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The role of communication skills in the development of digital literacy competences using the "DigInGreen"
Mateja Forte, Matevž Obrecht, Bojana Slomšek Šlamberger, 2024, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: The paper deals with the field of developing communicationand digital literacy with the help of the lifelong learning model "DigInGreen" for all layers of modern society, including people with special needs. The aim of the authors is a targeted search for new solutions in the field of using digital learning and communication tools for the development of digital competences in the light of"Society 5.0". We focus on a unique way of connecting paradigms,such as: inclusive society, competences, digital, special needs, literacy and lifelong learning. We want to connect the thinking about the communicative ability, an indispensable part of which is an individual's digital literacy and point out,that the circumstances of living in a modern, but still partially exclusive society, limit the development of an individual's communicativeand digital literacy,due to a demonstrated special need or disability. We believe,that the activities we carry out,are a unique example of good practice, because they connect many scientific disciplines and fields into a modern concept of competence development without excluding or conditioning the end user. We combine the paradigms of logistics, informatics, statistics, social studies, linguistics and didactics. All the above and more represent the concept of "Society 5.0", which cannot exist as a scientific construct,if it does not consider the key aspect of one's own identification -social equality and the provision of equal opportunities.
Keywords: communication ability, digital literacy, competences, inclusion, special needs, lifelong learning
Published in DKUM: 06.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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Motivation for Learning English in Adulthood
Jerneja Osredkar, 2019, master's thesis

Abstract: Technological development, information technology development, new ways of communicating and globalisation have influenced the society and knowledge greatly. One's knowledge needs to be upgraded and improved constantly since it enables the quality of work, personal development, as well as a better quality of life in society. Due to historical spread of the language and the economic power of the United States of America, English has gained the position of a global language and is used as a lingua franca in the world. Therefore, many invidiuals decide to learn English in adulthood. Their decision to enrol in language courses and final success depend on many factors, motivation certainly being one of the key factors. The main aim of the master’s thesis is to find out what motivates adults to take part in language courses as well as what the potential barriers are. The analysis of the survey has not shown any major differences in motivation between older and younger adults; however, factor analysis shows that knowledge is the most important value upon which people decide to enrol in the English language classes. When analysing barriers, situational barriers have proven as the most pressing issue once again.
Keywords: lifelong learning, the English language, motivation, barriers to learning
Published in DKUM: 20.12.2019; Views: 1296; Downloads: 157
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The effectiveness of distanced e-learning in teachers' education : a case study in Slovenia
Milena Kerndl, Metka Kordigel Aberšek, 2016, original scientific article

Abstract: In the last two decades a remarkable shift from conventional forms of teaching toward e-learning happened on all levels of education. This shift included also teachers’ permanent, lifelong education. The purpose of the study was to find and compare the effectiveness of conventional workshop and an e-learning module in teachers’ lifelong/permanent professional training. A study included 30 mother tongue teachers. The aim of the teachers training course curriculum was focused in their competence for developing students’/reader’s reception metacognition (RRM), a competence which is a prerequisite for differentiation/individualization in the process of implementation of literature curriculum in the frame of mother tongue education. Pre-intervention and post-intervention teaching practice of both groups of teachers were observed and compared to find out, which form of lifelong education influenced participants’ teaching practice in a more effective way. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of data, gained in e-module and compared with those, gained in the traditional workshop education, shows a significantly bigger effect of education on the case study participants teaching practice for the group of teachers, which participated in traditional educational form – a workshop.
Keywords: education, e-learning, distanced e-learning, teachers' training, lifelong learning
Published in DKUM: 19.12.2017; Views: 1384; Downloads: 96
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Knowledge management for knowledge society and intergenerational education
Jana Goriup, Vilma-Alina Bezenšek, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: The impact of globalization on contemporary post-modern society in the light of an aging population requires methods and techniques of education that are appropriate for young people and reflect (or accommodate) intergenerational learning. The purpose of this paper is to analyse, through empirical research and study of literature, the context of the elderly who are too often marginalized and to show the impact of the knowledge of society based on the use of modern information and communication technologies, on intergenerational learning. The authors analyse some of the consequences of the demographic changes and highlight the role and importance of intergenerational learning and collaboration for sustainability, especially in the Slovenian ageing society. We identify the role and importance of intergenerational learning for coexistence of generations. In the analysis of the empirical data of the conducted research, we conclude that the effectiveness of the knowledge society is influenced by both: the globalization processes and the intergenerational integration, as well as (and in particular) the cultural capital of younger generations and, last, but not least, the willingness of all generations to participate in the transmission and acquisition of knowledge.
Keywords: elderly, (social) integration, intergenerational learning, education, lifelong learning, knowledge society
Published in DKUM: 03.08.2017; Views: 1384; Downloads: 160
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Professional competences of graduates as a labour market mechanism for aligning business school curriculum reform with the Bologna declaration principles
Milan Jurše, Polona Tominc, 2008, other scientific articles

Abstract: Higher education institutions in Europe have been recently faced with a rapidly changing external framework for developing new study programmes and their curricula. The main contribution of our paper is to provide a better insight into the skills and competences of business school graduates needed at the labour market, as seen by employers, graduates of business schools, and academics. The paper attempts to enhance our understanding of different aspects of curriculum revision by incorporating professional competences into the early stages of the curriculum development process. In this paper also the experience of the Faculty of Economics and Business from Slovenia, which has transformed its bachelor and master study programmes according to the principles set out in Bologna Declaration, is presented and discussed.
Keywords: employment, labor market, education, business schools, lifelong learning, Bologna declaration
Published in DKUM: 04.07.2017; Views: 1110; Downloads: 125
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Innovations and lifelong learning in sustainable organization
Jasmina Žnidaršič, Eva Jereb, 2011, original scientific article

Abstract: Innovation and knowledge are two of key factors for sustainable development of company or organization. Particularly in the current period of economic crisis it is crucial to promote lifelong learning and creativity to contribute innovative solutions to various problems. Lifelong learning makes a significant contribution to awareness of the importance of innovation and creativity for sustainable development of organization. In this paper we explore if respondents from Slovenian companies think that innovation and lifelong learning is important for sustainable development of company. Presented are the results of a survey conducted in 67 large and medium-sized enterprises in Slovenia where we upon respondents' judgment examine the correlation between the innovativeness level and lifelong learning, investing in innovativeness and competitive advantage and the promotion of lifelong learning and competitive advantage of the organization. Also the answers to the questions if lifelong learning contributes to the sustainable development of organization and if more the organization takes care of sustainable development the bigger is its competitive advantage before equal bidders are given.
Keywords: innovations, lifelong learning, sustainable organization
Published in DKUM: 10.07.2015; Views: 1525; Downloads: 388
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ICT and Lifelong Learning
Dejan Dinevski, Peter Kokol, 2004, original scientific article

Abstract: "Technology can make lifelong learning a reality" is written in one of the listed references. The concept of lifelong learning in the EU member states differs significantly and their efforts seem to be partly mismatched. Even in different concepts the modern information technology support is becoming the foundation of the efficient and cost-effective lifelong learning. The e-learning technology is becoming progressively sophisticated, which has several positive effects, though on the other hand the complex technology makes some learners feel uncomfortable. Innovations in e-learning information systems should take special care of this effect when dealing with "lifelong learners", since the level of the information literacy in this group varies a lot. A good example of the technology innovation is personalization which makes e-learning systems friendlier and diminishes the well known technology barrier.
Keywords: Lifelong learning, E-learning, Personalization
Published in DKUM: 05.06.2012; Views: 1729; Downloads: 64
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