1. Defining a sustainable supply chain for buildings Off-Site envelope thermal insulation solutions : proposal of a methodology to investigate opportunities based on a context analysisMiriam Benedetti, Carlos Herce, Matteo Sforzini, Tiziana Susca, Claudia Toro, 2024, pregledni znanstveni članek Opis: External wall thermal insulation is one of the most effective solutions on the market to increase energy efficiency in the built environment. Off-Site Construction (OSC), through better control of the various parameters involved, can bring important advantages, such as the reduction of construction time, the improvement of product and process quality, etc. In the last years, the rapidly growing demand for thermal insulation systems, stimulated also by tax incentives, has generated a unique situation in Italy compared to the rest of Europe, also leading to a considerable fragmentation of the supply chain with several players involved (component and system manufacturers, distributors, and installers). The complexity of such context makes Italy an extremely challenging and insightful case study for a supply chain and sustainability study, also considering the fact that the energy efficiency of the Italian building stock represents a crucial challenge to achieve the country's energy saving goals since 40% of final energy consumption derives from buildings and 75% of the building stock presents a low energy performance (energy labels E, F and G). This article presents both an analysis of the Italian market of manufacturers of building envelope thermal insulation solutions, highlighting the different players in the supply chain in terms of number, type, and marketed products and solutions, and a focus on sustainable and recycled materials. The study also aims to define a methodology to investigate the state of play and opportunities for industrialisation of this market and its bottlenecks. In the article, a questionnaire is proposed to collect information and opinions on the spread of OSC and the perception of companies and professionals regarding the advantages and disadvantages of industrializing the sector. A first validation of the survey is presented in the form of industrial focus groups. Ključne besede: supply chain sustainability, industrial energy efficiency, off-site construction, construction industrialisation, sustainable building materials, modular buildings Objavljeno v DKUM: 01.10.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 3
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2. Dual-modular versus single-modular stems for primary total hip arthroplasty : a long-term survival analysisSamo K. Fokter, Nejc Noč, Vesna Levašič, Marko Hanc, Jan Zajc, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Background and Objectives: Increased revision rate of dual-modular (DM) femoral stems in primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) because of modular-neck breakage and adverse local tissue reactions (ALTRs) to additional junction damage products is well established and some designs have been recalled from the market. However, some long-term studies of specific DM stems did not confirm the inferiority of these stems compared to standard single-modular (SM) stems, and a head-to-head comparison THA is missing. The objectives of this multicentre study were to determine the survivorship and complication rates of a common DM stem design compared to a similar SM stem. Materials and Methods: In a time frame from January 2012 to November 2015, a cohort of 807 patients (882 hips) consecutively underwent primary cementless THAs at two orthopaedic centres. 377 hips were treated with a Zweimüller-type DM stem THA system and 505 hips with a similar SM stem THA system, both including a modern press-fit acetabulum. Kaplan-Meier survivorship and complication rates were compared between both groups in a median follow-up of 9.0 years (maximum, 9.9 years). Results: The 9-year survivorship of the DM stem THA system (92.6%, 95% CI 89.9–95.3) was significantly lower than that of the SM stem THA system (97.0%, 95% CI 95.2–98.8). There were no differences in revision rates for septic loosening, dislocation, and periprosthetic fractures between the two groups. One ceramic inlay and one Ti-alloy modular neck breakage occurred in the DM stem THA system group, but the main reason for revision in this group was aseptic loosening of components. Conclusions: The survivorship of the DM stem THA system was lower than the similar SM stem THA system in a comparable clinical environment with long-term follow-up. Our results confirmed that no rationale for stem modularity exists in primary THAs. Ključne besede: total hip arthroplasty, modular necks, exchangeable necks, survival rate, complications, revision rate, primary hip replacement, prosthesis, Ti-alloy Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.03.2024; Ogledov: 320; Prenosov: 5
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3. Contributions to the Study of Contemporary Domination Invariants of Graphs2019, doktorska disertacija Opis: This doctoral dissertation is devoted to contemporary domination concepts, such as the Grundy domination, the convex domination, the isometric domination and the total domination. Our main focus is to study their structure and algorithmic properties. Four Grundy domination invariants are presented, namely the Grundy domination number, the Grundy total domination number, the Z-Grundy domination number, and the L-Grundy domination number. Some bounds and properties of Grundy domination invariants are proven. All four Grundy domination parameters are studied on trees, bipartite distance-hereditary graphs, split graphs, interval graphs, Sierpi\'nski graphs, Kneser graphs and $P_4$-tidy graphs. Graphs with equal total domination number and Grundy total domination number are investigated.
Convex domination and isometric domination are studied on (weak) dominating pair graphs. For the chordal dominating pair graphs we present a polynomial algorithm to compute the convex domination number, and prove the NP-completeness of the corresponding decision problem for the chordal weak dominating pair graphs. For the isometric domination number of weak dominating pair graphs an efficient algorithm is presented.
Total domination is studied on the Cartesian product of graphs. We dedicate ourselves to graphs for which the equality holds in Ho's theorem, which states that the total domination number of the Cartesian product of any two graphs without isolated vertices is at least one half of the product of their total domination numbers. Ključne besede: Grundy domination, Grundy total domination, Z-Grundy domination, L-Grundy domination, convex domination, isometric domination, total domination, trees, split graphs, interval graphs, Sierpi\'nski graphs, Kneser graphs, modular decomposition, dominating pair graphs, Cartesian product Objavljeno v DKUM: 23.10.2019; Ogledov: 1549; Prenosov: 45
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4. Models of social housing in post-war SyriaStasha Jovanovikj, 2018, magistrsko delo Opis: abstract
Civil war in Syria could be acknowledged as one of the greatest catastrophes of the 21st century, as it had a massive impact, even on a global scale. An abundant number of victims, large cities turned into ruins, 11 million people left without a home, and 5.6 million people who fled the country are just one piece of the Syria problem puzzle. The main issue that we are inquiring into is the housing problem of the people of Syria, especially those with lower social standing, without a home or a safe haven.
Culture, tradition, and climate are crucial factors in designing models for residential architecture. These housing models have to be flexible and, with an optimal scale, offer an exceptional value for adjusting according to individual needs. In this thesis we propose a modular system for family houses and residential apartment buildings. In order to meet different needs and to respond to different site conditions in chosen locations, we present different housing models in various shapes, sizes, and functions. These can be implemented in any neighborhood design, which is presented through an example of building and rebuilding in the old city center. Ključne besede: post-war architecture, modular architecture, urban design, urban regeneration, Syria Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.10.2018; Ogledov: 1665; Prenosov: 458
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5. Exceptional Lie groups hierarchy, orthogonal and unitary groups in connection with symmetries of E-infinity space-timeLeila Marek-Crnjac, 2008, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Prikazane so različne izpeljave 548 izometrij E-neskončno simetrijske grupe. Najdena je povezava med dimenzijami izjemnih Liejevih grup, ortogonalnimi, unitarnimi grupami in 548. V delu je podanih nekaj argumentov za izpeljavo inverzne elektromagnetne konstante iz 1152 bozonov in enakega števila fermionov, sledeč kvantizaciji svetlobnega stožca GS delovanja super Maxwellove teorije. Ključne besede: izjemne Liejeve grupe, Kleinov modularni prostor, Killingov vektor, Riemannov tenzor, exceptional Lie groups, Klein-modular space, Killing vector, Riemann tensor Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.07.2015; Ogledov: 1263; Prenosov: 102
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7. ELEKTROENCEFALOGRAM IN NIZKOCENOVNI VMESNIKI MOŽGANI-STROJDejan Volk, 2010, diplomsko delo/naloga Opis: V diplomskem delu naslavljamo vmesnike človek – stroj in z njimi povezan zajem elektroencefalogramov (EEG). Proučimo možnosti nizkocenovne izvedbe vezij za zajem signalov EEG in glavne paradigme, na katerih temelji komunikacija možgani –računalnik, predvsem potencial P 300 in ritem Mu.
V drugem sklopu diplomskega dela predstavimo odprtokodno programsko platformo BCI 2000 in nizkocenovno vezje za zajem signalov EEG ModularEEG. Podrobno opišemo njune slabosti in zasnovo izpeljanih izboljšav. Sledi analiza primernosti platforme BCI 2000 in vezja ModularEEG za namene vmesnikov človek – stroj, kjer ocenimo, da je zaradi številnih konstrukcijskih slabosti vezje ModularEEG manj primerno za zajem signalov EEG; podamo tudi smernice za njegov nadaljnji razvoj. Ključne besede: vmesniki človek – stroj, elektroencefalogram, EEG, možgani, analiza signalov, Modular EEG, BCI 2000 Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.08.2011; Ogledov: 2781; Prenosov: 221
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