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A global analysis of the impact of COVID-19 stay-at-home restrictions on crime
Amy E. Nivette, Gorazd Meško, Renee Zahnow, Raul Aguilar Ruiz, Andri Ahven, Amram Shai, Barak Ariel, María José Arosemena Burbano, Roberta Astolfi, Dirk Baier, Hyung-Min Bark, Joris E. H. Beijers, Marcelo Bergman, Gregory Breetzke, Alberto Concha-Eastman , Sophie Curtis-Ham, Ryan Davenport, Carlos Díaz, Diego Fleitas, Manne Gerell, Kwang-Ho Jang, Juha Kääriäinen, Tapio Lappi-Seppälä, Woon-Sik Lim, Rosa Loureiro Revilla, Lorraine Green Mazerolle, Noemí Pereda , Noemí Pereda , Maria Fernanda Peres, Rubén Poblete-Cazenave, Simon Rose, Robert Svensson, Nico Trajtenberg, Tanja Van der Lippe, Joran Veldkamp, Carlos Javier Vilalta Perdomo, Manuel P. Eisner , 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The stay-at-home restrictions to control the spread of COVID-19 led to unparalleled sudden change in daily life, but it is unclear how they affected urban crime globally. We collected data on daily counts of crime in 27 cities across 23 countries in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. We conducted interrupted time series analyses to assess the impact of stay-at-home restrictions on different types of crime in each city. Our findings show that the stay-at-home policies were associated with a considerable drop in urban crime, but with substantial variation across cities and types of crime. Meta-regression results showed that more stringent restrictions over movement in public space were predictive of larger declines in crime.
Keywords: criminology, crime, pandemic, restrictions, stay-at-home, analysis
Published in DKUM: 03.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 5
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Representation of serial killers in Netflix drama : qualitative analysis of Extremely wicked, Shockingly evil and vile and Dahmer
Sara Bestijanić, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: The thesis analyses the portrayal of internal and external factors that influenced the behaviour of serial killers Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy in Netflix’s show Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story and movie Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile. Moreover, the thesis examines the cinematic techniques used to depict Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy in these screen adaptations. It also aims to identify which narrative tools are used in Dahmer and Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile to establish emotional connection between the viewers and the content, contributing to its widespread popularity. Since the thesis focuses on the popularity of true crime content in relation to the perception of serial killers and their personal backgrounds, one part of the thesis explains the growth and development of the true crime genre, while the other part focuses on the portrayal of internal and external factors that define the behaviour of Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy. The thesis adopts a case study method and a qualitative content analysis to identify which internal and external factors are portrayed in Dahmer and Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, while the qualitative content analysis also aims to uncover which cinematic and narrative techniques are used in Netflix’s portrayal of Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer.
Keywords: True crime, Netflix, serial killers, external and internal factors, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy.
Published in DKUM: 03.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 40
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The UN Sustainable Development Goals and Provision of Security, Responses to Crime and Security Threats, and Fair Criminal Justice Systems
2024, scientific monograph

Abstract: The book comprises 14 peer-reviewed chapters based on research on crime and security threats in relation to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The book represents a multidisciplinary work that combines different views of safety and security provision in local environments, at the national level, as well as in the international environment. The chapters include findings of a literature review, empirical research on crime and victimization of individuals, case studies, specific forms of crime, institutional and civil society responses to security threats, as well as legal and police and policing perspectives in relation to safety and security provision in modern society.
Keywords: sustainable development goals, United Nations, safety and security, crime, security threats, criminology, criminal justice, fairness
Published in DKUM: 08.07.2024; Views: 164; Downloads: 39
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Deep learning criminal networks
Haroldo V. Ribeiro, Diego D. Lopes, Arthur A. B. Pessa, Alvaro F. Martins, Bruno R. da Cunha, Sebastián Gonçalves, Ervin K. Lenzi, Quentin S. Hanley, Matjaž Perc, 2023, original scientific article

Abstract: Recent advances in deep learning methods have enabled researchers to develop and apply algorithms for the analysis and modeling of complex networks. These advances have sparked a surge of interest at the interface between network science and machine learning. Despite this, the use of machine learning methods to investigate criminal networks remains surprisingly scarce. Here, we explore the potential of graph convolutional networks to learn patterns among networked criminals and to predict various properties of criminal networks. Using empirical data from political corruption, criminal police intelligence, and criminal financial networks, we develop a series of deep learning models based on the GraphSAGE framework that are able to recover missing criminal partnerships, distinguish among types of associations, predict the amount of money exchanged among criminal agents, and even anticipate partnerships and recidivism of criminals during the growth dynamics of corruption networks, all with impressive accuracy. Our deep learning models significantly outperform previous shallow learning approaches and produce high-quality embeddings for node and edge properties. Moreover, these models inherit all the advantages of the GraphSAGE framework, including the generalization to unseen nodes and scaling up to large graph structures.
Keywords: organized crime, complexity, crime prediction, GraphSAGE
Published in DKUM: 20.06.2024; Views: 236; Downloads: 10
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Machine learning partners in criminal networks
Diego D. Lopes, Bruno R. da Cunha, Alvaro F. Martins, Sebastián Gonçalves, Ervin K. Lenzi, Quentin S. Hanley, Matjaž Perc, Haroldo V. Ribeiro, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Recent research has shown that criminal networks have complex organizational structures, but whether this can be used to predict static and dynamic properties of criminal networks remains little explored. Here, by combining graph representation learning and machine learning methods, we show that structural properties of political corruption, police intelligence, and money laundering networks can be used to recover missing criminal partnerships, distinguish among diferent types of criminal and legal associations, as well as predict the total amount of money exchanged among criminal agents, all with outstanding accuracy. We also show that our approach can anticipate future criminal associations during the dynamic growth of corruption networks with signifcant accuracy. Thus, similar to evidence found at crime scenes, we conclude that structural patterns of criminal networks carry crucial information about illegal activities, which allows machine learning methods to predict missing information and even anticipate future criminal behavior.
Keywords: machine learning, crime, network, social physics
Published in DKUM: 28.05.2024; Views: 655; Downloads: 12
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The ever-growing popularity of true crime : master's thesis
Špela Hašaj, 2023, master's thesis

Abstract: People’s fascination with true crime, especially murder, has no limits. True crime is a multi-genre that shares features of journalism and crime fiction and is often associated with murder narratives (Punnett 3). Murley defines true crime as stories of real events, shaped by the authors and imbued with their values and beliefs about these events (6). Moreover, in Biressi’s view, such stories are non-fiction narratives often promoted for entertainment (1). Because of the ever-growing popularity of true crime, my work tried to answer the following research questions: Who are the people that cannot get enough of stories about serial killers? Are there any similarities between true crime, nonfiction, and crime fiction? Which components of the story attract people's attention the most and what are the reasons behind the public's insatiable appetite for true crime? Is it perhaps our desire and need to understand the murderer and the driving force behind their acts? Or do we feel a deeper connection with the victim? What about serial killers allures us?
Keywords: true crime, serial killer, intertextuality, elements of literature, popularity
Published in DKUM: 07.06.2023; Views: 738; Downloads: 85
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Cyber Security- Training Students and Scholars for the Challenges of Information and Communication Technologies in Research and Studies for Internationalisation : handbook

Abstract: This handbook is a product of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership between the partners Université Polytéchnique Hauts-de-France, Politechnika Poznanska, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg and the coordinator University of Maribor. Contentuous contribution were made by staff of University of Maribor and Politechnika Poznanska, evaluations by staff of the other two partners. The handbooks handles virtual learning environments in the international education and research area and exposure of the systems to cybercrime. Besides introductory contributions on legal aspects of challenges in the fields of human rights, European regulations of data security, civil law and criminal law aspects of caber security of virtual learning environments and methodologies of their introduction w8ithin organisations, the handbook also gives useful instructions for elaboration of virtual courses within virtual learning environments relevant for the internationalised research and education not only since the Covid-19 pandemic. The handbook is dedicated to use on the internet within the Moodle system.
Keywords: cyber security, virtual learning environment, data security, cyber crime, systems
Published in DKUM: 13.04.2023; Views: 554; Downloads: 40
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How does educational background shape the perception of cybercrime? : a survey of computer science and law students on selected controversial issues
Andrzej Uhl, Andrzej Porębski, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: Purpose: The technical dimensions of cybercrime and its control have rendered it an inconvenient subject for many criminologists. Adopting either semantic (legal) or syntactic (technical) perspectives on cyber criminality, as theorised by McGuire, can lead to disparate conclusions. The aim of this paper is to examine how these perspectives and corresponding educational backgrounds shape opinions on cybercrime and cybercrime policy. Design/Methods/Approach: To address this research question, we first provide a non-exhaustive review of existing critical literature on a few selected controversial issues in the field, including cyber vigilantism, file sharing websites, and political hacking. Based on these areas, we developed an online survey that we then distributed among students of law and computer science, as well as to a ‘non-cyber contrast group’ including mainly students of philology and philosophy. Findings: Statistical analysis revealed differences in the way respondents approached most of the issues) to most of the issues, which were sometimes moderated by the year of studies and gender. In general, the respondents were highly supportive of internet vigilantism, prioritised the cybercrimes of the powerful, and encouraged open access to cybersecurity. The computer science students expressed a lower fear of cybercrime and approved of hacktivism more frequently, while the law students affirmed a conservative vision of copyrights and demonstrated higher punitiveness towards cyber offenders. Interestingly, the computer science students were least likely to translate their fear of cybercrime into punitive demands. Research Limitations/Implications: The findings support the distinction between various narratives about cybercrime by showing the impact of professional socialization on the expressed opinions. They call for a consciously interdisciplinary approach to the subject and could be complemented by a comprehensive qualitative inquiry in the perception of cyber threats. Originality/Value: The authors wish to contribute to the understanding of the construction of cybercrime on the border of criminal law and computer science. Additionally, we present original data which reveal different views on related issues held by potential future professionals in both areas.
Keywords: cybercrime, cyber victimisation, cyber punitiveness, internet crime
Published in DKUM: 27.01.2023; Views: 496; Downloads: 10
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Stilanalyse ausgewählter deutscher True-Crime-Podcast-Folgen : Magisterarbeit
Špela Hašaj, 2022, master's thesis

Abstract: Die vorliegende Masterarbeit ist eine holistische Stilanalyse ausgewählter deutscher True-Crime Podcast-Folgen. Die vier Folgen sind thematisch ähnlich, da sie alle dem Genre True Crime, d.h. wahren Kriminalfällen, zuzuordnen sind. Dennoch sind sie vom Umfang her sehr unterschiedlich. Das Ziel unserer Arbeit ist es anhand der Stilanalyse die Textsorte Podcast zu definieren und relevante Schlüsse bezüglich des Stils des Podcasts zu ziehen. Um dies zu erreichen, haben wir die Textsorte mit bereits existierenden Textsorten verglichen und die vier Podcast-Folgen auf Makro-, Mezzo- und Mikroebene analysiert. Die Makroanalyse betrachtet die Podcast-Folgen als Ganzes und die Mezzo- und Mikroanalyse widmet sich den einzelnen Subthemen der jeweiligen Podcast-Folge. Nach der durchgeführten Stilanalyse auf Makro-, Mezzo- und Mikroebene wurde festgestellt, dass alle Podcast-Folgen Gemeinsamkeiten mit journalistischen Texten aufweisen. Weiterhin sind wir zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass in Podcasts Explizitheit dominiert, aber dennoch ein gewisser Grad an Implizitheit vorkommt. Dieser steht hauptsächlich in Verbindung mit dem Nicht-Erklären von (nicht besonders zahlreich vorkommenden) fremd- und fachsprachlichen Ausdrücken. Es konnten viele Eigenschaften der gesprochenen Sprache (Spontaneität, Lockerheit, Authentizität, Situationsbezogenheit) und des dialogischen Sprechens (Wiederholungen, Unterbrechungen, allgemeine Ausdrücke, Füllwörter, Frage- und Aufforderungssätze) identifiziert werden. Angesichts der Analyseergebnisse zeigte sich auch, dass der Podcast anhand der vorgefundenen Stilelemente durchaus als selbständige Textsorte gesehen werden kann. Denn trotz großer Ähnlichkeiten mit journalistischen Textsorten und Werbetexten, ist die Kombination der vorhandenen Stilelemente und Stilzüge so einzigartig und vielfältig, dass sie in keiner der vergleichbaren Textsorten in dieser Konstellation und diesem Ausmaß zu finden ist.
Keywords: Podcast, True Crime, Textsorte, gesprochene Sprache, Stilanalyse, Funktionalstil, rhetorische Figuren
Published in DKUM: 04.08.2022; Views: 1346; Downloads: 87
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Safety, security, and crime prevention in rural areas of Krasnodarskyi Krai and the Republic of Adygea
Anton Petrovskiy, 2020, review article

Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of the article is to study crime and crime prevention in the rural areas of Krasnodarskyi krai and the Republic of Adygea to make suggestions for how to enhance the public security system. Design/Methods/Approach: The following methods were applied to assess crime in the rural areas of the two Russian Southern regions for the period between 2015 and 2019: a statistical observation, and calculation of a crimes index analysis of law enforcement reports. Findings: In order to ensure public security of the population in rural areas it is necessary to decentralise the crime prevention system in Russia by transferring law enforcement powers to the municipal bodies, by creating municipal police and a system for the re-socialisation of former criminals. Research Limitations/Implications: Crime in the rural areas of Krasnodarskyi krai and the Republic of Adygea depends on the impact of local factors. As a result, the reasons and conditions of similar crimes in the rural areas of Central Russia might differ. Practical Implications: The results could be used by the local authorities in planning crime prevention measures and enhancing crime prevention in the rural areas of the regions under study. Originality / Value: The article is the first study of the criminological characteristics of crime in the rural areas of Krasnodarskyi krai and the Republic of Adygea since 2014, suggesting measures to boost crime prevention with regard to the contemporary socio-economic situation.
Keywords: public security, crime prevention, rural area, efficiency of police activity
Published in DKUM: 04.01.2021; Views: 893; Downloads: 41
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