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An end-to-end framework for extracting observable cues of depression from diary recordings
Izidor Mlakar, Umut Arioz, Urška Smrke, Nejc Plohl, Valentino Šafran, Matej Rojc, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: Because of the prevalence of depression, its often-chronic course, relapse and associated disability, early detection and non-intrusive monitoring is a crucial tool for timely diagnosis and treatment, remission of depression and prevention of relapse. In this way, its impact on quality of life and well-being can be limited. Current attempts to use artificial intelligence for the early classification of depression are mostly data-driven and thus non-transparent and lack effective means to deal with uncertainties. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an end-to-end framework for extracting observable depression cues from diary recordings. Furthermore, we also explore its feasibility for automatic detection of depression symptoms using observable behavioural cues. The proposed end-to-end framework for extracting depression was used to evaluate 28 video recordings from the Symptom Media dataset and 27 recordings from the DAIC-WOZ dataset. We compared the presence of the extracted features between recordings of individuals with and without a depressive disorder. We identified several cues consistent with previous studies in terms of their differentiation between individuals with and without depressive disorder across both datasets among language (i.e., use of negatively valanced words, use of first-person singular pronouns, some features of language complexity, explicit mentions of treatment for depression), speech (i.e., monotonous speech, voiced speech and pauses, speaking rate, low articulation rate), and facial cues (i.e., rotational energy of head movements). The nature/context of the discourse, the impact of other disorders and physical/psychological stress, and the quality and resolution of the recordings all play an important role in matching the digital features to the relevant background. In this way, the work presented in this paper provides a novel approach to extracting a wide range of cues relevant to the classification of depression and opens up new opportunities for further research.
Keywords: digital biomarkers of depression, facial cues, speech cues, language cues, deep learning, end-to-end pipeline, artificial intelligence
Published in DKUM: 17.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 0
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Foreign language effect (FLE) among Slovenian students who speak Slovene and English : m. a. thesis
Naj Vujinič Kukovec, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: This thesis explores the impact of foreign language on moral decision making by analyzing the occurrence called Foreign Language Effect (FLE) among Slovenian primary, secondary, and university students. Students were presented with two moral dilemmas (the trolley dilemma and the footbridge dilemma) and presumed that the students would decide on the utilitarian choice in higher number when said dilemmas are presented in foreign language (English) than when they are presented in their native language (Slovene). The study dealt with three separate groups divided by educational level of students that were further split into a control group and a test group. Participants also varied by age, gender, and proficiency in the foreign language. A total of 184 of students participated in the study, responding to moral dilemmas presented in their native language (Slovene) and English. Results indicate that FLE exists as an occurrence among Slovene students across all levels of education but to various degrees. The highest impact of the FLE was viewed among primary school students who are poorer in fluency in the foreign language than both secondary and university students. FLE was more pronounced in the footbridge dilemma than in the trolley dilemma across all educational levels. Gender differences were also noted, with male students showing higher levels of FLE than females. These findings expand our understanding of FLE and add another language group onto the spectrum of foreign language effect research while also highlighting the importance of age, gender, and proficiency in the foreign language on the decision-making process.
Keywords: Foreign Language Effect (FLE), Slovene students, moral decision making, dilemma, utilitarianism
Published in DKUM: 09.01.2025; Views: 0; Downloads: 5
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Language-based game theory in the age of artificial intelligence
Valerio Capraro, Roberto Di Paolo, Matjaž Perc, Veronica Pizziol, 2024, review article

Abstract: Understanding human behaviour in decision problems and strategicinteractions has wide-ranging applications in economics, psychology andartificial intelligence. Game theory offers a robust foundation for this under-standing, based on the idea that individuals aim to maximize a utilityfunction. However, the exact factors influencing strategy choices remainelusive. While traditional models try to explain human behaviour as a func-tion of the outcomes of available actions, recent experimental researchreveals that linguistic content significantly impacts decision-making, thusprompting a paradigm shift from outcome-based to language-based utilityfunctions. This shift is more urgent than ever, given the advancement ofgenerative AI, which has the potential to support humans in making criticaldecisions through language-based interactions. We propose sentiment analy-sis as a fundamental tool for this shift and take an initial step by analysing61 experimental instructions from the dictator game, an economic gamecapturing the balance between self-interest and the interest of others,which is at the core of many social interactions. Our meta-analysis showsthat sentiment analysis can explain human behaviour beyond economicoutcomes. We discuss future research directions. We hope this worksets the stage for a novel game-theoretical approach that emphasizes theimportance of language in human decisions.
Keywords: game theory, artificial intelligence, social preferences, language-based preferences, social physics, moral behavior, trust
Published in DKUM: 27.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 6
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Application of Virtual Reality in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering : magistrsko delo
Maj Virant, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: The aim of the Master’s thesis was to evaluate the current and potential applications of virtual reality technology in chemistry and chemical engineering, as well as to evaluate the use of virtual reality for educational purposes. First, we made an overview of the numerous applications of the virtual reality technology with a specific focus on its current use in the chemistry and chemical engineering fields, including research and educational environments as well as industrial applications. It was found that the use of virtual reality technology is growing in all areas, with training, remote collaboration, and interactive learning being the most prominent fields. To assess the effectiveness of virtual reality as an educational tool, we performed a study with second year students of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering programs at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor. Students were divided into two groups, one undertaking a training on the proper use of fume hoods in virtual reality and the other group performing the same training in a real chemical laboratory. Students from both groups took a knowledge evaluation test and a personal experience survey after the training. The test results have shown that virtual reality can be just as effective or potentially even more effective than conventional training in the chemical laboratory. The average score of the virtual reality group was 2.5% higher than that of the group performing conventional training in a chemical laboratory, although we did not confirm a statistically significant difference between the scores. We also prepared a personal experience survey to evaluate the students’ personal experience and interest in using virtual reality as an educational tool. It was observed that there is a lot of enthusiasm from the students for the use of virtual reality technology and that the group performing the training in virtual reality reported a significantly better subjective experience scores, and due to fewer reported distractions remained more focused on the training content compared to the group that underwent the training in a real chemical laboratory. The results of the Master’s thesis suggest that virtual reality presents an effective alternative to traditional live training methods. Future research should be conducted with larger groups focusing especially on the long-term retention of the acquired knowledge and on the application in real-world scenarios, such as laboratory exercises, device training, and safety procedures training, to fully reveal the potential of virtual reality for educational purposes.
Keywords: virtual reality technology, Meta Quest, correct use of fume hoods in virtual reality, correct use of fume hoods in a chemical laboratory, R programming language
Published in DKUM: 20.11.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 0

The impact of TikTok on learning English in Slovene primary schools : students' perceptions in the third triennium
Urška Škrabl, 2024, master's thesis

Abstract: Exposure to mass media in today’s world is metaphorically starting to equal the process of breathing air; scrolling through social media has become a part of everyday routine, and students use their smartphones for lengthy durations and for a variety of chores that stem from responsibilities as well as from their hobbies. The aim of this master's thesis is to offer an insight into the possibility of integrating TikTok and English language education, as perceived by Slovene students in the third triennium of primary school. We employed a questionnaire to explore the opinions of students (grades 7 – 9) in the Podravje region. The results revealed that students are loyal users of the app, on which they encounter English content to a greater extent and share a good understanding of the language. They recognize TikTok’s potential for improving different language skills (predominantly speaking), and are familiar with English teaching channels on the app. The results portray a moderate preference for using TikTok in the ELT classroom, mostly due to inexperience and linking social media solely to leisure time. Teachers should at least consider incorporating TikTok in accordance with their students’ needs and preferences or share advice on finding valuable resources on the platform.
Keywords: ICT, social media, English language learning, extramural activities, language skills
Published in DKUM: 04.10.2024; Views: 0; Downloads: 49
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Digital twin in sport: from an idea to realization
Luka Lukač, Iztok Fister, Iztok Fister, 2022, original scientific article

Abstract: A digital twin is a virtual model to reflect a physical object and helps it by making proper decisions. The decision-making process is based on the same input data that the simulated physical object has access to. Due to exploiting artificial intelligence, the decision-making process of the digital twin is more sophisticated than that of the physical object. In this study, the digital twin is applied to the sports training domain, where it addresses those questions that have arisen during the implementation of interval cycling training sessions. Thus, the digital twin runs on a mobile device (i.e., the Raspberry Pi platform), with which a cycle is equipped and demonstrates user-friendliness, robustness, reliability, and accuracy. The interval training sessions are transferred to the mobile device in the form of the domain-specific language EasyTrain, ensuring higher expressive power and ease of use. During the implementation, the digital twin advises the athlete with predicted information obtained by a sophisticated prediction model via a screen. The results of a huge experimental work showed that the difference in the average efficiency of the interval training implementation between the two cyclists that performed the experiments is prominent, as the efficiency of the professional training surpassed 90%, while the amateur training efficiency barely achieved 70%.
Keywords: digital twin, interval sports training, healthcare, domain-specific language, cycling
Published in DKUM: 23.08.2024; Views: 119; Downloads: 13
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Computer science education in ChatGPT Era: experiences from an experiment in a programming course for novice programmers
Tomaž Kosar, Dragana Ostojić, Yu David Liu, Marjan Mernik, 2024, original scientific article

Abstract: The use of large language models with chatbots like ChatGPT has become increasingly popular among students, especially in Computer Science education. However, significant debates exist in the education community on the role of ChatGPT in learning. Therefore, it is critical to understand the potential impact of ChatGPT on the learning, engagement, and overall success of students in classrooms. In this empirical study, we report on a controlled experiment with 182 participants in a first-year undergraduate course on object-oriented programming. Our differential study divided students into two groups, one using ChatGPT and the other not using it for practical programming assignments. The study results showed that the students’ performance is not influenced by ChatGPT usage (no statistical significance between groups with a p-value of 0.730), nor are the grading results of practical assignments (p-value 0.760) and midterm exams (p-value 0.856). Our findings from the controlled experiment suggest that it is safe for novice programmers to use ChatGPT if specific measures and adjustments are adopted in the education process.
Keywords: large language models, ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, controlled experiment, object-oriented programming, software engineering education
Published in DKUM: 12.08.2024; Views: 59; Downloads: 6
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Slovenščina kot učni jezik na slovenskih univerzah
Marko Jesenšek, 2014, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Prispevek prinaša razmislek o statusu slovenskega jezika kot učnega jezika na naših državnih univerzah; gre za prizadevanja slovenske rektorske konference, da naj bi se uvedel tuji jezik (angleščina) kot učni jezik oz. da bi se učni jezik na naših univerzah določal v statutih posameznih univerz. Premislek o jezikovnem odpadništvu dela slovenske univerzitetne elite, sklicevanje na tuje študente in napačno razumljena internacionalizacija ter odprtost naših predavanj, skupni evropski univerzitetni prostor, bolonja, želja, da je čim več predavanj v angleščini na eni strani, na drugi pa samobitnost slovenskega jezika, ki je po ustavi uradni/državni/prvi in za večino tudi materni jezik v RS; nasprotja med Predlogom Zakona o visokem šolstvu in določili v Resoluciji in Zakonu o slovenskem jeziku; vprašanja in izzivi, ki jih za slovenski jezik kot učni jezik in jezik znanosti postavljajo taka (na videz) izključujoča se nasprotja.
Keywords: slovenščina, učni jezik, slovenske univerze, internacionalizacija, Slovenian language, language of instruction, Slovene universities, internationalisation
Published in DKUM: 05.08.2024; Views: 78; Downloads: 6
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Exploring pre-service and in-service teachers' perceptions about early foreign language learning and dyslexia
Milena Košak Babuder, Saša Jazbec, 2019, original scientific article

Abstract: This contribution addresses Slovenian in-service and pre-service foreign language and general education teachers' awareness of dyslexia in the foreign language classroom. The authors examine and analyse the levels of familiarity with dyslexia among foreign language teachers and primary school teachers (in-service teachers) and foreign language students (pre-service teachers), their perceptiveness regarding the particularly demanding areas of language learning, and their willingness to engage in additional training to obtain the appropriate skills for teaching children with learning disabilities, particularly dyslexia. The results reveal noticeable differences in answers to individual research questions provided by the participants based on their profiles. The majority of participants stated that they were familiar with dyslexia from a theoretical point of view but also indicated that they were aware of the need to further improve their individual specialist-didactic knowledge and skills in order to give successful support to dyslexic pupils engaged in foreign language learning. The authors also predict the necessary extent of additional training measures in which foreign language teachers, primary school teachers, and foreign language students should engage.
Keywords: pouk tujega jezika, zgodnje učenje, disleksija, dislektični učenci, učitelji tujega jezika, razredni učitelji, empirične študije, foreign language teaching, early learning, dislexy, dislexic pupils, foreign language teachers, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers
Published in DKUM: 21.05.2024; Views: 248; Downloads: 17
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