1. Use of the methodology of network thinking for a fatigue criteria investigation based on the example of mining companiesMarcin Butlewski, Grzegorz Dahlke, Milena Drzewiecka-Dahlke, Krzysztof Hankiewicz, Adam Górny, Brigita Gajšek, 2020, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: In the paper the factors of workers fatigue were tested by applying network thinking methodology supported by statistical analysis to determine the nature of individual factors for the fatigue management system development. Analysis of the distribution of factors along the intensity map allowed their classification into individual interaction categories, describing directions for miner fatigue management. Active factors were discovered which are: Elevated temperature, Noise and vibration, Oxygen-poor air and mining gases, High humidity, Poor work organization. Critical factors for fatigue management were: Poor technical condition of equipment and Long and time-consuming approach to headings. Ključne besede: fatigue factors, fatigue management, mine, miners, network thinking, safety Objavljeno v DKUM: 15.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 2
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2. Fatigue analysis of axisymmetric chiral cellular structures made out of 316L stainless steelŽiga Žnidarič, Branko Nečemer, Nejc Novak, Srečko Glodež, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Abstract In the proposed study, the fatigue analysis of an axisymmetric chiral cellular structure and its modified form, made of stainless steel 316L, is carried out. The main goal of the original structure geometry was to absorb as much mechanical energy as possible with its auxetic behaviour. However, it was found through testing that its response could be improved by modifying the thickness of the struts through the structure. Representative models for the original and modified geometries were generated using a script adapted for this numerical simulation. Three different types of displacement in the shape of sine waves were used to load the structures. A hexagonal mesh was assigned and determined by convergence analysis. An existing material model with the necessary LCF parameters was assigned in the computational analyses. The data from multiple simulations were recorded and presented in graphs that showed how the fatigue life of the structures changed depending on the level of strain. We also analysed stresses and plastic deformations that occur in the structures. The results showed that, despite a better stress distribution, the fatigue life of the optimised structure was shorter in all cases. Ključne besede: cellular structures, chiral structures, fatigue, strain-life approach, numerical analysis Objavljeno v DKUM: 10.01.2025; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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3. Simulation and mechanical properties of fine-grained heat-affected zone microstructure in 18CrNiMo7-6 steelTomaž Vuherer, Fidan Smaili, Edvard Bjelajac, Mirza Manjgo, Gorazd Lojen, 2022, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: Heat-affected zones (HAZs) in real welds are usually quite narrow, and consequently most standard mechanical tests are difficult or even impossible. Therefore, simulated microstructures are often used for mechanical tests. However, the most often used weld thermal cycle simulator produces only a few millimeters wide area of simulated microstructure in the middle of specimens. Consequently, these kind of simulated specimen are not suitable for standard tensile tests, and even for Charpy impact tests, the simulated area can be too narrow. Therefore, to investigate the mechanical properties of a fine-grain heat-affected zone in 18CrNiMo7-6 steel, two methods were used for simulation of as-welded microstructures: (a) a weld thermal cycle simulator, and (b) as an alternative, though not yet verified option, austenitizing in a laboratory furnace + water quenching. The microstructures were compared and mechanical properties investigated. The grain sizes of the simulated specimens were 10.9 μm (water-quenched) and 12.6 μm (simulator), whereby the deviations from the real weld were less than 10%. Both types of simulated specimen were used for hardness measurement, Charpy impact tests, and fatigue tests. Water-quenched specimens were large enough to enable standard tensile testing. A hardness of 425 HV, yield strength Rp02 = 1121 MPa, tensile strength Rm = 1475 MPa, impact energy KV = 73.11 J, and crack propagation threshold ΔKthR = 4.33 MPa m0.5 were obtained with the water quenched specimens, and 419 HV, KV = 101.49 J, and ΔKthR = 3.4 MPa m0.5 with the specimens prepared with the simulator. Comparison of the results confirmed that the annealed and quenched specimens were suitable for mechanical tests of FG HAZs, even for standard tensile tests. Due to the use of simulated test specimens, the mechanical properties determined can be linked to the FG HAZ microstructure in 18CrNiMo7-6 steel. Ključne besede: weld joint, fine-grained HAZ, simulation of microstructure, hardness, impact toughness, tensile properties, fatigue crack growth, 18CrNiMo7-6 steel Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.12.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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4. Effect of residual stresses on the fatigue stress range of a pre-deformed stainless steel AISI 316L exposed to combined loadingDarko Jagarinec, Nenad Gubeljak, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel is utilized in various processing industries, due to its abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance, and excellent properties over a wide temperature range. The physical and mechanical properties of a material change during the manufacturing process and plastic deformation, e.g., bending. During the combined tensile and bending loading of a structural component, the stress state changes due to the residual stresses and the loading range. To characterize the component’s stress state, the billet was bent to induce residual stress, but a phase transformation to martensite also occurred. The bent billet was subjected to combined tensile–bending and fatigue loading. The experimentally measured the load vs. displacement of the bent billet was compared with the numerical simulations. The results showed that during fatigue loading of the bent billet, both the initial stress state at the critical point and the stress state during the dynamic loading itself must be considered. Analysis was demonstrated only for one single critical point on the surface of the bent billet. The residual stresses due to the phase transformation of austenite to martensite affected the range and ratio of stress. The model for the stress–strain behaviour of the material was established by comparing the experimentally and numerically obtained load vs. displacement curves. Based on the description of the stress–strain behaviour of the pre-deformed material, guidelines have been provided for reducing residual tensile stresses in pre-deformed structural components. Ključne besede: metastable austenitic stainless steel, fatigue, residual stress, phase transformation Objavljeno v DKUM: 28.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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5. Numerical simulation of fatigue crack growth and fracture in welded joints using XFEM—a review of case studiesAleksandar Sedmak, Aleksandar Grbović, Nenad Gubeljak, Simon Sedmak, Nikola Budimir, 2024, pregledni znanstveni članek Opis: Numerical simulation of fatigue crack growth in welded joints is not well represented in the literature, especially from the point of view of material heterogeneity in a welded joint. Thus, several case studies are presented here, including some focusing on fracture, presented by two case studies of mismatched high-strength low-alloyed (HSLA) steel welded joints, with cracks in the heat affected zone (HAZ) or in weld metal (WM). For fatigue crack growth, the extended finite element method FEM (XFEM) was used, built in ABAQUS and ANSYS R19.2, as presented by four case studies, two of them without modelling different properties of the welded joint (WJ). In the first one, fatigue crack growth (FCG) in integral (welded) wing spar was simulated by XFEM to show that its path is partly along welded joints and provides a significantly longer fatigue life than riveted spars of the same geometry. In the second one, an integral skin-stringer panel, produced by means of laser beam welding (LBW), was analysed by XFEM in its usual form with stringers and additional welded clips. It was shown that the effect of the welded joint is not significant. In the remaining two papers, different zones in welded joints (base metal—BM, WM, and HAZ) were represented by different coefficients of the Paris law to simulate different resistances to FCG in the two cases; one welded joint was made of high-strength low-alloyed steel (P460NL1) and the other one of armour steel (Protac 500). Since neither ABAQUS nor ANSYS provide an option for defining different fatigue properties in different zones of the WJ, an innovative procedure was introduced and applied to simulate fatigue crack growth through different zones of the WJ and evaluate fatigue life more precisely than if the WJ is treated as a homogeneous material. Ključne besede: fatigue crack growth, extended finite element method, welded joints, fatigue life, highstrength low-alloyed steel Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 4
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6. The influence of the ratio of circumference to cross-sectional area of tensile bars on the fatigue life of additive manufactured AISI 316L steelLuka Ferlič, Filip Jerenec, Mario Šercer, Igor Drstvenšek, Nenad Gubeljak, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The static and dynamic loading capacities of components depend on the stress level to which the material is exposed. The fatigue behavior of materials manufactured using additive technology is accompanied by a pronounced scatter between the number of cycles at the same stress level, which is significantly greater than the scatter from a material with the same chemical composition, e.g., AISI 316L, but produced by rolling or forging. An important reason lies in the fact that fatigue cracks are initiated almost always below the material surface of the loaded specimen. Thus, in the article, assuming that a crack will always initiate below the surface, we analyzed the fatigue behavior of specimens with the same bearing cross section but with a different number of bearing rods. With a larger number of rods, the circumference around the supporting part of the rods was 1.73 times larger. Thus, experimental fatigue of specimens with different sizes showed that the dynamic loading capacity of components with a smaller number of bars is significantly greater and can be monitored by individual stress levels. Although there are no significant differences in loading capacity under static and low-cycle loading of materials manufactured with additive technologies, in high-cycle fatigue it has been shown that the ratio between the circumference and the loading cross section of tensile-loaded rods plays an important role in the lifetime. This finding is important for setting a strategy for manufacturing components with additive technologies. It shows that a better dynamic loading capacity can be obtained with a larger loading cross section. Ključne besede: AISI 316L stainless steel, additive manufacturing, FEM, high-cycle fatigue, fractography analysis Objavljeno v DKUM: 25.11.2024; Ogledov: 0; Prenosov: 13
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8. Load-bearing capacity of hybrid riv-bonded aluminum-magnesium joints at quasi-static and cyclic loadingsJosef Domitner, Zahra Silvayeh, Jožef Predan, Peter Auer, Jennifer Stippich, Norbert Enzinger, Nenad Gubeljak, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Ključne besede: lightweight design, car body manufacturing, body-in-white, aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, riv-bonding, adhesive, self-piercing riveting, SPR, static strength, fatigue performance Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.04.2024; Ogledov: 489; Prenosov: 358
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9. Microstructure, mechanical properties and fatigue behaviour of a new high-strength aluminium alloy AA 6086Franc Zupanič, Jernej Klemenc, Matej Steinacher, Srečko Glodež, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: This study presents the comprehensive experimental investigation of the microstructure, mechanical and fatigue properties of a new high-strength aluminium alloy AA 6086, which was developed from a commercial aluminium alloy AA 6082. The new alloy possesses a higher content of Si, and, it also contains Cu and Zr. The alloy was characterised in the as-cast condition after homogenisation, extrusion, and T6 heat treatment. Light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry were used to analyse the microstructure and the fractography of broken specimens. The quasi-static and fatigue tests were performed on the MTS Landmark 100 kN servo-hydraulic test machine, controlled with a mechanical extensometer with a 25 mm gauge length. The quasi-static strength of the analysed aluminium alloy AA 6086 was found to be significantly higher if compared to some other AA 6xxx alloys, while the ductility was kept almost the same. The experimental results of the comprehensive fatigue tests in a Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) and High Cycle Fatigue (HCF) regime showed a good fatigue resistance, and represent a good basis for engineering design applications of the newly developed aluminium alloy AA 6086. Ključne besede: aluminijeve zlitine, karakterizacija materiala, utrujanje, eksperimentalno testiranje, statistično ovrednotenje, Aluminium Alloy AA 6086, material characterisation, fatigue behaviour, experimental testing, statistical evaluation Objavljeno v DKUM: 02.04.2024; Ogledov: 281; Prenosov: 23
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10. LCF behaviour of high strength aluminium alloys AA 6110A and AA 6086Jernej Klemenc, Srečko Glodež, Matej Steinacher, Franc Zupanič, 2023, izvirni znanstveni članek Opis: The proposed research presents the comprehensive investigation of the Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) behaviour of two high-strength aluminium alloys of series AA 6xxx: the conventional alloy AA 6110A and the newly developed alloy AA 6086. Both alloys were characterised in the as-cast condition after homogenisation, extrusion, and T6 heat treatment.
The quasi-static strength and hardness of the aluminium alloy AA 6086 were found to be significantly higher if compared to the AA 6110A alloys, while the ductility was a little bit smaller. The LCF tests showed that the AA 6086 alloy is more suitable for the high-cycle fatigue regime. On the other hand, the engineering advantage of the AA 6110A alloy is only for low-cycle fatigue applications if less than 100 loading cycles are expected in the service life of the analysed structure. The fatigue cracks formed predominantly on the α-AlMnSi intermetallic particles in both alloys, and, during LCF tests, exhibited small crack propagation. The area of the fatigue crack growth was much smaller than the area of the forced fracture. At smaller amplitude strains the fatigue striations were present at the fracture surface, while, at higher amplitude strains, they were not present. The obtained experimental results represent a good basis for engineering design applications of the analysed alloys AA 6086 and AA 6110A. Ključne besede: aluminijeve zlitine, malociklično utrujanje, eksperimentalno testiranje, fraktografija, aluminium alloys, low cycle fatigue, experimental testing, fractography Objavljeno v DKUM: 29.03.2024; Ogledov: 197; Prenosov: 13
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