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Determination of produced and consumed electricity of a residential building using a graphical user interface
Eva Simonič, Iztok Brinovar, Sebastijan Seme, Klemen Sredenšek, 2021, professional article

Abstract: The primary objective of this paper is to present a graphical user interface for the calculation of electricity produced by a photovoltaic system and electricity consumed by a heat pump. The produced electricity is determined by a multi-year average of measurements of the global and diffuse power density of solar radiation for several places in Slovenia, while consumed electricity is determined based on the required heat for heating a residential building and domestic water. The calculation of produced and consumed electricity is validated by measurements on a real system. The developed graphical user interface enables simple user inputs of the photovoltaic system, heat pump, and the considered residential building, and provides a comprehensive technical analysis for installing both systems at the same location.
Keywords: graphical user interface, photovoltaic system, heat pump, production of electricity, consumption of electricity
Published in DKUM: 13.11.2023; Views: 278; Downloads: 14
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Material and energy balance in the planning of production costs
Manuela Ingaldi, Dorota Klimecka-Tatar, 2016, independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

Keywords: material, energy, manufacturing system model, production costs, planning
Published in DKUM: 11.05.2018; Views: 1598; Downloads: 105
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Strawberries from integrated and organic production : mineral contents and antioxidant activity
Janja Kristl, Andreja Urbanek Krajnc, Branko Kramberger, Silva Grobelnik Mlakar, 2013, original scientific article

Abstract: As the nutritional quality of food is becoming increasingly more important forconsumers, significant attention needs to be devoted to agricultural practices and their influences on the nutrient contents in food. The presentedinvestigation studied the mineral contents and antioxidant activitiesin the fruits of four organically-grown strawberry cultivars 'St. Pierre', 'Elsanta', 'Sugar Lia' and 'Thuchampion' when compared to those of integrated-grown plants. The strawberries were digested and analyzed for K, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn using an atomic absorption spectrometer, whilst P was analyzed using a vanadate-molybdate method. In addition, antioxidant activity was estimated by using the ABTS assay. The results showed that the mineral contents and antioxidant activities in strawberries depends on the cultivar, and its production system. Organically-grown fruits showed higher antioxidant activities and Cu content than the integrated fruits, whilst the integrated fruits were superior in their contents of P, K, Mg, Fe and Mn. All the cultivars showed similar Zn content, probably reflecting the fact that the Zn content in strawberries does not depend on the cultivar.
Keywords: strawberries, minerals, antioxidant activity, production system
Published in DKUM: 30.12.2015; Views: 1528; Downloads: 153
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Multi attribute decision model for orchard renewal - case study in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Karmen Pažek, Črtomir Rozman, Ferhat Ćejvanović, Andreja Borec, Darja Majkovič, Vjekoslav Par, Jernej Turk, 2005, original scientific article

Abstract: The fruit production in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) is slowly returning to normality after Balkan wars. Due to favorable climatic and soil conditions it presents a clear business opportunity for family farms. The decision which fruit species/variety to grow is a complex decision and should be made on the basis of sound empirical analysis. This paper present a multi criteria model for planning and decision making methodology based on expert system DEX-i. In the first stage the technological and financial cost benefit analysis were conducted for each fruit production alternative. The results were further evaluated with expert system DEX-i considering all possible criteria influencing the fruit grower decision. In the case of a sample family farm the plum yielded with best multi criteria evaluation, followed by apple and pear, while sour cherry gave unsatifactory outcome.
Keywords: cost benefit analysis, fruit production, multi attribute decision modeling, expert system DEX-i
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1559; Downloads: 38
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Blaž Radej, 2014, master's thesis

Abstract: Metoda vrednostnih tokov omogoča identifikacijo vzrokov raznovrstnih izgub v procesih in predvideva uporabo različnih orodij, katerih apliciranje v realnem okolju zagotavlja odpravo vzrokov izgub. V magistrski nalogi bomo zaradi lažjega razumevanja osnov proizvodnje opisali teorijo proizvodnih sistemov in procesov, opisali vrste razmestitev naprav in strojev, pomen planiranja in vodenja proizvodnje ter uravnavanja zalog in opisali pojem učinkovitosti naprav. Podrobneje bomo analizirali tehnološke in logistične procese na eni od obstoječih montažnih linij podjetja Hella Saturnus Slovenija d.o.o., na kateri se izdelujejo žarometi za osebno vozilo Porsche Cayenne. Izvedli bomo prikaz in analizo trenutnega stanja vrednostnih tokov ter podali predloge za prenovo procesov v smislu definiranja korektivnih ukrepov za odpravo vzrokov izgub znotraj montažnega procesa. Po izvedeni implementaciji teh ukrepov bodo kvantitativno ocenjeni tudi učinki prenove procesa, opravljeno bo testiranje hipotez v realnem okolju, opisani pogoji za izvedbo metode vrednostnih tokov in možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja.
Keywords: Prenova poslovnih procesov, Metoda vrednostnih tokov, Analiza trenutnega stanja, Toyota Production System, Faktor učinkovitosti OEE
Published in DKUM: 03.07.2014; Views: 4185; Downloads: 638
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Relational database as a cogitative part of an intelligent manufacturing system
Igor Drstvenšek, Mirko Ficko, Jože Balič, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: An intelligent manufacturing system is intended to produce one or more subjects that it is designed for in an optimal way. This means that it has to find a proper production process to produce the subject in an optimal way. The manufacturing system can be called "intelligent" when it is able to find applicable optimisation criteria upon its past experiences thus improving its performance in future. Therefore, an intelligent manufacturing system needs capabilities to store data and make decisions upon them. Such a "brain" can be established by a proper design of a technological database and its database management system (DBMS). Examining all constitutive parameters of a work operation a model of a production process organization can be made, which can serve as a basis for a suitable database design. In addition, an application programme that will check the existence and availability of work operations in the database has to be added to the DBMS. What remains are some optimisation criteria upon which we will choose an operation among suitable and available work operations. This task is fulfilled by a genetic algorithm optimisation technique that would consider work operations' data as parameters of optimisation and on this basis search the optimal one out of the set of available operation.
Keywords: production processes, optimisation, relational database, database management systems, production automation, manufacturing system
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2034; Downloads: 131
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