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The ever-growing popularity of true crime : master's thesis
Špela Hašaj, 2023, magistrsko delo

Opis: People’s fascination with true crime, especially murder, has no limits. True crime is a multi-genre that shares features of journalism and crime fiction and is often associated with murder narratives (Punnett 3). Murley defines true crime as stories of real events, shaped by the authors and imbued with their values and beliefs about these events (6). Moreover, in Biressi’s view, such stories are non-fiction narratives often promoted for entertainment (1). Because of the ever-growing popularity of true crime, my work tried to answer the following research questions: Who are the people that cannot get enough of stories about serial killers? Are there any similarities between true crime, nonfiction, and crime fiction? Which components of the story attract people's attention the most and what are the reasons behind the public's insatiable appetite for true crime? Is it perhaps our desire and need to understand the murderer and the driving force behind their acts? Or do we feel a deeper connection with the victim? What about serial killers allures us?
Ključne besede: true crime, serial killer, intertextuality, elements of literature, popularity
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.06.2023; Ogledov: 738; Prenosov: 86
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1,33 MB)

Reception and Popularity of Harold Pinter’s Plays in Slovenia after 1999
Urša Gavez, 2015, diplomsko delo

Opis: Harold Pinter is a world famous and appreciated playwright, who started his career rather unsuccessfully. As a representative of theatre of the absurd, he was faced with negative and critical reviews of his work. It is hard to say whether the reviewers did not understand his style or simply refused to understand it. However, the playwright’s new style ended up setting new boundaries in modern drama. Pinter’s plays, which were among the first to be presented on the Slovene stage received a similarly modest welcome. The audience found his long pauses, silences and incoherent dialogue insufficiently engaging, and many ended up leaving the theatre before the performance was over. One of the main reasons was that they were not familiar with this original and new writing style, which with time acquired its own adjective – ‘Pinteresque’. Throughout the world Pinter’s popularity increased more rapidly than in Slovenia, while today the playwright is not a stranger to the Slovene theatre. Pinter’s plays have been performed quite a few times on Slovene stages. The question that arises is whether reception of Pinter’s plays and his popularity among the Slovene audience has increased with time. There is a great possibility that Pinter’s popularity in Slovenia is a result of the playwright’s reception among Slovenes as well as the other way around. In this graduation thesis, we will focus on factors that have influenced a positive or negative reception of Pinter’s plays in Slovenia. In pursuit of this, we mainly focus on two events: Pinter’s receiving the Nobel Prize in Literature and his death. With the statistical data regarding Pinter’s plays staged in Slovenia after 1999, this graduation thesis will show how reviews, media presence and other factors influenced the popularity of Pinter and his plays in Slovenia, and how they simultaneously contributed to the reception and integration of the playwright’s style into the Slovene theatre, and brought the playwright closer to the Slovene public at the same time.
Ključne besede: Harold Pinter, theatre of the absurd, reception, popularity, play, media presence
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.10.2015; Ogledov: 1631; Prenosov: 89
.pdf Celotno besedilo (951,10 KB)

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