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A review of the use of Rankine cycle systems for hydrogen production
Urška Novosel, Jurij Avsec, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: The vast majority of steam power plants in the world are based on the Rankine cycle. It is a wellknown, trustworthy process that uses water or water vapour as a working medium, which supplies heat from various primary energy sources: fossil fuels, renewable energy sources (solar energy, energy from wood biomass, etc.) or a combination of both. With the Rankine cycle, energy sources other than electricity can be produced, which can be used as the primary energy source for various applications. The present article focuses on the production of hydrogen in addition to electricity; therefore, two energy sources are obtained from the same system with a few modifications of the existing power plant for further exploitation. There are several processes for hydrogen production using the Rankine cycle; in the present article, two processes are focused on: using part of the electricity produced and obtaining hydrogen by electrolysis of water or using part of high quality steam (basically heat energy) in combination with electricity and obtaining hydrogen by a thermochemical copper-chlorine process. Each of these processes has its advantages and disadvantages, which are presented in the present article with an example model of a power plant.
Keywords: Rankine cycle, hydrogen production, electrolysis, thermochemical process
Published in DKUM: 01.12.2023; Views: 483; Downloads: 5
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Multiple-effect evaporation in aluminosilicate technology
Dušan Klinar, Janvit Golob, 2001, professional article

Abstract: The article presents an engineering approach to the development of an alternative production with the existing equipment. Zeolite production is becoming an alternative to the old »Bayer« process for aluminum hydrate production. By applying appropriate know-how old equipment was used for an economically as well as ecologically acceptable production. In this equipment adaptation among other production steps the multistage evaporation battery was the most critical part of the process. We applied semi empirical approach on the basis of Z. Rant ideas to find heat transfer coefficients and to determine which equipment elements are more relevant for efficient performance and need serious maintenance.
Keywords: chemical engineering, evaporation in silicate technology, bauxite alumina production, evaporators, process optimization, heat transfer, heat flow, empirical equations, heat transfer coefficients, zeolites
Published in DKUM: 24.08.2017; Views: 1618; Downloads: 112
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Advances in production and industrial engineering
2017, scientific monograph

Abstract: This publication, scientific monograph, offers comprehensive chapter series from scientific researchers conducted by regional authors, authorities in the fields and summarizes the principal scientific contributions. The chapters deal with range topics from optimization techniques in production development, quality in production processes, product and process development, technologies for business development and factors of social and economic development. Edited by two editors with contributions from chapters’ authors, this scientific monograph presents advanced topics for students, educators and practitioners. The editors would like to thank all chapters’ authors for devoting of the research results and expertise with the great enthusiasm. We encourage all of them to continue successful highly valuable cooperation, between Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maribor and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.
Keywords: mechanical engineering, production management, manufacturing, artificial intelligence, process development, economic development
Published in DKUM: 19.07.2017; Views: 1548; Downloads: 399
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Advances in production and industrial engineering
2017, scientific monograph

Keywords: mechanical engineering, production management, manufacturing, artificial intelligence, process development, economic development
Published in DKUM: 05.05.2017; Views: 1390; Downloads: 548
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The need for simulation in complex industrial systems
Khalid Aboura, Miroljub Kljajić, Ali Eskandarian, 2012, original scientific article

Abstract: We discuss the concept of simulation and its application in the resolution of problems in complex industrial systems. Most problems of serious scale, be it an inventory problem, a production and distribution problem, a management of resources or process improvement, all real world problems require a mix of generic, data algorithmic and Ad-hoc solutions making the best of available information. We describe two projects in which analytical solutions were applied or contemplated. The first case study uses linear programming in the optimal allocation of advertising resources by a major internet service provider. The second study, in a series of projects, analyses options for the expansion of the production and distribution network of mining products, as part of a sensitive strategic business review. Using the examples, we make the case for the need of simulation in complex industrial problems where analytical solutions may be attempted but where the size and complexity of the problem forces a Monte Carlo approach.
Keywords: simulation, linear programming, production process
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1232; Downloads: 403
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On the problem of formulating principles in nonequilibrium thermodynamics
Paško Županović, Domagoj Kuić, Davor Juretić, Andrej Dobovišek, 2010, original scientific article

Abstract: In this work, we consider the choice of a system suitable for the formulation of principles in nonequilibrium thermodynamics. It is argued that an isolated system is a much better candidate than a system in contact with a bath. In other words, relaxation processes rather than stationary processes are more appropriate for the formulation of principles in nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Arguing that slow varying relaxation can be described with quasi-stationary process, it is shown for two special cases, linear nonequilibrium thermodynamics and linearized Boltzmann equation, that solutions of these problems are in accordance with the maximum entropy production principle.
Keywords: thermodynamics, entropy, relaxation, stationary process, entropy production
Published in DKUM: 07.06.2012; Views: 1627; Downloads: 401
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A model of simulation environment for prediction and optimisation of production processes
Igor Drstvenšek, Mirko Ficko, Ivo Pahole, Jože Balič, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: Paper describes means and methods for computer based optimisation of production processes using a new approach based on technological database (TDB) with genetic algorithm incorporated into a database management system (DBMS). The TDB serves as a store of tools and machine tools from which they can be assigned to different work operations. Work operations are basic entities of orders placed into queues. The goal of the model is to find available resources from the TDB in order to empty the queue in shortest time with lowest costs. To this purpose the model consist the technological database whose DBMS includes a genetic algorithm based optimiser. It checks the orders queue and searches for appropriate combinations of tools and machine tools from the TDB, which can be combined into needed work operations. It also performs an optimisation of time and costs according to so called static parameters of tools and machine tools.
Keywords: production processes, simulation, process planning, technological databases, genetic algorithms
Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 1875; Downloads: 104
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Development and validation of business process reengineering (BPR) variables: a survey research in Slovenian companies
Nataša Vujica-Herzog, Andrej Polajnar, Stefano Tonchia, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: Business Process Reengineering (BPR) literature is based primarily on case studies and there is a lack of rigorous wide-ranging empirical research covering all its aspects. This paper presents the results of a survey researchcarried out in 73 medium and large-sized Slovenian manufacturing companies. Seven crucial areas were identified based on a synthesis of BPR literature, which must be practised to achieve effective process reengineering: management commitment, education & training, team work, BPR project characteristics, employee cooperation, information technology support,and levers & results. Variables have been constructed within these areas, using Likert scales, and statistical validity and reliability analyses.These developed variables can be important both for understanding BPRand in terms of the descriptive statistics, also reported in this paper. What emerges is the crucial importance of process orientation, goal setting, and top management commitment. Furthermore, these variables can be helpful forfurther research aimed at investigating BPR and its linkages with other areas, such as strategy, performance measurement, etc.
Keywords: production management, process management, business process reingeneering, survey research
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2018; Downloads: 112
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Fuzzy Logic Model for the performance benchmarking of sugar plants by considering best available techniques
Damjan Krajnc, Miro Mele, Peter Glavič, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: This paper deals with the problem of performance benchmarking of traditional beet sugar plants, by considering Best Available Techniques (BAT) for beet sugar production, as determined by the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive. A Fuzzy Logic Model, based on fuzzy set theory, was constructed for this purpose, in order to compare the performances of sugar plants within the sector's best standards, as expressed in the Reference Document on BAT. The effectiveness of the model was tested in the case study,in which three sugar plants were benchmarked against the BAT regarding the consumption of energy, water, raw materials and the production of wastes, wastewater, by-products and the main product. The model was recognized as helpful for the benchmarking needs of sugar plants. In addition, by integrating BAT Reference Document analysis into the model, it provides IPPC permitting authorities with an objective method and uniform BAT benchmarks to manage permitting process.
Keywords: chemical processing, beet sugar production, sugar industry, clean technologies, performance benchmarking, IPPC Directive, technology performance assessment, fuzzy set theory, best available techniques, IPPC permitting process
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2648; Downloads: 96
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Review of sustainability terms and their definitions
Peter Glavič, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, 2007, original scientific article

Abstract: Terminology in the field of sustainable development is becoming increasingly important because the number of terms continues to increase along with the rapid increase in awareness of the importance of sustainability. Various definitions of terms are used by different authors and organizations, for example, green chemistry, cleaner production, pollution prevention, etc. The importance of this topic has stimulated research into the problems of clarifying ambiguity and classifying terms used in the sustainability field. This paper provides results of the literature survey and summarizes the definitions of the terms, focusing on the environmental engineering field. In some cases, it proposes an improved definition. A hierarchical classification of the terms and their relationships has been based on a layer format that is presented graphically.
Keywords: chemical process design, sustainability, environmental protection, cleaner production, terminology, definitions, classification
Published in DKUM: 31.05.2012; Views: 2386; Downloads: 124
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