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Climate change-related displacement and the determination of refugee status under the 1951 Refugee Convention
Elijah Sriroshan Sritharan, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Climate change and climate-driven migration are two of the defining challenges of the twenty-first century, and there is no legal framework for protecting those displaced across national borders for climate-related reasons. The 1951 Refugee Convention hardly applies to human mobility in the context of climate change. This paper was written in the hopes of initiating a discussion concerning an alternative perspective through which persons fleeing natural disasters linked to climate change may satisfy the eligibility conditions for recognition of refugee status. Expanding the definition of refugee as defined in the Convention by including the notion of vulnerability to climate disasters that are caused by the underlying socio-economic conditions in the claimant’s home country and the role of discrimination in causing differential exposure to the climate-related disasters in legal definitions might open the door for the availability of refugee status for persons fleeing in the context of climate change. This paper proposes the adoption of a reformed human rights-based interpretation, particularly with regard to the individual nature of refugee status determination. Recalibrating the Convention to facilitate climate-induced migration could reduce political tension and social unrest in receiving countries.
Keywords: climate change, climate-driven migration or displacement, climate migrants, climate refugees, determination of refugee status, the 1951 refugee convention, human rights-based approach, socio-economic conditions, vulnerability to climate disasters, the role of discrimination, rights-based climate litigation
Published in DKUM: 19.04.2024; Views: 168; Downloads: 18
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Gender stereotype analysis of the textbooks for young learners
Anja Sovič, Vlasta Hus, 2015, published scientific conference contribution

Keywords: education, textbooks, gender stereotype, young learners, gender role
Published in DKUM: 09.04.2024; Views: 233; Downloads: 4
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Contemporary Issues in Tourism
2022, proceedings

Abstract: The scientific monograph on current topics of tourism development, which is intertwined with the field of health, well-being, and the role of local authorities in planning, implementing, and evaluating policies and practices related to public health issues, offers the reader a systematic theoretical review of scientific literature, as well as case studies of the topics discussed. The content is presented by numerous researchers and experts who are active in Slovenia or other countries of the former Yugoslavia. The topics address current issues in the development of tourism science. The content is multidisciplinary and interconnects various views and concepts that provide an insight into the profession for the needs of further development of the sector.
Keywords: tourism, development, thematic tourism, sport tourism, well-being, public health, the role of local authorities
Published in DKUM: 28.10.2022; Views: 818; Downloads: 68
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Art as a Source of Horror in H. P. Lovecraft`s Stories
Deja Bečaj, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: H. P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) is one of the most prominent horror fiction writers of all time, who is still heavily influencing many writers of weird fiction and other artists with his Cthulhu Mythos and elaboratively wordy writing style. During his studious childhood he came into acquaintance with a broad spectrum of literature and artists, with which he kept up to speed throughout his life. This knowledge in combination with profound love for architecture; paintings and sculptures of the old masters, his contemporaries but especially the romantic period, trickled significantly into his writing and built stories rich in art historical background and references to the works of art he encountered in his life. Artists, whose styles and influences are most prominent in his works are Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), Francisco Goya (1746–1828), Gustave Doré (1832–1883), Sidney Sime (1867–1941), Aubrey Beardsley (1872–1898), Nicholas Roerich (1874–1947), Anthony Angarola (1893–1929) and his friend Clark Ashton Smith (1893–1961), while his inspiration for monsters and events in the stories also stem from ancient Greece and Rome, and lean on medieval art for the representations of pure carnage. The art appearing in his works can be divided into three groups: art which is a creation of the Great Old Ones – the pantheon of Lovecraftian deities; the truth-revealing creations, which expose the true nature of humans and beings portrayed in the art and art created by humans who experienced cosmic horror. Cosmic horror is the underlying concept of every story in Lovecraft’s opus. Its nihilistic stance towards humankind and exposing it to the dangers of the uncharted planes, bring out the worst fears in the readers by confronting them with the unknown. Art is in this context used as a device which can enhance the mysterious events, open the doors between what we know and what we are not supposed to know, and a tool to blame for thrusting individuals into madness or even death, which on multiple occasions seems the most merciful way out of the horrid situation.
Keywords: H. P. Lovecraft, Cosmic horror, Weird fiction, Art, Role of art
Published in DKUM: 28.08.2019; Views: 2138; Downloads: 174
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Medicine between ethics and scientific progress : how much ethics needs medicine, how much ethics can it afford?
Joseph Straus, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: The progress of medicine is heavily dependent on the progress of science and technology, which in turn depend on costly and risky investment in research and development. In this contribution, based on some concrete examples, new scientific achievements are presented as basis of modern medicine and source of ethical concerns. Addressed are also the role of scientists in coping with safety in ethical concerns as regards hazards of new technologies, costs of R&D investment in drug development and the role of patents in this context. In some detail the legal situation existing at an international and European level as regards exclusions from patentability based on reasons of ethics and morals is presented. A critical appraisal of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union as regards patentability of embryonic stem cells is offered.
Keywords: ethics, scientific progress, costs of R&D, role of patents, CJEU case law
Published in DKUM: 08.10.2018; Views: 960; Downloads: 62
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Die Authentizität in Maja Haderlaps Roman Engel des Vergessens
Miša Glišič, 2014, original scientific article

Abstract: This article analyses the authenticity of memories in the second half of the 20th century in Carinthia. The segmentation of historical authenticity is visible in the historical reminiscence of traumatic historical events in relation to social interaction. The combination of social, political und cultural elements affects the divergent experience of individuals in determinated environment. The complexity of the novel is seen in the inner feelings, which characterization relates to emotions and the subconscious of the population. The article focuses on the female perspective as well as on the role of women in the story. The author proves with her experience of unconsciously the unsolved problematic of her own literalizing of history. The personality of the writer is shown in the examples of double literary, personal and lingual identity.
Keywords: Austrian literature, Slovene literature, literalizing of history, role of women, multiculturalism, search of identity, question of minority
Published in DKUM: 18.05.2017; Views: 1278; Downloads: 195
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Prenova bolnišničnega informacijskega sistema “IS VZE-MEDIC”
Mitja Sodja, 2015, bachelor thesis/paper

Abstract: Tema diplomskega dela je prenova bolnišničnega informacijskega sistema z nazivom IS VZE MEDIC Vojaško zdravstvene enote. V prvem delu je opisan sistem in predstavljene specifičnosti povezovanja z ostalimi informacijskimi sistemi znotraj zaprtega intranetnega omrežja. V drugem delu je opisana interoperabilnost bolnišničnega informacijskega sistema z različnimi sistemi v zvezi NATO za povezovanje doma in v tujini. Preučena je bila različna domača in tuja literatura, dokumenti organizacije in predpisani standardi zveze NATO (STANAG – angleško Standardization Agreement).
Keywords: bolnišnični informacijski sistem, interoperabilnost - povezljivost sistemov, vojaško zdravstvo, zveza NATO, lahka premična bolnišnica Role 2 LM MTF (Light Manoeuvre, Medical Treatment Facilities)
Published in DKUM: 16.09.2015; Views: 1234; Downloads: 189
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Vpliv manipulacij na poškodbe rol industrijskega papirja v transportni verigi
Urška Fric, 2013, master's thesis

Abstract: Na rolah industrijskega papirja v celotni transportni verigi od proizvajalca rol do proizvajalca embalaže prihaja do različnih oblik mehanskih, klimatskih in bioloških poškodb. Obstoječa sredstva zaščite za preprečevanje poškodb razvrstimo v dve skupini. Prvo skupino predstavljajo nepremična sredstva zaščite za enkratno uporabo, drugo skupino pa premična sredstva zaščite za večkratno uporabo. Izkaže se, da nobeno obravnavano sredstvo zaščite na rolah ne preprečuje hkrati mehanskih, klimatskih in bioloških poškodb. Nepremična sredstva zaščite za enkratno uporabo lahko role hkrati ščitijo pred klimatskimi in delno pred biološkimi poškodbami, premična sredstva za večkratno uporabo pa delno pred mehanskimi poškodbami. Obstoječa sredstva zaščite so namreč neučinkovita zaradi nepopolne konstrukcije in napačne izbire materialov. Za zaščito rol pred mehanskimi, klimatskimi in biološkimi poškodbami predlagamo ovoj za role industrijskega papirja iz silikonskih materialov. Gre za nepremično sredstvo zaščite za enkratno uporabo, v katerega se rolo ovije v proizvodnji rol in odstrani v proizvodnji embalaže. Po uporabi se predvidita predelava in ponovna uporaba za ovoje in/ali ostale izdelke.
Keywords: transportna veriga, role industrijskega papirja, manipulacije, poškodbe, obstoječa sredstva zaščite, novo sredstvo zaščite
Published in DKUM: 17.10.2013; Views: 1656; Downloads: 106
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Arts and cultural education in Slovenian primary schools
Olga Denac, Branka Čagran, Jerneja Žnidaršič, Barbara Sicherl-Kafol, 2011, original scientific article

Keywords: art, primary school, teacher role
Published in DKUM: 07.06.2012; Views: 2150; Downloads: 70
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