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Psychosocial and moral factors of bystanders in peer bullying
Sonja Pečjak, Tina Pirc, Rene Markovič, Tanja Špes, Katja Košir, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The aim of our study was to explore students’ bystander roles in peer bullying considering the interaction between their individual and contextual characteristics. We included social status goals (popularity, social preference and social insecurity), moral disengagement and peer support as key variables for differentiating bystander behaviour. Our sample comprised 5148 students from the 8th and 9th grades across 118 primary schools in Slovenia. Bystander roles (active and passive reinforcers, ignorants and defenders) were determined by peer nominations. Other characteristics were measured with self-report questionnaires. For each variable, we normalized students’ results with regard to their classroom to define classroom norms as the context of peer bullying resulting in “low”, “average” and “high” group. Students with similar individual and contextual characteristics were grouped into four clusters. The results showed that students from all clusters were present in all bystander roles, which indicates a highly complex interaction of various factors in bystander behaviour. Some educational implications are discussed.
Ključne besede: medvrstniško nasilje, opazovalci, vrstniška podpora, moralnost, osnovnošolci, bullying, bystanders, peer support, morality, elementary school students
Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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Self-control and morality in Slovenian primary and secondary school sample : the results of YouPrev study
Eva Bertok, Gorazd Meško, 2013, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to test one of the main concepts of Situational Action Theory – the concept of the crime propensity on a large Slovenian sample of young people ages 13–17. Crime propensity is constructed from self-control scale and moral values scale. Design/Methods/Approach: The factor analysis was used to see if separate dimensions of self-control could be distinguished. A multiple regression was run to predict 16 self-reported delinquent acts from morality and self-control variables, which represented generalized crime propensity index. Findings: On the basis of 19 questions concerning self-control and moral values, almost one third of variance of self-reporting of 16 different delinquent acts was explained. The construct of crime propensity was proven relevant even with different methodology. Research Limitations / Implications: Even though YouPrev study employed a similar set of questions concerning self-control and moral values, some very cruicial differences should be noted between the two studies; the most important is the inclusion of risk-taking component in the self-control scale in the YouPrev study which was not included in the PADS+ study. Originality/Value: The paper presents the analysis that hasn’t been made yet in connection with self-reported delinquency acts in Slovenia.
Ključne besede: juvenile delinquency, morality, self-control, crime propensity, Slovenia
Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.04.2020; Ogledov: 1339; Prenosov: 63
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Formal boundaries of Slovenian law
Bojan Tičar, 2018, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: Purpose: The article is primarily intended for foreign exchange students (e.g. students participating in the Erasmus+ programme) at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security of the University of Maribor studying how Slovenia regulates the field of criminal justice and security. The article deals with the formal boundaries of Slovenian law mostly from the viewpoint of the legal order in force in the country. Readers will learn how the Slovenian legal order functions, which general acts are adopted by the state and which by local bodies, the rules governing their application, and the relationships between them, as well as the way EU law is applied in Slovenia. Design/Methods/Approach: The article is a review article based on a descriptive analytical method and linguistic interpretation of the relevant regulations. The author also applies a historical method – primarily by presenting the Roman law perspective on legal concepts – as well as teleological and legal philosophical methods in defining legal concepts. Findings: The article examines fundamental legal institutions. The author establishes the attitude of writers in the fields of the theory of law and critical jurisprudence regarding the definitions of key legal concepts and phenomena. The article concludes with Kant’s remark that lawyers are still seeking a definition of their concept of law (Perenič, 2007). Research Limitations / Implications: The article is short. The legal definitions are occasionally simplified which, however, is not to the reader’s disadvantage. In some instances, the author attempts to simplify complicated legal concepts with the objective of making the study of other subjects in the field of criminal justice and security easier for the reader and to provide a clear foundation for a basic understanding of the categorical apparatus in law. Practical Implications: The article has practical value for foreign, English-speaking students who, generally, are not students of law, but need a basic understanding of the fundamental legal concepts useful in most social science research. The definitions of the concepts are appropriate and contemporary and thereby contribute to better understanding of the field. Originality/Value: The article is a review article and therefore its originality is limited. The author namely does not establish any new scientific findings, but summarises and defines already known concepts. The article’s original value is that the author presents fundamental legal concepts and definitions in a readable and easy-to-digest manner that the reader can easily remember. The definitions of the legal concepts addressed in the article are precise and useful and will serve the reader in further study or research.
Ključne besede: law, legal order, morality, classification of law, sources of law, legal norm, statute, lex specialis
Objavljeno v DKUM: 20.04.2020; Ogledov: 1250; Prenosov: 76
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In brain we trust
Janez Bregant, 2012, pregledni znanstveni članek

Opis: The central question of Churchland’s book Braintrust1 is where do moral values come from? She answers it in terms of the latest research in neuroscience, evolutionary biology, experimental psychology, and genetics. By explaining and understanding our social practices via scientific research Churchland tries to provide a neurobiological platform for morality and thus illuminates the usually neglected account that moral properties are in some sense natural properties. She puts the results of the latest empirical experiments into the philosophical framework in such a way that it forms a foundation for our moral behaviour. The book is therefore about the biological approach to human morality. However, in what sense moral properties are (via social properties) natural (neurobiological) properties, as the naturalistic approach to the origins of human morality suggests, remains murky. To blame is presumably the resently limited powers of neurobiological explanations of social, and consequently, moral behaviour since the complex neural mechanisms of our brains are still not clear enough.
Ključne besede: morality, naturalism, naturalistic fallacy, neurophysiology, social life
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.08.2017; Ogledov: 1183; Prenosov: 98
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Vid Hudrap, Božidar Kante, 2016, diplomsko delo

Opis: The graduation thesis titled ETHICAL ISSUES AND AESTHETIC CONTEXT IN CORMAC MCCARTHY'S: THE ROAD discusses the novel The Road written by Cormac McCarthy from an ethical and aesthetical perspective. It covers issues of morality, its origins and how it is transmitted to the next generation in a world where society and its accomplishments were wiped out by a catastrophe of epic proportions. Here it examines the transmission of values from the father to the son who only knows society after the catastrophe – a society consisting only of father and son and the hostile environment they are subjected to. It follows the journey of a father and son who wander the desolate landscape in search of food and shelter and it deals with the ethical issues they encounter in their path ridden with cannibalistic bands, lone thieves and other individuals. The thesis examines the choices of the protagonists in dealing with other people, ethical conflicts which arise in these situations and between the protagonists themselves, as well as their quest to maintain their humanity. In doing so, it examines the metaphor of fire, the way people make moral decisions, our perception of moral goals and lines – the limits we set ourselves in how we deal with other people. It also touches on the basic concept of cooperation, how it evolved and its benefits for creating and maintaining a complex human society.
Ključne besede: Ethics, aesthetics, morality, transmission of morality, society, bright lines, bright lights, conceptual metaphor, cooperation.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.06.2016; Ogledov: 1475; Prenosov: 96
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Tjaša Šuc, 2014, magistrsko delo

Opis: In the time of H.G. Wells, vivisection of animals and the human were common topics. Nowadays, the human still remains a common topic. Scientific research has developed further with cloning, in-vitro fertilization, organ transplantation, etc. Out of these various scientific developments and experiments, which are examined in the Island of Doctor Moreau, the question of ethics and morality arises, as well as the question how these concepts have changed from the time of Wells` Doctor Moreau and today. The objective of my thesis, Modern Interpretations of the Moral and Ethical Issues in H. G. Wells` The Island of Doctor Moreau, is to analyze the moral and ethical issues in the work of H. G. Wells' The Island of Doctor Moreau and to show their relevance and topicality. Firstly, the genre of science-fiction novel is discussed, followed by an analysis and the structure of the work, and an analysis of the characters, which enables further analysis and relevance to the main theme: moral and ethical issues.
Ključne besede: H. G. Wells, Doctor Moreau, vivisection, ethics and morality, scientific experiments.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.10.2014; Ogledov: 2055; Prenosov: 168
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Enej Janjanin, 2014, diplomsko delo

Opis: The question of morality in Tolkien’s Silmarillion is a very important part of its theme in the conflict of good vs. evil. Characters are analyzed and classified according to their good or evil nature, as well as intentions and reasons for their thoughts, words and deeds. The method of analysis of imagery and symbolism was used to show the ways the good and evil manifest itself. Mythical qualities of Tolkien’s work are explained as well.
Ključne besede: The Silmarillion, Tolkien, good, evil, morality.
Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.04.2014; Ogledov: 2242; Prenosov: 148
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Aleš Trstenjak, 2011, diplomsko delo

Opis: The diploma thesis deals with social and moral differences in the plays of George B. Shaw, The Millionairess and The Apple Cart. Both plays deal with society issues, which have caused a growing precipice between classes; however, they also deal with inter-human relationships, pursuit of personal happiness, politics and religion. The characters in both plays are involved in a power struggle; recurrent conflicts between them are depicted with sharp dialogues in comic situations. The prefaces of both plays also play an important role; they give us an insight of Shaw’s opinion and provide an explanation for the behaviour of some characters.
Ključne besede: society, social classes, morality, inter-human relationships, politics, prefaces
Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.02.2012; Ogledov: 1947; Prenosov: 86
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