1. Influence of tertiary activities on transformation of the rural settlements in Bosnia and HerzegovinaRahman Nurković, 2010, review article Abstract: In Bosnia and Herzegovina, tertiary activities strongly affect the modern spatial and functional structure of rural settlements. In economic and social life they are complementary, which is a good prerequisite for general development of the country. They are followed by specialised shops (bank services, legal services, higher educational institutions, large market, diverse manpower, extensive public services, car show rooms, gas stations, furniture shops, commercial centres, hotels, motels, computer equipment, and alike). Keywords: tertiary activities, new rural development of the settlements, restructuring of economic activities Published in DKUM: 29.03.2018; Views: 1289; Downloads: 109 Full text (118,38 KB) This document has many files! More... |
2. Factors of a successfully implemented compulsory settlementMarjeta Zorin Bukovšek, Borut Bratina, Polona Tominc, 2017, original scientific article Abstract: In Slovenia, many companies try to avoid bankruptcy with the introduction of a compulsory settlement procedure, but only a handful of companies successfully complete the compulsory settlement in the sense of a final repayment of creditors in accordance with the adopted financial restructuring plan. The article identified the factors affecting the confirmation of a compulsory settlement as well as the factors affecting the final repayment of creditors and, thus, permanently eliminated the causes of insolvency. The factors were divided into internal and external, whereby the impact of factors on a successfully completed compulsory settlement was verified using quantitative and qualitative research methods. Keywords: compulsory settlement, insolvency, financial restructuring plan, business restructuring, ownership restructuring Published in DKUM: 09.08.2017; Views: 1816; Downloads: 399 Full text (324,39 KB) This document has many files! More... |
3. Controllership influences on the restructuring of Slovenian companiesDanijel Lebar, Iztok Kolar, 2015, original scientific article Abstract: Controllership, as an informational activity, is becoming a multidimensional function, about which numerous doubts exist as to whether to increase its independency and integrate it tightly with the decision-making process. Financial knowledge and business-analytical capabilities of carriers of controllership activity can offer support for operational, financial, and strategic restructuring. This is important when facing frequent business dynamics in order to enhance competitiveness and especially achieve short-term as well as strategic goals. Keywords: controllership, controller, restructuring, financial knowledge, business-analytical capabilities Published in DKUM: 03.04.2017; Views: 1309; Downloads: 377 Full text (431,15 KB) This document has many files! More... |
4. UKREPI ZAŠČITE BANK UPNIC PO POGODBI O PRESTRUKTURIRANJU KAPITALSKE DRUŽBEKristina Sigurnjak, 2016, master's thesis Abstract: Kapitalska družba, katere sposobnost servisiranja najetih posojil postane ogrožena, ima že v času pred nastopom insolventnosti, kot jo opredeljuje 14. člen Zakona o finančnem poslovanju, postopkih zaradi insolventnosti in prisilnem prenehanju, dispozitivne možnosti reguliranja svojih dolžniško-upniških razmerij. Med slednjimi navadno prevladujejo razmerja z bankami zaradi najetih kreditov. Stranke situacijo lahko sanirajo zunajsodno s sklenitvijo pogodbe o finančnem prestrukturiranju (angl. master restructuring agreement ali »MRA«). MRA poleg refinanciranja oziroma reprograma obstoječih bančnih terjatev uredi tudi predmet prestrukturiranja, pogoje za refinanciranja (tj. cena, pogoji črpanja in pogoji vračila kreditov), druge zaveze, ki jim mora slediti dolžnik, sankcije za kršitev plačilnih obveznosti in drugih zavez ter druge zahteve banke, ki naj bi pomenile ščitenje pred kreditnim tveganjem določenega komitenta.
MRA zaradi ščitenja interesa bank prinese dokaj rigorozne ukrepe nadzora nad poslovanjem dolžnika ter stroge pogodbene obveznosti in sankcije za kršitve. Banke imajo tako preko MRA lahko znaten vpliv na poslovanje svojih dolžnikov, na njihove finančne in poslovne odločitve ter na samo vodenje; predvsem tekom procesa prestrukturiranja in trajanja pogodb z dolžniki. Na ta način se banke lahko izpostavijo neveljavnosti sankcij (npr. niso v celoti izpolnjeni strogi pogoji za odpoved kreditne pogodbe po 1067. členu Zakona o obligacijskih razmerjih), v skrajnih primerih pa tudi (odškodninski) odgovornosti zaradi škodljivega vpliva na družbo dolžnika po določili o povzročanju škodljivega ravnanja poslovodstva po 264. členu Zakona o gospodarskih družbah ter kot obvladujoča družba tako v dejanskem kot v pogodbenem koncernu (predvsem 541. – 543. ter 545. in 547. člen ZGD-1), če le so izpolnjeni pogoji koncernskih pravil o prevzemanju odškodninske in reparacijske odgovornosti. Keywords: Finančno prestrukturiranje, prostovoljno prestrukturiranje, načela prestrukturiranja, banka, upnik, insolventnost, pogodba o prestrukturiranju (master restructuring agreement), kreditna pogodba, zaveze (covenants), prenehanje pogodbe, direktor v senci, vpliv tretjih na organe vodenja in nadzora, poslovodenje, obvladovanje, dejanski koncern, pogodbeni koncern, kvalificiran koncern. Published in DKUM: 24.10.2016; Views: 3225; Downloads: 292 Full text (1,36 MB) |
5. Functional changes in Tezno, the industrial zone in MariborLučka Lorber, 2006, original scientific article Abstract: The article discusses the impact of the initial establishment of TAM (Tovarna avtomobilov in motorjev Maribor) on forming of the industrial zone Tezno, Maribor. Both industrialization and planning economy played a key role in forming of a classic industrial zone, which represented an area of manufacturing activities. In the 1970s and 1980s, Maribor economy made more than a half of total income in secondary sector. Under the influence of socioeconomic changes, restructuring economies and its adaptation to the requirements of the common European market in 1990s influenced on functionaly changes of the industrial zone and on forming of the new business and production zone. The city acceded to the revitalisation of the industrial zone into a perspective Business and production zone Tezno. Keywords: geography, regional geography, city regions, industrialization, industrial zones, restructuring economies, Maribor Published in DKUM: 21.12.2015; Views: 1581; Downloads: 126 Link to full text This document has many files! More... |
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7. Knowledge capitalism : business, work, and learning in the new economyAlan Burton-Jones, 1999, manual Keywords: knowledge, management, capitalism, theory, support, empirical research, data, data sources, working organization, industrialization, human capital, intelligent systems, business, business operation of the enterprise, socio-economic development, contemporary society, work, learning, new economy, enterprise, property, control, restructuring, individualism, employment, supply, models, career success, career, entrepreneur, dependences, independence, business cooperation, networks, boundary, transition economics Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2674; Downloads: 48 Link to full text |
8. The new financial capitalists : Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and the creation of corporate valueGeorge Pierce Baker, George David Smith, 1999, professional work Keywords: financial capital, capitalism, capital company, institutionalization, maintenance, debts, USA, corporations, valuation, creativity, business finance, financial engineering, capital, restructuring, value added, management, creativity, risk Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2634; Downloads: 120 Link to full text |
9. Organizational dimensions of global change : no limits to cooperationproceedings Keywords: international cooperation, cooperation, world economy, socio-economic development, globalization, knowledge, leadership, crises, sense, social change, economic structures, restructuring, economic policy, economic cooperation Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 1893; Downloads: 125 Link to full text |