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The Implementation and evaluation of the United States Affordable Care Act
David Andrew Schultz, 2019, izvirni znanstveni članek

Ključne besede: United States, health care reform, Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, ethic
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.01.2021; Ogledov: 783; Prenosov: 0

International surrogacy arrangements - perspectives on international regulation
Jasmina Alihodžić, Anita Duraković, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Although more than 30 years have passed since the birth of the first surrogate baby, surrogacy motherhood as a form of ART is still one of the most controversial issues that reflect moral, ethical, cultural, psychological, medical, economic and legal dilemmas. The juxtaposition of legal solutions at the national level has given rise to discussions on the optimal solutions for regulating model international surrogacy arrangements. Given the current social and political climate, the authors of this paper advocate for the reform of international adoption procedures as opposed to passing a new convention, in a way that respective provisions of international adoption convention should be adapted to capture the effects of international surrogacy arrangements - recognition of legal parentage, provided that it is in the best interests of the child, and that there is a biological link between the child and at least one intended parent.
Ključne besede: international surrogacy arrangements, international regulation, reform of international adoption procedure, recognition of legal parentage, best interest of the child
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.01.2021; Ogledov: 709; Prenosov: 57
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Obseg dopustnosti nerevizijskih storitev po najnovejši evropski revizijski reformi ter njena implementacija v sloveniji, nemčiji in na hrvaškem
Irena Štaher, 2019, magistrsko delo

Opis: Zaradi izgube zaupanja v revizorjevo delo (različni škandali) je Evropska komisija izdala leta 2014 Direktivo 2014/56/EU ter Uredbo 537/2014/EU, da bi povrnila zaupanje. Države članice so morale to ustrezno implementirati do 17. junija 2016. Pri implementaciji je državam članicam bilo danih kar nekaj izbirnih opcij. Glavni cilj pa je, da se poveča neodvisnost ter nepristranskost revizorja kot tudi kakovost ter preglednost revizije … Nekaj sprememb oziroma novosti sem proučila v prvem delu magistrske naloge, potem pa sem se osredotočila na prepovedane nerevizijske storitve. Uredba v 5. členu daje seznam prepovedanih nerevizijskih storitev in možnost, da so pod določenimi pogoji nekatere storitve tudi dopustne. Pomembno je, ali gre pri izvajanju obvezne revizije za subjekt javnega interesa ali ne, saj 5. člen Uredbe daje prepoved samo za subjekte javnega interesa. Primerjala sem, kako je z njimi v Sloveniji, na Hrvaškem in v Nemčiji. Obstajajo razlike, Slovenija je do sedaj imela kar širok nabor teh storitev in so veljale za vse družbe. Po novem pa bi imela Slovenija seznam za subjekte javnega interesa, kot je to določeno v 5. členu Uredbe, ter dopustnost nerevizijskih storitev enako kot to predvideva Uredba, pri ostalih pa se ne sme kršiti pravil revidiranja. Pri prepovedanih nerevizijskih storitvah in dovoljenih izjemah za subjekte javnega interesa sledita Nemčija in Hrvaška Uredbi, le da na Hrvaškem niso dovoljene storitve vrednotenja kot to predvideva Uredba, v Nemčiji pa je prepovedeno dodatno še agresivno davčno načrtovanje. Pri obeh omenjenih državah pa za ostale družbe, ki niso subjekti javnega interesa obstajajo nekatere storitve, ki so prepovedane. Ugotavljajo tudi, da se je položaj revizijske komisije zaradi najnovejše revizijske reforme v zvezi z nerevizijskimi storitvami še dodatno okrepil. Revizijska komisija še podrobneje spremlja delo zakonitega revizorja in revizijskih družb ter preverja neodvisnost, prav tako pa mora spremljati naročene nerevizijske storitve, samo izvajanje takšnih storitev in neodvisnost pri izvajanju takšnih storitev. Pomembno vlogo ima tudi pri izbiri zakonitega revizorja oziroma revizijske družbe. Z implemetacijo novele ZGD-1I se je položaj revizijske komisije okrepil.
Ključne besede: audit reform, Directive 2014/56/EU, Regulation 537/2014/EU, banned non-audit services, audit committee.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.08.2019; Ogledov: 1999; Prenosov: 122
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An overview of medical malpractice law in the United States including legislative and the health care industry's responses to increased claims
Thomas Allan Heller, 2017, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: Medical Malpractice claims are frequently asserted in the United States. At various time and places, an extraordinarily high number of claims and payouts led to what some have called medical malpractice crises. Consequently, in some geographical locations physicians either could not purchase malpractice insurance as carriers withdrew from the market, or, insurance became increasingly expensive and the overall costs associated with the delivery of health care continued to rise. Other undesirable consequences of these crises included a shortage of qualified physicians in certain parts of the country. Many of the states responded to these problems legislatively through a long series of tort reform measures. The health care industry itself has evolved in numerous ways. In particular, many health care providers have turned away from traditional private insurance models to self-insured models such as captives. Further, the industry has continued to consolidate, with fewer, but larger hospitals and clinics, and with an increasing number of physicians employed directly by hospitals and large clinics. The results of all of these changes have had mixed results.
Ključne besede: medical malpractice, defensive medicine, medical malpractice crises, tort reform, consolidation of health care industry, group captives
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.10.2018; Ogledov: 1424; Prenosov: 167
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Organizational and managerial challenges of reforming Slovenian public agencies
Polonca Kovač, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Introduction: Agencies are among the key contemporary public organizations, prospering within reforms carried out worldwide to increase professionalism and rationalism in public administration (PA). Hence, countries have been establishing agencies and delegating them public tasks in order to achieve expertise-based instead of politically-driven and thus more efficient public policies. In such context, the present article addresses the most important strategic documents related to public administration reform (PAR) in Slovenia, analyzing their goals in terms of agencification and the main implementation results and gaps. Research Design: The research is dedicated to exploring the governmental approach to agencification as a key aspect of PAR. It analyzes (1) the main PAR strategic documents on public agencies in Slovenia since the mid-90s, and (2) the perceived implementation of structural and managerial autonomy as the declared goal of agencification. Combined research methods are applied, including descriptive analysis, regional comparisons, structural interviews among representatives of public agencies and their parent ministries, and selected statistical data analysis. Results: As proven by different research methods, the hypothesis whereby agencification goals in Slovenia are largely achieved as part of PAR documents in terms of autonomous organizational structure was confirmed. A more elaborated agencification in PAR documents relates to higher implementation of autonomy. Conclusion: Nevertheless, the professionalism of Slovenian agencies is still an on-going process, particularly as regards the efficiency implementation gap. As for the future, a more consistent PAR incorporating cross-sectoral policy on agencies is required to pursue the development of a democratic and efficient PA.
Ključne besede: public administration reform, agencies, autonomy, organization, management, Slovenia
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.01.2018; Ogledov: 1138; Prenosov: 329
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Discussions on school reform - a long way to the unification of schools for 10 to 14-year-olds
Renate Seebauer, 2009, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: The beginning of the article presents a retrospect of the discussion of unifying schools in Austria with arguments for and against them. In the 2008/09 school year a few selected Austrian regions started experimental school models in an attempt to unify their school system at the level of ten to fourteen-year-old pupils. More schools will start similar experiments a year later. Particularism — mainly politically motivated — has become evident: Nine regions, nine concepts. The fact that a new school organization will need teachers that have been educated in line with the new pedagogical concepts has been discussed sporadically. It remains neglected, however, in the overall concept of educational reform — at least in current public discussions.
Ključne besede: school reform in Austria, unified schools, higher level, school for ten to fourteen-year-old pupils, school reforms, school policy, Austria
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.09.2017; Ogledov: 1074; Prenosov: 103
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The Bologna reform of subject teacher education in the newly founded states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia
Edvard Protner, Zdenko Medveš, Štefka Batinić, Suzana Miovska Spaseva, Igor Radeka, Vera Spasenović, Snježana Šušnjara, Vučina Zorić, Nataša Vujisić Živković, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The article provides an overview of carrying out the principles of the Bologna reform in the education of subject teachers in the newly founded states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Drawing upon official documents, particularly laws and by-laws, study programmes and constituent documents of individual universities, the comparative analysis of the reform processes between 2004 and 2013 is made within a relatively homogeneous area in teacher education that existed before the break-up of the former joint state. Positive effects and weak points of the reform activities are observed and detected. The analysis has shown that by implementing the Bologna process the differences in the training of subject teachers among the states and universities, and even among individual universities, increased significantly compared to the previous state of education. This is evident not only in the simultaneous implementation of different models (i. e., the duration of studies (3+2, 4+1, 5+0), but also in concurrent application of simultaneous and successive forms of acquiring teacher competences, different academic titles, and particularly in the greatest issue - different levels of education at which teachers acquire teaching competences for the same teacher profile.
Ključne besede: Bologna reform, university studies, teacher education, comparative studies
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.08.2017; Ogledov: 1479; Prenosov: 398
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From virtual library over dictum and intel until refine : a story about ten-years of reform of medical education in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Vladimir Šimunović, Hans-Günther Sonntag, Richard Marz, Maja Ostojić, Axel Horsch, Bojana Filej, Danica Železnik, Ana Marušić, 2008, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: The purpose of this paper is to recall how we, medical teachers in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BH), coped with the challenge of reform in higher education and to analyze what in our doing was fashion, which trends we have chosen to follow, and what were the real, substantial and tangible results of our work. Financial support for reform across the board came through the Trans-European Program for Co-operation in Higher Education in Central and Eastern Europe (Tempus), and, since 1997, the five schools of medicine in Bosnia and Herzegovina partnered with academic institutions from nine EU countries in seven granted Tempus projects. The results were tangible: a network of medical libraries was established; medical schools were assessed internally and externally; several important documents were drafted and agreed on; a core group of faculty from Bosnia and Herzegovina was trained in new teaching methods; and research was done and published. Not less important,there were also some less tangible, but perhaps even more important fruits of this cooperation. A sense of trust was established, which is essential for any future collaborative action. Representatives from all sides, previously divided by the war, had a chance to communicate with each other, dispelling some prejudices and regaining belief that it is possible to work together. This example of the schools of medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina shows that higher education can be a favorable arena for reconciliation. Financial incentive can serve as a catalyst in the process and the presence of impartial partners (in our case, schools of medicine from the EU) proved beneficial for establishing and maintaining trust and good-will.The conclusion is that society rebuilding can be promoted indirectly,through formal education and professional engagement,not necessarily by pressing the “opposing” sides to talk about reconciliation and sign peace declarations.
Ključne besede: medical education, Tempus, ECTS, Quality assurance, curriculum reform, catalogue, knowledge and skills
Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.07.2017; Ogledov: 2426; Prenosov: 101
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Teachers' view of the grammar school curricular reform - the case of the Republic of Slovenia
Milena Ivanuš-Grmek, 2010, objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

Opis: In the first part of the article revelations of curriculum theory about modernizing syllabi are presented. In the second part of the article, the results of the empirical research are presented. The aim of the study was to determine the gains of curriculum reform and to alert on the problems that are aggravating the implementation of redesigned syllabi.
Ključne besede: education, curricular reform, grammar school, Slovenia
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.06.2012; Ogledov: 2096; Prenosov: 108
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