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Slovenščina kot učni jezik na slovenskih univerzah
Marko Jesenšek, 2014, published scientific conference contribution

Abstract: Prispevek prinaša razmislek o statusu slovenskega jezika kot učnega jezika na naših državnih univerzah; gre za prizadevanja slovenske rektorske konference, da naj bi se uvedel tuji jezik (angleščina) kot učni jezik oz. da bi se učni jezik na naših univerzah določal v statutih posameznih univerz. Premislek o jezikovnem odpadništvu dela slovenske univerzitetne elite, sklicevanje na tuje študente in napačno razumljena internacionalizacija ter odprtost naših predavanj, skupni evropski univerzitetni prostor, bolonja, želja, da je čim več predavanj v angleščini na eni strani, na drugi pa samobitnost slovenskega jezika, ki je po ustavi uradni/državni/prvi in za večino tudi materni jezik v RS; nasprotja med Predlogom Zakona o visokem šolstvu in določili v Resoluciji in Zakonu o slovenskem jeziku; vprašanja in izzivi, ki jih za slovenski jezik kot učni jezik in jezik znanosti postavljajo taka (na videz) izključujoča se nasprotja.
Keywords: slovenščina, učni jezik, slovenske univerze, internacionalizacija, Slovenian language, language of instruction, Slovene universities, internationalisation
Published in DKUM: 05.08.2024; Views: 78; Downloads: 6
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Students' attitudes towards their EFL lessons and teachers : their retrospective study
Mojca Žefran, 2015, original scientific article

Abstract: The article investigates attitudes towards English as a foreign language (EFL) by focusing on retrospective accounts of higher-education students' experience with learning English. The first part looks at individual factors affecting foreign language (FL) learning, such as attitudes towards FL learning and FL anxiety. The second part presents the results of a study conducted among students of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Primorska. The main aim of the study was to identify students' attitudes towards their past EFL lessons and teachers and students' FL anxiety level. The results show that anxiety is a serious problem and that students exhibit alarmingly negative attitudes towards EFL lessons and teachers.
Keywords: learning anxiety, foreign language anxiety, attitudes towards foreign language instruction, attitudes towards EFL teachers, English language
Published in DKUM: 03.10.2017; Views: 1419; Downloads: 139
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