1. Teaching Culture Through English in Slovenian Primary and Secondary Schools: An Analysis of the Intercultural Element in TextbooksEva Hršak, 2019, magistrsko delo Opis: Our thesis begins by discussing the concept of culture. Next, it considers the importance of incorporating culture into foreign language teaching and developing intercultural communicative competence. We have discovered that culture is an inevitable part of our everyday lives. It shapes our identities and helps in explaining our actions. Therefore, being unaware of the characteristics of other cultures may result in misunderstandings. As teachers, we must be aware of the importance of culture and should be able to familiarize our learners with its elements. By incorporating elements of culture into lessons, our learners will not only become competent English speakers, but will also know how to appropriately and effectively adjust to a variety of situations, and how to maintain and establish personal relationships. In the empirical section of the thesis, we have studied primary and secondary school English teachers’ views on teaching culture. The results showed that the teachers are aware of the importance of culture teaching since all the participants include various cultural elements into their English lessons. In addition, we have analysed the eight most frequently used English textbooks the teachers use in Slovenia in terms of the cultural elements they contain. We have decided to analyse textbooks as the main resource for teaching culture since textbooks are an indispensable and also a mandatory resource for every English teacher. The analysis showed that the textbooks contain a variety of cultural elements and are taught with the help of multiple strategies. Ključne besede: culture, teaching culture, English as a foreign language, intercultural competence, textbooks Objavljeno v DKUM: 07.09.2020; Ogledov: 1673; Prenosov: 151
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2. Godinje settlement - adaptive reuse and revitalizationJovana Dragović, 2019, magistrsko delo Opis: The Master’s thesis deals with the valorization and restoration of Godinje, the first village in Montenegro with the status of immovable cultural property. The project encompasses an analysis of the present state of the cultural heritage, research of traditional architectural elements of the crmnica house, as well as the role of man in space. An important factor in the development and preservation of architecture is the awareness of space and the factors that define it. With the aim of encouraging the proper maintenance of cultural heritage, while giving purpose to certain objects, the village planning has been resolved. By emphasizing the spatial principles and traditional techniques of construction, and thus the education thereof, the value is emphasized and further development of Godinje is made possible. Ključne besede: Godinje, crmnica house, spatial principles, nature and man, culture, language of architecture, cultural heritage, valorization Objavljeno v DKUM: 30.01.2019; Ogledov: 1472; Prenosov: 393
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3. LANGUAGE VARIETIES IN THE SYNCHRONIZATION OF THE FILMS MADAGASCAR 3 AND OPEN SEASONMaruša Babič, 2015, diplomsko delo Opis: This graduation thesis, entitled Language varieties in the synchronization of the films Madagascar 3 and Open season, consists of two main parts. The theoretical part defines synchronization as a form of audiovisual translation and focuses on the synchronization of animated films. Animated films are made mostly for the youngest viewers, therefore the subject of translating for children is examined. The language varieties of Slovene and English language are described, since there are different dialects represented in the analyzed animated films. The second part focuses on the empirical research, where the language varieties in the synchronization of the animated films Madagascar 3 and Open season are analyzed. The film speech was transcribed for the purpose to conduct the analysis of the language varieties. The prevailing speech variety is colloquial Standard Slovene with the features of colloquial language of Ljubljana. The linguistic features of the main characters were identified and it was investigated how they affect characterization process. Since both films originate from American culture, an analysis of the translation culture-specific and idiomatic expressions was also implemented. The aim of this graduation thesis is to analyze language varieties in the synchronization of the films and investigate whether colloquial language of Ljubljana is used more than other regional colloquial varieties. Ključne besede: synchronization, animated film, translating for children, language varieties, colloquial language, translating culture-specific terms Objavljeno v DKUM: 05.06.2015; Ogledov: 1985; Prenosov: 113
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4. COPY ADAPTATION IN ADVERTISING: LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL ASPECTS OF TEXTS TRANSLATED FROM ENGLISH TO SLOVENEOlena Ivanyk, 2013, diplomsko delo Opis: We may observe reflections of a particular culture from different prospectives. One of such perspective is the culture of consumption. The easiest way to understand it is to take a deeper look into forms and methods of advertising within it. The main purpose of this graduation thesis is to uncover and analyze differences that appear as a result of translating text advertisements from English to Slovene. Special emphasis is put on additional meaning that appears in target language as a result of translation and the meaning that was lost due to translation.
Theoretical foundation of this work consists of one of the works written by A. L. Becker - Beyond Translation: Essays towards a Modern Philology (1995) – in which he introduces to us notions of meaning exuberances and deficiencies that appear in target language text as a result of the process of translation. Another work that contributed to the theoretical basis is the Textbook of Translation, written by P. Newmark (1988), which describer translation techniques and principles upon which the analytical part of the final thesis was made.
The empirical part investigates the translation of English advertisements into Slovene, taking into account the translational shifts which are due to differences in language in culture. The comparative analysis between English and Slovene written advertisement texts also includes the translation of certain language devices on the level of sentence as well as on the level of text.
As a theoretical foundation about advertising, works written by Myers - World of Ads (1994) - and G. Cook - Discourse of Advertising (1992) were of great value. Both authors approach advertisement texts as a reflection of a particular society's characteristics. They also consider language as such to be the main tool in achieving the effect of persuasion on potential consumers. Ključne besede: Advertising, deficiency, exuberance, adaptation, figurative language, vagueness of meaning, culture. Objavljeno v DKUM: 17.07.2013; Ogledov: 2046; Prenosov: 109
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5. Language evolution from the cultural aspectAna Pejković, 2011, diplomsko delo Opis: Language is the primary force of human social life. It is the most important characteristic that separates humans from animals. The question of language evolution has not yet been completely answered, despite several theories dealing with this subject. In my graduation thesis I deal with language evolution from the cultural aspect.
First I present the process of evolution, focusing on cultural evolution – the transfer of cultural patterns in social community.
I deal with different language definitions, presented by Sverker Johansson, and the reasons for its evolution. The chapter on language definitions is completed by presenting the cradle of language, which is Africa.
When focusing on language evolution from the cultural aspect, it is necessary to present the theory of cultural transmission by Michael Tomasello. He believed that this is the only biological mechanism that could have caused changes in cognition and behaviour.
Finally, I present the question of inseparability of language and culture. Ključne besede: evolution, language, gestures, culture, cultural transmission Objavljeno v DKUM: 27.02.2012; Ogledov: 1747; Prenosov: 136
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