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Konstruiranje motoriziranega sistema za pozicioniranje hitrih kamer : diplomsko delo
Nejc Dvoršek, 2020, diplomsko delo

Opis: V diplomskem delu je opisana nadgradnja Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) preizkuševališča z motoriziranim sistemom za pozicioniranje dveh hitrih kamer. Kameri dodata raziskavi karakteristik materialov nov vir podatkov in način analiziranja le teh. Kameri se delita na horizontalno in vertikalno. Vsaka kamera bo imela svoj motoriziran sistem, ki bo zmožen krmilja po vseh treh koordinatah v prostoru. Sistem za horizontalno kamero je že bil razvit na Czech Technical University v Pragi in ga je potrebno prilagoditi za SHPB v Mariboru. Vertikalni del je potrebno na novo skonstruirati. Oba motorizirana sistema bosta za nosilne dele uporabljala lahke aluminijast profile. Za krmilje pa bodo uporabljena kroglična vretena in okrogla vodila skupaj s pripadajočimi krogličnimi maticami in linearnimi krogličnimi ležaji. Horizontalni in vertikalni motoriziran sistem bo možno upravljati posamezno ali skupaj kot celoto.
Ključne besede: Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar, hitra kamera, krmilje, konstruiranje, linearno vodilo, kroglično vreteno
Objavljeno v DKUM: 24.09.2020; Ogledov: 1086; Prenosov: 80
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Modificiranje zeolitov za izboljšanje selektivnosti pri separaciji plinov : diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Mitja Čuš, 2019, diplomsko delo

Opis: Diplomsko delo je potekalo v sodelovanju s podjetjem Silkem d.o.o v njihovem raziskovalnem laboratoriju. Delo zajema modificiranje zeolitov z namenom, da izboljšamo separacijo plinov, natančneje kisika in dušika iz atmosferskega zraka. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti in laboratorijsko preveriti kateri zeoliti so primerni za molekularna sita za namene adsorpcije pod povišanim tlakom in pod podtlakom. Zeolit Na13X smo modificirali z ionsko izmenjavo s CaCl2 in s tem dobili zeolit Ca13X. Molekularna sita so temeljnega pomena pri separaciji zraka s procesom adsorpcije pod povišanim tlakom (PSA-pressure swing adsorption) in adsropcije pod podtlakom (VPSA-vacuum pressure swing adsorption). PSA in VPSA sta procesa pridobivanja oziroma bogatenja kisika, ki sta energetsko manj potratna kot pridobivanje kisika z uveljavljenimi metodami kot je to utekočinjanje zraka (ohlajevanje zraka), med seboj pa se razlikujeta po obratovalnem tlaku. Zeolitna molekularna sita se uporabljajo za proizvodnjo medicinskega kisika v kisikovih generatorjih. Raziskovali smo kako vplivajo struktura zeolita, obratovalni tlak, višina kolone in zadrževalni čas na učinkovitost adsorpcije. Velja, da je separacija zraka učinkovitejša z večjo aktivno površino zeolita, separacijski učinek pa višji z višjim obratovalnim tlakom. Višja kot je kolona, daljši je zadrževalni čas, z večanje višine pa je tudi večja količina polnila, kar pomeni večjo aktivno površino in s tem boljšo adsorpcijo. Modifikacija zeolita Na13X je potekala tako, da smo omenjen zeolit dodali v raztopino CaCl2 in šaržo intenzivno mešali 48 ur. Šaržo smo nato prefiltrirali in posušili. Ca13X smo granulirali v laboratoriju z Eirichovim granulatorju. Zeolitu Ca13X smo dodali deionizirano vodo in vezivo atapulgit ter granulirali do velikosti, primerne za nasutje. Pred uporabo zeolita smo granule kalcinirali pri 500 °C, saj s kalcininacijo dosežemo aktivacijo zeolita in izparevanje vlage ter drugih adsorbiranih snovi. Z aktiviranimi zeoliti smo napolnili kolono in merili koncentracijo kisika na izhodu s kisikovim merilcem. Ugotovili smo, da je ionsko izmenjan kalcijev zeolit Ca13X bolj primeren za molekularno sito pri separaciji plinov iz zraka. Visoke koncentracije kisika doseže tudi zeolit 5A, vendar je za procesa PSA in VPSA bolj primeren kalcijev zeolit Ca13X.
Ključne besede: ionska izmenjava, zeolit 13X, kalcijev zeolit 13X, adsorpcija, Pressure swing adsorption, Vacuum pressure swing adsorption, separacija zraka.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.10.2019; Ogledov: 1639; Prenosov: 183
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Dušica Mirković, 2019, doktorska disertacija

Opis: The aim of this doctoral research was to develop and optimize parenteral nanoemulsions as well as the total parenteral nutrition (TPN) admixture containing a nanoemulsion obtained in the course of the optimization process (hereinafter referred to as optimal nanoemulsion), and to examine their physicochemical and biological quality as well. In addition, the quality of the prepared nanoemulsions was compared with the quality of the industrial nanoemulsion (Lipofundin® MCT/LCT 20%), and, in the end, the TPN admixture initially prepared was also compared with the admixture into which the industrial emulsion was incorporated. Parenteral nanoemulsions that were considered in this dissertation were prepared by the high-pressure homogenization method. This method is the most widely applied method for the production of nanoemulsions due to the shortest length of homogenization time, the best-obtained homogeneity of the product and the smallest droplet diameter. For the nanoemulsion formulation, preparation and optimization purposes, by using, firstly, the concept of the computer-generated fractional design, and, after that, the full experimental design, the assessment of both direct effects of different formulation and process parameters (the oil phase type, the emulsifier type and concentration, a number of homogenization cycles and the pressure under which homogenization was carried out) as well as the effects of their interactions on the characteristics of prepared nanoemulsions was performed. Monitoring the nanoemulsion physical and chemical stability parameters was carried out immediately after their preparation, and then after 10, 30 and 60 days. It included the visual inspection, the measurement of the droplet diameter (the mean and volume droplet diameter), the polydispersity index, the ζ-potential, the pH value, the electrical conductivity, and the peroxide number. After the preparation and after 60 days, the biological evaluation (the sterility test and the endotoxic test) of the prepared nanoemulsions was carried out. As far as the characterization of the TPN admixture is concerned, it included practically the same parameters. The dynamics of monitoring the characteristics of the TPN admixture was determined on the basis of practical needs of hospitalized patients (0h, 24h and 72h). The scope and comprehensiveness of this issue indicated the need to divide the doctoral dissertation into three basic stages. The first stage was preliminary. Using the 24-1 fractional factorial design, nanoemulsions for the parenteral nutrition were prepared. They contained either a combination of soybean and fish oil, or a combination of medium chain triglycerides and fish oil. In addition, the type and the amount of an emulsifier used, a number of high-pressure homogenization cycles, and the homogenization pressure, were also varied. The measurement of the above-mentioned parameters for the industrial nanoemulsion was parallely carried out (Lipofundin® MCT/LCT 20%). The objective of this part of the research was to identify critical numerical factors having the most significant effect on the characteristics that define the prepared parenteral nanoemulsions. Parameters that were singled out as the result of this stage of the research (the emulsifier concentration and a number of homogenization cycles) were used as independent variables in the second stage of the research.
Ključne besede: nanoemulsions, total parenteral nutrition admixtures, high pressure homogenization, design of experiments, optimization, analysis of variance, artificial neural networks
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.06.2019; Ogledov: 11996; Prenosov: 19
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Shear modulus of a saturated granular soil derived from resonant-column tests
H. Patiño, E. Martínez, Jesús González, A. Soriano, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper presents the results of 120 determinations of the shear modulus (G) of a saturated granular soil (20–40 Ottawa sand) in different conditions of relative density (Dr), effective consolidation pressure (σ’ c) and level of torsional excitation (Te). The equipment used was a resonant-column apparatus manufactured by Wykeham Farrance and the tests were performed with relative density values of 20, 40, 60 and 80%, effective consolidation pressures of 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 kPa, and torsional excitations of 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 volts (V), leading to shear strains (γ) between 0.002% and 0.023%. The results led to very simple empirical expressions for the shear modulus as a function of the angular strain for different effective consolidation pressures and void-ratio values.
Ključne besede: resonant column, resonant frequency, shear modulus, relative density, effective consolidation pressure, dynamic shear modulus
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.06.2018; Ogledov: 1315; Prenosov: 86
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Numerical study of the dynamic active lateral earth pressure coefficient of cohesive soils
Mehrab Jesmani, Hossein Alirezanejad, Hamed Faghihi Kashani, Mehrad Kamalzare, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Retaining walls are proposed in many projects, such as bridges, coastal structures, road constructions and wherever lateral support is required for the vertical surface of an excavation. The active lateral pressure coefficient of soil, Ka , is an important parameter for studying the static and dynamic behaviors of these retaining walls. Many studies have evaluated this coefficient in static situations, but in most previous dynamic studies, researchers have worked on the behavior of cohesionless backfill soil or made simplifying assumptions (e.g., pseudo-static status) for cohesive soils as backfill soil. In this study, the size of the active lateral earth pressure coefficient (Ka) was studied in a full dynamic situation (Kae). A retaining wall with cohesive backfill soil is evaluated using the finite-difference method (FDM) and the effects of important soil and loading properties are assessed. The model is based on Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria under seismic loading. The results show that the value of Kae at the top of the wall, where it is highly sensitive to any variation in the soil and loading properties, is greater than one due to the high pressure value induced by the horizontal dynamic acceleration and the presence of tension cracks.
Ključne besede: dynamic active lateral earth pressure coefficient (Kae), cohesive backfill soil, finite difference method (FDM), tension cracks, retaining wall, seismic loading
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.06.2018; Ogledov: 1549; Prenosov: 118
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Evaluation of dynamic soil pressures acting on rigid culverts : shaking-table tests
Deniz Ulgen, Mehmet Yener Özkan, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The seismic safety of underground structures (culvert, subway, natural-gas and water-sewage systems) plays a major role in sustainable public safety and urban development. Very few experimental data are currently available and there is no generally accepted procedure to estimate the dynamic pressures acting on these underground structures. This study aims to enhance the state of the prevalent information necessary to understand the dynamic behaviour of box culverts and the stresses acting under dynamic excitations through experimental analyses. For this purpose, a series of shaking-table tests were conducted on box-type culverts buried in dry sand. To simulate the free-field boundary conditions, a laminar box was designed and manufactured for use with a 1-g shake table. Two culvert models having different rigidities were tested under various harmonic motions in order to examine the effect of the flexibility ratio on dynamic lateral soil pressures. Based on the test results, a simplified dynamic pressure distribution acting on the sidewalls of the culvert model was suggested. Then, a dynamic lateral coefficient was defined for the proposed peak pressure value in the distribution. The values of this coefficient were obtained as a function of the shear strain by considering the relative stiffness between the soil and the underground structure.
Ključne besede: box culvert, dynamic earth pressure, shaking table, dynamic soil-structure interaction, laminar box, dynamic lateral coefficient
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.06.2018; Ogledov: 1000; Prenosov: 223
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A method for predicting the deformation of swelling clay soils and designing shallow foundations that are subjected to uplifting
Baheddi Mohamed, Djafarov Mekhti, Charif Abdelhamid, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Swelling soils can be found in many parts of the world. The state of practice in this area has been changing over recent decades. The design of foundations for expansive soils is an impo rtant challenge facing engineers. The excessive damage is, in part, due to the lack of proper design, resulting in the need for better tools for practitioners in order to assess the impact of swelling soils in typical design applications. A correct measurement of the swelling pressure is required for an accurate prediction of the heave. A theoretical model is proposed to describe the swelling potential of clay soils on the basis of their characteristics obtained from oedometer tests. This paper describes analysis of the behavior of swelling soils when moistened under buildings and structures. The methods and principles currently used for the design of structure foundations on swelling soils involve important problems due to the non-uniform deformations of these soils when subjected to structural loads. The current study was conducted to compute the uplifting of shallow foundations on swelling soils considering the water-content change as well as the contact-pressure distribution under the footing.
Ključne besede: swelling soil, swelling magnitude, swelling pressure, free-swell oedometer test, loaded-swell oedometer test, shallow foundations
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.06.2018; Ogledov: 1057; Prenosov: 107
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Micro-scale responses of granular materials under different confining pressures using the discrete element method
Mahmud Sazzad, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Biaxial compression tests were carried out on assemblies of ovals to study the micro-scale responses of granular materials under different confining pressures using the discrete element method (DEM). A total of 8450 ovals were generated in a rectangular frame without any overlap. Four dense samples were prepared from the initially generated sparse sample under different confining pressures. The simulated results yield a stress-straindilatancy behaviour similar to that observed in sands under different confining pressures. The evolution of the different microparameters and their inter-relationships are established. When the confining pressure is relatively high, the difference between the coordination number and the effective coordination number is very small; however, the difference is apparent for a low confining pressure. The microtopology of the granular assembly at several important states of shear is also reported. It is noted that the topological distribution of the granular materials is confining- pressure dependent. The normalized void-cell number is a minimum under the lowest confining pressure, whereas the same number is a maximum under the highest confining pressure. A linear relationship is observed between the normalized void-cell number and the effective coordination number, regardless of the confining pressures. The evolution of the deviatoric fabric for different confining pressures is measured and the macro-micro relationship is presented.
Ključne besede: microstructures, confining pressure, fabric, microtopology, coordination number, macro-micro relationship
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.06.2018; Ogledov: 1548; Prenosov: 101
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Evaluation of the plastic critical depth in seismic active lateral earth pressure problems using the stress-characteristics method
Amin Keshavarz, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The plastic critical depth or the conventional tension crack depth has a considerable effect on the active lateral earth pressure in cohesive soils. In this paper the depth for c-ϕ soils has been evaluated in the seismic case using the stress-characteristics or slip-line method. The plastic critical depth was calculated on the basis of the theory of the stress-characteristics method and by considering the horizontal and vertical pseudo-static earthquake coefficients. The proposed solution considers the line of discontinuity in the stress-characteristics network. The earth slope, wall slope, cohesion and friction angle of the soil and the adhesion and the friction angle of the soil-wall interface were considered in the analysis as well. The results show that the plastic critical depths of this study are smaller than those of the other methods and are closer to the modified Mononobe-Okabe method. The effects of the wall and the backfill geometry, the mechanical properties of the soil and the pseudo-static coefficients were studied.
Ključne besede: plastic critical depth, stress characteristics, active lateral earth pressure, seismic
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.06.2018; Ogledov: 1371; Prenosov: 104
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