the teacher) and lesson length. Results suggest that, by modifying these factors we could change studentsʼ opinions, that is, increase their willingness to attend classes. The set hypothesis was confirmed and it was shown that by using simple diagrammatic models built on the basis of linear regression we can identify and study the influence of these factors on lesson length.
Keywords: teaching, secondary school, quantitative methods, student satisfaction
Published in DKUM: 05.06.2012; Views: 3007; Downloads: 402
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