1. Can large-language models replace humans in agile effort estimation? Lessons from a controlled experimentLuka Pavlič, Vasilka Saklamaeva, Tina Beranič, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Effort estimation is critical in software engineering to assess the resources needed for development tasks and to enable realistic commitments in agile iterations. This study investigates whether generative AI tools, which are transforming various aspects of software development, can improve effort estimation efficiency. A controlled experiment was conducted in which development teams upgraded an existing information system, with the experimental group using the generative-AI-based tool GitLab Duo for estimation and the control group using conventional methods (e.g., planning poker or analogy-based planning). Results show that while generative-AI-based estimation tools achieved only 16% accuracy—currently insufficient for industry standards—they offered valuable support for task breakdown and iteration planning. Participants noted that a combination of conventional methods and AI-based tools could offer enhanced accuracy and efficiency in future planning. Keywords: software engineering, agile development, iteration planning, effort estination, generative AI, tool accuracy Published in DKUM: 24.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 7
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2. Information communication technology and supply chain efficiency in manufacturing SMES in Bulawayo Province in ZimbabweSithokozile Bafana, Simba Mutsvangwa, Felix Chari, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: There has been a global plummeting trend of failure in most manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) due to purported supply chain inefficiency. It is imperative for clothing manufacturing SMEs in developing nations like Zimbabwe, with reference to Bulawayo Province, which lacks digitization to integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions into their supply chain operations to improving efficiency and maintain competitiveness in the global market. Thus, the purpose of the study was to evaluate ICT and supply chain efficiency in the clothing manufacturing SMEs in Bulawayo Province. Employing the pragmatic approach, data were collected using semi-structured questionnaires from a sample of 107 from a total population of 147 that were triangulated with 15 interviews from clothing manufacturing SMEs in Bulawayo. A simple linear regression analysis through Ordinary Least Squares was conducted to test the relationship between ICT and supply chain efficiency. The results show that ICT has a positive and statistically significant effect on cost performance, agility and delivery performance in Bulawayo clothing manufacturing SMEs. By prioritizing ICT adoption, managers can achieve better cost management, increased responsiveness to market demands, and enhanced delivery capabilities. It is recommended that clothing manufacturing SMEs in Bulawayo should embrace the ICT. Further studies should examine the relationship between ICT and supply chain efficiency in manufacturing SMEs across different industries and nations. Keywords: information and communication technology, supply chain efficiency, SMEs (small and medium enterprises), material requirement planning Published in DKUM: 17.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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3. Spatial modelling of the transport mode choice : application on the Vienna transport networkSimona Šinko, Bojan Rupnik, Klemen Prah, Tomaž Kramberger, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: A new approach for spatial modelling of transport mode choice is presented in the paper. The approach tackles the problem by considering the trade-off between subjective and objective factors. To obtain mode Preference Rates (PRs) based on subjective factors, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is applied. The objective factors are expressed with the journey time from any point in the map to destination according to the available transport mode choice on the specific connection. The results are presented as PRs of individual transport modes. The model is validated on the con-ducted the survey, with students of Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) as a target audience. Members of different target groups (age, national, employment) decide differently regarding the transport choice, so it is better to analyse them separately. The presented model can be used for the city transport planning in any urban area. It can help promote the sustainable modes of transport in the areas that are less adjusted in sustainable manner. Keywords: transport mode choice, passenger transport, spatial modelling, city transport planning, city mobility, urban logistics, ergonomics, AHP, decision-making policy, GIS, students, objective and subjective factors, transport management Published in DKUM: 10.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 3
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4. Comparative analysis of human and artificial intelligence planning in production processesMatjaž Roblek, Tomaž Kern, Eva Krhač Andrašec, Alenka Brezavšček, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) has found applications in enterprises′ production planning
processes. However, a critical question remains: could AI replace human planners? We conducted a
comparative analysis to evaluate the main task of planners in an intermittent process: planning the
duration of production orders. Specifically, we analysed the results of a human planner using master
data and those of an AI algorithm compared to the actual realisation. The case study was conducted
in a large production company using a sample of production products and machines. We were able
to confirm two of the three research questions (RQ1 and RQ3), while the results of the third question
(RQ2) did not meet our expectations. The AI algorithms demonstrated significant improvement with
each iteration. Despite this progress, it is still difficult to determine the exact threshold at which AI
outperforms human planners due to the unpredictability of unexpected events. Even though AI
significantly improves prediction accuracy, the inherent variability and incomplete input data pose a
major challenge. As progress is made, robust data collection and management strategies need to be
integrated to bridge the gap between the potential of AI and its practical application, fostering the
symbiosis between human expertise and AI capabilities in production planning. Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, production processes, production planning, production scheduling Published in DKUM: 04.12.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 13
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5. Toward optimal robot machining considering the workpiece surface geometry in a task-oriented approachAleš Hace, 2024, original scientific article Abstract: Robot workpiece machining is interesting in industry as it offers some advantages, such as higher flexibility in comparison with the conventional approach based on CNC technology. However, in recent years, we have been facing a strong progressive shift to custom-based manufacturing and low-volume/high-mix production, which require a novel approach to automation via the employment of collaborative robotics. However, collaborative robots feature only limited motion capability to provide safety in cooperation with human workers. Thus, it is highly necessary to perform more detailed robot task planning to ensure its feasibility and optimal performance. In this paper, we deal with the problem of studying kinematic robot performance in the case of such manufacturing tasks, where the robot tool is constrained to follow the machining path embedded on the workpiece surface at a prescribed orientation. The presented approach is based on the well-known concept of manipulability, although the latter suffers from physical inconsistency due to mixing different units of linear and angular velocity in a general 6 DOF task case. Therefore, we introduce the workpiece surface constraint in the robot kinematic analysis, which enables an evaluation of its available velocity capability in a reduced dimension space. Such constrained robot kinematics transform the robot’s task space to a two-dimensional surface tangent plane, and the manipulability analysis may be limited to the space of linear velocity only. Thus, the problem of physical inconsistency is avoided effectively. We show the theoretical derivation of the proposed method, which was verified by numerical experiments.periments. Keywords: robotics, automation, robot machining, workpiece surface polishing, collaborative robot, manipulability, complex surface geometry, motion planning Published in DKUM: 25.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 0 |
6. Supply chain and logistics planningMatevž Obrecht, Tea Vizinger, Michał Adamczak, Piotr Cyplik, Dejan Dragan, Bojan Rosi, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, Vasja Omahne, Bojan Rupnik, reviewed university, higher education or higher vocational education textbook Keywords: supply chains, planning, sustainable development, logistics, higher education textbooks Published in DKUM: 21.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 7
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7. The role of strategic management in the business success of sports organizations: Research of Celje football club in the 2022/23 and 2023/24 seasonsNikolay Rzhevskiy, 2024, undergraduate thesis Abstract: This diploma illustrates that the success of FC Celje is not merely the result of on-field talent but a comprehensive strategic management framework that supports and enhances every aspect of the club's operations. By examining the club's strategic management practices of the past two seasons, this study provides valuable insights into how sports organizations can achieve and sustain success through effective management practices, financial management, talent development, and community engagement. This thesis's findings underscore that the success of any organization begins with a well-defined strategy. Strategic management provides the framework for setting long-term goals, aligning resources, and navigating the complexities of the sports industry. However, the study also brings to light the equally important role of operational management.
The insights gained from the experience of FC Celje demonstrate that a holistic approach, combining strategic and operational management, is essential for achieving and sustaining success. By understanding and applying these principles, sports organizations can build a solid foundation for long-term growth, improve their competitive edge, and enhance their overall performance. This thesis offers a practical guide for other clubs seeking to replicate the success of FC Celje, emphasizing the importance of strategic foresight coupled with meticulous operational execution. Keywords: strategic management. management of sports organizations. strategic planning. Published in DKUM: 20.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 9
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8. A new sustainable warehouse management approach for workforce and activities schedulingVlado Popović, Milorad J. Kilibarda, Milan Andrejić, Borut Jereb, Dejan Dragan, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: Sustainable engineering is very important for logistics systems. Nowadays, sustainable warehouse management is a key factor in market success. Workforce fluctuation and inverting the number of customers' demands make a lot of problems in distribution warehouses. This study addresses a sustainable approach for the workforce scheduling problem recognized in a real distribution warehouse. The problem arises from the high variability of demand for workers over oneworkday, which causes workforce surplus in some periods of the workday and shortages in others. Engineering managers of the distribution warehouse already use different full-time and part-timeshifts, and schedule workers on different activities, but they still have significant workforce surplusesor shortages in some periods. This study proposes the scheduling of activities' execution together with workers to face that variability and decrease the cost of the workforce. This idea comes from the fact that some activities in a distribution warehouse can be done in a specific time period after the need for them occurs. In this way, the variability of demand for workers can be decreased, and alower workforce cost may be ensured. Based on this idea, the entire problem is modeled as integer linear programming. The real example of the problem is solved, and the proposed model is tested on randomly generated instances of the problem in Python by means of the PuLP linear programming package. The results indicate different positive effects in the manner of sustainable warehouse management: lower workforce costs, time savings, better utilization of all types of resources andequipment, increased employee satisfaction, and so on. For even 61% of instances of the introduced problem, the obtained cost of the workforce is lower by more than 20% if activities' executions arescheduled together with employees. Keywords: workforce, activities planning, schedule, optimization, warehouses, sustainable warehouse management, logistics Published in DKUM: 11.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5
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9. Towards productive and ergonomic order picking : multi-objective modeling approachBrigita Gajšek, Simona Šinko, Tomaž Kramberger, Marcin Butlewski, Eren Özceylan, Goran Đukić, 2021, original scientific article Abstract: The logistics sector should strive for sustainability alongside productivity by protecting its order pickers' health and welfare. Existing storage assignment models are mainly based on the criterion of order picking time and, to a lesser extent, the human factor. In the paper, a solution to a storage assignment problem using a multi-objective model based on binary integer linear programing is presented by developing a solution that considers order picking time, energy expenditure and health risk. The Ovako Working Posture Assessment System (OWAS) method was used for health risk assessment. The downside of solely health risk-optimization is that the average order picking time increases by approximately 33 % compared to solely time-optimization. Contrary to this, the developed multi-objective function emphasizing time has proven to be promising in finding a compromise between the optimal order picking time and eliminating work situations with a very-high risk for injuries. Its use increases the time by only 3.8 % compared to solely time-optimization while significantly reducing health risk. Keywords: productivity, energy expenditure, order picking, order picking system, health risk, OWAS, multi-objective modeling, planning, logistics, ergonomics Published in DKUM: 13.08.2024; Views: 109; Downloads: 10
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10. Acceptance of GIS within ERP system : research study in higher educationSimona Sternad Zabukovšek, Polona Tominc, Zdenko Deželak, Gaik Nalbandyan, Samo Bobek, 2022, original scientific article Abstract: GIS is often used in companies where employees already use enterprise information systems/enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and where both systems are used simultaneously. This article is a research study of GIS acceptance by users using GIS, not as a stand-alone tool, but as an integrated tool into the ERP system. The research was conducted using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), one of the most often used research models for researching behavioral intention and actual use of information systems. For this research study, TAM has been modified and extended with external factors. The main research objective is to identify determinants of GIS acceptance and the attitude of individuals toward using GIS integrated with ERP systems. The structural equation model with partial least squares (PLS) method was used to analyze collected survey data. The study researched 12 external factors in the TAM model, out of which 10 were found significant. The most important factors that impact behavioral intention to use ERP-GIS systems are perceived usefulness of ERP-GIS systems and attitude toward using GIS, followed by education and training about ERP-GIS systems and perceived enjoyment using ERP-GIS systems. Keywords: geographic information systems (GIS), enterprise resource planning (ERP), GIS and ERP integration, GIS acceptance, technology acceptance model (TAM) Published in DKUM: 09.07.2024; Views: 103; Downloads: 13
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