1. Multi-criteria decision making in creative problem solvingVesna Čančer, Matjaž Mulej, 2013, original scientific article Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present the adapted model per phases of the creative problem solving (CPS) process, where multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods are used in the decision-making phase. Also, to adapt and complete the steps of the six-question technique, in order to establish the criteria's importance. The framework procedure of MCDM, together with the Dialectical Systems Theory's guidelines when solving complex problems has already been introduced. The procedure was well-verified in practice, but lacked the support of creative qualitative techniques in defining problems, and in generating and choosing alternatives. To eliminate this deficiency, in terms of prescriptive approach, the authors adapted the phases of the CPS process, where MCDM methods are used when choosing alternatives, and completed the steps of the six-question technique to establish the criteria weights. The discrete Choquet integral was used to consider interactions among criteria. The article shows that creative approaches are not limited to merely problem definitions and problem structuring. They can also be used in typically analytical steps in the framework procedure. The completed and adapted phases of the CPS process can allow the mutual assistance of creative and decision-making methods when solving problems - a step forward to holism.This article develops and introduces the use of the six-question technique, in the establishment of criteria weights. The innovative aspect of this article is that it adapts and completes the CPS process so that MCDM methods can be used when choosing alternatives. It extends the use of creative approaches to typically analytical steps of MCDM, where synergies and redundancies among criteria are considered. Keywords: kreativnost, teorija sistemov, operacijsko raziskovanje, inovacije, inovativnost, odločanje, metode, večkriterialno odločanje, informacijska tehnologija Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1337; Downloads: 78
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2. A modular hybrid approach to employee timetablingDrago Bokal, Gašper Fijavž, Bor Harej, Andrej Taranenko, Klemen Žagar, 2008, published scientific conference contribution Abstract: We consider a classical employee timetabling problem: a set of employees with various skill levels, qualifications, workload and availability distributions has to be assigned to a set of shifts, each requiring a prescribed number of qualified employees and spanning a given time period. The novelty of our approach is a hybrid combination of the methods proposed in bibliography, such that we leverage the advantages of known methods while minimizing their disadvantages. Thus, we first apply the generalized local hill-climbing with randomized neighborhoods to quickly reach the vicinity of local optima, and then use the tabu search to explore more of the search space around those solutions. Our experiments show that the resulting hybrid technique performs better than the comparable approaches presented in bibliography due to the hybrid nature of the technique. In addition, we propose a modular design that utilizes dependency injection to compose the the search algorithm. Together with careful modeling, this approach allows for constant-time evaluation of each possible step in the neighborhood and for an easy evaluation of different hybrid combinations that can be combined and parameterized at runtime. Keywords: operacijsko raziskovanje, razporejanje zaposlenih, urniki, lokalna optimizacija, operations research, employee timetabling, generalized local hill-climbing, tabu search, hybrid local optimization Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1268; Downloads: 58
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3. The obnoxious center problem on weighted cactus graphsBlaž Zmazek, Janez Žerovnik, 2001, published scientific conference contribution abstract Abstract: The obnoxious center problem in a graph ▫$G$▫ asks for a location on an edge of the graph such that the minimum weighted distance from this point to a vertex of the graph is as large as possible. An algorithm is given which finds the obnoxious center on a weighted cactus graph in ▫$O(cn)$▫ time, where ▫$n$▫ is the number of vertices and ▫$c$▫ is the number of different vertex weights (called marks). Keywords: matematika, operacijsko raziskovanje, teorija grafov, lokacijski problemi, problem centra, nezaželjeni centri, algoritmi z linearno časovno zahtevnostjo, mathematics, operations research, graph theory, location problems, center problem, obnoxious facilities, linear time algorithm Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1343; Downloads: 99
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4. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Operations Research - KOI 2000, [Rovinj, Croatia, September 27-29, 2000]2001, proceedings of peer-reviewed scientific conference contributions (international and foreign conferences) Keywords: operacijsko raziskovanje, matematično programiranje, metode, informatika, računalništvo, konference, optimizacija, matematična ekonomija, numerične metode, teorija grafov, zborniki Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1371; Downloads: 40
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6. Handbook of semidefinite programming : theory, alorithms, and applicationsproceedings Keywords: operacijsko raziskovanje, optimizacija, linearno programiranje, teorija, algoritmi, aplikacija, programiranje, konvekcija, matrike, teorija odločitev, matematika, geometrija, matematično programiranje, Jordanske derivacije, meritve, metode, aproksimacija, kombinatorika, struktura, poslovne odločitve, modeli, semmidefinite programming, convex analysis, symmetric matrices, duality, eigenvalue, embedding theorems, multipliers Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2940; Downloads: 90
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7. Operations Research : Quantitative Methoden zur EntscheidungsvorbereitungWerner Zimmermann, higher education textbook Keywords: operacijsko raziskovanje, mrežno planiranje, mreže, linearno optimiranje, optimizacija, transport, linearno optimiranje, linearno programiranje, linearni modeli, stohastični procesi, kvantitativna analiza, nelinearno programiranje, modeli, poslovne odločitve, teorija odločitev, simplex metoda, matematična ekonomija, kombinatorika, učbeniki Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 2670; Downloads: 45
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8. Quantitative analysis in marketing managementLuiz Moutinho, Mark Goode, Fiona Davies, higher education textbook Keywords: marketing, trženje, statistična analiza, vzorčenje, povpraševanje, predvidevanje, finančna analiza, operacijsko raziskovanje, kontrola, kvaliteta, strategija trženja, management, analiza poslovanja, operativni plani, kvantitativna analiza, meritve, prednost, prihodnost, učbeniki Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 1267; Downloads: 67
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9. Multimethodology : the theory and practice of combining management science methodologiesproceedings Keywords: sistemske analize, sistemi, raziskovanje, operacijsko raziskovanje, pluralizem, management, teorija upravljanja, manager, odločanje, poslovne odločitve, metodologija, modeli, multidisciplinarni vidik, teorija, praksa, mišljenje, poslovni proces, duševni procesi, relativizem, interakcije, konference Published in DKUM: 01.06.2012; Views: 1593; Downloads: 52
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10. Izbira dolgoročne naložbene strategije z odločanjem po več kriterijih hkrati : diplomsko deloGregor Žohar, 2008, undergraduate thesis Keywords: večkriterialno odločanje, investicijsko odločanje, delnice, vrednostni papirji, operacijsko raziskovanje, primerjave, metode, kvantitativna analiza, programska oprema, računalniški programi Published in DKUM: 28.05.2012; Views: 1457; Downloads: 42
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