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Vloga managementa pri zagotavljanju sredstev neprofitnih športnih organizacij
Aleks Perger, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na vlogo managementa pri zagotavljanju sredstev za delovanje neprofitnih športnih organizacij. V začetku diplomskega dela smo raziskali, kaj sploh neprofitne organizacije so in kakšne organizacijske strukture poznamo. V nadaljevanju smo opisali, kaj so športna društva in predstavili razlike med profitnimi in neprofitnimi športnimi organizacijami. Opisali smo, kaj je to športni management, katere ključne naloge opravljajo športni managerji in katere so njihove lastnosti. V teoretičnem delu smo raziskali financiranje teh neprofitnih športnih organizacij, katera sredstva poznamo in njihove procese pridobivanja. V raziskovalnem delu diplomskega dela smo obravnavali primer ŠD Mladost. V sklopu tega smo si na začetku diplomskega dela zastavili tri raziskovalna vprašanja, skozi katera smo ugotovili vlogo managementa v delovanju neprofitnih športnih organizacij, učinkovitost sedanjega modela financiranja obravnavanega športnega društva in dodatne možnosti financiranja društva. Najprej smo raziskali zgodovino društva in njegovega delovanja. Nato smo s pomočjo dokumentacije opisali vire financiranja društva ter naredili analizo trenutnega financiranja. V zaključku diplomskega dela smo raziskali dodatne možnosti financiranja obravnavanega društva.
Keywords: financiranje, športne organizacije, športni management, dodatne možnosti, model financiranja, izboljšanje, analiza društva, neprofitne športne organizacije, sponzorstva, donacije
Published in DKUM: 06.09.2024; Views: 88; Downloads: 3
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Primerjava nacionalnih strategij kriznega managementa med Slovenijo in Bosno in Hercegovino
Minela Kaltak, 2024, undergraduate thesis

Abstract: Tema diplomskega dela je analiza in primerjava nacionalnih strategij kriznega managementa v Sloveniji ter Bosni in Hercegovini. V teoretičnem delu smo se osredotočili na pomen managementa, krize, kriznega managementa in strategij kriznega managementa. V svojih raziskovalnih dejavnostih raziskujemo strukturo, koordinacijo in strategije Slovenije ter Bosne in Hercegovine z namenom identifikacije ključnih razlik in podobnosti ter podajanja predlogov za izboljšanje kriznega upravljanja.
Keywords: kriza, krizni management, nacionalne strategije
Published in DKUM: 30.08.2024; Views: 77; Downloads: 7
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Multi-criteria decision analysis of supply chain practices and firms performance in Nigeria
Bilqis Bolanle Amole, Sulaimon Olanrewaju Adebiyi, Olamilekan Gbenga Oyenuga, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Companies are facing numerous pressures and challenges in order to be competitive in the market and meet the requirements of their customers which require an improvement in the supply chain practices of the firms to be more effective and efficient for sustainable competitive advantage. This study examines the use of a multi-criteria decision making method using analytic network process (ANP) to estimate the how supply chain activities of the selected manufacturing firms’ influences its firm performance in other to enhance the satisfaction of customers. The population of the study is the manufacturing firms quoted in the Nigeria stock exchange. An ANP-based questionnaire was administered to Managers of selected manufacturing firms for pairwise comparison of supply chain factors relative influences and dependencies on their customers. A nonlinear network model was built to capture all the factors of supply chain practices and firms performance into clusters, nodes and dependences for the purpose of estimating various influences supply chain practices on the performance of the various companies studied. Data collected were analysed using software of Super decision 3.0 version. The results revealed factors of supply chain practices that have a great connection with one another and strong relationship indicating that without the implementing the key factors of supply chain there would not be a significant improvement in the performance of the organisation which will also affects the desire of the customers. The ANP model has helped to show the interdependencies and feedback among the various factors of practices of supply chain to augment the level of performance of the firms.
Keywords: analytical network process, supply chain, strategic supplier partnership, supply chain integration, outsourcing, customer relationship management
Published in DKUM: 23.08.2024; Views: 65; Downloads: 2
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Analysing picking errors in vision picking systems
Ela Vidovič, Brigita Gajšek, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Vision picking empowers users with access to real-time digital order information, while freeing them from handheld radio frequency devices. The smart glasses, as an example of vision picking enabler, provide visual and voice cues to guide order pickers. The glasses mostly also have installed navigation features that can sense the order picker's position in the warehouse. This paper explores picking errors in vision systems with literature review and experimental work in laboratory environment. The results show the effectiveness of applying vision picking systems for the purposes of active error prevention, when they are compared to established methods, such as paper-picking and using cart mounted displays. A serious competitor to vision picking systems are pick-to-light systems. The strong advantage of vision picking system is that most of the errors are detected early in the process and not at the customer's site. The cost of fixing the error is thus minimal. Most errors consequently directly influence order picker's productivity in negative sense. Nonetheless, the distinctive feature of the system is extremely efficient error detection.
Keywords: order picking, storage operations, warehousing, smart glasses, error prevention, inventory management, intralogistics
Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 80; Downloads: 3
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Methods and models for electric load forecasting : a comprehensive review
Mahmoud A. Hammad, Borut Jereb, Bojan Rosi, Dejan Dragan, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Electric load forecasting (ELF) is a vital process in the planning of the electricity industry and plays a crucial role in electric capacity scheduling and power systems management and, therefore, it has attracted increasing academic interest. Hence, the accuracy of electric load forecasting has great importance for energy generating capacity scheduling and power system management. This paper presents a review of forecasting methods and models for electricity load. About 45 academic papers have been used for the comparison based on specified criteria such as time frame, inputs, outputs, the scale of the project, and value. The review reveals that despite the relative simplicity of all reviewed models, the regression analysis is still widely used and efficient for long-term forecasting. As for short-term predictions, machine learning or artificial intelligence-based models such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Fuzzy logic are favored.
Keywords: methods, models, electric load forecasting, modeling electricity loads, electricity industry, power management, logistics
Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 93; Downloads: 6
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Evaluation of key performance indicators of logistics firms
Nazlıcan Gözaçan, Çisem Lafci, 2020, original scientific article

Abstract: Key Performance Indicators (KPI) has been outlined for implementing total quality management (TQM) across logistics sector. This study constituted on the quality values of logistics firms in the logistics sector, which is examined with key performance indicators through the integrated method of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and SMART Goal Setting. The calculations were performed for logistics firms. The method used in this study is the integrated method of the AHP Method and SMART Goal Setting. The results highlight the most mentioned key performance indicators in the literature in a prioritized version also during the prioritizing process via AHP Method, the SMART Goal Setting approach also is applied.
Keywords: analytic hierarchy process (AHP), key performance indicators (KPI), SMART goal setting, total quality management
Published in DKUM: 22.08.2024; Views: 72; Downloads: 2
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Methodology for estimating the effect of traffic flow management on fuel consumption and CO2 production : a case study of Celje, Slovenia
Borut Jereb, Ondrej Stopka, Tomáš Skrúcaný, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: The manuscript discusses the investigation of vehicle flow in a predesignated junction byan appropriate traffic flow management with an effort to minimize fuel consumption, the productionof CO2, an essential greenhouse gas (hereinafter referred to as GHG), and related transport costs.The particular research study was undertaken in a frequented junction in the city of Celje, located in the eastern part of Slovenia. The results obtained summarize data on consumed fuel and produced CO2 amounts depending on the type of vehicle, traffic flow mixture, traffic light signal plan, andactual vehicle velocity. These values were calculated separately for three different conditions of traffic flow management. Amounts of fuel consumed were experimentally investigated in real traffic situations, whereas CO2 production was calculated by applying the actual European standardentitled EN 16258:2012 associated with a guideline for measuring emission values, as well as by examining specific traffic flow parameters. The key objective of the manuscript is to present multiple scenarios towards striving to minimize environmental impacts and improve transport operation's economic consequences when implementing proper traffic flow management. As for crucial findings, we quantified fuel consumption and CO2 emissions based on real data on the number and type of vehicles crossing the examined intersection and traffic light switching intervals. The results show that most of the CO2 was produced while waiting and in the accelerating phase in front of traffic lights, whereby in the running phase through the intersection, significantly less fuel was used. This study represents a mosaic fragment of research addressing endeavors to reduce CO2 production in urban transport. Following the experiments conducted, we can see a notable contribution towards reducing CO2 production with known and tested interventions in the existing transport infrastructure. A procedure embracing individual research steps may be deemed as an approach methodology dealing with traffic flow management with an aim to decrease the environmental and economic impacts oftraffic and transport operation; this is where the novelty of the research lies.
Keywords: traffic flow management, urban transport, CO2 production, greenhouse gas, fuel consumption, methodology, logistics, crossroads
Published in DKUM: 19.08.2024; Views: 76; Downloads: 3
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A conceptual framework to establish and operate a global logistics energy hub
Mahmoud A. Hammad, Sara El Gazzar, Marjan Sternad, 2021, original scientific article

Abstract: Energy-consuming countries are affected by obstructions in supplies or conflicts that mayoccur along the energy transit path. Hence, the presence of a global logistics hub for energy acting as a connecting bridge between energy-supplying and energy-consuming countries can overcome suchtroubles, support the sustainable flow of energy, and achieve the overall operational efficiency of theenergy supply chain. However, establishing a global energy hub is a complicated issue, especiallyin the absence of a clear approach for this. Through conducting a systematic literature review on 36 papers over the past two decades, we identified the key determinants for each player in theenergy supply chain and proposed a leading and integrated conceptual framework for establishing and operating a global logistics energy hub, with a particular focus on oil and gas. This article contributes to knowledge by providing a comprehensive review targeting energy hubs from a logistics perspective, as previous studies have addressed energy hubs from other perspectives suchas political, legal, and security perspectives, while the logistics perspective has not been tackled comprehensively. Moreover, the suggested framework can be then used by further researchers to develop the performance of energy hubs. Practically, this framework can be employed to identify the requirements for a country to become a global energy hub.
Keywords: global logistics energy hub, energy supply chain, energy transit corridor, oil, gas, conceptual framework, supply chain management, logistics
Published in DKUM: 19.08.2024; Views: 75; Downloads: 3
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Koncept uvajanja agilnih metod projektnega managementa v podjetju Replika PRO d.o.o.
Anže Osterveršnik Črešnar, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na agilne metode projektnega managementa, ki imajo izjemen pomen pri soočanju s projekti v dinamičnem in negotovem poslovnem okolju. Različne vrste projektov zahtevajo prilagojene pristope, posebej tiste z nejasnimi in spremenljivimi cilji, pri čemer mora biti tudi metodologija za njihovo vodenje usklajena z organizacijskimi značilnostmi in ne obratno. Zrelejša podjetja na področju projektnega managementa pogosto uporabljajo bolj ohlapne in manj predpisne metodologije ter neformalne oblike vodenja projektov. Med takšne sodijo agilne metode. Te so nastale kot odgovor na neuspešno izvajanje projektov in neustrezno odzivanje na spremembe ob hitrih tržnih spremembah, pri katerih je potrebna večja vključenost naročnika in prilagodljivost projektnih ekip. Agilne metode prinašajo prednosti, kot so prilagodljivost, odzivnost, večja kakovost in zadovoljstvo strank, a so omejene tudi z zahtevami specifične organizacijske kulture in strukture. Delo proučuje ključne dejavnike za uspešno vpeljavo agilnih metod, vključno z organizacijsko kulturo, vodstvom in sestavo projektnih ekip, ki morajo podpirati agilne zahteve. Ugotovljeno je, da so prava organizacijska kultura in prisotnost uslužnega vodstva ter majhne, samoorganizirane in multidisciplinarne projektne ekipe bistvene za uspešno delo po agilnih metodah. Tipične agilne prakse, kot so iterativni razvoj, sprotno planiranje in tesno sodelovanje z naročnikom prinašajo pri izvajanju projektov z visoko stopnjo negotovosti številne prednosti. V zaključnem delu je predstavljeno in analizirano izbrano podjetje Replika PRO d. o. o., kjer se presodi smiselnost uvajanja agilnih metod in oblikuje koncept implementacije, ki zaradi specifik in potreb podjetja temelji na metodi Scrumban. Koncept upošteva obstoječo kulturo, metodologijo in orodja podjetja ter vključuje ukrepe za izboljšanje znanj o agilnih metodah in večje vključenosti naročnikov. Rezultati raziskave potrjujejo, da agilni pristopi omogočajo boljšo prilagodljivost, večjo transparentnost in sledljivost projektov, lahko izboljšajo sodelovanje z naročniki ter prispevajo k večji uspešnosti projektov in večjemu zadovoljstvu strank. Delo ponuja dragocena spoznanja za podjetja, ki se prilagajajo spremembam v dinamičnem poslovnem okolju in iščejo učinkovite načine za upravljanje projektov z visoko stopnjo sprememb in nejasnosti.
Keywords: Agilne metode, SCRUM, SCRUMBAN, Kanban, Projektni management, Projekti, Agilno
Published in DKUM: 16.08.2024; Views: 96; Downloads: 8
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