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Attractiveness of collaborative platforms for sustainable e-learning in business studies
Simona Sternad Zabukovšek, Zdenko Deželak, Silvia Parusheva, Samo Bobek, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: E-learning platforms have become more and more complex. Their functionality included in learning management systems is extended with collaborative platforms, which allow better communication, group collaboration, and face-to-face lectures. Universities are facing the challenge of advanced use of these platforms to fulfil sustainable learning goals. Better usability and attractiveness became essential in successful e-learning platforms, especially due to the more intensive interactivity expected from students. In the study, we researched the user experience of students who have used Moodle, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. User experience is, in most cases, connected with a person’s perception, person’s feelings, and satisfaction with the platform used. Data were collected using a standard UEQ questionnaire. With this research, we examined whether user experience factors: perceived efficiency, perceived perspicuity, perceived dependability, perceived stimulation, and perceived novelty affect perceived attractiveness, which is an important factor in the sustainability of e-learning tools. The collected data were processed using SmartPLS. The research study showed that all studied factors have a statistically significant impact on perceived attractiveness. Factor perceived stimulation has the strongest statistically significant impact on the perceived attractiveness of e-learning platforms, followed by perceived efficiency, perceived perspicuity, perceived novelty, and perceived dependability.
Ključne besede: e-learning platform, collaboration platform, usability, user experience
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.07.2024; Ogledov: 116; Prenosov: 3
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Motivations for hosting on Airbnb : the case of Slovenia
Katja Kokot, Maja Turnšek, 2022, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Opis: The ‘platform economy’ has evolved over the years into a global phenomenon. The focus of this paper is the motivations of Slovene hosts to use the Airbnb platform. While Airbnb was originally optimistically discussed as an element of ‘the sharing economy’, it has become known as one of the key players of the ‘platform economy’, belonging to the area of the so-called capital platforms, which allow participation-based primarily based on ownership of capital. Our research amongst a sample of 103 officially registered accommodation providers in Slovenia has shown that Airbnb is the second-most used platform, on average bringing a third of income for the surveyed participants, while Booking.com brings about half of their income. Furthermore, the results show that monetary motives prevail among Slovene hosts. However, social and moral motives are also strongly expressed. These findings indicate that the perceived primary purpose of Airbnb is generating additional earnings due to a surplus of real estate capital. A higher share of income from hosting in comparison to other types of income is correlated with the expressed importance of monetary motives. In contrast, the prevalence of social motives is influenced by fear of loneliness, cultural openness, and hosts’ global prosociality.
Ključne besede: Airbnb, motivation for accommodation provision, sharing economy, platform economy, hospitality, Slovenia
Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.01.2024; Ogledov: 390; Prenosov: 8
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Analiza avtomatizacije poslovnih procesov z microsoft power platform
Žan Korpar, 2023, magistrsko delo

Opis: Microsoft Power Platform je platforma, ki omogoča digitalizacijo in avtomatizacijo poslovnih procesov. Digitalizacija med drugimi poveča učinkovitost podjetja in izboljša interakcijo s strankami, avtomatizacija pa zmanjša možnost človeških napak in stroške. Ključne komponente platforme so Power BI, Power Automate in Dynamics 365. V sklopu magistrskega dela smo analizirali vzpostavljen sistem v izbranem podjetju. S pomočjo KPI-jev smo primerjali poslovanje pred in po uvedbi le-tega. Uvedba Power Platform je v podjetju izboljšala nadzor nad uporabniki, povečala število aktivnosti in avtomatsko obnovljenih pogodb, ter izboljšala odzivni čas podpore strankam. Power Platform lahko torej izboljša učinkovitost podjetja in s tem konkurenčnost na trgu.
Ključne besede: Microsoft Power Platform, poslovni procesi, avtomatizacija, BPMN, življenjski cikel procesov
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.11.2023; Ogledov: 337; Prenosov: 46
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Študij vezave peptidov na Fc regije protiteles : magistrsko delo
Žan Smrekar, 2023, magistrsko delo

Opis: Z uporabo računalniških pristopov in simulacij lahko uspešno modeliramo interakcije, ki so ključne pri razumevanju delovanja in razvoju novih zdravilnih učinkovin. Tekom razvoja se pojavljajo novi razredi peptidnih zdravil. Peptidi so sestavljeni iz verig aminokislinskih preostankov in zajemajo prednosti tako majhnih molekul kot tudi tarčno specifičnost večjih struktur, kot so proteini. Za načrtovanje novih potencialnih struktur peptidov smo tako uporabili računalniške in bioinformacijske pristope, kot je molekulsko sidranje. V magistrski nalogi smo se osredotočili na Fc regijo protiteles kot receptor. Načrtovali in identificirali smo potencialne tetrapeptide s strukturo, ki je podobna eksperimentalnim podatkom. Problema smo se lotili s pomočjo računalniških programov. Ustrezni receptor smo pridobili na prosto dostopnem spletnem mestu https://www.rcsb.org/ (PDB ID: 5U52), za pripravo knjižnice struktur tetrapeptidov in analizo rezultatov smo uporabili analitično platformo KNIME, za molekulsko sidranje smo uporabili programsko opremo CmDock in za grafični vpogled ciljnih struktur računalniški program PyMol.
Ključne besede: peptidi, Fc regija, molekulsko sidranje, KNIME Analytics Platform, PyMol, peptidno sidranje
Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.05.2023; Ogledov: 642; Prenosov: 85
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Analiza in primerjava programskih ogrodij za razvoj sodobnih spletnih rešitev na osnovi platform Node.js in Java : diplomsko delo
Dragana Naceva, 2023, diplomsko delo

Opis: Z raziskavo so bile preučene zmogljivosti platform Node.js in Java za razvoj sodobnih spletnih rešitev ter primerjana ogrodja, ki temeljijo na teh platformah. Raziskava primerja priljubljenost, uporabo in priporočila razvijalcev spletnih ogrodij platforme Node.js in Java. Za dodatno primerjavo je bila izvedena anketa ter za analizo podatkov uporabljeni deskriptivna statistika in inferenčna statistika (test hi-kvadrat in Mann-Whitneyjev test). Anketa izpostavlja najpogosteje uporabljena ogrodja za spletni razvoj na obeh platformah: Express.js za Node.js in Spring Boot za Java. Na osnovi tega je bila z uporabo obeh ogrodij razvita preprosta spletna aplikacija ter predstavljene specifične lastnosti in razlike, predvsem v zvezi z delom s podatkovnimi bazami in implementacijo arhitekturnega modela Model-View-Controller (MVC).
Ključne besede: Java, Node.js, platform, ogrodja, razvoj, spletnih aplikacij.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.05.2023; Ogledov: 626; Prenosov: 46
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Cross-platform Sense Glove Communications : magistrsko delo
Klemen Peganc, 2019, diplomsko delo

Opis: In this thesis, we have redesigned the communication protocol for the Sense Glove device, so it works on all major operating systems. This opened new ways to develop applications, which use the device and also increased the interest of developers, who use the operating systems on which the development was not possible before. The device has many use cases, such as Virtual Reality training and different kinds of simulations. We have used open-source wxWidgets and Boost libraries to help us mostly with creating a graphical user interface and the serial/bluetooth communication with the Sense Glove device.
Ključne besede: Serial communication, SenseGlove, cross-platform, bluetooth
Objavljeno v DKUM: 21.11.2019; Ogledov: 1073; Prenosov: 301
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Uporaba storitev Google Cloud pri gradnji kognitivnih spletnih aplikacij
Žiga Podgrajšek, 2018, diplomsko delo

Opis: V sklopu diplomske naloge smo raziskali področje oblačnih storitev platforme Google Cloud Platform oziroma natančneje področje kognitivnih storitev. Še posebej smo se osredotočili na področje jezikovne analize in pogovornih agentov. Z uporabo Google Cloud Platform in Dialogflow smo razvili lastnega pogovornega agenta za izmišljeno podjetje DiplomMobil, ki služi kot agent za pomoč uporabnikom in sprejemanje njihovih zahtevkov ter kasnejše shranjevanje v oblak.
Ključne besede: Google, Google Cloud Platform, računalništvo v oblaku, kognitivne storitve, spletne storitve, pogovorni agenti
Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.01.2019; Ogledov: 4476; Prenosov: 153
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The influence of bookings on the company's processes
Luka Miletič, 2018, diplomsko delo/naloga

Opis: In the bachelor thesis we had undertaken the project of implementation of The Booking Platform in the F.A. Maik d.o.o. company. After four months (January 2017–April 2017) of observing the situation, more specificly in their central warehouse, we have designed The Booking Platform, depending on the needs and the problems, which had bothered the company. We discovered that the main problem was the overcrowding of the vehicles on the parking lot, which came to the warehouse at the same time, therefore the amount of goods that needed to be stored was too big to unload at the same time. The main goal of the thesis was to build the system, which will improve the processes in the F.A. Maik d.o.o. company, related to the influence of time organization in the warehouse. The main aim was to do the analysis of the current situation in the warehouse, and to test the two hypotheses, how can the situation be improved with the implementation of the new system, especially to reduce the number of complaints and to provide more fluent workflow. The project that was implemented was of high value for the company, because the processes in the warehouse were very old fashioned and not automated. The Booking Platform reduced the number of complaints to zero only two months after the implementation. In the observation time, the workflow in the warehouse improved in terms of knowing, when the vehicles are coming to the warehouse and the incoming goods can now be stored immediately, which means that the unloading ramps are now always free for new incoming goods.
Ključne besede: The Booking Platform, time organization, booking, complaints, fluent workflow, warehouse management
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.10.2018; Ogledov: 1159; Prenosov: 111
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An organizational framework for logistic platform and its subtypes in a search for more logistically attractive regions
Brigita Gajšek, Jure Kovač, Benjamin Hazen, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Background and Purpose: Regional sustainable economic growth on logistics bases requires the coordinated development of infrastructure, information and communications technology, and proactive education of logistics specialists. The goal is reachable with regional logistics platforms (RLPs). This current research develops a theoretical model for RLPs, consisting of (1) basic constituents, (2) an implementation area, and (3) stakeholders' and operational benefits. Design/Methodology/Approach: We employed a balanced qualitative and quantitative approach using multiple case study and survey methods. Results: Systematic case study research has identified 12 “most frequently” highlighted RLP constituents and 3 areas of implementation, which were further proven by a survey. RLP's beginnings may be spontaneous until a critical mass of interested stakeholders emerges with a clear vision and start-up energy for a breakthrough. A theoretical model for RLPs is proposed. Conclusion: The secret of a successfully developing a logistics region lies in its ability to develop a mechanism for the managing and coordinating a particular logistics system's development and operation, an area that should be further researched. This study's findings provide valuable insights into the many aspects of RLPs, which can be useful for regional authorities and business owners who are eager to stimulate regional economic growth.
Ključne besede: logistics platform, organizational structure, networking, governance, regionalization, transportation
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.05.2018; Ogledov: 1776; Prenosov: 336
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Razvoj aplikacije za davčne blagajne s pomočjo programske platforme Xamarin
Gašper Sevčnikar, 2017, diplomsko delo

Opis: V diplomskem delu smo preučili proces davčnega potrjevanja računov in možnost hkratne vpeljave procesa na platformi Android in iOS. Sam proces smo razdelili na več korakov in jih posamično preučili. Na osnovi pridobljenega znanja smo s pomočjo platforme Xamarin izdelali prototip. Ugotovili smo, da proces davčnega potrjevanja računov zahteva uporabo vrsto različnih tehnik, katerih način zagotavljanja se kljub uporabi prenosljive rešitve, zaradi specifičnih lastnosti posameznih platform, razlikuje.
Ključne besede: davčno potrjevanje računov, blagajne, Xamarin, cross-platform, Android, iOS
Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.10.2017; Ogledov: 1969; Prenosov: 220
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