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The impact of weather conditions on alpha-acid content in hop (Humulus lupulus L.) cv. Aurora
Douglas MacKinnon, Viljem Pavlovič, Barbara Čeh, Boštjan Naglič, Martin Pavlovič, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: The influence of four main weather attributes on the content of alpha-acids of the hop cv. Aurora for the period 1994-2019 was studied. By analysing correlation coefficients, specific times of the year when the weather conditions affect the alpha-acid content with the goal of creating a forecasting model in Slovenia were identified. The most significant periods of weather that impacted the alpha-acid contents throughout the growing time of year are recognised as attributes of temperatures (T), rainfall (R) and sunshine (S) calculated from the 25th to 30th week (T2530, r = -0.78, P < 0.01; R2529, r = 0.72, P < 0.01 and S2529, r = -0.81, P < 0.01) and attributes of relative humidity (RH) from the 27th to 32nd week (RH2732, r = 0.82, P < 0.01). T2530 stands for the amount of active temperatures from June 18 to July 29. Likewise, R2530 matches to the precipitation (in mm or L/m2) during the same time period.
Keywords: alpha-acids, α-acids, weather attributes, cv. Aurora, forecasting, hop quality, brewing process, biosynthesis, vegetative period
Published in DKUM: 28.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 2
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Nexus between manifest motor indicators and fluid intelligence in prepubertal boys
Jurij Planinšec, 2006, original scientific article

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between manifest motor indicators and the fluid intelligence of boys. The sample comprised 550 boys aged 10 to 14. A battery of 26 tests was used for measuring motor performance. Intelligence testing was implemented with the test TN-20. A multiple regression analysis indicated that association between motor variables and fluid intelligence exists. The closest connection was the one between fluid intelligence and motor tasks which demand the coordination of movement in rhythm and the speed of movement. The associations between motor performance and fluid intelligence were age dependent: in 12 year old boys the connection between motor variables and fluid intelligence is the highest, followed by 14 year old boys, where it is a little lower; the connection is the lowest in 10 year old boys. The results suggest that developmental changes have a significant influence on the relations between motor performance and fluid intelligence.
Keywords: motorika, motorične sposobnosti, motorične aktivnosti, dečki, predpubertetno obdobje, motorics, motor abilities, motor performance, fluid intelligence, connection, boys, prepubertal period
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1383; Downloads: 29
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Integrabilnost in lokalne bifurkacije v polinomskih sistemih navadnih diferencialnih enačb
Brigita Ferčec, 2013, doctoral dissertation

Abstract: V tej doktorski disertaciji obravnavamo naslednje probleme kvalitativne teorije navadnih diferencialnih enačb (NDE): problem centra in fokusa, problem cikličnosti, problem izohronosti in problem bifurkacij kritičnih period. V prvem poglavju vpeljemo nekaj glavnih pojmov kvalitativne teorije NDE in opišemo nekaj temeljnih metod in algoritmov komutativne računske algebre, ki so potrebni za našo študijo. V drugem poglavju obravnavamo problem razlikovanja med centrom in fokusom, ki je ekvivalenten problemu obstoja prvega integrala določene oblike za dan sistem. To je vzrok, zakaj problemu centra in fokusa pravimo tudi problem integrabilnosti. Poiskali smo potrebne pogoje za integrabilnost (pogoje za center) za družino dvodimenzionalnih kubičnih sistemov, za Lotka-Volterrov sistem v obliki linearnega centra, motenega s homogenimi polinomi četrte stopnje in za nekatere polinomske družine v obliki linearnega centra, motenega s homogenimi polinomi pete stopnje. Z uporabo različnih metod smo za večino teh pogojev dokazali njihovo zadostnost za integrabilnost. Nadalje smo v tretjem poglavju z uporabo metod računske algebre pridobili zgornjo mejo za cikličnost (t.j. število limitnih ciklov, ki bifurcirajo iz izhodišča pri majhnih motnjah) družine kubičnih sistemov, obravnavane v drugem poglavju. Izračune premaknemo v polinomsko podalgebro, ki je povezana s časovno rezerzibilnimi sistemi družine in se na tak način izognemo problemu neradikalnosti Bautinovega ideala, povezanega s tem sistemov. Prav tako določimo število limitnih ciklov, ki bifurcirajo iz vsake komponente raznoterosti centra. V zadnjem poglavju disertacije obravnavamo problem izohronosti in problem bifurkacij kritičnih period za tridimenzionalne sisteme s centralnimi mnogoterostmi, na katerih vse trajektorije ustrezajo periodičnim rešitvam sistema. Za koeficiente sistema podamo kriterije za koeficiente sistema za razlikovanje med primeri izohronih in primeri neizohronih nihanj in za določitev zgornje meje števila kritičnih period.
Keywords: sistem NDE, integrabilnost, problem centra, časovna reverzibilnost, Darbouxov integral, linearizabilnost, raznoterost centra, fokusna količina, limitni cikel, problem cikličnosti, bifurkacije kritičnih period, funkcija periode, problem izohronosti
Published in DKUM: 08.07.2013; Views: 2560; Downloads: 241
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