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Personality profiles and stress-coping strategies of Slovenian military pilots
Maja Meško, Damir Karpljuk, Mateja Videmšek, Iztok Podbregar, 2009, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The performance of a pilot also depends on the pilot's personality profile and their stresscoping style. In our study we aimed to analyze, by means of the Big Five Questionnaire (BFQ) and the Coping Responses Inventory (CRI), the personality profiles, stress-coping strategies and the relationship between them among Slovenian military pilots. The study involved 120 respondents: 30 of whom were military pilots in the experimental group, while the other 90 were in the control groups. The control groups included sport pilots, the general population and soldiers with no involvement in aviation. The members of the control group were selected with regard to the characteristics of the experimental group members, so that both groups were equivalent in terms of relevant factors (e.g. gender, age, health state, level of education etc), thus participating in a study of equivalent pairs. A statistical analysis identified statistically significant differences between the groups in the following BFQ dimensions: energy, conscientiousness and emotional stability; in the dimensions of CRI 'cognitive avoidance' (cognitive effort to avoid realistic consideration of a problem); and 'emotional discharge or emptying' (behavioural attempts to alleviate tension by venting negative emotions). Results revealed that certain personality characteristics were differentially and significantly related to specific stress coping strategies adopted by military pilots.
Ključne besede: military pilots, Slovenia, personality, personality traits, coping behavior, coping, stress
Objavljeno v DKUM: 19.03.2020; Ogledov: 1075; Prenosov: 39
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Standard of control under Article 8 ARSIWA : magistrsko delo
Leon Brulc, 2019, magistrsko delo

Opis: State responsibility is considered an essential part of international law, since the whole body of international law would in essence be deemed ineffective if the States were not held liable for their conduct. States are the principal bearers of international obligations because of their legal personality. As a consequence, the fact that States have certain obligations, means that responsibility is heavily interlinked with the notion of sovereignty and vice versa. Similarly to individuals, sovereignty of States is limited with the rights of other States. However, this does not mean that State responsibility is an abandonment of State’s sovereignty, but rather its attribute. A State cannot act on its own. It can only conduct its operations through its organs and through private actors. While the conduct of an organ of a State might automatically be attributed to that State, the attributability of a private actor’s conduct appears to be more problematic. One of the grounds of attribution of a private actor’s conduct is found in Article 8 of the International Law Commission’s Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (ARSIWA). Under Article 8 of the ARSIWA, private actor’s conduct is attributable to a State if that State instructs a private actor or if it controls or directs it. When it comes to the attribution on the grounds of control, the case law and theory, as to the degree of control required to trigger State responsibility, are at odds. While part of the theory defends the test adopted by the International Court of Justice (the effective control test), other academics defend the test proposed by International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (the overall control test). This clash is the focal point of the thesis. While both of these tests were developed in a (para)military context, the question arises whether they can be applied to private corporations, and if the answer is yes, to what extent. In addition to proposing an appropriate test for corporations, this thesis also tries to find the appropriate test for (para)military group and determine whether there should be only one test for attribution or if there ought to be multiple.
Ključne besede: State responsibility, Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, Article 8, Attributability, Control, Tadić case, Military activities in Nicaragua case, Bosnian genocide case, effective control test, overall control test
Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.06.2019; Ogledov: 2149; Prenosov: 442
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Evaluating costs of vehicle use in military logistics
Leon Grašič, Tone Lerher, Bojan Rosi, 2016, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The article presents an analytical model of evaluating costs of vehicle use in military logistics adapted to specific construction demands and characteristics of military vehicles, profile (conditions and manner) of use and technological procedures of preventive and remedial maintenance of military vehicles. The proposed model of evaluation enables an equivalent comparison of total costs in advance of use of similar vehicles made by different manufacturers throughout the entire operating period (their service life). Initial (entry) and boundary conditions are clearly defined within the proposed model. The implementation of the analytical model ensures the evaluation and planning of maintenance costs and costs of direct vehicle use in military logistics already at the point of purchasing new vehicles, as well as evaluation of optimal operating period (service life) of vehicles, which leads to increased reliability and availability, and, consequently, to more effective use of military vehicles.
Ključne besede: analytical model, evaluating costs, vehicle use, military vehicles, effective use, military logistics
Objavljeno v DKUM: 11.07.2017; Ogledov: 1613; Prenosov: 378
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Military jargon in the Slovenian translation of Hostile waters
Simon Zupan, Marko Štefanič, 2014, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The article examines Slovenian translations of military jargon in the non-fiction novel Hostile Waters. In the introductory part, jargon is presented as a linguistic category as well as its main features in the novel. Next, select examples from the original text are compared to their Slovenian equivalents. The focus is on collocations and lexically dense nominal phrases. The comparison finds that most translation shifts in the target text occur because of incorrect interpretation of technical jargon expressions in the original. As a result, the target text reader perceives certain situations differently than the source text reader.
Ključne besede: translation, military jargon, translation shifts, non-fiction novel, Hostile Waters
Objavljeno v DKUM: 16.05.2017; Ogledov: 1936; Prenosov: 398
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Prilagoditev vojaške infrastrukture poklicni vojski s poudarkom na izvajanju programov celostne skrbi za pripadnike Slovenske vojske : magistrska naloga
Zdenka Veselič, 2009, magistrsko delo/naloga

Opis: Slovenija je po osamosvojitvi organizirala vojaško obrambo na način, kot je bil v nekdanji skupni državi. Razvijala je številčno veliko vojsko, v katero so bili vključeni z majhnim deležem pripadniki stalne sestave ter pripadniki rezervne sestave, ki so bili v enote SV razporejeni na podlagi zakonsko obveznega služenja v rezervni sestavi. Pripadniki moškega spola so se usposabljanja za obrambo domovine udeleževali na služenju vojaškega roka, ki je bil prav tako zakonsko obvezen za vse zdravstveno sposobne moške državljane, stare med 18 in 27 let. Ob nadaljnjem razvoju Slovenske vojske se je vse bolj kazala potreba po drugačnem organiziranju vojaške obrambe, ki bi tako zagotovila doseganje novih doktrinarnih in strateških obrambnih načel. Vse bolj se je kristalizirala potreba po prehodu na poklicni način popolnjevanja vojske. Slovenska vojska je s prehodom na poklicni način popolnjevanja, dopolnjenega s pogodbeno rezervo doživela številne spremembe tako v kadrovski kot tudi v organizacijski strukturi. Vse te spremembe pa so zahtevale spremembe tudi na drugih področjih, med njimi vojaški infrastrukturi. Po izvedeni koncentraciji sil in sredstev v perspektivne objekte, ki jih uporablja Slovenska vojska, je sledilo zagotavljanje bivalnih in delovnih zmogljivosti, kjer je nastanjena poklicna vojska. Sledeč cilju razviti majhno in dobro usposobljeno vojsko, so bili posodobljeni ali na novo zgrajeni tudi nekateri objekti, namenjeni izobraževanju, usposabljanju in urjenju. Pripadnik je najpomembnejši in ključni dejavnik v delovanju Slovenske vojske. Celostna skrb za pripadnike Slovenske vojske je postala s profesionalizacijo vojske pomembna dejavnost, ki pa do danes še ni zaživela v celoti. Prostorska urejenost za izvajanje programov celostne skrbi za pripadnike Slovenske vojske je marsikje še v obliki načrtov.
Ključne besede: vojaška infrastruktura, celostna skrb, vojašnica, Slovenska vojska, military infrastructure, integral care, barrack, Slovenian Army
Objavljeno v DKUM: 18.08.2009; Ogledov: 2994; Prenosov: 271
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