1. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases EJC 20232023 Opis: The proceedings of the thirty-third conference EJC 2023 combine the experience and knowledge of the experts working and different research fields of Information modelling, Conceptual modelling, Knowledge and information modelling and discovery, Linguistic modelling, Cross-cultural communication and social computing, Environmental modelling and engineering, and Multimedia data modelling and systems. Ključne besede: conceptual modelling, knowledge modelling, information modelling, linguistic modelling, cross-cultural communication, social computing, environmental modelling, multimedia data modelling Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.06.2023; Ogledov: 986; Prenosov: 32 Celotno besedilo (30,93 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
2. GeMMa Activity Report 2016-2022Tamara Golob, 2023, zbornik Opis: The primary aim of this publication is to support the dissemination of the research achievements of GeMMA Laboratory at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Maribor. It follows the first survey published in 2016, and therefore, the actual book concentrates on the research results since then. The previous book, covering a period of 17 years, presented 35 R&D projects, while the new review of activities over the last 7 years covers as many as 58 projects. This growth is a good cue to introduce the secondary, equally important aim of the book. Namely, we would like to leave the track to our successors to stimulate them for even better research results, to show them, what is possible to achieve in 22 years starting from scratch with the will, hard work, orientation towards the applications, devotion to the research work, and the strong team spirit. Ključne besede: research & development projects, geospatial modelling, multimedia, artificial intellingence, algorithms, industrial cooperation, international cooperation Objavljeno v DKUM: 09.03.2023; Ogledov: 547; Prenosov: 76 Celotno besedilo (30,44 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
3. Use of animated songs in early teaching of English and GermanJanja Stariha, 2019, magistrsko delo Opis: This MA thesis deals with animated songs and their use in early foreign language teaching. In the theoretical part I have described child development, first and second language acquisition, multimedia, foreign language teaching and the use of songs in the classroom. As the literature on animated songs has not yet been developed, I have turned to theory on multimedia, music and art to formulate a set of criteria for easier choice of animated songs for use in class. In the empirical part I have chosen some high quality, didactically apropriate animated songs. Content, sound, music, text, design, animation, multimedia learning theories, art theory and didactics were taken into account. The final part of the paper shows the results of a questionnaire that was forwarded to Slovenian teachers who teach children aged 3–11 to see to what extent they know and use animated songs. Nowadays acces to songs is no longer a problem so it is important for teachers to know how to evaluate multimedia materials. There are both favorable opinions and cautions regarding technology use in childhood, so good judgement is needed. The choice and use of animated songs in the young learner classroom should be didactically justified. Ključne besede: animated songs, songs, young learners, foreign language teaching, English, German, multimedia, modern technology, didactics, preschool, primary school Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.10.2019; Ogledov: 1537; Prenosov: 178 Celotno besedilo (2,99 MB) |
4. Trends in ICT and multimedia supported educationMarko Papić, Janez Bešter, 2012, pregledni znanstveni članek Opis: The formal educational system is facing different problems regarding adaptation towards the needs of a modern knowledge society. In the article, two important and comprehensive challenges to today's formal educational system are discussed and commented upon. The first problem is the incoherence between the needs of the labor market and formal education system outcomes in terms of graduated students. Another problem is the distancing between the prevailing traditional pedagogical methods within formal educational institutions and the ways in which students acquire information and knowledge outside of the schools as they are becoming less and less interested in traditional lectures. It is argued that specific information and communication system technologies (ICT) supported mechanisms, such as social learning and virtual communities may address these challenges. Theories of communities and social learning that may be useful for implementation in the education system are explained and practical implementation is proposed. Ključne besede: education systems, knowledge society, ICT, multimedia, e-learning Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.01.2018; Ogledov: 1417; Prenosov: 338 Celotno besedilo (1,04 MB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
5. E-education between padagogical and didactic theory and practiseVanda Rebolj, 2009, strokovni članek Opis: Education systems confront new requirements to become more efficient and contribute more to the economic success of society. At the same time there are new challenges for the education systems to perform their tasks using advanced technology. In capacity, information technology considerably surpasses the current learning technology. Supported by Internet it creates an electronic parallel to the standard school and learning. Unfortunately there is only sporadic evidence that supported by information technology, learning and education system as a whole can be considerably improved. In spite of that, we believe there is no way back and e-education is not just a temporary whim. Even though we do not know exactly who should perform what and to which scope. The passiveness of pedagogues, the lack of empirical research and the occurring expansion of the market for e-education products without their quality assessment is not of advantage to this progress. The spread of e-education production without considering the professional opinion of pedagogues, who beside their practical work must also engage in developing their own pedagogical theory, might not benefit the existing education achievements. On the other hand, didactics can by analogy be applied also in the web environment, consequently creating the related assessment mechanisms of the electronic education elements. Ključne besede: didactics, e-education, informatization, IT, information technology, multimedia, interactivity, knowledge quality Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.11.2017; Ogledov: 1403; Prenosov: 182 Celotno besedilo (169,81 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
6. Primary school students´ and teachers´ opinions about interactive boards and their possible utilization in tuitionMilan Klement, Martina Rešková, 2012, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Nowadays, the utilization of information and communication technologies in all types of schools has become obvious. Information and communication technologies bring a significant number of positive effects which appropriately complete and support education. The generally declared necessity for integration of new media and new educational technologies into the educational process is a prerequisite for further development of pedagogical sciences and practice. Since, in this context, it is essential to promote new didactic techniques and methods derived from them, it is equally important to follow the development of target groups opinions and attitudes. As the authors of the presented study are not aware of an overall study dealing with this issue, we have decided, based on research execution, to find out primary school students and teachers opinions about the introduction of modern didactic tools such as interactive boards into teaching practice. The presented study introduces the progress, the process, and the results of this significant research. Ključne besede: didactic tools, ICT, interactive boards, digital presentation, digital technology, multimedia Objavljeno v DKUM: 22.09.2017; Ogledov: 1219; Prenosov: 85 Celotno besedilo (190,91 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
7. ANALIZA INFORMACIJSKIH POTREB MAJHNIH OBČINMartin Vindiš, 2015, diplomsko delo Opis: Diplomsko delo opredeljuje pokrivanje potreb majhnih občin po IT, s ponudbo podjetja Multimedia d.o.o. za to področje.
Diplomsko delo najprej opredeli teoretično osnovo, katera nam pove kaj so občine, kako občine delujejo, predstavi nam organe občine, njene predstavnike ter naloge in pristojnosti občine. Teoretični del posebej predstavi tudi način financiranja in zakone ter akte, ki urejajo delovanje občin. Naloge občine so predstavljale osnovo za izdelavo intervjuja, s pomočjo katerega sem pridobil podatke o potrebah občin po IT.
Na podlagi podatkov, ki sem jih pridobil z intervjuji, je narejena podrobna analiza potreb majhnih občin po IT, iz katere je razvidno kakšno programsko in strojno opremo potrebujejo občine pri svojem vsakdanjem delu. Prav tako je v nalogi predstavljena podrobna analiza ponudbe podjetja Multimedia d.o.o za to področje.
Sklepni del naloge poda odgovor na vprašanje, katere potrebe občin po IT podjetje Multimedia d.o.o. lahko zadovolji. Če povzamemo odgovor sklepnega dela, lahko razberemo, da podjetje pokriva veliko večino potreb majhnih občin, na nekaterih segmentih pa njihove potrebe celo presega. Ključne besede: majhne občine, Multimedia d.o.o., intervju, analiza, potrebe po IT, ponudba IT Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.07.2015; Ogledov: 943; Prenosov: 134 Celotno besedilo (1,29 MB) |
8. Challenges of advanced technologies and school of the futureIvan Gerlič, 2010, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The era of advanced technology claims a different individual. The individual that would undisturbed function in the era of digitalization and would better perceive and protect our environment with the help of accomplishments and benefits of advanced information and communication technology (ICT). There is no better time for learning and concretization of these values as in school. Nowadays pupils, the pupils of digital era, are more and more experienced in the usage of contemporary media and networks. That is why they require the modification of conditions and teachers' role in the school. Will new information and multimedia or hypermedia support for classrooms and new didactical ideas improve learning results, and stimulate innovation and greater pleasure towards learning and knowledge? All these questions will be answered in our contribution. Ključne besede: education, traditional education, future education, computer classroom, multimedia classroom, educational networks Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 2041; Prenosov: 405 Celotno besedilo (653,12 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
9. Otherness - challenge or obstacle in multimedia translationBarbara Majcenovič Kline, 2011, strokovni članek Opis: As the world becomes increasingly unified, there is a growing tendency for language transfer in audiovisual media. Media are one of many different channels through which globalization is rapidly occurring. Although audiovisual (or multimedia) translation may not have been discussed much until recently, in the last twenty years, awareness of the importance of this kind of communication has grown considerably because the development of new technologies. This paper will examine whether translation training is keeping up with theory on the translation process and its product. It will address such issues as how to acquire multimedia translation competence, how to design a lesson to achieve long-term goals, and how to determine the teacher's and the student's roles in translation activities. I will discuss possible ways of introducing the predominant and/or prevailing types of multimedia translation to students of translation, giving some practical examples for classroom dynamics. Ključne besede: translation, theory of translation, multimedia translation, audiovisual translation, classroom dynamics Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.06.2012; Ogledov: 1868; Prenosov: 55 Celotno besedilo (157,13 KB) Gradivo ima več datotek! Več... |
10. Informationssysteme für das Handelsmanagement : Konzepte und Nutzung in der Unternehmenspraxiszbornik Ključne besede: informacijski sistemi, trgovske družbe, institucionalizem, trgovinska politika, trgovina, trgovinsko podjetje, poslovanje podjetja, management, MIS, informatika, uporabniki, zmogljivost, vrednotenje, verige, človeški potencial, analiza poslovanja, poslovno okolje, kritika, potrošnik, perspektive, poslovno komuniciranje, rešitve, reševanje problemov, kooperacija, software, programska oprema, multimedia, računalništvo, uporaba računalnika Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.06.2012; Ogledov: 1720; Prenosov: 36 Povezava na celotno besedilo |