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Innovative approaches to wear reduction in horizontal powder screw conveyors : a design of experiments-guided numerical study
Marko Motaln, Tone Lerher, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Numerical simulations play a vital role in the modern engineering industry, especially when faced with interconnected challenges such as particle interactions and the structural integrity of conveyor systems. This article focuses on the handling of materials and emphasizes the importance of using parametric numerical analysis to improve efficiency, reduce wear, and enhance the structural integrity of horizontal screw conveyors. Through the utilization of the Design of Experiments, we systematically investigated critical parameters such as screw pitch, clearance, wear, rotational velocity, and additional structural factors. This examination was carried out within a well-defined parametric framework, utilizing a combination of software tools provided by the Ansys suite and Minitab. The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the Design of Experiments analysis in achieving improved performance and provide valuable insights for engineers and researchers involved in the design of conveyor systems. Furthermore, this comprehensive approach clarifies how conveyor systems respond to changes in parameters and highlights the complex interaction between transported particles and the conveyor system. We present a detailed analysis that clarifies the complex relationships and dependencies among different parameters, providing engineers and researchers with valuable insights. By understanding the interactions of these factors, the methodology provides not only results but also a strategic framework for advancing conveyor system design and engineering practices.
Ključne besede: discrete element method, design optimization, horizontal screw conveyors, parametric study, conveying equipment, bulk handling, bulk solids, abrasive wear, screw conveyor, FEA, performance analysis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.04.2024; Ogledov: 275; Prenosov: 44
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Parametrično modeliranje blagajne starprim : diplomsko delo
Anže Marin, 2023, diplomsko delo

Opis: Zahteve strank se od naročila do naročila spreminjajo, kar pomeni, da je potrebno vsak izdelek individualno obravnavati. Ker klasična izdelava takšnih modelov vzame ogromno časa, smo se odločili sestaviti določen model tako, da poenostavimopostopek dela. Uporabili bomo princip sestave modela z uporabo parametrov, ki vnaprej določijo spreminjanje komponent glede na zahtevane zunanje dimenzije izdelka. V teoretičnem sklopu diplomske naloge bom predstavil podjetje, v katerem sem opravljal praktično usposabljanje, in na kratko opisal 3D modeliranje ter predstavil, kako poteka parametrično modeliranje. V praktičnem delu pa bom določen model sestavil z uporabo parametričnega modeliranja in na koncu prikazal 4 konfiguracije z različnimi zahtevanimi zunanjimi dimenzijami izdelka.
Ključne besede: modeliranje, parametrično modeliranje, Creo Parametric, CAD
Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.10.2023; Ogledov: 314; Prenosov: 30
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Raziskava buildingSMART IFC Bridge in evalvacija AllPlan Bridge na primeru informacijskega modela mostu Marija Gradec
Sebastijan Kelc, 2019, magistrsko delo

Opis: V magistrskem delu je predstavljen projekt buildingSMART IFC Bridge, katerega rezultat je podatkovna shema IFC 4x2 Draft1. Osredotočili smo se na konceptualne sklope za mostove in preverili skladnost funkcionalnosti aplikacij Allplan in Allplan Bridge s shemo. V ta namen je bil izdelan informacijski model mostu M1 v Marija Gradcu. V zaključnem delu magistrske naloge so predstavljeni predlogi za izboljšave aplikacij Allplan Bridge in Allplan.
Ključne besede: IFC Bridge, bridges, Allplan Bridge, parametric modelling
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.10.2019; Ogledov: 1392; Prenosov: 260
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Numerical simulation of intact rock behaviour via the continuum and Voronoi tesselletion models : a sensitivity analysis
Teja Fabjan, Diego Mas Ivars, Vladimir Vukadin, 2015, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The numerical simulation of intact rock microstructure and its influence on macro-scale behaviour has received a lot of attention in the research community in recent years. Generating a grain-like structure with polygonal area contacts is one of the avenues explored for describing the rock’s microstructure. A Voronoi tessellation implemented in the Universal Distinct-Element Code (UDEC) is used to generate models with a polygonal microstructure that represent intact rock. The mechanical behaviour of the Voronoi polygons is defined by micro-properties, which cannot be measured directly in the laboratory. A numerical calibration procedure is needed to produce the macroscopic response of a model that corresponds to the material behaviour measured during a laboratory experiment. In this research, Brazilian, direct tensile, uniaxial compressive and biaxial test models are constructed to simulate the intact rock behaviour under a standard laboratory stress. An extensive series of parametric sensitivity analyses are executed in order to understand the influence of the input micro-properties on every model test behaviour and predict the relation between the micro-properties and the model’s macro response. The results can be treated as general guidelines for a complete and efficient intact rock calibration procedure. In parallel, a continuum-based model using the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive relationship is running as a benchmark. It has been shown that the Voronoi-based models through their microstructure approach better reproduce the Brazilian to direct tensile strength ratio, and show a better representation of the dilation, crack pattern and post-peak behaviour in comparison to continuum models.
Ključne besede: distinct-element method, parametric sensitivity analysis, intact rock, Voronoi tessellation, micromechanical properties, standard laboratory test
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.06.2018; Ogledov: 1640; Prenosov: 106
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New Architecture of The Berane Airport
Ivan Pićurić, 2018, magistrsko delo

Opis: This Master's Thesis explores the concept of the New Berane Airport that will serve as a turning point for improving the winter tourism offer of Montenegro and the region, thereby attracting a greater number of tourists to the country. The new facility must follow the guidelines of modern architecture, modern design, and the surrounding mountain landscapes, which represents an additional challenge in terms of construction and design. The main aim is to create an efficient structure, a new regional aviation centre, with well-designed transport links that will meet the needs of a large number of passengers and visitors from the region and the rest of the world. The visual aspects of the structure must be in line with the dominant type of architecture in the municipality of Berane, which is why the use of local materials and traditional elements has been foreseen. The new urban plan will follow the existing plan, although its capacity and content will be expanded in accordance with the former plans for the airport. In the planning phase, appropriate use of airport and traffic manuals is essential.
Ključne besede: airport, architecture, concrete, shell roof, glass facade, tourism, transport, parametric design, regional centre, Berane
Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.06.2018; Ogledov: 1366; Prenosov: 383
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Efficiency analysis with non parametric method: illustration of the Tunisian ports
Arbia Hlali, 2018, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper applies a non-parametric method to provide level technical efficiency for 7 Tunisian ports during 18 years (1998-2015). These ports represent different data set. The use of the model of variable returns to scale (VRS) has led to interesting results. The results show that the most ports are characterized by low levels of technical efficiency, with the exception port of Rades. In addition, the result shows the variation of variable returns to scale and constant returns to scale of technical port’s efficiency. Furthermore, we concluded that the panel data improves the efficiency estimates.
Ključne besede: technical efficiency, Tunisian ports, non parametric analysis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.04.2018; Ogledov: 1444; Prenosov: 442
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Rate-dependent extensions of the parametric magneto-dynamic model with magnetic hysteresis
Simon Steentjes, Martin Petrun, G. Glehn, Drago Dolinar, Kay Hameyer, 2017, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: This paper extends the parametric magneto-dynamic model of soft magnetic steel sheets to account for the phase shift between local magnetic flux density and magnetic field strength. This phase shift originates from the damped motion of domain walls and is strongly dependent on the microstructure of the material. In this regard, two different approaches to include the rate-dependent effects are investigated: a purely phenomenological, mathematical approach and a physical-based one.
Ključne besede: magnetic hysteresis, eddies, magnetic flux, viscosity, magnetic fields, magneto-dynamic models, parametric
Objavljeno v DKUM: 03.08.2017; Ogledov: 1262; Prenosov: 438
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GAJA : 3-D CAD methodology for developing a parametric system for the automatic (re)modeling of compound washer dies' cutting-components
David Potočnik, Bojan Dolšak, Miran Ulbin, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Although the designing of cutting-dies is a complex and experience-based process, it is poorly supported by conventional 3D CAD software. Thus, the majority of design activities, including the (re)modeling of those cutting die-components that are directly responsible for performing shaping operations on a sheet-metal stamping part, traditionally still need to be carried-out repetitively, separately, and manually by the designer. In order to eliminate some of these drawbacks and upgrade the capabilities of conventional 3D CAD software, this paper proposes a new methodology for the development of a parametric system capable of automatically performing a (re)modeling process of compound washer diesć cutting-components. The presented methodology integrates CATIA V5 built-in modules, including Part Design, Assembly Design and Knowledge Advisor, publication mechanism, and compound cutting die-design knowledge. The system developed by this methodology represents an 'intelligent' assembly template composed of two modules 'GAJA1' and 'GAJA2', respectively. 'GAJA1' is responsible for the direct input of the die-design problem regarding the shape, dimensions and material of the stamping part, its extraction in the form of geometric features, and the transferring of relevant design parameters and features to the module 'GAJA2'. 'GAJA2' interprets the current values for the input parameters and automatically performs the modeling process of cutting die-components, using die-design knowledge and the company's internal design and manufacturing standards. Experimental results show that the use of this system significantly shortens the modeling-time for cutting the die-components, improves the modeling-quality, and enables the training of inexperienced designers.
Ključne besede: parametrično modeliranje, rezalna orodja, računalniško podprti sistemi, inteligentno računalniško podprto konstruiranje, parametric modeling, cutting dies, computer-aided systems, knowledge-based design
Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 3207; Prenosov: 50
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Dynamical and statistical properties of time-dependent one-dimensional nonlinear Hamilton systems
Dimitrios Andresas, 2015, doktorska disertacija

Opis: We study the one-dimensional time-dependent Hamiltonian systems and their statistical behaviour, assuming the microcanonical ensemble of initial conditions and describing the evolution of the energy distribution in three characteristic cases: 1) parametric kick, which by definition means a discontinuous jump of a control parameter of the system, 2) linear driving, and 3) periodic driving. For the first case we specifically analyze the change of the adiabatic invariant (the canonical action) of the system under a parametric kick: A conjecture has been put forward by Papamikos and Robnik (2011) that the action at the mean energy always increases, which means, for the given statistical ensemble, that the Gibbs entropy in the mean increases (PR property). By means of a detailed rigorous analysis of a great number of case studies we show that the conjecture largely is satisfied, except if either the potential is not smooth enough (e.g. has discontinuous first derivative), or if the energy is too close to a stationary point of the potential (separatrix in the phase space). We formulate the conjecture in full generality, and perform the local theoretical analysis by introducing the ABR property. For the linear driving we study first 1D Hamilton systems with homogeneous power law potential and their statistical behaviour under monotonically increasing time-dependent function A(t) (prefactor of the potential). We used the nonlinear WKB-like method by Papamikos and Robnik J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 44:315102, (2012) and following a previous work by Papamikos G and Robnik M J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 45:015206, (2011) we specifically analyze the mean energy, the variance and the adiabatic invariant (action) of the system for large time t→∞. We also show analytically that the mean energy and the variance increase as powers of A(t), while the action oscillates and finally remains constant. By means of a number of detailed case studies we show that the theoretical prediction is correct. For the periodic driving cases we study the 1D periodic quartic oscillator and its statistical behaviour under periodic time-dependent function A(t) (prefactor of the potential). We compare the results for three different drivings, the periodic parametrically kicked case (discontinuous jumps of $A(t)$), the piecewise linear case (sawtooth), and the smooth case (harmonic). Considering the Floquet map and the energy distribution we perform careful numerical analysis using the 8th order symplectic integrator and present the phase portraits for each case, the evolution of the average energy and the distribution function of the final energies. In the case where we see a large region of chaos connected to infinity, we indeed find escape orbits going to infinity, meaning that the energy growth can be unbounded, and is typically exponential in time. The main results are published in two papers: Andresas, Batistić and Robnik Phys. Rev. E, 89:062927, (2014) and Andresas and Robnik J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 47:355102, (2014).
Ključne besede: one-dimensional nonlinear Hamiltonian systems, adiabatic invariant, parametric kick, periodic driving, linear driving, energy distribution, WKB method, action
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.03.2015; Ogledov: 3309; Prenosov: 127
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Wave motion in infinite inhomogeneous waveguides
Igor Špacapan, Miroslav Premrov, 2003, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The analysis of wave motion in infinite homogeneous waveguides, having a complicated cross-section and/or an irregular inclusion, is a rather difficult task for the majority of available methods, especially when striving for accurate results. In contrast, this presented procedure performed in the frequency domain, is simple to apply. It yields correct results because the radiation conditions are considerably accurately satisfied, and it offers a clear parametric insight into wave motion. This procedure uses the FE modelling of an analysed section of the waveguide. It is based on the decomposition of wave motion, distinguishing propagating and non-propagating wavemodes by solving the eigenvalue problem. The presented examples demonstrate the effectiveness of this procedure, whilst a comparison between computed and analytical results demonstrates its accuracy.
Ključne besede: waves, wavemodes, waveguides, inhomogeneity, finite element method, parametric analysis, radiation conditions, eigenvalue problem, frequency domain
Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 2340; Prenosov: 66
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