1. Climate change and agriculture management : Western Balkan region analysisFranc Željko Županič, Danka Radić, Iztok Podbregar, 2021, review article Abstract: Background: This paper aims to analyze the possibilities of the agricultural sector of the Western Balkan to assess compliance with the European Green Deal, which provides for the implementation of activities, which should enable the transition to sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation. This paper is among the first to present the causality of agriculture and climate change (status, mitigation, and perspectives) in general and in light of the European Green Deal for the Western Balkan territory.
Main text: Agricultural production is a leading industry in the Western Balkan. Climate change and predictions that temperatures will increase by 4 °C in the coming decades pose a risk not only to agricultural production but also to the safety of the population, because agriculture is the main source of income for a significant part of it. Uncontrolled floods and droughts caused by climate change are a particular danger for agriculture and human existence. This paper demonstrates that agriculture in the WB can be considered critically affected by climate change.
Conclusions:Unless appropriate measures are taken and risk management for water resources and agriculture is improved, there will be a further decrease in precipitation and an increase in dry days by 20%. Such a scenario endangers not only the already vulnerable climate sustainability and biodiversity of the region but also the existence of a population employed in agriculture and the contribution of the agricultural sector to the gross domestic product. However, future planning based on the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) and European Green Deal, the adoption of a related regulatory framework, the establishment and regular monitoring of supporting financing mechanisms, regional cooperation, and improving risk management (with emphasis on the local level) can mitigate the present impact and decrease the expected negative impact of climate change on agriculture and biodiversity in the WB region. Keywords: climate change, sustainable agriculture, risk management, Western Balkan countries, European Green Deal Published in DKUM: 08.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5 Full text (1,18 MB) This document has many files! More... |
2. The relationship between leadership in BPM and company profitabilityDušan Gošnik, Maja Meško, Igor Stubelj, 2023, original scientific article Abstract: This paper studies the relationship between leadership as an activity of business process management (BPM) and company performance. Business process data about leadership and business processes in SMEs were collected via questionnaires on the population of 3007 SMEs in Slovenia. Aspects of leadership such as the involvement of employees, middle management, customers and suppliers were studied. The financial data of the SMEs of the sample were obtained from publicly available financial statements to assess relative residual income profitability ROEr and ROEa. Data analysis was performed using Bartlett’s, Kaiser–Maier–Olkin and nonparametric Mann–Whitney U tests. We confirmed a positive relationship between employee involvement in leadership as an activity of BPM and company profitability. It was proved that companies that involve employees and middle management in improving core business processes to a greater degree are more profitable. Intense involvement of employees in changes in core business processes results in higher company profitability, which has been detected by the higher risk-adjusted profitability measure ROEa. Companies that involve middle management to a greater degree by leading employees based on their interests are more profitable. The results are important for managers as decision-makers and other company stakeholders, especially those responsible for business process improvements. Theoretical and practical implications and further research possibilities are discussed. Keywords: management, leadership, BPM, risk-adjusted profitability measures, SME, performance Published in DKUM: 16.04.2024; Views: 200; Downloads: 9 Full text (529,77 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Geo-information technology for disaster risk assessmentĐorđe Ćosić, Sađan Popov, Dušan Sakulski, Ana Pavlović, 2011, original scientific article Abstract: The Serbian territory (including the territory of the former Yugoslavia) has been continuously exposed to different hazards, often with tragic consequences. Earthquakes and floods, usually followed by landslides, are the most dominant hazards in that region. Disaster risk reduction, prevention and early warning, as an integral part of sustainable development, do not exist in Serbia. That is one of the main reasons why the disaster-related damage is high. Despite very long experience in engineering and resources management in Serbia, there are no scientifically supported and standardized disaster risk-assessment procedures. Expertise only exists in the field of engineering-based hazard assessment.
The risk-assessment method proposed in this research includes, apart from hazards, parameters such as vulnerability, exposure and safety. It considers the environmental and social components of risk management. The proposed method, implementing combined mathematical and 3D GIS tools, was applied for the Danube River, Petrovaradin (the city of Novi Sad) area, for which data were available. The relationship between the risk parameters is calculated and graphically presented. Methods like this one should contribute to a shift from a passive disaster-related defense to a proactive disaster risk management, as well as from emergency management only, to disaster prevention, preparedness and mitigation activities, in Serbia and the Western Balkan Region. Keywords: hazard, vulnerability, safety, resilience, coping capacity, risk assessment, risk management, geographic information systems, earthquake, landslide, flooding, exceedance Published in DKUM: 13.06.2018; Views: 1186; Downloads: 183 Full text (418,04 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. Risk management according to ISO 31000Borut Jereb, Matjaž Knez, Darja Kukovič, Tina Cvahte Ojsteršek, Matevž Obrecht, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph Abstract: Organizations of all types and sizes face internal and external factors and influences that make it uncertain whether and when they will achieve their objectives. The effect this uncertainty has on an organization's objectives is «risk».
Although the practice of risk management has been developed over time and within many sectors in order to meet diverse needs, the adoption of consistent processes within a comprehensive framework can help to ensure that risk is managed effectively, efficiently and coherently across an organization. The generic approach described in this International Standard provides the principles and guidelines for managing any form of risk in a systematic, transparent and credible manner and within any scope and context.
All activities of an organization involve risk. Organizations manage risk by identifying it, analysing it and then evaluating whether the risk should be modified by risk treatment in order to satisfy their risk criteria. Throughout this process, they communicate and consult with stakeholders and monitor and review the risk and the controls that are modifying the risk in order to ensure that no further risk treatment is required. ISO 31000 describes this systematic and logical process in detail. (IS0 31000, 2009). Keywords: risk management, risk analysis, risk evaluation, business, organizations, companies Published in DKUM: 10.05.2018; Views: 1574; Downloads: 119 Full text (1,11 MB) This document has many files! More... |
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6. Management and logistics : selected topicsBorut Jereb, Mimo Drašković, Irena Gorenak, Sanja Bauk, Maja Fošner, Bojan Rosi, Drago Pupavac, Darja Topolšek, Oleksandr Dorokhov, Uroš Kramar, Željko Ivanović, Marjan Sternad, Matjaž Knez, Sonja Mlaker Kač, Ludmila Malyaretz, Matevž Obrecht, Tina Cvahte Ojsteršek, 2016, scientific monograph Abstract: The scientific monograph titled Logistics and Management – selected topics is the result of a bilateral project, lasting from 2013 to 2015 and titled “Preparation of a joint scientific monograph in the field of logistics and management issued at the Faculty of Logistics in Celje and the Maritime Faculty of Kotor”. The project was managed by Professor Maja Fošner, PhD, from the Faculty of Logistics at the University of Maribor, and Professor Veselin Draskovic, PdD, from the Maritime Faculty of Kotor, Montenegro.
The main goal of the monograph is to give a comprehensive account of selected areas from the field of logistics and challenges in the development of logistics, such as risk management and supply chains, transport cost, competences in logistics, urban logistics, green logistics, seaport cooperation, logistics network optimisation, logistics in tourism, logistics in performance management, systemic logistics providers and solutions to problems of transportation task.
Wishing to offer a comprehensive presentation of various areas in the field of logistics, the authors of the monograph contributions, who participated on the project (Maja Fošner, Bojan Rosi, Borut Jereb, Marjan Sternad, Veselin Draskovic (ed.), Mimo Draskovic, Sanja Bauk, Senka Sekulac-Ivosevic), invited to cooperation also other researchers from the Faculty of Logistics and the Maritime Faculty of Kotor (Irena Gorenak, Matjaž Knez, Matevž Obrecht, Sonja Mlaker Kač, Tina Cvahte, Darja Topolsek, Drago Pupavac, Zeljko Ivanovic, Oleksandr Dorokhov, and Ludmila Malyaretz) who enriched the present monograph with their contributions.
The monograph is aimed at professional public and anyone interested in the field of logistics. It should also serve as a useful aid in the study of logistics. Keywords: logistics, management, risk management, supply chains, transport cost, urban logistics, green logistics, seaport cooperation, logistics network, optimisation, logistics in tourism, logistics in performance management, systemic logistics providers Published in DKUM: 08.05.2018; Views: 1694; Downloads: 311 Full text (21,21 MB) This document has many files! More... This document is also a collection of 14 documents! |
7. RISK MANAGEMENT SUPPORT SYSTEMSValeriia Grigoreva, 2017, master's thesis Abstract: The topic of this Master’s Thesis is risk management support systems for banking industry. The research was focused on Russian Federation banking system.
Risk management is an important part of bank management. The banking sector is one of the most sensitive ones for currency fluctuation, economical as well as political instability. And it is necessary to be able to forecast future risks and prepare the banks to meet them, as well as to create the most suitable way to treat these risks.
Risk management in banks has changed substantially over the past ten years. In conditions of uncertainty and rapidly changing world banks have to introduce innovative approaches and mechanisms to risk management. Now banks use IT tools and automated systems for managing the risk.
The case study was chosen for empirical part of research. As an example, the largest bank of Russian Federation banking industry – PJSC “Sberbank” was taken. The empirical analysis was conducted with two research hypotheses. The purpose of H1 was to define the stage of use of automated risk management systems in Russia. It was accepted; the Russian banking sector is on early stage of use IT tools. However, the Russian software market is developing rapidly and can be called catching up. The purpose of H2 was to analyze the risk management support systems in the selected bank. The hypothesis was confirmed; the most important functionality of automated risk management system in Sberbank is credit risk management. Credit risk gives the bank "work". Credit operations of commercial banks are one of the most important types of banking activity. In the financial market, lending retains the position of the most lucrative asset line of credit institutions, although the most risky. The loan portfolio of banks averages 50‒70% of assets. Consequently, the credit risk in the structure of banking risk has a decisive influence on the performance of banks. The effectiveness of credit risk management is very important in the management of banking risk. Keywords: bank, risk, risk management, support system, IT-tools, automated systems, Russia. Published in DKUM: 10.07.2017; Views: 1676; Downloads: 188 Full text (1,03 MB) |
8. Risk management in the pharmaceutical industry in Slovenian companiesNina Bucalo, Borut Jereb, 2017, other scientific articles Abstract: The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most competitive businesses in the world. Supply chain in this industry has been directed towards the production of large batches to avoid lack of supplies, and the achievement of regulatory requirements, at the cost of high level of inventory, higher costs and inventory write-off due to expiration or other reasons. In recent years this industry is facing major changes and challenges such as intense globalization processes, increased competition and innovations in technologies, which has broadened and deepened risks in supply chain. The paper reports the results of the study of the risk in distribution processes of Slovenian pharmaceutical companies, which was conducted among five companies and aims to draw attention to risks that arise in supply chain, to emphasize the importance of their management and to present a model for an effective assessment of risk in companies, developed at the Faculty of Logistics. Keywords: risk management, risk catalog, production companies, pharmaceutical industry, distribution, logistics, Slovenia Published in DKUM: 06.07.2017; Views: 1469; Downloads: 588 Full text (115,52 KB) This document has many files! More... |
9. Vloga zavarovanj pri varnostni politiki podjetja v povezavi z internetnimi tveganjiMelita Kolenko, 2016, undergraduate thesis Abstract: Elektronsko poslovanje nas z razvojem informacijske tehnologije spremlja na vsakem koraku. Vse pomembne dokumente hranimo že v elektronski obliki. Pogosto se poslužujemo storitev v oblaku, tako da niti ne vemo, kje se podatki fizično nahajajo. Vse več trgovanja se vrši prek spletnih strani. Račune plačujemo s plačilnimi karticami prek spletnih portalov. V prostem času igramo računalniške igrice skupaj s prijatelji na internetu. In za vse te dejavnosti se moramo registrirati, kar pomeni, da upraviteljem internetnih strani zaupamo naše osebne podatke, podatke o naših bančnih računih in podobno.
In že od samega začetka je elektronsko poslovanje izpostavljeno tudi kibernetskim napadom. Primeri v diplomskem delu dokazujejo, da pred njimi nihče ni varen. Pogosto so vodilni podjetij mnenja, da se lahko z ustrezno računalniško opremo zavarujejo pred tovrstnimi vdori, a vendar so to naivne misli. Hekerji vedno najdejo nek način. In ni problematičen le sam vdor. Največji problem predstavlja vprašanje, kaj bo heker z ukradenimi podatki naredil.
Cyber zavarovanje omogoča finančno varnost, ko do kibernetskega napada že pride, ne more pa preprečiti samega napada. Keywords: Elektronsko poslovanje, cyber zavarovanje, kibernetski napad, kršitev, risk management. Published in DKUM: 15.06.2016; Views: 1459; Downloads: 91 Full text (1,52 MB) |
10. Systemic thinking and requisite holism in mastering logistics risks : the model for identifying risks in organisations and supply chainBorut Jereb, Teodora Ivanuša, Bojan Rosi, 2013, original scientific article Abstract: Risks in logistic processes represent one of the major issues in supply chain management nowadays. Every organization strives for success, and uninterrupted operations are the key factors in achieving this goal, which cannot be achieved without efficient risk management. In the scope of supply chain risk research, we identified some key issues in the field, the major issue being the lack of standardization and models, which can make risk management in an organization easier and more efficient. Consequently, we developed a model, which captures and identifies risks in an organization and its supply chain. It is in accordance with the general risk management standard - ISO 31000, and incorporates some relevant recent findings from general and supply chain risk management, especially from the viewpoint of public segmentation. This experimental catalogue (which is also published online) can serve as a checklist and a starting point of supply chain risk management in organizations. Its main idea is cooperation between experts from the area in order to compile an evergrowing list of possible risks and to provide an insight in the model and its value in practice, for which reason input and opinions of anyone who uses our model are greatly appreciated and included in the catalogue. Keywords: supply chain, risk management, systemic thinking, risk catalogue, requisite holism Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1652; Downloads: 115 Full text (1,49 MB) This document has many files! More... |